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A common argument advanced in the non-metropolitan counties of the US West is that the Endangered Species Act (ESA) can have, and has had, a devastating effect on local economies. However, to date, there has not been a systematic empirical analysis of the ESA's effect on local economies. This paper reports on such an analysis. Based on a sample of all 333 non-metropolitan counties in the eleven-state West, the statistical effect of the listing of threatened and endangered species on county employment growth between 1980 and 1990 is estimated. The paper's primary finding is that the hypothesis that endangered species listing has had a negative effect on the non-metropolitan county economies of the US West is not supported by the data.  相似文献   

The Pacific Northwest has grown more rapidly than the U.S. in recent years, led by the expansion of services employment. However, there have been striking differences in the rates of growth of individual counties in the Northwest. These variations in growth rates are shown to be associated with the type of industrial structure found in groups of counties. Their growth is also shown to be related, in part, to changes in the economic base of individual counties, with services contributing a greater share to county exports in 1986 than in 1974.  相似文献   

Certain Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest and Alaska of the USA have grown potatoes in their gardens for many generations. In this study, the origin of several potatoes collected from Native gardens was investigated. Fourteen SSR markers covering the 12 potato homologs yielding a total of 199 alleles were amplified and scored in Solanum tuberosum Group Andigena (52 accessions), S. tuberosum Group. Tuberosum (39 accessions) and wild species (6 accessions). “Ozette” from the Makah Nation on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State was closely related to “Maria’s” and “Kasaan” potatoes collected from Native Alaskan gardens in Southeast Alaska. These three potatoes were more closely related to either two Mexican and one Peruvian andigena accessions or three Chilean Group Tuberosum accessions, while being relatively less related to the old European or modern varieties and most distantly related to Group Andigenum. “To-Le-Ak” was closely related to two Chilean tuberosum accessions and one old European variety. All Native potatoes harbored T-type chloroplast genome indicating that their maternal lineage is shared with Chilean Group Tuberosum. Using genetic relationship as a guide to origin it appears plausible that the Native American/Alaskan cultivars are either directly or indirectly from Mexico and Chile. These Native potato cultivars present a possible second route of diffusion distinct from the South America to Europe transfer which has been assumed to the sole means by which potato was spread out of South America.  相似文献   

1农业结构调整的新形势 我国农业面对一个产业结构调整的新时期,向全面建设小康社会发展,事实已证明,单一的种植业只能解决温饱,而不能解决农牧民富裕问题,农业产业结构调整关键必须增加畜牧业在农业中的比重.2001年,我国畜牧业产值占农业比重为31%.  相似文献   

In building Samoan academic researcher capacity in Samoa, we argue that there is a need to first establish the kind of researcher community advocated by Linda Tuhiwai Smith, and to do so through developing research tools, such as the talanoa and faafaletui, in partnership with researcher capacity‐building initiatives such as the applied postgraduate social and health research methods course (coded PUBX731‐HSA505) run by the Centre for International Health, University of Otago, in partnership with the National University of Samoa. This paper offers a commentary on the talanoa and faafaletui as Pacific research methodologies, and asks what its value might be for researchers in Samoa. It reflects on the learning experiences of staff and students of the applied social and health research methods course in relation to the talanoa and faafaletui as Pacific research methodologies or methods. It concludes that developing Pacific research and researcher capacity in Pacific Island countries, such as Samoa, must include opening up spaces within these communities to critically engage what is Pacific or Samoan or indigenous about these research tools, methods or methodologies, and how they might differ in form or substance from other methods or methodologies.  相似文献   

This collection is concerned with understanding the nature of China’s spatial development during the transition to a socialist market economy. It does so primarily by questioning the applicability of the ‘desakota’ model and extended metropolitan region (EMR) concept to the contemporary Chinese space economy. Yu Zhu’s contribution extends the ‘desakota’ model by applying it to rural areas without the attraction of large cities. Wing‐Shing Tang and Him Chung’s contribution discusses illegal land use and construction to highlight the rural‐urban transition’s negative and disintegrative aspects glossed over by the ‘desakota’ model, which stem from the extension of urban administration to former rural areas and the redistributive effects of land use reform. Andrew Marton sees the original ‘desakota’ model being rejuvenated by introducing the notion of rural agglomeration, a clearer recognition of local administrative structures and an appreciation that development issues now take place within a global‐local framework. George Lin explores the lingering effects of rural origins on Chinese identity and how this affects subsequent social and commercial groups within the Chinese diaspora. Peter Rimmer and Claude Comtois show how changes in China’s transport and telecommunications industry underlie, to a significant degree, the restructuring of China’s space economy and the country’s links to the rest of the world. Overall the contributions highlight that a new consensus will be required for any revised model of the Chinese space economy if this is to provide guidance for planners engaged in restructuring Chinese space in the new millennium.  相似文献   

