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The aim of this paper is to explore the processes and outcomes of neoliberalism in relation to urban water supply in the city of Tagbilaran, the Philippines, in order to provide a nuanced account of (an) actually existing hybrid neoliberal space. Using Bakker's typology of market environmentalist reforms in resource management as a guiding frame to link this case to a bigger ‘neoliberal’ conversation, I distinguish how reforms to resource governance at the national level, coupled with changes in the ways in which resource management institutions and resource management organisations function at the local level have acted to constitute local practices of neoliberal governance. Local articulations of (national and supranational) neoliberal and development discourses are revealed as a means for reconceptualising the role of the state and the emergence of new forms of hybrid governance in Tagbilaran. Analysis of the operation of BWUI, a public/private water utility, and the politics of privatisation/private sector participation enables a closer inspection of how water and water services are politicised and resisted by local publics.  相似文献   

寻舸  朱玉晗  陶莉 《中国农学通报》2020,36(21):160-164
国内农业生产性服务业的发展具有一定的阶段特征和区域特色。当前,我国农业生产性服务业发展处于初级阶段,尤其是广大中西部山区相比平原地区更加滞后。笔者阐述了农业生产性服务业的主体参与机制,归纳出山区推进农业生产性服务业市场主体积极性不高、政府主体投入有限、社会主体参与不足等问题,普遍存在区位条件制约、服务利益关联机制缺失、村域间服务基础设施滞后、文化资本和社会资本积累不足等制约。笔者认为充分发挥各类服务主体的作用,有效组织各类资源,是促进区域农业生产性服务业健康发展的关键。为弥补山区区位劣势,应该加强各类新型服务主体培育、建立协同机制、政府有效引导、培养农业服务业人才和营造良好的协同供给环境。  相似文献   

In the Philippines, calls for creating ‘global’, ‘sustainable’ and ‘resilient’ cities are placing urban poor communities in increasingly precarious positions. These communities have long been the targets of urban development and ‘modernisation’ efforts; more recently the erasure of informal settlements from Philippine cities is being bolstered at the behest of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management (DRM) agendas. In Metro Cebu, flood management has been at the heart of DRM and broader urban development discussions, and is serving as justification for the demolition and displacement of informal settler communities in areas classed as ‘danger zones’. Using Kusno's (2010) interpretation of the ‘exemplary centre’ as a point of departure, this paper interrogates the relationship between DRM, worlding aspirations (Roy and Ong, 2011) and market‐oriented urbanisation in Cebu, and considers the socio‐spatial implications of these intersecting processes for urban poor communities. Through analysing the contradictions inherent in framings of certain bodies and spaces as being ‘of risk’ or ‘at risk’ over others, I argue that the epistemologies of modernity, disaster risk and resilience endorsed and propagated by the state are facilitating processes of displacement and dispossession that serve elite commercial interests under the auspices of disaster resilience and pro‐poor development.  相似文献   

Profitable private investments may be bypassed in struggling regions due precisely to such regions' isolation, leading to a self‐reinforcing cycle of marginalization. In many cases, development in such regions may be most effectively promoted by providing key information to the private and public sectors, thus addressing potentially significant market failures. In the case study project, the calculation of private and social returns have been particularly crucial in sparking both private investor interest and public support of this business venture. The project's example suggests an updated role for universities in the assistance of productive economic development programs.  相似文献   

Issues of power and politics are central to the development of the tourism sector and its prospects for contributing to sustainable development. This is demonstrated through a case study of the evolution of tourism in the Maldives, a luxury tourism destination where the government has followed a consistent policy of ‘quality tourism’ that has often been cited as a prime example of sustainable tourism. However, recently concerns have been raised about environmental degradation, human rights abuses, connections between the political and economic elite, and huge economic disparities associated with tourism here. Research on sustainable tourism needs to recognise the state's pivotal role in directing tourism development and consider how states balance the competing interests of other powerful tourism stakeholders.  相似文献   

农村信息化产品市场的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现阶段的农村信息化产品市场的问题是多方因素共同作用的结果,但笔者认为农村信息化市场的主要问题在于市场的信息不对称性和外部性,也就是由此引起的市场中的企业与农户的囚徒困境、柠檬市场、价格上涨等市场困境和由于农村信息化产品市场的特殊性所带来的负外部效应。  相似文献   

