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The objective of this study was to investigate the growth- and breed-related changes of muscle fiber characteristics in cattle and their importance to meat quality. Four cattle breeds with different growth impetus and muscularity were reared and slaughtered under experimental conditions. German Angus as a beef type, Galloway as a hardy type, Holstein Friesian as a dairy type, and double-muscled Belgian Blue as an extreme type for muscle growth were used. Between 5 and 17 bulls of each breed were slaughtered at 0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, and 24 mo of age. Muscle fiber traits were determined and classified by computerized image analysis, and several measures of meat quality were also determined, including shear force value, meat color, and i.m. fat content. The postnatal growth of semitendinosus muscle in cattle was characterized by a nearly 10-fold increase of muscle fiber area from birth to 24 mo of age. In the first few months after birth, a transformation of type IIA fibers into IIB fibers was found, whereas type I fibers were nearly unaffected by age. The apparent total muscle fiber number of semitendinosus muscle did not increase during postnatal life. These results confirm that the fiber number is determined in embryonic development. Throughout the study, the double-muscled Belgian Blue (BBDM) bulls had almost twice the fiber number of the other breeds, emphasizing a more extensive hyperplasia of muscle fibers during embryonic development in BBDM compared with the other three breeds. The apparent number of type I fibers was, however, not affected by breed, which suggests that the additional fibers found in BBDM postnatally were type IIB and IIA fibers. We did not find significant differences in muscle fiber total number, muscle fiber type frequencies, or meat quality characteristics among breeds, with the exception of BBDM. Having pooled the four breeds, paler meat was related to a higher frequency of type IIB fibers, a lower area of type IIA and type I fiber, and a higher total muscle fiber number. These findings based on data of double muscling give us some hints for biological causes for the variation of meat quality. Further investigation, in particular within each breed, is necessary to identify the superior fiber traits for bovine meat production.  相似文献   

Growth- and breed-related changes of marbling characteristics in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to investigate the growth- and breed-related changes of marbling characteristics in cattle. Four cattle breeds with different growth impetus and muscularity were reared and slaughtered under experimental conditions. German Angus, as a typical beef cattle; Galloway, as a smaller, environmentally resistant beef cattle; Holstein-Friesian, as a dairy-type cattle; and double-muscled Belgian Blue, as an extreme type for muscle growth, were used. These 4 breeds were expected to have differences in muscle development and i.m. fat deposition. Between 5 and 15 bulls of each breed were slaughtered at 2, 4, 6, 12, or 24 mo of age. Marbling characteristics were determined and classified in LM and semitendinosus muscle by computerized image analysis. Among breeds, differences appeared in the quantity, structure, and distribution of the marbling flecks in both muscles. The deposition of fat in the double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls remained substantially inferior to that of the other breeds, up to the age of 24 mo. Marbling in German Angus bulls particularly showed larger (P < 0.05) marbling fleck areas. Galloway cattle had the greatest (P < 0.05) number and the most regular (P < 0.05) distribution of the marbling flecks in young animals. Furthermore, for marbling characteristics in Holstein-Friesian animals, a great number and slightly finer structure were observed compared with the other breeds investigated. Postnatal growth-related changes of marbling in LM were characterized by as much as a 40-fold increase in the number of marbling flecks from 2 to 24 mo of age but also by up to a 4-fold enlargement in the area of the marbling flecks. The structure of marbling flecks was determined by 2 development trends. On the one hand, the marbling flecks became larger (P < 0.05), and the structure became coarser, which was reflected by an increasing (P < 0.01) proportion of long marbling flecks as well as an increasing (P < 0.01) maximum skeleton line length. On the other hand, continually new small, round marbling flecks appeared. This caused a decrease (P < 0.01) in the proportion of the 3 largest marbling fleck areas. The distribution of the marbling flecks became more regular (P < 0.05) with increasing proportion and number of marbling flecks. The results suggest that hyperplasia of adipocytes plays an important role in marbling during growth of muscle in cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare incidence of and breed-related risk factors for gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) among 11 dog breeds (Akita, Bloodhound, Collie, Great Dane, Irish Setter, Irish Wolfhound, Newfoundland, Rottweiler, Saint Bernard, Standard Poodle, and Weimaraner). DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. ANIMALS: 1,914 dogs. PROCEDURE: Owners of dogs that did not have a history of GDV were recruited at dog shows, and the dog's length and height and depth and width of the thorax and abdomen were measured. Information concerning the dogs' medical history, genetic background, personality, and diet was obtained from owners, and owners were contacted by mail and telephone at approximately 1-year intervals to determine whether dogs had developed GDV or died. Incidence of GDV based on the number of dog-years at risk was calculated for each breed, and breed-related risk factors were identified. RESULTS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Incidence of GDV for the 7 large (23 to 45 kg [50 to 99 lb]) and 4 giant (> 45 kg [> 99 lb]) breeds was 23 and 26 cases/1,000 dog-years at risk, respectively. Of the 105 dogs that developed GDV, 30 (28.6%) died. Incidence of GDV increased with increasing age. Cumulative incidence of GDV was 5.7% for all breeds. The only breed-specific characteristic significantly associated with a decreased incidence of GDV was an owner-perceived personality trait of happiness.  相似文献   

