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一种快速提取番茄叶片DNA的方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以番茄的幼叶为实验材料提取总DNA,经0.8%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测结果发现:DNA质量较好,所得的DNA可用于RAPD等技术。此法具有提取速度快、质量高和经济实用等优点。 相似文献
一种适用于甘蔗SSR-PCR的DNA快速提取方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以不同甘蔗品种幼苗期幼嫩叶片为材料,以改良SDS法和DNA快速提取法对甘蔗基因组DNA进行提取,并以SSR-PCR检测比较两者的扩增效果。结果表明,两种方法提取获得的基因组DNA条带基本一致,条带较为清晰,重复性好且稳定,均可满足SSR-PCR扩增的需要。但DNA快速提取法简化了SDS改良法,具有高通量、操作方便、简单、快速、成本低、DNA存放时间较长等优点,能在较短时间内完成大量样品的DNA提取。 相似文献
微量提取小麦叶片中条锈菌DNA的方法初探 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
小麦条锈菌DNA的提取对于研究条锈菌遗传群体结构,条锈菌遗传多样性以及揭示条锈菌群体类型和预测优势小种的流行,具有重要的意义。但是常规的病原菌DNA提取首先需要获得大量的病原物纯化体,再对病原物进行DNA提取,费时费力。本文直接对含有条锈菌的小麦叶片标样进行DNA提取,从中获得条锈菌的DNA,用于后续研究。既节省了大量的人力、物力和财力,又为快速检测和获得所需的DNA提供了参考方法,为快速了解病原菌的群体遗传结构变化和毒性演化的规律创造了可行性,为深入研究小麦条锈菌群体生物学和流行学奠定了基础。 相似文献
小麦DNA提取方法的比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 用4种方法 对小麦DNA进行提取,从中选取最好的方法 ,满足小麦材料进行分子标记的检测.方法 以小麦幼叶为材料,采用CTAB法1、CTAB法2、CTAB法3和NaOH法,提取小麦基因组DNA.结果 NaOH法提取DNA用时短,方法 简单,但常有DNA样品扩增不出PCR产物的情况;CTAB法提取的DNA质量较高,而且CTAB法3在省略了65℃温浴并将两次氯仿∶异戊醇抽提改为一次抽提,缩短了试验时间,降低了试验成本,提取的DNA可以满足实验需要.结论 试验表明,用CTAB法3提取小麦DNA,既缩短了时间又满足进行分子标记检测的需要. 相似文献
[目的]建立一种快速筛选转基因水稻的DNA提取方法。[方法]对试剂盒法和快速法2种DNA提取方法进行比较,并分别用转Ta NADP-ME1和Ta NADP-ME2基因的转基因水稻进行验证。[结果]用快速法提取得到的DNA进行PCR扩增,可分别得到约1 700 bp的Ta NADP-ME2基因和约1 900 bp的Ta NADP-ME1基因,且条带清晰明亮,与试剂盒法相比无显著差异。[结论]该研究中快速提取DNA的方法经济、简便、快捷,适合用于对大量转基因样品进行检测。 相似文献
小麦不同部位DNA提取的比较研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
[目的]探讨小麦不同取材部位对DNA提取质量和产率的影响。[方法]分别以小麦的种子、根尖和幼嫩叶片为材料,采用改良CTAB法分别提取小麦3个部位的基因组DNA,用0.8%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测DNA质量,用紫外分光光度计分别测定3个部位的DNA在A260和A280下的吸光值,根据A260/A280的值检测DNA的浓度和纯度,并以3个部位提取的DNA为模版进行RAPD扩增。[结果]采用小麦叶片提取DNA的产率最高,种子次之,根尖最低。3个部位提取的DNA纯度均相近,提取叶片获得的DNA浓度最大,为756μg/ml;其次是种子,为233μg/ml;根尖获得的DNA浓度最低,为90μg/ml。小麦不同部位提取的DNA模板对RAPD扩增没有明显影响,DNA浓度都能达到扩增的要求。[结论]小麦3个部位提取的DNA质量均较好,可以进行后续的酶切和PCR扩增等实验。 相似文献
[Objective] The objective of this study is to explore a rapid and efficient method of extracting genomic DNA from Artemisia abrotanum. [Method] Three methods of Cutting [Method],Liquid Nitrogen [Method] and Quartz Sand [Method] based on SDS method were employed to extract Artemisia abrotanum genomic DNA from tender leaf at seedling stage,tender spike and old leaf at heading stage. The obtained DNAs were detected by absorbance detection,agarose gel and PCR amplification. [Result] Cutting [Method] performed better than the other two methods compared in purity,extracting cycle and cost,accordingly more suitable for PCR amplification. The results also show that young spike is the best material for extracting genomic DNA from Artemisia Annua. 相似文献
