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近年来,我国卫生杀虫剂产业发展迅猛。据统计,2002-2004年获得临时登记的产品数占卫生杀虫剂登记总数的48.4%;从完成的试验情况看,2003-2004年共完成1000余项药效试验。随着卫生杀虫产品的广泛应用,卫生杀虫剂的抗性问题也日益突出,对新药剂的研制、改进现有药剂的加工剂型和使用技术、现有卫生杀虫剂的合理混用以及拓展药剂的作用领域等问题越来越受到重视,  相似文献   

卫生杀虫剂是人们日常生活的必需品,是防治病媒昆虫传染病害、保障人们身体健康、保证人民生活安宁的重要手段。卫生和仓储用杀虫剂登记药效试验是卫生和仓储杀虫剂登记管理的重要内容。过去二年试验工作取得了长足的进步,不仅确保了登记管理工作的顺利进行,也为广大消费者的安全科学合理用药提供了技术保障。但新问题、新情况和新形势对今后的试验工作提出了新的要求,只有解放思想、开拓进取、提高水平、加强管理,才能开创试验工作的新局面。1前二年工作回顾1.1完成了大量的试验任务2001和2002年,共完成了千余个产品的药效试验。涉及15个剂…  相似文献   

本刊讯为做好农药登记管理工作,保证农药登记药效试验的准确性和科学性,根据《农药登记药效试验单位认证管理办法》的有关规定,农业部在全国范围内组织开展了农药登记药效试验单位认证工作。经审查和考评,批准农药登记田间药效试验认证单位125个,农药登记卫生杀虫剂药效试验认证单位37个。农业部公告农药登记药效试验单位名单  相似文献   

根据《农药登记药效试验单位认证管理办法》(农农发[2001]25号)的有关规定,经我部考核合格,批准北京市农药检定所等126个单位为农药登记田间药效试验单位,北京市疾病预防控制中心等43个单位为农药登记卫生杀虫剂药效试验单位,有效期三年。  相似文献   

根据<农药登记药效试验单位认证管理办法>(农农发[2001]25号)的有关规定,经我部考核合格.批准北京市农药检定所等126个单位为农药登记田间药效试验单位,北京市疾病预防控制中心等43个单位为农药登记卫生杀虫剂药效试验单位,有效期三年.  相似文献   

卫生杀虫剂是人们日常生活的必需品,是防治病媒昆虫传染病害、保障人们身体健康、保证人民生活安宁的重要手段.卫生和仓储用杀虫剂登记药效试验是卫生和仓储杀虫剂登记管理的重要内容.过去二年试验工作取得了长足的进步,不仅确保了登记管理工作的顺利进行,也为广大消费者的安全科学合理用药提供了技术保障.但新问题、新情况和新形势对今后的试验工作提出了新的要求,只有解放思想、开拓进取、提高水平、加强管理,才能开创试验工作的新局面.  相似文献   

室内卫生杀虫剂使用现状及健康风险评估程序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾了我国室内卫生杀虫剂的登记、使用状况,分析了室内卫生杀虫剂在使用和管理中存在的问题,并在此基础上介绍了美国环保署(EPA)蚊香、气雾剂等卫生杀虫剂产品的暴露模型和风险评估程序,探讨了加强我国室内卫生杀虫剂管理,保护居民健康的可行方案。  相似文献   

农业部农药检定所2009年5月19~21日在福建省厦门市召开了第十六届全国卫生、仓储用杀虫剂药效试验总结暨技术交流会.会议重点讨论评价了2007~2008年度进行试验的部分新有效成分、新剂型、新用途的卫生、仓储用杀虫剂产品防治效果、使用技术、环境安全性及推广应用前景等.现将本届会议的产品评价结果概述如下.  相似文献   

根据农业部第945号公告规定。混配制剂产品以混剂简化通用名称命名。直接使用的卫生用农药产品以功能描述词和剂型作为产品名称。在公告发布以后,新混配制剂和新卫生杀虫剂不断出现,除已发布的1024个简化通用名称和41个直接使用的卫生杀虫剂名称外,企业在申请新配方混剂登记时.可以根据产品特点提出简化通用名称的建议.再由农药登记部门批准使用。  相似文献   