Abstract: China's urban land reform is a gradualist process of transforming a planned land allocation system to an open land market system, while the ownership of the land remains under the control of the state. This process defines the relationships between local government and emerging non‐public interest groups in the land development process. These issues can be most clearly seen in the State‐Approved Development Zones, where municipalities have been encouraged to promote economic development and test out land policy initiatives. Using the institutionalist and urban growth machine analytical approaches to land development processes, this study examines the operation of development processes and the role of local government and its relationship with other interest groups. By employing a case study research strategy, focused upon the Hangzhou High‐Technology Zone, the study uncovered a local government‐led growth coalition which featured participation by other interest groups and revealed the applicability and variations when applying two strands of theories to a socialist economy in transition. Besides the land reform policy implications drawn from the case study evidence, the study concludes that the presence of interest groups and the missing community organisations unique to China give new theoretical implications and that both theories work much better with the economic domain than with the political domain largely because of a lagged political reform.  相似文献   

基于资源环境管理角度推进测土配方施肥的方法探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
测土配方施肥技术是由传统经验施肥向科学计量施肥的转变,既能为农业生产节本增效,满足农民对合理施肥、利润最大化的需求,又能减少农业面源污染,大幅降低农业温室气体的排放量。起步于2005年的测土配方施肥项目经8年的发展,实现了由试点到巩固再到普及的历史性跨越,各地主要以不同区域、作物2条路线开展测土配方施肥技术,在全面推广测土配方施肥的过程中初步摸索出了测土配方施肥技术的应用模式,并带动了与科学施肥相关的技术推广、配肥加工、配肥产品销售服务等行业的发展,增加了相应的人才需求。但还存在推广环节薄弱、技术的农作物覆盖范围窄、撒施、表施、浅施等粗放施肥方式较为普遍等问题。因而建议今后逐步解决企业参与问题;尽快建立和完善蔬菜、果树等园艺作物的施肥技术体系,加大其测土配方施肥技术的推广力度;建立有效的技术指导、农化服务模式。土壤测试仪器设备、小配方肥研制及其针对性施用和农化服务机制等的完善,将会促进测土配方施肥技术的全覆盖以及配方肥的规模化生产,逐步以低碳农业取代传统高碳农业,切实推动农业转型的跨越性发展。运用适宜的资源与环境管理手段,引导农民自愿参与到应用测土配方施肥技术进行减排的碳交易活动中,既为高边际减排成本排放源提供全新的减排途径,也为应用测土配方施肥技术减排的农民带来了双重经济效益,从而扩大了测土配方施肥技术的推广面积,为中国农业减污减排做出巨大贡献。  相似文献   

北京郊区“一村一品”发展特点、 问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展“一村一品”是北京发展都市型现代农业、建设社会主义新农村的基础性工程。目前,北京郊区“一村一品”发展取得了长足的进步,涌现出越来越多具有一定区域化规模和专业化程度,特色鲜明、类型多样、带动力强的专业村,都市型现代农村产业发展新格局业已形成。但比较而言,农产品生产型专业村发展基础稍显薄弱,市场体系建设有待加强,亟需采取相应的政策措施加以有效解决。  相似文献   

Young people's participation is central to the attainment of meaningful governance systems. In Fiji, this is a challenge as the traditional view of young people's participation is restricted to that of ‘service’ and the precarious political environment restricting free expression. Despite these concerns, young people's participation and expression appear to be thriving in hybridised forms. This paper draws from conversations with a group of ‘active’ young people and discusses the merits and challenges of their participation in Fiji. As a nation, Fiji is at the threshold of a new socio‐political era, where young people are expected to play a significant role. This discussion offers an understanding of young people's participation in Fiji and draws attention to how they can be meaningfully supported as active citizens in the process of national development.  相似文献   

京承农业合作案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从市场需要,北京农业的特点、产业结构调整以及京承农业资源互补等角度分析了京承农业合作的动因。回顾了京承农业合作的历程,总结了京承农业合作的特点、成效和经验,提出京承农业合作是破解环京津贫困带问题的一个有效途径,是环渤海地区农业合作的典范。认为京承农业合作已经初步形成了模式,并提出把京承农业合作进一步拓展为"国家支持、市场主导、政府推动、企业主体、社会力量参与、一体化运作、农民受益"模式的建议。  相似文献   

