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通过对地域性文化和景墙的理论研究,阐述了地域性文化与景墙的内在联系和具有地域性文化的景墙的特征两方面。通过对地域性文化、景墙及两者之间的联系研究,总结了具有地域性文化的景墙在各类型绿地中(居住区、城市广场、公共休闲绿地、道路)的应用,分析了景墙的造景形式、地域性文化的表达手法、设计类型以及和其他园林景观组成元素的搭配方式。  相似文献   

自2020年新冠肺炎疫情在全球暴发以来,中国部分商业出现经济滑坡现象,但是随着景观设计的发展,景观小品的重要作用也逐渐被发掘。作为商场附属广场的重要组成部分,以景墙的功能特性、展示效果方面进行需求统计分析,探寻出商场前景墙设计的优化策略:设计符合场地要求,因境制宜;符合色彩搭配,因景制宜;符合历史文脉,因地制宜。充分发挥景墙作用,既美化景观环境,又能吸引人流带动经济增长,同时反映当地特色,设为标志。此数据已在合肥市之心城前广场、罍街、半边街的景墙设计中得到了充分的论证。本研究为未来我国商场前广场景墙设计的发展提供重要的借鉴意义,刺激经济复苏。  相似文献   

景墙是景观中重要的设计元素之一,中式景墙作为其中特殊的一种,有着悠久的历史,承载了丰厚的传统文化和人文精神,在现代得到继承和创新。本文追溯传统景墙的历史及特点,通过比较的手法总结传统景墙在现代设计中的发展及创新。  相似文献   

智能玻璃温室是一个相对独立、透明的环境中进行软景和硬景建设,通过各类植物的栽种,各类农业设施的运用,建造水系,养殖鱼鸟,建设园路和景观建筑,搭配景石、雕塑等景观,可人为地营造出一种优美舒适的环境。景墙作为中国古代园林景观建筑中常见的小品,其形式不拘一格,功能因需而设,材料丰富多样。除了人们常见的在园林中作障景、漏景以及背景的景墙外,很多城市更是把景墙作为城市文化建设、改善市容市貌的重要方式。景墙在温室景观中具有可以划分空间、组织景色、安排导游、衔接和区分景观等其他作用。  相似文献   

徽派建筑"马头墙"在人们精神文化迅速发展的今天,是值得被人们重新运用到现代景墙形式设计中。在现代马头墙元素符合视觉符号系统中的认识性、普遍性与约束性,也应该遵守适行、适度与合情的原则。加上人文化的景墙设计,其具有很浓厚的地域特色和文化风情,加之现代的技术和新材料的运用,可以做出些既不与现代脱节又能保留传统的文化内涵的作品。  相似文献   

袁和和 《现代园艺》2012,(14):103-104
园林建筑工程存在的小区的道路、户外活动场所、涉水池、沙坑、挡土墙构造及景墙等硬质景观所存在问题及其改进措施。  相似文献   

本文主要研究园林水景施工技术难点,首先探究园林水景功能,从基底平面景观效应、线型系带效应两方面进行总结,然后研究园林水景设计施工相关内容,并以此为依据,探讨园林水景施工技术难点,从水下照明和线路布置、水景墙饰面施工、水循环处理、基底和防水层处理展开讨论,希望能为关注此话题的研究者提供参考意见。  相似文献   

正春天之城山茶之都——昆明园昆明享有"春城"美誉,这里全年气候宜人、鲜花常开。昆明园占地面积321 5m~2,以抽象新颖的园林造景手法,把"春城无处不飞花"的意境搬八其中,一砖一瓦一草一木均凸显"昆明味道"。昆明园以两组景墙围合出庭院空间,营造"山水城市、宜居昆明"的主题。材质不同的景墙互相穿插映衬,意会街巷,意会风物,意会自然,历史与光阴在景观中交  相似文献   

园林建筑小品体量小巧、造型新颖、功能多样、富有园林特色和地方色彩。按照功能来分,园林建筑小品可分为四种类型:(1)服务小品:供游人休息、遮阳用的亭、廊架、座椅,为游人服务的电话亭、洗手池、健身器材、保持环境卫生的垃圾箱等。(2)装饰小品:各类园林绿地中的雕塑、假山、铺装、景墙、窗、门、栏杆等。(3)展示小品:各种导游图、指路标牌、说明牌等,起到一定的宣传、指示、教育的功能。  相似文献   

胧月公园以"过去、现在、将来"为游览路线,节点借铺装材质、雕塑、景墙、浮雕、建筑体现城市文化,暗喻石家庄文化传承,寄语城市未来建设发展越来越好。  相似文献   

纪念性景观是景观设计的重要类型,是社会历史文化传承的重要形式之一,以人物为纪念对象的纪念性景观,更加注重人物精神传承和生平事迹的展示。本文以李元龙纪念林景观设计为例,对人物类纪念性景观设计表达方式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