我国农药登记生测试验标准及评价体系初步确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药应用效果评价是农药登记评价的重要环节,其评价依据主要来自室内生物活性测定和田间药效试验结果,而试验方法的统一、科学和规范是正确评价药剂效果的基础。为此,农业部农药检定所长期致力于农药药效试验方法及药剂评价方法的标准建设工作。自2000年以来,在认真总结多年农药药效试验工作的基础上,经过组织论证,相继制定了农药田间药效试验准则、卫生杀虫剂室内效果评价、农药室内生物活性测定等多项国家及行业标准(具体目录见附表),为我国农药登记药效评价提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

杀虫气雾剂是常用的室内卫生杀虫剂,科学、合理、安全地使用杀虫气雾剂是保障居民健康的重要内容。目前我国有关室内杀虫气雾剂使用安全性的研究较少,尚未建立系统的风险评估程序。文章重点介绍了世界卫生组织(WHO)及美国环境保护署(EPA)等国际上广泛使用的室内杀虫气雾剂暴露评估方法,包括针对施药者的吸入暴露和经皮暴露评估,针对施药后居民的吸入暴露、经皮暴露以及儿童的手至口和物体至口暴露评估等。分析了我国开展室内杀虫气雾剂暴露评估所面临的暴露途径设定及特异性参数选择等问题,旨在为我国杀虫气雾剂产品的合理开发及安全使用提供科学的评价工具。  相似文献   

多杀菌素防治储粮害虫的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多杀菌素广谱高效、低残留、对非靶标动物安全,同时杀虫机理独特,与现有储粮害虫防治药剂不存在交叉抗性,是一种极具应用前景的微生物源绿色储粮防护剂。本文简单介绍了多杀菌素结构和作用机理,重点讲述了其防治储粮害虫的功效和粮库应用试验,并提出以"预防为主,综合治理"的原则来使用多杀菌素防治储粮害虫。  相似文献   

Insecticide resistance is conferred by a limited number of clearly defined mechanisms. Previously, resistance detection in field populations of insects was confined to bioassays, which gave information limited to the presence of resistance to the insecticide tested. Biochemical tests have now been introduced into the field in Sri Lanka, which give information on the underlying mechanism of resistance. These tests, as well as being cheap and easy, work at the level of the individual insect and hence give information on the spectrum of resistance, the level of resistance and the frequency of resistance genes in field populations. In Sri Lanka, a malathion-specific carboxylesterase has been detected in Anopheles culicifacies, an altered acetylcholinesterase in Anopheles nigerrimus and oxidase and glutathione S-transferase based mechanisms in Anopheles subpictus. The selective advantage of resistant individuals under field insecticide spraying regimes has been estimated, and the relative importance of larval and adult insecticide selection assessed.  相似文献   

In Africa, adult mosquito populations are primarily controlled with insecticide‐impregnated bed nets and residual insecticide sprays. This coupled with widespread applications of pesticides in agriculture has led to increasing insecticide resistance in mosquito populations. We have developed multiple alternative strategies for exploiting transgenic Metarhizium spp. directed at: (i) shortening the lifespan of adult mosquitoes; (ii) reducing transmission potential of Plasmodium spp.; (iii) reducing vector competence via pre‐lethal effects. The present challenge is to convert this promising strategy into a validated public health intervention by resolving outstanding issues related to the release of genetically modified organisms. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   


Control of the Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV) and its planthopper vector Delphacodes kuscheli was studied on maize hybrids whose seeds had been treated with systemic insecticides. Laboratory tests were performed to determine the effects of seed treatments with insecticides (acephate, carbofuran, imidacloprid) on the survival of the planthopper. Field experiments using four maize hybrids whose seeds had been treated with the insecticides were performed to establish the effect of the latter on MRCV incidence and severity, and on grain yield. MRCV infection was confirmed by DAS-ELISA. Carbofuran was the most effective insecticide in laboratory tests, independently of the hybrid tested, followed by imidacloprid and acephate. MRCV incidences were high in all treatments in the field test under natural planthopper infestations. Disease severity data analysis indicated that the insecticide - hybrid interaction was not significant. Maize hybrid Dekalb 664 and the imidacloprid treatments had the lowest severity means among the four hybrids and three insecticide treatments, respectively. Data for grain yield showed that the insecticide - hybrid interaction was significant and imidacloprid was generally the most effective in the field experiments. A negative correlation was observed between the mean disease severity index and mean grain yield. The results suggest that if an effective systemic insecticide is applied as a seed coating, it may be possible to obtain good control of D. kuscheli, decrease MRCV severity and increase grain yield under field conditions in areas at risk for MRCV.  相似文献   

