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Cerebellar cortical degeneration in beagle dogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Cerebellar cortical degeneration in adult American Staffordshire Terriers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adult-onset cerebellar cortical degeneration recently has been reported in American Staffordshire Terriers. We describe the clinical and histopathologic features of this disease and examine its mode of inheritance in 63 affected dogs. The age at which neurologic deficits 1st were recognized varied from 18 months to 9 years, with the majority of dogs presented to veterinarians between 4 and 6 years of age. Time from onset of clinical signs to euthanasia varied from 6 months to 6.5 years, with the majority of affected dogs surviving from 2 to 4 years. Initial neurologic findings included stumbling, truncal sway, and ataxia exacerbated by lifting the head up and negotiating stairs. Signs progressed to obvious ataxia characterized by dysmetria, nystagmus, coarse intention tremor, variable loss of menace reaction, marked truncal sway, and falling with transient opisthotonus. With continued progression, dogs became unable to walk without falling repeatedly. Cerebellar atrophy was visible on magnetic resonance images and on gross pathology. Histopathologic findings included marked loss of Purkinje neurons with thinning of the molecular and granular layers and increased cellularity of the cerebellar nuclei. The closest common ancestor of the dogs was born in the 1950s and inheritance was most consistent with an autosomal recessive mode of transmission with a prevalence estimated at 1 in 400 dogs. This inherited disease is comparable to the group of diseases known as spinocerebellar ataxias in humans. Many spinocerebellar ataxias in humans are caused by nucleotide repeats, and this genetic aberration merits investigation as a potential cause of the disease in American Staffordshire Terriers.  相似文献   

Most diseases affecting the cerebellum are congenital and three groups can be distinguished on pathogenetic grounds. In the first group, diseases are caused by intrauterine or neonatal viral infections, in the second group by malformations of genetic or unknown origin, and in the third group by degenerative disease, or abiotrophies. Familial late-onset cerebellar abiotrophy has been reported in the Gordon Setter the Old English Sheepdog, the Brittany Spaniel and more recently the American Staffordshire Terrier. This case report describes the clinical, diagnostic and pathological changes in an American Staffordshire Terrier with cerebellar cortical degeneration. This is the first case diagnosed in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Three Bavarian mountain dogs aged between 18 and 20 months, not related to each other, were presented with chronic signs of cerebellar dysfunction. On sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging brain images, the tentative diagnosis of cerebellar hypoplasia was established based on an enlarged cerebrospinal fluid space around the cerebellum and an increased cerebrospinal fluid signal between the folia. Post-mortem examination was performed in one dog and did show an overall reduction of cerebellar size. On histopathologic examination, a selective loss of cerebellar granule cells with sparing of Purkinje cells was evident. Therefore, the Bavarian mountain dog is a breed where cerebellar cortical degeneration caused by the rather exceptional selective granule cell loss can be seen as cause of chronic, slowly progressive cerebellar dysfunction starting at an age of several months.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence and anatomical characteristics of thoracic caudal articular process dysplasia in French bulldogs, English bulldogs and Pugs presenting for problems unrelated to spinal disease. In this retrospective cross‐sectional study, computed tomography scans of the thoracic vertebral column of these three breeds were reviewed for the presence and location of caudal articular process hypoplasia and aplasia, and compared between breeds. A total of 271 dogs met the inclusion criteria: 108 French bulldogs, 63 English bulldogs, and 100 Pugs. A total of 70.4% of French bulldogs, 84.1% of English bulldogs, and 97.0% of Pugs showed evidence of caudal articular process dysplasia. Compared to French and English bulldogs, Pugs showed a significantly higher prevalence of caudal articular process aplasia, but also a lower prevalence of caudal articular process hypoplasia, a higher number of affected vertebrae per dog and demonstrated a generalized and bilateral spatial pattern more frequently. Furthermore, Pugs showed a significantly different anatomical distribution of caudal articular process dysplasia along the vertebral column, with a high prevalence of caudal articular process aplasia between T10 and T13. This area was almost completely spared in French and English bulldogs. As previously suggested, caudal articular process dysplasia is a common finding in neurologically normal Pugs but this also seems to apply to French and English bulldogs. The predisposition of clinically relevant caudal articular process dysplasia in Pugs is possibly not only caused by the higher prevalence of caudal articular process dysplasia, but also by breed specific anatomical characteristics.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the clinical and neuropathological findings in two cats with a neuropathologically confirmed diagnosis of necrosis of the hippocampus and piriform lobe. The cats were presented because of acute onset of behavioural changes and complex partial seizures. The neurological examination suggested a forebrain lesion. The results of blood examination were within the normal range, and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and computed tomography (CT) scan in one cat did not show any abnormality. Despite therapy with diazepam (Valium; Roche) there was deterioration of the clinical signs and the cats were euthanased. The neuropathological examination revealed hippocampal necrosis that included the piriform lobe.  相似文献   

