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The objective of this study was to investigate reproductive characteristics of stallions at a tropical zone in the breeding and non-breeding seasons. The following parameters were assessed: testicular volume; semen quality; and serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and testosterone; in addition to the percentages of germ cells and proportions of germ cells/Sertoli cells by testicular cytology in stallions. Semen was collected from eight adult stallions twice a week during a 12-week period in both seasons (6?weeks before and 6?weeks after the summer and winter solstices). Jugular blood samples were collected periodically for hormone analysis by radioimmunoassay during the same periods. Testicular measures and cytological samples were taken at the end of each period. Mean concentration of testosterone was significantly higher (P?=?0.04) during the breeding season and the proportion of Sertoli cells/100 germ cells in cytological smears was significantly lower during the breeding season (P?=?0.0001). Effects of season were not significant either for testicular volume or for any semen parameter (P?>?0.05). Seasonal changes in the mean concentrations of LH and FSH were not observed (P?>?0.05). There were also no significant differences in the mean percentages of germ cell types between both seasons (P?>?0.05). Lack of seasonal differences in the testicular volume and semen parameters of tropical stallions are probably due to the small variation in duration of natural light between the observed periods, slightly under 3?h.  相似文献   

Eight pony stallions were paired by estimated daily sperm output (DSO) and randomly assigned to one of two treatments in a randomized block experiment. Stallions received 44 μg/kg BW estradiol cypionate (ECP) or an equivalent volume of physiological saline solution on alternate days during the breeding season. Blood samples collected immediately preceding each injection were assayed for luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol-17β (E2) and testosterone (T). Semen was collected twice weekly, 3.5 days apart, to evaluate sperm motility and total number of sperm per ejaculate. Prior to and after 4, 8 and 12 weeks on treatment, semen was collected once daily for 7 days to determine DSO. Data were separated into 9 periods (10 days each) for statistical analysis and subjected to analysis of variance for a randomized block design to determine treatment effects.There were no differences (p>.05) between groups for DSO or LH prior to initiation of treatment. Testosterone was higher (p<.05) in ECP stallions compared with C stallions prior to treatment and at all time points measured. As expected, E2 was higher (p<.05) in the ECP stallions compared to C stallions after 20 days (period 2) of treatment and for the remainder of the experiment. However, E2 was higher (p<.05) in the C group prior to treatment, but there was no difference between the groups after 10 d of treatment (period 1). ECP stallions had higher (p<.05) DSO than C stallions after 30 d on treatment. After 40 and 50 d (periods 4 and 5), ECP stallions demonstrated higher (p<.05) total sperm per period than C stallions. This was preceded by higher (p<.05) LH values for ECP stallions than for C stallions after 10 and 20 d (periods 1 and 2). No differences were found between the ECP and C groups for LH between 30 and 60 d. Although numerically higher, no significant differences (p>.05) were seen after 60 days for DSO or after 60, 70 or 80 days for total sperm per period. ECP stallions had higher (p<.05) DSO and total sperm per period after 90 d than C stallions. Additionally, LH remained significantly higher (p<.05) in the ECP group after 60 days (periods 7, 8 and 9). Elevated LH concentrations in ECP stallions demonstrated that estrogen treatment did not inhibit LH secretion in this study.  相似文献   

In boars and rabbits, administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) results in a testis-dependent, short-term increase in concentrations of testosterone in peripheral plasma. This experiment was designed to assess the short-term effects of a single ACTH injection on plasma concentrations of testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and cortisol in stallions. Eight light horse and two pony stallions were paired by age and weight and then one of each pair was randomly assigned to the treatment (ACTH, .2 IU/kg of body weight) or control (vehicle) group. Injection of ACTH increased (P<.01) plasma concentrations of cortisol by approximately twofold in the first 60 minutes; control stallions showed no change (P>.10) in concentrations of cortisol during the blood sampling period. Control stallions exhibited a midday increase (P>.05) in concentrations of testosterone similar to that reported previously; ACTH treatment prevented or delayed this increase such that concentrations of testosterone in treated stallions were lower (P<.05) than in controls 4 to 5 hours after injection of ACTH. Treatment with ACTH had no effect (P<.10) on plasma concentrations of LH or FSH up to 12 hours after injection.  相似文献   