We are examining the interaction of compounds with the herbicide propanil to find synergistic or additive actions that can increase efficacy against propanil-resistant barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli] (R-BYG) without substantial injury to rice. Field tests (herbicidal injury) and laboratory tests (chlorophyll quantification in excised leaves; measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence to determine PSII inhibition) have been conducted on R-BYG and rice tissue exposed to various rates of propanil and additive. Important synergistic interactions on R-BYG in laboratory and field tests were found with propanil plus either the herbicides anilophos or piperophos, or the insecticide carbaryl. In laboratory tests, the insecticide methiocarb and PPG-124 (p-chlorophenyl N-methylcarbamate) were highly effective synergists with propanil on R-BYG. Other important interactions occurred with certain concentrations/application rates when propanil was combined with the herbicides quinclorac, thiobencarb, molinate, or pendimethalin (field tests). Combinations of these or other chemicals with propanil may provide additive or synergistic action useful to control R-BYG without increasing rice injury. Such mixtures might also prevent or delay the development of propanil resistance in this weed species.  相似文献   

农民接触农药防护措施及对机体影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
了解农民接触农药时采用的防护措施及对机体的影响,对合格对象进行流行病学问卷调查及精液检测,发现农民在配、喷农药及检修喷药器械时未能安全合理使用防护措施;受教育程度与接触农药防护态度有关;长期小剂量接触农药对不稳定细胞有损害。建议为减少或避免农药中毒,政府应加强对农民进行农药基本知识、安全合理使用的宣传教育、推广和普及;增强农民遵守安全操作规程的自我保护意识。  相似文献   

用间接ELISA法,以109份人血清作为抗原及抗体,与茶毛虫核型多角体病毒及其抗血清进行检测,以确定茶毛虫核型多角体病毒对人群的安全性,结果均呈阴性反应。试验说明,茶园应用茶毛虫核型多角体病毒杀虫剂对人群无害。  相似文献   

Control of the codling moth,Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), by pheromone-mediated mating disruption, was studied in Israel using two types of dispensers: Shin-Etsu twist-tie (normal and long-life) and TNO matrix formulation (square wafers). Factors affecting mating disruption: initial pest population density, timing of the pheromone application, early season insecticide treatments and monitoring of the pest, were evaluated. Efficacy of mating disruption was assessed by comparing catch of males in pheromone traps located in pheromone-treated and chemically sprayed control plots. Fruit infestation during the season and at picking time was the major criterion to assess mating disruption. The preferred time for pheromone application was before the first flight of the moth. When pheromones were applied at a later stage, one or two early insecticide sprays had to be used to reduce the initial level of the codling moth population. In all tests, trap catch in pheromone-treated plots was drastically reduced as compared with respective control plots. In pheromone-treated plots where total seasonal trap catch (after pheromone application) was less than 12 males/trap, fruit infestation was less than 1.5%; zero trap catch resulted in 0.1-0.3% infestation. At high population levels, mating disruption was ineffective, with the rate of infestation at picking-time being similar in pheromone-treated and control plots. All the field tests indicated that mating disruption with either Shin-Etsu ropes or TNO squares can control codling moth infestations in apple and pear orchards, at relatively low densities of the pest, as efficiently as commercial insecticide sprays.  相似文献   

在较低温度下,茶蚕颗粒体病毒防治茶蚕的效果不甚理想。试验证明与低剂量杀虫双混用,能增强病毒侵染力。经较大面积示范,亩施颗粒体病毒100毫克加杀虫双10毫升,防效可达83.2~93.5%,显著高于单用。  相似文献   

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