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<正>Confucius said,“To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.”Hartemink (2006) edited a prescient book on the future of soil science, the contents of which are worthy of consideration today. Since then, there has been a growing emphasis on soil carbon, soil health, and soil security, as well as increased capability of technology related to machine leaning and soil sensing and measurement.SOIL KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY CATEGORISATION Based on the above ancient aphoris...  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of soil respiration (RS) is widely used as a key characteristic of soils or organic matter fractions within soils, and in the context of global climatic change is often applied to infer likely responses of RS to warmer future conditions. However, the way in which these temperature dependencies are calculated, interpreted and implemented in ecosystem models requires careful consideration of possible artefacts and assumptions. We argue that more conceptual clarity in the reported relationships is needed to obtain meaningful meta-analyses and better constrained parameters informing ecosystem models. Our critical assessment of common methodologies shows that it is impossible to measure actual temperature response of RS, and that a range of confounding effects creates the observed apparent temperature relations reported in the literature. Thus, any measureable temperature response function will likely fail to predict effects of climate change on Rs. For improving our understanding of RS in changing environments we need a better integration of the relationships between substrate supply and the soil biota, and of their long-term responses to changes in abiotic soil conditions. This is best achieved by experiments combining isotopic techniques and ecosystem manipulations, which allow a disentangling of abiotic and biotic factors underlying the temperature response of soil CO2 efflux.  相似文献   

In forensic soil science it is sometimes necessary to address a question of the form: ‘what is the most likely place of origin of this soil material’, where the possible provenances are in a large area. This ‘intelligence’ problem may be distinguished from the ‘evidence’ problem where we need to evaluate the grounds for believing that some soil material is derived from one site rather than another. There is interest in the use of soil databases to solve intelligence problems. This paper proposes a geostatistical method to tackle the intelligence problem. Given data on a sample of unknown provenance, and a database with the same information from known sites, it is possible to define a likelihood function, the argument of which is location in space, which is the likelihood that the sample is from that location. In this paper, we show how an approximation to this likelihood can be computed, using a principal component transformation of the data and disjunctive kriging. The proposed likelihood function is tested using a geochemical database on the soil of the Humber Trent region of north‐east England. This shows that the function is a useful way to make a statistical prediction of the provenance of a soil sample. The region can be stratified according to the value of the likelihood function. A validation data set showed that if we defined a stratum with the top 4.5% of values of the likelihood function, then there was a 50% probablity that it included the true provenance of the sample, and there is a 90% probability of finding the true provenance of the sample in a stratum with the top 30% of values of the likelihood function. Note also that the spatial likelihood function could be integrated with other sources of information on the likely provenance of the sample by means of Baye’s law. We conclude that this approach has value for forensic problems. The main difficulty is how to define the geostatistical support of the forensic specimen, and the reliability of analytical data on relatively small forensic samples, but this is a generic problem for forensic geoscience.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Globally, approximately two billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies(Tulchinsky, 2010; Myers et al.,2014).Soil micronutrient availability is of great importance for the evaluation of soil fertility and the determination of appropriate measures for improving crop quality and human health.The diethylenetriamine-penta-acetic(DTPA)  相似文献   

Can root exudate components influence the availability of pyrene in soil?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Little information is currently available regarding the influence of different root exudate components (RECs) on the availability of persistent organic pollutants in the soil environment. In this study, we investigated the impacts of different RECs including organic acids, amino acids, and fructose on the availability of pyrene as a representative polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in soils.

Materials and methods

Citric acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, serine, alanine, and fructose were used in the experiments as representative RECs. Pyrene-spiked soils (TypicPaleudalfs) with present RECs were incubated for 30 days, and the available fraction of pyrene was determined using n-butanol extraction procedure.

Results and discussion

The amount of n-butanol-extractable pyrene in soil increased with the addition of tested RECs and increased when REC concentrations are enhanced within the range of 0–21 g kg?1. The extractability of pyrene in soil with REC treatments and the enhancement ratio (r, %) of the extractable pyrene in soil by the addition of RECs after a 30-day incubation decreased in the following order: organic acids (oxalic acid ≥ citric acid > malic acid) > amino acid (alanine > serine) > fructose. This decrease was observed irrespective of soil sterilization, although the concentrations of extractable pyrene were lower in non-sterilized soils compared to sterilized soils. The concentrations of metal cations and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in solution increased when organic acids were added.