Testosterone concentrations in stallions showed a seasonal trend with peak concentrations in the spring (April and May in Britain) and lowest concentrations in the period from December to February. The effect on this pattern of changing the length of the photoperiod at the end of the normal breeding season (mid-summer's day) was studied in 2 experiments. In the first experiment artificial illumination was organised from 21 June to mimic the effect of transfer to a southern hemisphere spring and summer, that is short days becoming longer. The stallions had low concentrations of testosterone in February and high concentrations in April. Concentrations in July, August and September were extremely low with a return to high values in late November/early December. In the second experiment, illumination was maintained at the equivalent of a 16 1/2-hour day from 21 June to mid December. These stallions had high testosterone concentrations in April, after which they fell until August, later rising to a maximum in October. These results are discussed in relation to transfer of stallions between the northern and southern hemispheres.  相似文献   

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (a single intravenous injection with 0.042 mg busereline acetate) was administered to control stallions (n=5), aged stallions (n=5) and stallions with lack of libido (n=5). Jugular blood samples were taken at -10, 0, 10, 20, 40 and 80 minutes after treatment and measured for luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations. A single intravenous injection of hCG (3000 IE) was given 1 day later. Venous blood samples were taken at -60, 0, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 minutes after treatment and measured for the testosterone concentration. The experiment was performed in the breeding season. There was a wide variation between stallions in basal concentrations of LH and testosterone. The treatment groups all showed a significant increase in LH and testosterone concentrations after treatment with GnRH. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between the control, the lack of libido stallions and the aged stallions in the production of LH before and after stimulation with GnRH. The aged stallions had higher basal LH concentrations. GnRH induced a rise in plasma LH in all groups, but the greatest response was observed in aged stallions. No response to GnRH was seen with respect to plasma testosterone. There was an increase in plasma testosterone following hCG; however, this increase was very small in aged stallions. After stimulation with hCG the control and lack of libido stallions had a significant increase (P<0.05) in testosterone production. In conclusion, stimulation with either GnRH or hCG can be a valuable method to test whether the function of the stallion's reproductive endocrine system is optimal.  相似文献   

The aim of this case controlled study was to determine whether dogs with behavioral problems have evidence of abnormal thyroid function on routine screening tests for hypothyroidism. The hypothesis of the study was that thyroid function, as assessed by serum total thyroxine (TT4) and serum thyroid stimulating hormone (thyrotropin) (TSH) concentrations, is normal in most dogs with behavioral problems. Concentrations of TT4 and TSH in 39 dogs with behavior problems presenting to a veterinary behavior referral clinic (abnormal behavior group), were compared with TT4 and TSH concentrations in 39 healthy control dogs without behavior problems presenting to 5 community veterinary practices (control group). Dogs in the control group were matched for age and breed with the abnormal behavior group. Dogs with behavioral problems had higher TT4 concentrations than dogs without behavioral problems (t-test: t = 2.77, N = 39, P = 0.009), however none of the TT4 values were outside the reference range. There was no significant difference in TSH concentration between the 2 groups. Two dogs with behavior problems and 1 dog without behavior problems had results suggestive of hypothyroidism. All other dogs were considered to be euthyroid. There was no evidence to support a diagnosis of hypothyroidism in the majority of dogs with behavior problems in this study. The higher concentration of TT4 in dogs with behavior problems suggests, however, that alteration in thyroid hormone production or metabolism may occur in some dogs with behavior problems. Further studies that include additional indicators of thyroid status such as serum total triiodothyronine, serum, free thyroxine, and anti-thyroid antibody concentrations are necessary to further evaluate the significance of this finding.  相似文献   