The authors encountered a dachshund dog, presenting vestibular disorder. On magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, a mass showing isointensity on the T1- and T2-weighted images and enhanced by contrast medium, was observed in the right cerebellum. In addition, the periphery of the mass showed isointensity on the T1-weighted image and hyperintensity on the T2-weighted image, suggesting sever oedema. Although the dog underwent surgery, it died. The mass was diagnosed pathologically as a granulomatous meningoencephalitis.  相似文献   

Day-blindness in three dogs: clinical and electroretinographic findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 6-month-old Rhodesian ridgeback-cross, a 6-year-old Chihuahua and a 12-month-old Australian cattle dog were presented to the authors with a history of colliding with obstacles in daylight. Ophthalmic examination was normal and all three dogs successfully negotiated obstacle courses in dim light. In daylight the dogs became suddenly blind and repeatedly collided with obstacles. Elecroretinography (ERG) revealed no retinal activity to high frequency (30 Hz), bright intensity blue light retinal stimulation by any dog, confirming cone dysfunction. Achromatopsia has previously been recorded in Alaskan malamutes and miniature poodles. This clinical case series illustrates the characteristic behavioral presentation and the electroretinographic findings of severe day-blindness and demonstrates that this condition may exist in other breeds of dogs.  相似文献   

Three American Staffordshire Terriers were presented with gait abnormalities and loss of balance at the age of 4.5 (female) and 6 years (2 males). The onset varied between 3 and 5 years of age and the clinical signs were slowly progressive. The neurological examination revealed symmetrical generalized cerebellar ataxia with hypermetria, stiffness, and loss of balance with no evidence of paresis. The menace reflex was decreased in one dog and absent in another. A positional nystagmus was found in two dogs. The dogs were euthanized and a histopathological examination of each brain was performed. Pathological changes were confined to the cerebellum. The main finding was loss of Purkinje cells, as well as depletion of granular cell bodies and shrinkage of the granular and molecular cell layer. These findings are consistent with cerebellar cortical abiotrophy. A genetic basis is supposed, but the mode of inheritance is not determined yet. In contrast to some spinocerebellar ataxias in humans, the cause of Purkinje cell degeneration in cerebellar cortical abiotrophy of dogs is not known.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the nature of a neurological disease in Wiltshire sheep. METHODS: Three affected lambs were examined, humanely killed and necropsied. Selected neurological tissues were examined by light and electron microscopy. RESULTS: Primary neurological lesions were confined to the cerebellum and were characterised by loss of Purkinje cells and the presence of large hypertrophied dendrites of surviving Purkinje cells. These contained stacks of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. There was hyperplasia and cell swelling of Bergmann glia. Mild Wallerian-type degeneration affected white matter in the cerebellum and spinal cord. CONCLUSION: The cerebellar lesions were of a degenerative and reactive rather than hypoplastic nature. These, and the history, suggest a genetic cause with putative inheritance as an autosomal recessive trait. Accordingly, the disorder is described as a cerebellar abiotrophy.  相似文献   

Cerebellar cortical atrophy in a baboon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A beagle puppy was presented with clinical signs indicative of a cerebellar disease. Histopathological evaluation of the cerebellum revealed a diffuse degenerative cortical lesion. The clinical history and the histopathological findings are consistent with a neonatal cerebellar abiotrophy. Furthermore, the breeding history supports the hypothesis of an inherited genetic disorder that is, most likely, an autosomal recessive trait.  相似文献   

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