The tested RECs at concentrations of 0–21 g kg?1 clearly enhanced the availability of pyrene in soils, and larger amounts of RECs resulted in higher pyrene availabilities in the tested soils. Microbial biodegradation diminished the amount of available pyrene irrespective of the presence of RECs. The mechanism of REC-influenced availability of pyrene in soil may be related to the metal dissolution and release of DOM from soil solids. The results of this study will be useful in assessing PAH-related risks to human health and the environment and will be instructive in food safety and remediation strategies at contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Quantifying the loss of soil carbon through respiration has proved difficult, due to the challenge of measuring the losses associated with the turnover of soil organic matter (SOM) as distinct from autotrophic components. In forest ecosystems the δ13C value of respiration from turnover of SOM (δ13CRSOM) is typically 2-4‰ enriched compared with that from roots and associated microbes (δ13CRROOTS), with that from the litter (δ13CRLITTER) lying between the two. We measured soil respiration at 50 locations in a forest soil and then used differences in isotopic signatures to quantify the proportion of soil respiration arising from the turnover of SOM (fRSOM) at a subset of 30 locations, chosen randomly. The soil surface CO2 efflux was collected using an open chamber system supplied with CO2-free air and the δ13C signature (δ13CRS) measured, giving a mean (±SD) value across the site of −26.1 ± 0.58‰. The values of δ13CRROOTS, δ13CRLITTER and δ13CRSOM were measured at each location by incubation of roots, litter and root-free soil and collection of the CO2 for isotopic analysis. δ13CRSOM became progressively depleted with length of incubation (1.5‰ after 8 h), so CO2 was collected after 20 min. The mean value of δ13CRLITTER was −27.2 ± 0.68 ‰, which was indistinguishable from δ13CRROOTS of −27.6 ± 0.51‰, while δ13CRSOM was −25.1 ± 0.88‰. δ13CRROOTS and δ13CRSOM measured at each location were used as the end points of a two component mixing model to calculate fRSOM, giving a mean value for fRSOM of 0.61 ± 0.28. It was not possible to estimate fRSOM using the total C contents of the roots and soil which were significantly depleted in 13C in comparison to their respired CO2. However, at seven locations the δ13CRS was slightly enriched compared with δ13CRSOM (mean 0.3‰), which was not considered significantly different so fRSOM was constrained to 1.0. If these seven rings were excluded mean fRSOM was 0.49 ± 0.20. We have shown the possibility of using natural abundance 13C discrimination to quantify fRSOM in a forest soil with an input of carbon only from C3 photosynthesis.  相似文献   


The combined action of a soil conditioner and a controlled‐release fertilizer was followed by conducting soil column leaching and tomato growth experiments. The change in soil water‐holding capacitiy and the release of potassium sulfate (K2SO4) from conventional and controlled‐release forms was evaluated using leaching experiments in soil columns. Tomato growth was followed by the comparison of biomass yields on a dry matter basis with experiments where different combinations of controlled‐release or conventional fertilizer rates and soil conditioner applications. It was demonstrated that the combined usage of controlled‐release fertilizers and soil conditioners increased tomato yield and enhanced the nutritional status of the tomato plants in comparison to conventional fertilizer materials.  相似文献   

In situ field measurements as well as targeted laboratory studies have shown that freeze–thaw cycles (FTCs) affect soil trace gas fluxes. However, most of past laboratory studies adjusted soil moisture before soil freezing, thereby neglecting that snow cover or water from melting snow may modify effects of FTCs on soil trace gas fluxes. In the present laboratory study with a typical semi-arid grassland soil, three different soil moisture levels (32 %, 41 %, and 50 % WFPS) were established (a) prior to soil freezing or (b) by adding fresh snow to the soil surface after freezing to simulate field conditions and the effect of the melting snow on CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes during FTCs more realistically. Our results showed that adjusting soil moisture by watering before soil freezing resulted in significantly different cumulative fluxes of CH4, CO2, and N2O throughout three FTCs as compared to the snow cover treatment, especially at a relatively high soil moisture level of 50 % WFPS. An increase of N2O emissions was observed during thawing for both treatments. However, in the watering treatment, this increase was highest in the first thawing cycle and decreased in successive cycles, while in the snow cover treatment, a repetition of the FTCs resulted in a further increase of N2O emissions. These differences might be partly due to the different soil water dynamics during FTCs in the two treatments. CO2 emissions were a function of soil moisture, with emissions being largest at 50 % WFPS and smallest at 32 % WFPS. The largest N2O emissions were observed at WFPS values around 50 %, whereas there were only small or negligible N2O emissions from soil with relatively low soil water content, which indicates that a threshold value of soil moisture might exist that triggers N2O peaks during thawing.  相似文献   

Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB), which convert NH3 to NO2? in soils, are important for agricultural production. It is well known that N addition can strongly affect soil ammonia oxidizers, but little is known about P addition. Based on microcosm experiments, this study assessed the responses of ammonia oxidizers to chemical P addition in a typically high P agricultural soil with or without N supply. Six treatments examined were neither N nor P, P alone (0.15, 0.45, and 0.75 g P2O5 kg?1 soil, respectively), N alone (0.25 g N kg?1 soil), and N plus P (0.25 g N and 0.15 g P2O5 kg?1 soil). Quantitative real-time PCR for the abundance and high-throughput sequencing for community structure were applied. The results revealed that P addition did not affect the abundances and community structures of AOA and AOB, but N addition significantly increased AOB abundance and alter its community structure. Without N supply, continuously increasing soil P availability did not affect these two groups of ammonia oxidizers. This study highlights the relationship between soil P availability and ammonia oxidizers and suggests that soil P availability could be as a potential indicator for predicting N-related ecosystem functions in agricultural production.  相似文献   

 In the central highlands of Mexico, heavily eroded soils are often colonized by catclaw (Mimosa buincifiera): an N2-fixing shrub. An experiment was carried out to investigate how this shrub affected characteristics of the soil and its biological functioning. Soil was sampled from outside and under the canopy of catclaw at three sites characterized by different degrees of erosion and an increase in plant density. The soil microbial biomass C, total amounts of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and free-living N2-fixing micro-organisms were measured, while production of CO2 and dynamics of nitrate (NO3 ), nitrite (NO2 ) and ammonium (NH4 +) were monitored in an aerobic incubation at 22±1  °C for 35 days. The C content was 1.6 times greater in the area with the largest density of plants and the least erosion (RECUP) compared with the site with the lowest density and greatest erosion (DEGR), while it was 1.2 times greater under the canopy of the catclaw than outside it (average of the three sites). The incorporation of N into the soil organic matter was greater under the canopy of the catclaw than outside it as the C:N ratio was on average 8.4 and 9. 1, respectively. The microbial biomass C, as a percentage of soil organic matter, was 1.5 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR site. Greatest total number of colony-forming bacteria and fungi (mean of organisms found under and outside the canopy) were found in the RECUP treatment and lowest in the DEGR treatment. Free-living N2-fixing organisms and actinomycetes showed opposite trends. Greater total numbers of colony-forming bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and free-living N2-fixing organisms (mean of the three treatments) were found under the canopy of catclaw than outside of it, Production of CO2 was 1.8 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR and 1.6 times greater under the canopy of catclaw than outside. Production of NO3 was 1.3 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR and 3.5 times greater under the canopy of catclaw than outside. There was no significant effect of location or canopy on NO2 and NH4 + concentrations. It is concluded that the natural vegetation of catclaw increased microbial biomass and soil organic matter content under, but also outside its canopy, and preserved N better, releasing greater amounts of inorganic N upon mineralization. Catclaw can serve as a first colonizer of heavily eroded soil and be replaced by other vegetation, natural or crops, when fertility is restored. Received: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the proportion of snack food and beverage choices available to an Australian consumer. DESIGN: A survey of product Nutrition Information Panels (NIP) and product labels on snack foods and beverages offered for sale. Data on nutrient content were compared with criteria from different nutrient profile systems to estimate the proportion of items conforming to a choice. SETTING: A large supermarket in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. RESULTS: A consumer could choose from 1070 different snack foods and 863 different drinks. Flavour variety was more common in snacks (maximum thirteen per product) while variation in container size was more common for drinks (up to ten per product). Recommended serving size for snacks varied greatly (1822 % of snack foods presented for sale could be deemed by multiple criteria. Similarly, only 14healthyhealthier' snack foods and beverages, e.g. by reformulation of many products by the food industry and their presentation in smaller, standardised portion-size packaging.  相似文献   