Hemochromatosis is an inherited defect in Salers cattle, characterized by increased iron absorption and wasting in young animals. Loss of teeth and soft bones has been reported. This study details bone changes in a prospective study of an affected Salers heifer and an age-matched, half-sibling control. The heifer fell 2 weeks before euthanasia, developed non-weight bearing lameness, and then became recumbent. At necropsy, the heifer was smaller than the control and had fractures of the humerus, femur, and ribs. Distinctive circumferential laminations in the outer third of the cortex were seen radiographically as layers of variably decreased density. In midshaft cross sections, the cortex was wider in some long bones, and fluorescent labeling revealed irregular and intermittent mineralization in the outer cortical layers. Mineral apposition rates in osteons of the inner cortex were decreased as compared with the control, and longitudinal bone formation at the growth plate was markedly decreased. Histologically, there were buried layers of osteopenic, poorly mineralized plexiform bone in outer circumferential lamellae. There was stainable iron in woven bone cores of the matrix. Iron was found in occasional osteoclasts as well. The mandible was severely affected, with loss of cortical bone as well as trabecular bone around the teeth and resorption of dental roots. Bone analysis revealed iron levels in the affected calf that were 30-50 times greater than the control and decreased percent ash in the outer cortex. These results indicate that periosteal dysplasia and osteopenia are responsible for pathologic fractures and tooth loss.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the prevalence of the breed‐related glaucomas in pure‐bred dogs presented to the veterinary medical teaching hospitals in North America that participate in the Veterinary Medical Data Base (VMDB). Materials and methods In this retrospective study, age of first diagnosis, breed, and gender data for all breeds of dogs were collected from the VMDB with the clinical diagnosis of primary glaucoma (glaucoma‐NOS) at 5–10 year intervals from 1964 to 2002. The prevalence for each breed (affected dogs compared to all dogs of each breed), any changes over the 38 years, and any gender differences for these glaucomas were determined. Results The prevalence of the primary breed‐related glaucomas has gradually increased from 0.29% (1964–1973); 0.46% (1974–1983); 0.76% (1984–1993); to 0.89% (1994–2002). Breeds that consistently featured among the highest 10 for glaucoma prevalence from four different periods (1964 to 2002) included American Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Wire Fox Terrier, and Boston Terrier. During the last observation period (1994–2002), 22 different breeds had 1% or higher prevalence of the glaucomas. The highest prevalence of glaucomas in 1994–2002 by breed included: American Cocker Spaniel (5.52%); Basset Hound (5.44%); Chow Chow (4.70%); Shar‐Pei (4.40%); Boston Terrier (2.88%); Wire Fox Terrier (2.28%); Norwegian ElkHound (1.98%); Siberian Husky (1.88%); Cairn Terrier (1.82%); and Miniature Poodle (1.68%). A predominance of females with glaucoma occurred in the American Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Cairn Terrier, Chow Chow, English Cocker Spaniel, Samoyed, and perhaps the Siberian Husky, and a predominance of males in the Australian Cattle dog and St Bernard. Age affected the time for first presentation of the glaucomas in the pure‐bred dog. In the majority of breeds the glaucomas were presented for initial diagnosis in dogs between 4 and 10 years of age. Conclusion Breed‐related glaucomas in pure‐bred dogs are frequently presented to the veterinary medical teaching hospitals in North America. The prevalence of the breed‐related glaucomas in the dog appears similar to humans, and in some breeds exceeds that in humans. In many breeds the high prevalence of the glaucomas suggests a genetic basis.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cataracts in dogs presented to veterinary medical teaching hospitals in North America between 1964 and 2003. A retrospective study of all dogs presented with cataracts to veterinary medical teaching hospitals in North America between 1964 and 2003 was conducted to determine cataract prevalence. The different decades, breeds, gender, and age at time of presentation with cataract were compared. The prevalence of dogs presented with cataract varied by decade and ranged from 0.95% (1964-73), 1.88% (1974-83), 2.42% (1994-2003), to 3.5% (1984-93). The total number of dogs presented with cataracts over the 40-year period was 39,229. From 1964 to 2003 the prevalence of cataract formation in this patient population increased by about 255%. Fifty-nine breeds of dogs were affected with cataracts above the baseline prevalence of 1.61% seen in mixed-breed/hybrid dogs. The breeds with the highest cataract prevalence included: Smooth Fox Terrier (11.70%), Havanese (11.57%), Bichon Frise (11.45%), Boston Terrier (11.11%), Miniature Poodle (10.79%), Silky Terrier (10.29%) and Toy Poodle (10.21%). The breeds with the largest number of cataractous dogs during the entire four decades were the Boston Terrier (11.11%), Miniature Poodle (10.79%), American Cocker Spaniel (8.77%), Standard Poodle (7.00%), and Miniature Schnauzer (4.98%). Gender ratios of cataractous dogs seemed to affect limited breeds. Age of presentation with cataract diagnosis varied among several breeds. In the mixed-breed/hybrid baseline population, cataract formation appeared to be age related with a higher frequency of cataract formation in dogs after 4-7 years. Cataract formation is one of the most prevalent eye diseases in the dog population, and in about 60 breeds of dogs the prevalence of cataract exceeds that of the baseline mixed-breed/hybrid group. The prevalence of cataract is also influenced by age in most purebred dogs and affects 16.80% of the 7-15+-year-old mixed-breed/hybrid dog population. Total and age-related cataract prevalence in dogs seems very similar to that in man.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to observe and quantitate changes in the claws of two groups of feedlot cattle (calves and backgrounded yearlings) fed diets that varied in energy (73.5 or 78.5% TDN) and crude protein (11, 13, 15, 16, 17, or 19%) content. At slaughter, the thickness of sole horn and the prevalence of toe and heel hemorrhages were greater in calves than in yearlings (p<0.02). Feeding the high-energy ration increased the prevalence of toe and heel hemorrhages in calves (p<0.02) and heel hemorrhages in yearlings (p<0.02). In yearlings, rotation of the distal phalanx and ridging of the dorsal wall of the claw were the most prominent pathological features. Osteopathy of the apex of the distal phalanx occurred more frequently in calves than in yearlings (p<0.01). This study suggests that intensive feeding of beef cattle before they reach 14 months of age has a deleterious effect on digital health.  相似文献   

