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Objective To evaluate the effect of transportation on lower respiratory tract contamination and peripheral blood neutrophil function in horses and to compare results from transported horses with those obtained in earlier experiments from horses confined with heads elevated. Design A prospective study. Procedure Six horses were transported by road for 12 h. Clinical and haematological examination, transtracheal aspiration and cell function studies were conducted before and after transportation. Results obtained after transportation were compared to pre-transportation values. Results After transportation, peripheral blood leucocyte and neutrophil numbers were increased and rectal temperatures were elevated. Transtracheal aspirates showed an accumulation of purulent respiratory tract secretions with increased numbers of bacteria, particularly β-haemolytic Streptococcus spp and members of the Pasteurellaceae family. Three horses also had increased numbers of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family relative to corresponding samples from earlier studies. Phagocytosis by peripheral blood neutrophils was significantly reduced, while the oxidative burst activity of peripheral blood leucocytes was either unchanged or enhanced. Clinical Implications Bacterial contamination of the lower respiratory tract occurs as a routine consequence of transportation of horses and is likely to be an important determinant in the development of transport-associated respiratory disease. Inflammatory airway secretions and increased numbers of bacteria were rapidly cleared, without clinical evidence of significant pulmonary disease and without additional treatment, in normal horses that were allowed to lower their heads after transportation. Peripheral blood neutrophilia and a reduction in neutrophil phagocytic function were evident for at least 36 h after transportation, suggesting that horses may require a number of days to recover from the stress of transportation. As the potential role of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family in the development of transport-associated respiratory disease has not been elucidated, horses which develop clinical disease following transportation should undergo thorough bacteriological investigation to ensure appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

A series of 31 thoroughbreds and 18 non-thoroughbreds was examined post mortem to assess what bacteria might be present in the lower respiratory tract, and to assess their significance by correlating the bacteriological findings with histological changes in the lung. The distal trachea and seven representative lung sites were swabbed in each case. Sixty-six per cent of the sites were sterile with remaining sites producing scanty growths of mainly coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp., E. coli, Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Anaerobes, mainly Clostridium perfringens, Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides oralis, were only recovered on enrichment media and were isolated more frequently from the right lung than the left. More bacterial species were isolated from thoroughbreds than non-thoroughbreds. Significant inflammation was absent in the majority of lungs examined and this correlated well with the large percentage of sterile sites and low number of potential pathogens. The results indicate that the lower respiratory tract of horses is normally sterile or may contain small numbers of bacteria of low pathogenicity. Chlamydia and respiratory viruses were not isolated from any horse.  相似文献   

Lavage techniques were used to obtain secretions from the nasal cavity, trachea and bronchi of conscious horses. The techniques, which utilised fibreoptic endoscopy for recovery of tracheal and bronchial secretions, were well tolerated by the horses. The recovery rates of the lavaged fluids were acceptable, but were lowest for bronchial secretions, and there was minimal contamination by blood. The fluids were analysed for IgG and IgM by single radial immunodiffusion, and for IgA and albumin by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Relative to albumin there was significantly more IgA and IgM, and significantly less IgG, in the nasal cavity than the trachea. IgA and IgM levels were greatest in the nasal cavity and decreased progressively to the bronchi, whereas IgG levels showed the reverse trend. The immunoglobulin: albumin ratios of secretions taken from many levels of the tract were significantly higher than those of serum, suggesting local production of immunoglobulin in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