Testicular diameters and monthly blood samples were obtained from 83 stallions aged 4 to 22 years that were maintained on Central Kentucky Thoroughbred stud farms. The effects of age, season, and exposure to increased photoperiod (16 hours light/day, December 15 to April 1) on testicular diameters and plasma concentrations of FSH, LH and testosterone were studied.The results indicated that Thoroughbred stallions show distinct seasonal and age related changes in most of the reproductive parameters studied and that exposure of such stallions to increased photoperiod produced significant alterations in these changes. Although lighting stimulated testicular growth and testosterone secretion early in the breeding season such changes were short lived. Lighted stallions appeared to become refractory to the lighting program since both testicular size and plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly reduced by June.  相似文献   

The morphology of spermatozoa of modern Thoroughbred stallions in Japan was investigated during the breeding season. A total of 299 semen samples were collected from the penises of 16 stallions immediately after service. The rate of abnormalities in sperm heads and tails, spermatozoa with cytoplasmic droplets and slides with medusa cells to total observed slides in each stallion were 3.9 +/- 2.1%, 11.5 +/- 5.9%, 2.4 +/- 2.6% and 20.1%, respectively. The values for the area, length, width and aspect ratio of the stallion sperm head were 12.54 +/- 1.34 microm(2), 5.93 +/- 0.40 microm, 2.69 +/- 0.21 microm and 0.46 +/- 0.05, respectively. With the exception of medusa cells, the features were significantly different among the stallions (P<0.05).  相似文献   

Influence of day length on seasonal endocrine responses were studied using stallions (seven per group). Treatments included 1) control, with natural day length; 2) 8 h light and 16 h dark (8:16) for 20 wk beginning July 16, 1982 then 16:8 from December 2, 1982 until March 5, 1984 (S-L); or 3) 8:16 from July 16, 1982 until March 5, 1984 (S-S). Blood was sampled hourly for 5 h every 4 wk; sera were pooled within horse, and luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone were quantified. Blood was collected every 20 min for 24 h every 8 wk and 2 wk before and after the December light shift. Samples were assayed for LH. Stallions in all groups underwent seasonal changes (P less than .05) in concentrations of LH, FSH, testosterone and basal concentrations of LH and amplitude of LH pulses. Season X treatment (P less than .05) reflected on early recrudescence of LH, FSH and testosterone concentrations in S-L stallions followed by earlier regression. Except for FSH hormone concentrations were depressed in S-S stallions. Number of LH pulses per 24 h was unaffected by season, treatment or their interaction. Mean amplitude of LH pulses was affected (P less than .05) by season X treatment; maximal values occurred in April vs February for control and S-L stallions, and minimal values occurred in December vs April. The season X treatment interaction (P less than .05) similarly affected basal concentrations of LH. Thus, seasonal changes in concentrations of LH, FSH and testosterone can be driven by photoperiod. Increased peripheral concentrations of LH during seasonal recrudescence of reproductive function apparently results from more LH secreted per discharge without an increased frequency of LH discharges.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous surveys of reproductive efficiency in British Thoroughbreds included only mares and stallions standing on studfarms in and around Newmarket. The present study was widened to compare Flatrace (FR) (Group A) and National Hunt (NH) (Group B) mares and stallions on studfarms throughout England. OBJECTIVES: To assess the influences of mare type, status and age, and veterinary manipulations on reproductive efficiency parameters. To compare the inherent fertility of stallions, based on singleton and twin pregnancy rates and pregnancy loss rates, in Groups A and B Thoroughbred breeding stock. METHODS: Managers of 24 FR and 9 NH public studfarms were asked to complete a questionnaire for each mated oestrous cycle shown by 2321 Group A and 1052 Group B mares throughout the 2002 mating season. Parameters such as per cycle singleton and twin pregnancy rates, and pregnancy loss rates were noted, and the success of hormone treatments to induce oestrus and ovulation assessed. The number of matings per oestrus and per pregnancy were recorded, together with the incidence and effectiveness of uterine and other veterinary treatments. The inherent fertility of 84 Group A and 43 Group B stallions in the study, as measured by the singleton and twin early pregnancy rates and the pregnancy loss rates recorded in the mares they mated, was also estimated. RESULTS: Per cycle early pregnancy (Days 13-16) was 63.2% for Group A and 65.3% for Group B mares; and 10.3% and 13.1%, respectively, of those pregnancies were twins or triplets. Early, middle and late pregnancy loss rates were 7.2% vs. 8.0% (Days 15-42), 3.6% vs. 6.1% (Days 42-1st October) and 2.7% vs. 2.1% (October-foaling), respectively. Matings per oestrus and per early pregnancy were significantly higher in Group B vs. Group A mares. For stallions that mated > or = 30 mares, overall early pregnancy rates per cycle in mares mated ranged from 30-89% across the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: No major differences in reproductive efficiency were identified between FR and NH mares and stallions. Increasing mare age was the single biggest limiting factor to an otherwise high rate of fertility in well-managed English Thoroughbreds. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study identified factors that influence reproductive efficiency in the Thoroughbred.  相似文献   