[目的]探索适合于快速有效的提取青蒿DNA的方法。[方法]以青蒿苗期幼叶、抽穗期幼穗及抽穗期老叶为材料,采用剪碎法、石英法及液氮法等3种方法提取DNA,并进行吸光度检测、琼脂糖电泳及PCR扩增以检测DNA提取效果。[结果]剪碎法提取的DNA纯度较高,适合于PCR扩增,同时节省了时间和成本。试验结果还表明,青蒿的抽穗期幼穗更适合于提取DNA。[结论]剪碎法是一种适合于提取青蒿DNA的快速有效的方法。 相似文献
An Improved Method of Extracting Artemisia abrotanum Genomic DNA 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
SHI Kai-ming ZHOU Yi-feng . College of Biology Science Technology Hubei Institute for Nationalities Enshi . Key Laboratory of Biological Resource Protection Utilization in Hubei Province Enshi . Key Laboratory of Biotechnology in Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hubei Province Hubei University Wuhan 《(《农业科学与技术》)编辑部》2008,(2)
[Objective] The objective of this study is to explore a rapid and efficient method of extracting genomic DNA from Artemisia abrotanum. [Method] Three methods of Cutting [Method],Liquid Nitrogen [Method] and Quartz Sand [Method] based on SDS method were employed to extract Artemisia abrotanum genomic DNA from tender leaf at seedling stage,tender spike and old leaf at heading stage. The obtained DNAs were detected by absorbance detection,agarose gel and PCR amplification. [Result] Cutting [Method] performed better than the other two methods compared in purity,extracting cycle and cost,accordingly more suitable for PCR amplification. The results also show that young spike is the best material for extracting genomic DNA from Artemisia Annua. 相似文献
青蒿组织中快速有效DNA提取方法的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
传统的CTAB法成本高、毒性较大且操作繁琐,往往仅在需DNA量较大的RFLP等分析中采用。SDS提取的DNA产率接近CTAB产率的2倍,但纯度、完整性不如后者。常用的植物DNA简易提取方法有碱处理法及高温水煮法等。这些简易提取方法大都速度快、成本低,但提取DNA质量差、保存时间短、不适于PCR扩增。该文以SDS法为依据,在此基础上比较了3种方法的提取效果,从而摸索出一种快速有效的提取青蒿DNA的方法(以下简称“剪碎法”)。 相似文献
An Improved Method of Extracting Artemisia abrotanum Genomic DNA 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
[Objective] The objective of this study is to explore a rapid and efficient method of extracting gonomic DNA from Artemisia abrotanum. [Method] Three methods of Cutting Method, Liquid Nitrogen Method and Quartz Sand Method based on SDS method were employed to extract Artemisia abrotanum genomic DNA from tender leaf at seedling stage, tender spike and old leaf at heading stage. The obtained DNAs were detected by ahsorbance de-tection, agarose gel and PCR amplification. [Result] Cutting Method performed better than the other two methods compared in purity, extracting cycle and cost, accordingly more suitable for PCR amplification. The results also show that young spike is the best material for extracting genomic DNA flora Artemis-ia Annua. 相似文献