铺地是景观组成的一个重要元素,除了达到建筑功能外,还要完成其文化功能,即所蕴涵文化涵义与其他景观元素一起构建园林主题。通过对古典园林铺地进行分析和论述,总结铺地景观的特征,并着重分析铺地景观生成的文化成因,探索铺地景观与文化之间的关系。  相似文献   

A novel use of the lacunarity index to discern landscape function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discerning the function of a landscape involves comparing landscape use with spatial patterns. To do this requires both quantification of landscape use and landscape pattern and a means of comparing the two. An index of lacunarity has been used to quantify spatial pattern (specifically, habitat contagion). We demonstrate a new way of using the lacunarity index to quantify landscape function as well. We calculated lacunarity to describe landscape patchiness of experimental landscapes with respect to patterns of habitat and non-habitat areas (the previous use of lacunarity) as well as to describe patterns of patch use by animals in those landscapes, irrespective of habitat-patch patterns (a novel application of lacunarity). We demonstrate a disparity between landscape pattern and landscape use. This finding suggests that drawing generalizations of, and making predictions about, how animals respond to landscape spatial structure may not be straightforward.  相似文献   

张琨 《现代园艺》2011,(5):61-62
园林绿化作为现代园林建设的重要组成部分,对于人们享受自然,体验生态情趣有着巨大功能。在园林开发与管理中,园林绿化植被的养护与管理,成为现代园林管理的必要环节。  相似文献   

Neutral models for testing landscape hypotheses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Neutral landscape models were originally developed to test the hypothesis that human-induced fragmentation produces patterns distinctly different from those associated with random processes. Other uses for neutral models have become apparent, including the development and testing of landscape metrics to characterize landscape pattern. Although metric development proved to be significant, the focus on metrics obscured the need for iterative hypothesis testing fundamental to the advancement of the discipline. We present here an example of an alternative neutral model and hypothesis designed to relate the process of landscape change to observed landscape patterns. The methods and program, QRULE, are described and options for statistical testing outlined. The results show that human fragmentation of landscapes results in a non-random association of land-cover types that can be describe by simple statistical methods. Options for additional landscape studies are discussed and access to QRULE described in the hope that these methods will be employed to advance our understanding of the processes that affect the structure and function in human dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Geographical information systems (GIS) are well suited to the spatial analysis of landscape data, but generally lack programs for calculating traditional measures of landscape structure (e.g., fractal dimension). Standalone programs for calculating landscape structure measures do exist, but these programs do not enable the user to take advantage of GIS facilities for manipulating and analyzing landscape data. Moreover, these programs lack capabilities for analysis with sampling areas of different size (multiscale analysis) and also lack some needed measures of landscape structure (e.g., texture).We have developed the r.le programs for analyzing landscape structure using the GRASS GIS. The programs can be used to calculate over sixty measures of landscape structure (e.g., distance, size, shape, fractal dimension, perimeters, diversity, texture, juxtaposition, edges) within sampling areas of several sizes simultaneously. Also possible are moving window analyses, which enable the production of new maps of the landscape structure within windows of a particular size. These new maps can then be used in other analyses with the GIS.  相似文献   

A soft paradigm for landscape analysis is presented. This paradigm focuses on the analysis of function first, and then on structure. The objective is to determine which factors are operationally significant, how these factors bring about change, and how they define the spatial characteristics of landscapes.  相似文献   

Remotely-sensed satellite data from Landsat TM and MSS were processed digitally to make landscape classifications of three study areas of south east Wales. The classifications were constructed by classifying major variations in land cover mosaics within the areas, and using these data to group the 1 km × 1 km cells of the National Grid into landscape classes according to the combination of cover types found within them. The TWINSPAN algorithm, which is a polythetic, divisive classification method, was used as the basis of the study.The results showed that while satellite imagery could only be used to extract information about land cover, the close association betwen landscape, land cover and terrain meant that the major physical divisions in the study area could also be detected in the landscape classification. The landscape types recognised in the study were found to be consistent with those indicated in other independent data which relate to the areas. These data included the ITE Land Classes for Great Britain, and the Agricultural (June) Census statistics for England and Wales.The approach to landscape classification described allows landscape classifications to be made rapidly. These classifications can provide a sampling frameworks for landscape survey in areas where basic map data are lacking or resources for field survey are limited. The landscape classifications can also assist in making landscape evaluations since they allow different landscape types to be compared in respect of such properties such as their typicalness, rarity, naturalness and position on a geographical or ecological gradient.  相似文献   

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