人类对母猪发情期生物学知识了解的增多促进了猪人工授精的成功应用。在相对于母猪排卵的适当时候,在其输卵管内成功建立一个含有充足精子数的精子储库,最终可提高人工授精的管理效率。特别是自然或诱导发情期间母猪可能的排卵时间以及影响精子运动的机理,对提高母猪的繁殖率极有价值。人工授精的未来将可能包括输入较少精子数量的单剂量精液授精。掌握输精部位对母猪繁殖率的影响将使上述设想变成现实。  相似文献   

公猪在养猪生产中的重要性日益突出,然而由于人们对公猪营养的研究相对较少,尚有许多问题困扰着行业的发展。文章就养猪生产上十分关注的一些问题进行简单的描述和分析,以为规模化养殖场种公猪营养的制定提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

Ten lighthorse stallions were used to determine 1) whether prolactin (PRL) and cortisol responses previously observed after acute exercise in summer would occur in winter when PRL secretion is normally low, 2) whether subsequent treatment with a dopamine receptor antagonist, sulpiride, for 14 d would increase PRL secretion and response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and exercise, and 3) whether secretion of LH, FSH, and cortisol would be affected by sulpiride treatment. On January 11, blood samples were drawn from all stallions before and after a 5-min period of strenuous running. On January 12, blood samples were drawn before and after an i.v. injection of GnRH plus TRH. From January 13 through 26, five stallions were injected s.c. daily with 500 mg of sulpiride; the remaining five stallions received vehicle. The exercise and secretagogue regimens were repeated on January 27 and 28, respectively. Before sulpiride injection, concentrations of both cortisol and PRL increased (P less than .05) 40 to 80% in response to exercise; concentrations of LH and FSH also increased (P less than .05) approximately 5 to 10%. Sulpiride treatment resulted in (P less than .05) a six- to eightfold increase in daily PRL secretion. The PRL response to TRH increased (P less than .05) fourfold in stallions treated with sulpiride but was unchanged in control stallions. Sulpiride treatment did not affect (P greater than .05) the LH or FSH response to exogenous GnRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To set productivity standards and targets, and investigate inter-relationships between key measurements in swine breeding herds, farm productivity measurements were analyzed on 87 Japanese commercial farms in 14 prefectures. The 87 herds were ranked on the basis of number of pigs weaned per mated female per year (PWMFY), and 23 herds in the upper 25th percentile of this ranking were designated as high-performing farms. Productivity measurements on the high-performing farms were compared with values for the remaining farms. The high-performing farms had shorter farrowing intervals, greater litters per mated female per year (LMFY), greater pigs weaned per sow (PWS), and greater mean parity of culled sows than the remaining farms (P<0.01). No difference in lactation duration was found between the two groups (P>0.10). For both farm groups, correlations of key reproductive measurements were determined. Lactation duration was not correlated with LMFY, PWS and PWMFY on the high-performing farms, while short lactation duration was correlated with greater LMFY and PWMFY on the remaining farms (P<0.01). In contrast to lactation duration, farrowing interval was correlated with PWS on the high-performing farms, but not on the remaining farms. Mean parity of culled sows were correlated to PWS and pigs born alive per sow on the high performing farms, but not with any measurements on the remaining farms. These results suggest that high-performing farms have used different herd management from the remaining farms.  相似文献   

