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棉籽饼粕脱毒方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
棉籽饼粕含有丰富的蛋白质,但同时也含有对畜禽有毒害作用的游离棉酚。研究适宜的脱毒方法脱除或钝化棉籽饼粕中的游离棉酚,使之变成优质的蛋白质饲料,对缓解我国蛋白质饲料资源不足和促进饲料工业的发展具有重大的现实意义。本文从棉酚的结构、中毒症状谈起,综述了目前棉籽饼粕主要脱毒方法的效果和优缺点,同时对研究中存在的一些问题提出了看法和改进建议。  相似文献   

棉籽饼粕生物脱毒的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉籽饼粕是一种重要的蛋白质资源,但因其含有一定量棉酚,影响了利用效果。用适宜的方法脱除或钝化游离棉酚,对开发优质蛋白资源具有重大意义。笔者综述了棉籽饼粕中的有毒物质、目前的生物脱毒研究及其发展前景。  相似文献   

微生物发酵处理棉籽饼粕的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文简述了棉籽饼粕的营养价值、抗营养因子及微生物固体发酵棉籽饼粕的研究进展。  相似文献   

针对微生物菌种、固态发酵工艺对游离棉酚的脱毒效果及营养成分的影响,以及发酵棉籽饼粕在畜禽饲料中的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

棉籽饼粕工业化脱毒生产技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
我国是棉花生产大国,每年棉花种植面积在533万公顷左右,可产棉籽1200万吨,棉籽饼粕600万吨,饼粕资源相当丰富。棉籽的主要营养成分有油脂类、糖类、蛋白质等。榨油后的棉籽饼粕含粗蛋白34%~38%,是很好的饲料蛋白源。然而,由于棉籽饼粕中含有对人和畜禽等单胃动物有毒害作用的棉酚,尽管我国饲料蛋白质资源短缺,但是棉籽饼粕一直没有得到充分有效的利用。目前,棉籽饼粕在我国除一小部分用作饲料外,其余部分当作肥料使用和通过外贸廉价出口日本等国,造成我国急需的蛋白质资源的浪费。因此,研究适应我国国情的工业…  相似文献   

棉籽饼(粕)生物脱毒适用工程技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李延云  白云龙 《饲料工业》1996,17(12):13-15
棉籽饼(粕)生物脱毒适用工程技术中国农业工程研究设计院李延云,白云龙,聂宇燕,朱杰蛋白质资源的短缺,将一直是我国饲养业发展的制约因素,预计到2000年用于饲料的蛋白质缺口将在1190万吨。我国目前生产棉籽饼(粕)600万吨,棉籽饼(粕)含粗蛋白34%...  相似文献   

齐玉堂 《饲料工业》1996,17(10):12-14
浅谈脱毒棉籽饼粕的生产方法及发展趋势武汉食品工业学院齐玉堂棉籽是我国的主要油料之一。棉籽约含16%的油脂,45%的仁粉,9%的棉绒和26%的壳,棉籽经脱毒制取油脂后的饼粕含有丰富的蛋白质,其蛋白质含量可达45%左右。棉籽蛋白类似于豆类蛋白,营养价值比...  相似文献   

棉籽饼粕在畜禽中的应用及棉酚的脱毒方法研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
<正>我国是一个产棉大国,拥有丰富的棉花资源,2000年棉花产量达441.7万吨,其中新疆占145.6万吨。我国年产棉籽量可达663万吨,除一小部分留作种用,剩下的用于榨油,估计可生产出318万吨左右的棉籽饼粕(含壳约15%)及106万吨左右的棉籽油。用于饲料的棉籽饼粕仅占16%左右,绝大部分直接作肥料。据试验证明,棉籽饼粕作肥料只能利用氮源的  相似文献   

目前,我国蛋白质饲料资源严重匮乏,并将长期成为我国畜牧业发展的瓶颈。从现今蛋白质饲料的构成看,其中70%~80%的蛋白质饲料来源于粮食,而饼粕类蛋白质仅占20%左右。饼粕类饲料利用存在两个问题:一是生产总量不足,二是饲料利用率太低。其中,居五大饼粕类产量之首的棉籽饼粕饲用率仅为30%左右。  相似文献   

1棉籽饼粕中的有毒物质与抗营养因子1.1棉酚1.1.1棉酚的毒性原棉籽中的棉酚多是游离形式,经加工后,棉粕中既有游离的也有结合的棉酚,所以按其存在形式可分为游离棉酚(FGP)和结合棉酚(UGP),  相似文献   