The arteriographic appearance of 76 bovine hind digits, obtained from a slaughterhouse, was related to the macroscopic signs of chronic laminitis in the digits. There were statistically significant correlations between the macroscopic and the arteriographic appearance of the claws. Subsequent histological examination of the radiographically abnormal arteries revealed features indicative of arteriosclerosis. The results of this study indicate that chronic laminitis develops following a subclinical attack of laminitis due to a continous hypoperfusion of the digit.  相似文献   


The arteriographic appearance of 76 bovine hind digits, obtained from a slaughterhouse, was related to the macroscopic signs of chronic laminitis in the digits. There were statistically significant correlations between the macroscopic and the arteriographic appearance of the claws. Subsequent histological examination of the radiographically abnormal arteries revealed features indicative of arteriosclerosis. The results of this study indicate that chronic laminitis develops following a subclinical attack of laminitis due to a continous hypoperfusion of the digit.  相似文献   

Population structure of Reyna Creole cattle in Nicaragua   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Reyna Creole cattle originated from Bos taurus cattle brought to Latin America during the Spanish colonization in the fifteenth century and are the only remaining local breed in Nicaragua. However, the current genetic status of this breed is unknown. Therefore, the population structure of three recorded Reyna Creole herds in Nicaragua was studied to estimate their level of inbreeding, effective population size, and generation intervals. Data from 2,609 animals born between 1958 and 2007 were analyzed. A pedigree completeness index higher than 0.8 was required to obtain reliable estimates of the level of inbreeding, and this criterion was met for 367 animals (14%) in two herds. The average level of inbreeding was 13.0%, with values ranging from 0% to 43.8% for individual animals. One of the herds had an average inbreeding level of 21.6%, primarily due to long periods in which the same bulls were used for mating, leading to excessive frequencies of matings between closely related animals. The effective population size differed between years and ranged from 28 to 46 animals, showing that the Reyna Creole cattle breed is endangered, close to critical status. The average generation interval was 6.9 years with values as high as 19.1 years for some sires that were used for artificial insemination over a long period of time. Due to the high level of inbreeding and small population size, urgent actions are required for the development of a breeding program to protect the breed and support its sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - A vital requirement to design and implement a breeding program is to know the structure and genetic diversity of a population. The aim of this study was to...  相似文献   

Lasalocid toxicity in cattle: acute clinicopathological changes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-six steers (148 to 500 kg) divided into six equal groups were used in a toxic syndrome study of lasalocid and monensin given as a single oral dose. One group was given a placebo, a second group received monensin (25 mg/kg body weight) and the other four groups received lasalocid at 1, 10, 50 or 100 mg/kg body weight (bw). No toxic signs developed in cattle given placebo or lasalocid at 1 or 10 mg/kg bw dose. The earliest toxic signs were muscle tremors, tachycardia and rumen atony. After 24 h, the cattle were dehydrated, anorectic and had diarrhea. Deaths occurred between d 1 and 22.5 in the groups receiving lasalocid at 50 and 100 mg/kg bw and monensin. Altered values in blood leucocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total protein, albumin, creatinine, urea nitrogen, total bilirubin, creatine kinase, lactic dehydrogenase, calcium, chloride and inorganic phosphate occurred 1 d after dosing: urine pH and specific gravity also changed 1 d after dosing. Maximum changes occurred at d 3. Most of the changes were indicative of dehydration rather than specific organ damage.  相似文献   

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