Biodegradable plastics more and more replace conventional plastics, because they are considered environmentally friendly. Soil macro-invertebrates have been demonstrated to consume some of these biodegradable plastics, but studies usually do not go beyond notice of consumption and possible short-term ecotoxicological effects on organisms. This study uses the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber as a soil detritivore model and three biodegradable plastics (starch-, cellulose- and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)-based films) to evaluate both the contribution of isopods to the disintegration of biodegradable plastics and the effects of plastic-feeding on isopod ecology. Consumption rate of starch-based plastic was similar to that of leaf litter (mainly beech) and on average higher than those of the other two plastic types. Digestibility, however, was highest for cellulose-based plastic. HPLC results show that isopods break down starch-based plastic into maltose and glucose, and cellulose-based plastic into cellobiose. No glucose was present in feces of isopods having fed cellulose-based plastic, either for inability of breaking down cellobiose into glucose, or due to a rapid uptake of the glucose by isopods. Growth rates were negative, but not significantly different from zero, for all food sources; cellulose-based plastic caused the highest biomass loss to isopods. Toughness of starch-based plastic diminished over time when litter and/or isopods were present. Cellulose-based plastic increased in toughness over the disintegration experiment, possibly affecting its consumption by isopods. Overall, isopods increased the disintegration rates of starch- and cellulose-based plastics, but no PHB film was consumed, and its disintegration rate was low. We conclude that starch-based plastic is comparable to a natural low-quality food source (e.g., beech litter), and isopods would probably consume starch- and cellulose-based plastics in the field.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The unsustainable use of soil natural capital and ecosystem services is of global concern due to damage and losses on a worldwide scale. This situation is further...  相似文献   

Sun  Junna  Yang  Runya  Zhu  Jinjin  Pan  Yinghua  Yang  Mao  Zhang  Zhenhua 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(12):4021-4030
Journal of Soils and Sediments - It is difficult to leach salt into the deep layers of saline or sodic soils due to their poor permeability. The frequency of irrigation is a major factor affecting...  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to evaluate the potential of using sunn hemp (SH), Crotalaria juncea, and marigold (MG), Tagetes patula, in a strip till cover cropping system (STCC) followed by clipping SH and MG to provide surface mulch (SM). The overall objective was to examine if the STCC + SM could improve the structure of the soil food web compared to bare ground (BG) system where weeds were maintained at minimum level prior to planting. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and winter gourd (Benincasa hispida) were planted as cash crops in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Both the SH and MG in STCC + SM system suppressed herbivorous nematodes through the end of 2008 and up to mid-term crop cycle in 2009. The abundance of bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes were consistently greater in SH plots during both trials. The structure index was significantly greater in SH treatment plots in 2009, indicating a more structured soil food web than BG treatment. SH and MG plots resulted in higher (P < 0.05) abundances of collembolans and predatory mites, respectively. Although crop yields were similar among treatments in 2008, winter gourd yield was significantly higher in SH during 2009. Possible mechanisms of why using the SH STCC + SM system resulted in improved soil food web structure in a relatively short time frame is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of soil organic matter (SOM) and humic substances (HS) has been discussed from different viewpoints including molecular conformation, molecular aggregation, macromolecularity, supramolecular characteristics, domain mobility, and many others. Until now, the individual models appear partly contradictory, although each viewpoint provides important information on the structural and functional properties of SOM. This is most probably due to the huge heterogeneity of SOM. Therefore, the question: “How can molecular modeling help to further understand structure and functioning of soil organic matter?” needs to be addressed with care. This contribution reviews and discusses the potential of important molecular modeling approaches currently applied in soil organic matter science.Computer models are useful in giving a visualization of the general structure and of the possible effects on soil chemistry and soil physics. Computational chemistry in this context aims to estimate a lowest energy conformation for a molecule or an assembly of molecules specified by the programmer. On the basis of the calculated conformation, physicochemical characteristics like surface area, polarity and other can be estimated and information on the stability of molecular assemblies can be derived. The significance of the obtained conformation and physicochemical information strongly depends on the initial hypothesis of the molecular structure of each involved molecule. Recent computer models have been developed on the base of computer assisted structure elucidation (CASE). In this procedure, all possible isomers or a statistically representative set of isomers consistent with the experimental input data are processed.Further interesting fields of computational chemistry in soil research follow a different conception, where specific processes of interest are elucidated with the help of computational models which simplify the humic molecules with respect to the individual modeling problem. This way helps to understand the relevance of principal processes expected to occur in soil. In this context, complexes of Al with organic acids, clay mineral sorption sites, interactions of pesticides with organic functional groups or organic soil constituents as well as cross-linking of molecule segments by water molecules were modeled in targeted process-orientated models. The act of simplification is the crucial process in these kinds of models, and if the models are based on good conceptions, they allow to learn about potential SOM functioning. The transfer to more complex situations, however, needs special care and the predictive character of these models needs to be judged with care. Still, any computer model is only as good as its initial hypothesis.  相似文献   