The effects of single bouts of moderate (30 to 40 per cent VO(2)max) and high (115 per cent VO(2)max) intensity exercise on equine peripheral blood leucocyte function were evaluated by determining neutrophil phagocytosis and oxidative burst activity before and after treadmill exercise and training. Prior to all exercise tests, the possible effect of diurnal variation was evaluated in samples obtained from four resting horses. Subsequently eight horses underwent moderate and high intensity exercise protocols and then commenced a 17-week training period. High intensity exercise tests were repeated in week 10, after 7 weeks of endurance training, and in week 17, after a further 6 weeks of high intensity training. Time of sampling had a significant effect on neutrophil function for resting, untrained horses. Prior to training, moderate intensity exercise was associated with improved neutrophil phagocytosis and oxidative burst activity. High intensity exercise was associated with transient impairment of these responses. A similar reduction was not demonstrable following high intensity exercise in weeks 10 or 17 of training. Neutrophil function in week 17 was suppressed at all sampling times relative to results obtained in week 10, suggesting that high intensity training may have been associated with a general reduction in neutrophil function.  相似文献   

Amino acid responses to exercise stress in well-trained racehorses and human athletes are well characterised, but the knowledge of amino acid metabolism during and after exercise in inactive animal species is limited. To study this, plasma amino acid concentrations were measured in previously unexercised pigs which performed two exercise tests on a treadmill with an interval of one week. In general, the changes in amino acids were more pronounced after the second than after the first exercise bout. Alanine, glutamine, phenylalanine and tyrosine were elevated for one hour only after the latter exercise. Twenty-four hours after the second exercise isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and valine were increased, but only isoleucine was increased after the first test. These differences between the two tests might be explained by adaptation of the amino acid metabolism after a single exercise bout and suggest that domestic pigs are well suited to study the early effects of exercise.  相似文献   

Wastage of performance horses because of respiratory dysfunction is common. Appropriate identification of the disease is paramount for treatment recommendations. Diagnostic modalities for upper respiratory tract dysfunction include a thorough physical examination, radiographic evaluation when appropriate, and upper respiratory tract endoscopy. Anatomical deviations or structural are easily identified during resting evaluation, while exercise testing is often necessary to assess thedynamic properties of the upper airway. Utilizing the many diagnostic tools available allows the clinician to make an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the administration of procaine penicillin prior to or during confinement with head elevation as a means of reducing the associated accumulation of inflammatory lower respiratory tract secretions and increased numbers of bacteria within the lower respiratory tract of confined horses. Design and Procedure Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different dose rates and dosing frequencies. In experiment A a single low dose (15,000 IU/kg) of procaine penicillin was administered to four horses immediately prior to confinement with head elevation for 48 hours. The systemic leucocyte response, gross and cytologic characteristics of transtracheal aspirate and bacterial numbers in lower respiratory tract samples were compared with corresponding samples from two horses confined with heads elevated but not given penicillin. The efficacy of higher dose rates (20,000 IU/kg and 40,000 IU/kg) given before and during confinement with heads elevated for 24 hours was evaluated in experiment B. Results Treatment with procaine penicillin had no effect on the systemic leucocyte response or on the accumulation of inflammatory lower respiratory tract secretions at any of the dosing schedules evaluated. The number of bacteria isolated from trans-tracheal samples was reduced at 12 hours for treated horses in experiment A and at 24 hours for experiment B. β-haemolytic Streptococcus spp were not isolated from treated horses in either experiment. Bacterial species isolated from treated horses were predominantly Pasteurella and/or Actinobacillus spp, however, members of the family Enterobacteriaceaé and a Staphylococcus sp were isolated from treated horses. One treated horse in experiment A developed clinically apparent pulmonary disease. Conclusions The prophylactic administration of penicillin before or during confinement did not reliably reduce bacterial numbers or prevent the accumulation of purulent lower respiratory tract secretions in horses confined with their heads elevated. Numbers of β-haemolytic Streptococcus spp were reduced following treatment, suggesting that the repeated administration of procaine penicillin may have some merit as part of a strategy to prevent transport-associated respiratory disease. However, methods directed at minimising the duration of confinement with head elevation, augmentation of the clearance of accumulated secretions and prompt identification of animals in which airway inflammation has extended to the pulmonary parenchyma remain the best ways of minimising transport-associated respiratory disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate associations between the bacteriology and aspects of history, clinical presentation, outcome and pathology of lower respiratory tract disease of 34 horses. PROCEDURE: Detailed aerobic and anaerobic bacteriological investigations were performed on clinical specimens from horses with pneumonia, lung abscessation and necrotic pneumonia with or without pleurisy in an attempt to identify those bacteria that might contribute to the initiation and progression of infection. RESULTS: Bacteria were cultured from 33 of the 34 horses. In ten cases, only aerobic/facultatively anaerobic isolates were cultured while aerobic/facultatively anaerobic bacteria and obligately anaerobic bacteria were isolated in the other 23 cases. Moderate to large numbers of anaerobic bacteria were isolated only when the estimated duration of illness was at least five days. Bacteria were not cultured from 12 of the pleural fluid samples but were always cultured from pulmonary samples (either transtracheal aspirates from live horses or pulmonary lesions at necropsy). Streptococcus equi subsp zooepidemicus was isolated in the three cases where only one bacterial species was cultured. In the other 30 cases, multiple species were isolated. These included most often and in greatest numbers, Streptococcus equi subsp zooepidemicus, Pasteurellaceae, Escherichia coli, anaerobic cocci, Eubacterium fossor, Bacteroides tectum, Prevotella heparinolytica, Fusobacterium spp, and pigmented members of the genera Prevotella and Porphyromonas. Aerobic/facultatively anaerobic organisms were isolated from 97% of horses, while obligately anaerobic organisms were cultured from 68% of horses. CONCLUSION: There was no association between the isolation of any specific bacterium and the outcome of disease. However, obligately anaerobic bacteria (such as anaerobic cocci, Bacteroides tectum, P heparinolytica and Fusobacterium spp) and the facultatively anaerobic species Escherichia coli, were recovered more commonly from horses that died or were euthanased than from those that survived. There was an association between failure of horses to recover from pleuropneumonia and delay in diagnosis and initiation of treatment.  相似文献   