The peace dividend typically is conceptualized as the transfer of dollars from defense to domestic, social needs. This Perspective redefines the peace dividend in terms of the conversion of talent, expertise, and technologies from the production of weaponry to commercial products and processes, which will have positive effects overall on the American economy. The dynamic of this conversion is specified in terms of corporate reorganization among American military industrial firms (MIFs) in existing and strategic industries such as electronics, as well as new growth sectors such as environmentally conscious industries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Previously it was reported that regional variations in well-being (poverty, per capita income, and family income) among Appalachian counties did not originate from regional variations in urbanization, but from regional differences in well-being among nonmetropolitan counties. It was argued that southern Appalachian counties had higher levels of well-being at the end of the 1980s because nonmetropolian counties in southern Appalachia experienced greater economic growth during the 1980s than did nonmetropolitan counties in other Appalachian regions. In this paper these data are reanalyzed to test to what extent the original findings are affected by the presence (and failure to control) spatial autocorrelation. Using a spatial lag model it is shown that correcting for spatial autocorrelation statistically altered the original results. However, substantively, the conclusions from the original analysis did not change: regional differences in county well-being in Appalachia are largely the product of regional differences among nonmetropolitan counties, even after correcting the model for spatial autocorrelation.  相似文献   

2010年9月6日,国务院向各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府以及国务院各部委、各直属机构发布《国务院关于促进企业兼并重组的意见》(以下简称《意见》),要求各地区、各有关部门把促进企业兼并重组作为贯彻落实科学发展观,保持经济平稳较快发展的重要任务,进一步统一思想,正确处理局部与整体、当前与长远的关系,切实抓好促进企业兼并重组各项工作部署的贯彻落实。为此,针对我国种业的发展,我们尝试解读《意见》。  相似文献   

加强品种管理工作 为种植业结构调整服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“九五”期间,是我国农业发展的重要而关键时期,也是种子事业蓬勃发展的时期,呼伦贝尔的种子事业“九五”期间有了长足的发展,取得了显著的成效。1996~2001年呼伦贝尔市良种覆盖面积累积达452万hm2,良种覆盖率由1995年的82%提高到2001……  相似文献   

Large dams are a dramatic intervention affecting ecosystems, livelihoods and resource use, notably in upland areas. Dams are significant, both in terms of their scale of impact and due to their role in appropriating part of the upland resource base for mainly lowland and urban beneficiaries. Whereas in the past the tensions associated with impact of dams in Southeast Asia have been played out within national borders, mainly in Thailand, the new impetus for dam construction reflects an internationalised agenda — namely integration of the mainland Southeast Asian regional resource economy. This paper examines the background to large dam construction in mainland Southeast Asia, current and projected developments, and their implications in a number of arenas. Case studies from Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam illustrate the main points. It is shown that political­economic restructuring associated with the changing geopolitics of the region is a major influence on the revived agenda for large dam construction, and that such restructuring modulates the direct and indirect impacts of dams at local, national and regional levels.  相似文献   

为加快普定县农业产业结构调整,对存在的突出问题进行了解析,并提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

City managers throughout the Asia Pacific region are turning to the concept of sustainability in order to guide urban growth. This research note reviews the dominant contemporary urban and regional planning concepts promoted during the last few decades, shows how the financial crises challenged this mode of thinking and led to the adoption of sustainable urban development policies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents a contemporary survey and synthesis of research on the regional dimensions of technology and competitiveness and explores ways in which technological change has influenced industrial restructuring in U.S. regions. Neoclassical models of regional growth are judged to be seriously wanting in their treatment of technological change. Industrial organization theories such as product/profit cycles, best-practice firms, and flexible specialization have proven to be more illuminating. However, the task remains to integrate technology as a core element in a geography of production and regional economic change that includes both global strategic decision-making of companies and the viability of plants in particular regional settings. Although the federal government as sponsor and procurer of technology has contributed significantly to regional industrial restructuring, the prospects for state and local governments to facilitate technological change appear to be very limited.  相似文献   

种植结构调整后,即提高了农民的种植热情,也增加了农民的经济收入,但在实际生产中,却发现农民在购种中存在一些问题. 一是片面追求新品种:  相似文献   

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