近年来,笔者在实践工作中,结合对蛋鸡养殖户的调查,总结了蛋鸡饲养中需要注意的一些问题,供广大养殖户参考。  相似文献   

To investigate effects of thermally-induced testicular degeneration on hormonal and seminal parameters in stallions, the scrotum was insulated for 36 hours in two mature (5-year-old mixed breed and 11-year-old Throughbred) stallions. Semen was collected daily for 10 days (DSO) prior to, and at intervals after, scrotal insulation. When DSO determinations were not being made, semen was collected 3 times weekly. Jugular blood samples were collected at 15-minute intervals for 6 hours from each stallion prior to, and at intervals after, scrotal insulation. A mouse interstitial cell testosterone assay was modified to quantify biologic activity of equine luteinizing hormone (BLH) in plasma samples. Immunoactive luteinizing hormone (ILH) and testosterone (T) concentrations were determined in plasma samples by routine RIA procedures. Percentages of progressively motile and morphologically normal spermatozoa began to decrease by 1 to 2 weeks postinsulation, reached nadir values at 3 to 3-1/2 weeks postinsulation, and returned to preinsulation values by 7 weeks postinsulation. Total number of spermatozoa and total number of progressively motile, morphologically normal spermatozoa in ejaculates at DSO returned to normal by 8 weeks postinsulation in stallion 2 and 12 weeks postinsulation in stallion 1. Concentrations of BLH and ILH increased, and while T concentrations decreased, immediately postinsulation. The increase in ILH concentrations was greater than the increase in BLH concentrations, resulting in a decrease in the BLH:ILH (B:I) ratio. Following the peak in LH secretion immediately postinsulation, LH concentrations gradually decreased while T concentrations increased. The B:I ratio was elevated from 1 to 13 weeks postinsulation compared to immediately postinsulation. In addition to changes in spermatozoal quality in ejaculates, stallion response to scrotal insulation included increased secretion of luteinizing hormone and impaired Leydig cell function (as determined by reduced testosterone concentration in circulating plasma). The proportion of biologically active LH secreted in response to thermal testicular injury increased during the recovery phase.  相似文献   

Ten stallions were used to determine if the stallion responds to administration of testosterone propionate (TP) with an increase in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion after administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) as has been previously observed for geldings and intact and ovariectomized mares. Five stallions were treated with TP (350 μg/kg of body weight) in safflower oil every other day for 11 days; control stallions received injections of safflower oil. The response to GnRH (1.0 μg/kg of body weight) was determined for all stallions before the onset of treatment (GnRH I) and at the end of treatment (GnRH II). Blood samples were also withdrawn daily from 3 days prior to treatment through GnRH II. Treatment with TP decreased (P<.10) concentrations of FSH in daily blood samples. However, treatment with TP did not affect (P>.10) the GnRH-induced secretion of FSH. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) decreased (P<.05) in daily blood samples averaged over both groups of stallions and were lower (P<.10) in TP-treated stallions than in controls during the latter days of treatment. We conclude that TP administration to stallions does not alter the FSH response to GnRH as has been observed for geldings and for mares of several reproductive states.  相似文献   

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