Eight- to 10-week-old outbred Wistar rats were inoculated intranasally with 10(2.9) medium mouse lethal infective doses of sialodacryoadenitis (SDA) virus. Sham inoculated control rats and challenged rats were killed at 1 day intervals for the first 8 days, then on days 10, 12, 14, and 20. Typical lesions associated with SDA were seen microscopically in the salivary and lacrimal glands of inoculated rats. In addition, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and multifocal alveolitis were present during the acute stages of the disease. Viral antigen was demonstrated in epithelial cells lining airways by immunofluorescence microscopy. SDA virus was recovered from the lower respiratory tract from days 2 to 6 post-inoculation (PI). Serum antibodies to SDA virus, but not to Sendai virus or Mycoplasma pulmonis were present in rats tested at day 20 PI. These findings demonstrate that during the acute stages of the disease, significant lesions do occur in the lower respiratory tract of SDA virus-infected rats.  相似文献   

The surface features of the lower respiratory tract of 20 clinically normal horses of different ages and types were studied with scanning electron microscopy. Parallel light microscopical and transmission electron microscopical studies were also carried out. The ciliary carpet was virtually complete from the trachea to the lobar bronchi. In small bronchi, ciliation was less complete allowing numerous non-ciliated mucous cells to become obvious. The terminal bronchioles, populated mainly by non-ciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells, had an abrupt junction with alveolar ducts. Interalveolar pores were common particularly in older horses.  相似文献   

Intravenous frusemide (1.0 mg/kg bwt) or phentolamine (0.33 mg/kg bwt) was given to 7 horses 1 h before exercise and their effects on pulmonary artery and aortic pressure changes during strenuous exercise were examined. Short-term near-maximal treadmill exercise (10 m/sec, 3 degrees incline) produced increases in heart rate, mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), mean aortic pressure (AP), and packed cell volume (PCV). Frusemide did not affect heart rate, PAP or PCV during exercise. Frusemide significantly decreased mean AP by 10 to 15 mmHg during exercise. Phentolamine produced an increase in heart rate relative to control only early in exercise but not during later, more strenuous, exercise. Phentolamine had no statistically significant effect on AP, PAP, or PCV, but a significant reduction was observed between 180 and 230 sec of exercise when PAP and AP were standardised against heart rate. Frusemide did not prevent horses from haemorrhaging during exercise in this study. Treatment with phentolamine did not sufficiently reduce the PAP and AP to test our hypothesis that a reduction in PAP and AP would eliminate EIPH.  相似文献   