《Soil biology & biochemistry》2001,33(7-8):1029-1036
Soil microbiological analyses may serve as a means for assessing soil characteristics. Standard microbiological culture-techniques, however, leave over 90% of the microorganisms in the environment unaccounted for. Several more recently developed analytical techniques such as DNA, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA), and community level substrate utilization (CLSU) fingerprints allow for more detailed analyses of soil microbial communities. We applied analyses of (1) community DNA with PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), (2) community PLFAs with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and (3) CLSU with Biolog™ gram-negative-plates, to evaluate the biological characteristics of three soils used in pesticide degradation studies. Each of these methods analyzes a different aspect of soil microbial characteristics. A protocol was developed for the statistical comparison and combination of the data from all the analyses, thus allowing for a polyphasic approach to biological soil characterization. We found that all three methods yielded highly reproducible results for each soil and allowed to distinguish the soils based on the structures of specific gene- and PLFA-pools as well as on CLSU fingerprints. Not all methods, however, revealed the same relative similarities of the three soils based on cluster analysis of the biological characteristics. These results demonstrate the value of comparative data analyses and indicate that biological soil characterization needs to be interpreted with caution if it is performed with one method only.  相似文献   

Soil translocation by soil tillage can have a considerable importance on arable land. These results were published in the international literature. The aim of the experiments is to quantify the translocation of soil due to tillage with different typical tools. A mouldboard plough and a disc harrow were tested in field experiments on a slope (4° inclination) with sandy soil. The average movement of soil particles of the top soil was determined about the changed tracer concentration. The tracer coloured gravels were most suitable of all tested tracer. The comparison of the tools showed more soil translocation caused by mouldboard plough (145?kg) than by disc harrow (12?kg). The transport was also different: plough 0.50?m and disc harrow 0.11?m average distance.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter is extensively humified; some fractions existing for more than 1000 years. The soil microbial biomass is surrounded by about 50 times its mass of soil organic matter, but can only metabolize it very slowly. Paradoxically, even if more than 90% of the soil microbial biomass is killed, the mineralization of soil organic matter proceeds at the same rate as in an unperturbed soil. Here we show that soil organic matter mineralization is independent of microbial biomass size, community structure or specific activity. We suggest that the rate limiting step is governed by abiological processes (which we term the Regulatory Gate hypothesis), which convert non-bioavailable soil organic matter into bioavailable soil organic matter, and cannot be affected by the microbial population. This work challenges one of the long held theories in soil microbiology proposed by Winogradsky, of the existence of autochthonous and zymogenous microbial populations. This has significant implications for our understanding of carbon mineralization in soils and the role of soil micro-organisms in the global carbon cycle. Here we describe experiments designed to determine if the Regulatory Gate operates. We conclude that there is sufficient experimental evidence for it to be offered as a working hypothesis.  相似文献   

We investigated tree species effects on the soil microbial community in the tropical montane forest on Mt. Kinabalu, in Malaysian Borneo. We investigated microbial composition (lipid profile) and soil physicochemical parameters (pH, moisture, total C, N and phenolics concentration) in top 5-cm soils underneath two conifers (Dacrycarpus imbricatus and Dacrydium gracilis) and three broad-leaves (Lithocarpus clementianus, Palaquium rioence and Tristaniopsis clementis). We found that the primary difference in microbial composition was between conifer versus broad-leaves. The abundance of specific microbial biomarker lipids correlated with soil pH, total C and N. We conclude that tree species have significant impacts on the soil microbial community through their effects on soil pH, total C and N.  相似文献   

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