The effects of dietary screw-pressed cottonseed meal (CSM) and iron-treated CSM on laying performance and discolourations in eggs were examined in a range of hen genotypes. In experiment 1, six genotypes, obtained at point-of-lay from various sources, were fed on a non-CSM diet, a diet with 300 g CSM/kg, and a diet containing iron-treated CSM at 300 g/kg. In experiment 2, two of these genotypes were reared together from day-old and were fed from 10 to 18 weeks on a non-CSM diet or a diet containing iron-treated CSM at 250 g/kg. They were then fed on a non-CSM layer diet or a diet containing iron-treated CSM at 300 g/kg, in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design that also examined the effects of the rearing diet. 2. The effects on food intakes and egg production of including CSM and iron-treated CSM in layer diets depended on the genotype of the hens. The strongest interaction between breed and diet was on food intake, the breed Hubbard Golden Comet (HGC) being the least tolerant of CSM and iron-treated CSM. 3. Inclusion of iron-treated CSM in the rearer diet to supply approximately 70% of the dietary protein had no adverse effects on growth or age at first egg. Food intake and egg production between 18 and 26 weeks were affected by the iron-treated CSM layer diet, but there were no carry-over effects attributable to the rearing diets. 4. Genotype was not a factor in the development of the gossypol-related brown yolk discolouration in fresh or warm-stored eggs of hens fed on a CSM-based diet containing 197 mg free gossypol/kg and 52 mg cyclopropenoid fatty acids (CPFA)/kg (experiment 1). 5. In both experiments, the susceptibility of eggs to the CPFA-related cold storage effects depended on the genotype of the hen, eggs from hens of the HCG breed being more affected than those of ISA hens. 6. Treatment of CSM with crystalline ferrous sulphate heptahydrate, at a 4:1 weight ratio of iron to free gossypol, prevented brown yolk discolourations in all genotypes tested, as assessed by subjecting egg yolks to atmospheres of ammonia, and cold storage of eggs.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究对比棉酚降解酶及热带假丝酵母ZD-3对棉籽粕中游离棉酚与营养物质的影响,从而评定棉酚降解酶对棉籽粕脱毒的效果。利用棉酚降解酶及热带假丝酵母ZD-3对棉籽粕分别进行酶解与固态发酵。检测原棉籽粕及处理后棉籽粕中游离棉酚与营养物质的含量及蛋白质分子质量分布。棉籽粕经棉酚降解酶酶解后,游离棉酚的含量与原棉籽粕相比极显著降低,棉籽粕的脱毒率为92.67%,较热带假丝酵母ZD-3发酵后的脱毒率上升了4.46%,经棉酚降解酶酶解后及热带假丝酵母ZD-3发酵后的棉籽粕,两者的营养物质含量差异不显著,均未检测到棉籽粕中大分子蛋白质降解成小分子蛋白质的现象。棉酚降解酶可以很好的代替热带假丝酵母ZD-3应用于棉籽粕的脱毒,同时棉酚降解酶酶解脱毒较热带假丝酵母ZD-3固态发酵能够极大地缩短时间。  相似文献   

棉籽饼粕在水产养殖中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了水生动物对棉籽饼粕的应用情况及影响水生动物对棉籽饼粕利用的制约因素.  相似文献   

Premature farrowings caused by feeding cottonseed meal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing the level of cottonseed meal (CSM) in sow diets from less than 5% to 10% increased the incidence of premature farrowings (gestation length less than 111 days) from 1.1% to 2.7% (p less than 0.001) and reduced the mean gestation length from 114.07 +/- 1.53 to 113.70 +/- 1.59 days (p less than 0.0001). Survival of piglets born prematurely was poor. After removal of CSM from the diet there was a residual effect lasting several weeks before the gestation length returned to normal. Experimental feeding of diets containing 20% and 40% CSM to small groups of sows caused significant shortening of gestation length and 3 of 26 sows fed 40% CSM farrowed prematurely. The mechanism by which CSM causes this effect has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

用棉粕和棉籽壳诱发雄性细毛羊尿结石,研究棉粕和棉籽壳引起雄性细毛羊尿结石的致病因素.测定结石羊血清和尿液的生化指标,观察尿液结晶和泌尿系统组织形态变化,并应用X线能谱分析法、X线衍射分析法、扫描电子显微镜观察法和红外分析光谱法对结石进行微观结构观察和成分分析.结果显示,膀胱结石主要成分为MgKPO4和MgKPO4·6H2O,肾结石主要成分为Mg2P2O7.结果表明,在产棉区,绵羊尿结石是由棉粕和棉籽壳导致的矿物质营养代谢疾病,尿结石的发生与棉粕和棉籽壳中高剂量棉酚和磷、钾、镬代谢有密切关系.  相似文献   

<正>1棉籽粕营养价值及分级1.1营养价值棉籽粕主要是以棉籽为原料,使用预榨浸出或者直接浸出法去油后所得产品,以区别于以压榨法取油后的棉籽饼。棉籽粕粗蛋白含量在38%~50%,粗纤维  相似文献   

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