Across all equestrian disciplines, the single largest reason for wastage is musculoskeletal injury. It is, therefore, of importance that management and competition structures are in place to optimize the development of the equine musculoskeletal system to minimize wastage.Data from other species and, in particular, humans have demonstrated the benefit of early exercise and the dire consequences of inactivity. The horse has evolved as a cursorial animal capable of covering up to 10 km/d within 9 days of birth. Yet, modern equine management systems restrict, rather than promote, early exercise. Foals were shown to have a positive response to early preweaning paddock exercise (greater cartilage health), and more recent work has demonstrated that exercise over and above that normally occurring with pasture-reared foals, introduced as early as 3 weeks old, had positive effects on the equine musculoskeletal system. The response of juvenile horses to additional exercise is because of the tissue being responsive to priming. Epidemiological data indicate that the window for tissue modification may still be open when the horse is a yearling and even as a 2 year old.However, the method in which the exercise is applied may be of as much importance as the timing of the stimuli. A recent prospective study of both Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses demonstrated that the horses that entered training as 2 year olds had longer and more successful racing careers than those that entered training later in life. It would appear that even the initial stages of training are enough to provide a positive stimulus, as horses first registered with a trainer at 2 years old had the same advantages as those that raced as 2 year olds.The physiological, clinical, and epidemiological data indicate that, rather than restrict exercise and the use of horses at a young age, we should realign expectations with the capability of the horses’ musculoskeletal system and evolutionary template to maximize orthopedic health.  相似文献   

Suppurative lower airway disease is a common debilitating disease in performance horses and, while rarely fatal, is often recalcitrant to conventional therapy. A variety of treatments have been used to combat this condition and we conducted two types of studies to determine if caprine serum fraction--immunomodulator (CSFI), a nonspecific immunomodulator, improved recovery from lower respiratory disease. Two dose response studies were performed to ascertain the efficacy of CSFI. Horses were maintained daily on conventional antibiotic therapy. Respiratory tract exudate, nasal discharge, dyspnoea, chest auscultation and cough frequency were monitored weekly. One hundred percent of the horses treated with 2 i.m. injections of either 60 or 120 mg CSFI one week apart showed significant improvement with each weekly evaluation and were fully recovered by week 3. Horses treated with 15 or 30 mg CSFI did not differ significantly from the control group. Only 10% of the control horses responded to conventional antibiotic therapy. An expanded field trial utilising 80 horses diagnosed with lower respiratory disease and housed at 4 equine clinics was conducted. Thirty-five percent of the 40 control horses, treated solely by conventional antibiotic therapies, recovered while 75% of the horses treated with a supplemental administration of 60 mg CSFI as described above recovered. The combined data from these studies showed that CSFI was able to promote an overall recovery from lower respiratory disease of 86%.  相似文献   

Using data collected from company lot records, potential risk factors related to feedlot management, the cattle, and climate were determined. The risk factors were analyzed by use of weighted multiple regression techniques to determine their effects on the incidence of lower respiratory tract disease in a cohort of 95 lots containing 17,696 cattle. The gender of the cattle, the number of days that groups of cattle filled a lot, pregnancy checking of heifers, and the average temperature change in the first 14 days in which the cattle were on feed significantly influenced the incidence of lower respiratory disease. The incidence of lower respiratory tract disease was most influenced by risk factors in the first 30 days on feed.  相似文献   

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