This study critically evaluates the relevance of the existing theory of technological innovation to the case of China's information and communications technology industry. Based on a large‐scale questionnaire survey conducted in China's three most important city‐regions, namely, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, where the core of China's information and communications technology industry is located, this study reveals a significant regional variation in technological innovation in a political economy undergoing marketisation and globalisation. This research has found no significant relationship between the innovative performance of firms and the extent of production linkages; nor was there a significant knowledge exchange among firms. A further analysis has identified the significant role played by government purchases, research and development capital input and export propensity in the process of technological innovation. The findings of this research cast doubts over the prevailing theory of ‘new economic geography’ in which soft and unbounded relational assets have been overemphasised at the expense of some solid and bounded actors and agents that are pivotal to technological innovation in a developing economy.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the limited literature on open government initiatives at the subnational level in developing countries. It examines the motivations of actors in a local government authority to utilize the capabilities of various stakeholders to overcome constraints in cocreating an action plan for open government reforms. This empirical analysis utilized qualitative fieldwork conducted in Sekondi‐Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana's third largest local government. The findings demonstrate that a confluence of citizen demand for openness, and willingness within the governance stakeholders, are motivating the pursuit of open government reforms. Viewed through an open innovation framework, we argue that achieving good governance through information transparency, public participation, and accountability reforms is hindered by the institutional environment. Ghana's subnational governments need national level commitment to provide the resources, mandate, and authority to become truly “open.”  相似文献   

桂林龙胜龙脊梯田整治水资源平衡分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源平衡分析是耕地整治项目的规划设计的重要依据。针对著名景区龙胜龙脊梯田的灌溉特点,充分考虑水源林的可供水量,按月对龙脊梯田整治项目区的可供水量和整治后需水量进行了计算分析。结果表明,通过加强项目区水利基础设施建设,提高渠系水利用系数,项目区总的水源能够满足农田灌溉和当地村寨居民及游客的生活用水需要,各个月份供水量也均可满足用水量的要求,为实施龙脊梯田整治提供了科学依据,也为山区梯田水资源平衡分析提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract: Stakeholders are an integral part of environmental conflict. Analysing the positions and interests of stakeholders is vital in effective environmental conflict management. This paper reviews the literature related to stakeholders and their dynamics in environmental conflict. It also presents the results of a study relating to a New Zealand transport infrastructure project where the positions and interests of stakeholders have kept on changing during the life of the project. This study plots the changing positions of some of the key stakeholders, towards this project. These stakeholders include a policy manager, a community stakeholder, an environmental stakeholder and a political stakeholder. The paper also analyses the changing positions by identifying and classifying the key drivers for these changes.  相似文献   

针对20世纪80年代中期川、渝麦区育种方向及审定品种与生产实践需要之间的矛盾,从生产发展、市场经济和人民需要出发,分析了当时审定小麦品种较多而推广应用较少的现象,总结了小穗小粒红皮种推广速度慢,农民不愿种植,大穗大粒白皮种推广速度快的原因。提出了“选育商品型高产优质抗病大穗大粒耐穗发芽白皮小麦新品种”的育种新方向。经过二十几年的努力,培育出了‘绵阳25’、‘绵阳26’、‘绵阳27’、‘绵阳28’、‘绵阳31号’、‘西科麦1号’、‘西科麦6号’等白皮小麦新品种,这些品种成为了四川省小麦第6次大更换的当家品种。为四川省和中国的小麦育种、小麦生产及国家的粮食安全作出了巨大贡献。通过以上品种的推广种植,表明白皮小麦品种在产量、品质、抗病性等方面不亚于红皮小麦品种,而在商品价值、推广速度方面明显优于红皮种。由此认为,突破传统红皮小麦品种容易选育审定的束缚,将市场经济、人们需求、社会发展紧密结合,选育商品型高产、优质、抗病、大穗大粒耐穗发芽小麦新品种将是西南麦区小麦育种的新方向。  相似文献   

Abstract: With the emergence of the real estate market since 1990, the operation Beijing's economy has led to a re‐shaping of its inner city. By reviewing the Old and Dilapidated Housing Redevelopment (ODHR) programme in Beijing in the 1990s, this paper seeks to uncover the forces that led to the prevailing large‐scale urban redevelopment which induced serious environmental and socio‐economic problems. By analysing conflicts between major stakeholders of the ODHR programme, the paper finds that the root cause of these problems was embedded in the ‘mismatch of plan and market’ by which local officials and local developers utilised their privileges inherited from a planned economy to benefit from the emerging real estate markets. As a result, the hidden agenda of local elites was facilitated during the urban redevelopment process.  相似文献   

中国是水产养殖产量大国,但与大多数发达国家相比中国水产种业不强。为应对国内外新形势,亟需做强民族水产种业,进而推进中国渔业的转型升级,笔者从法律法规与理论体系、科技创新与人才体系、工程建设与核心示范体系、产业发展与进出口状况4 个方面系统梳理了当前民族水产种业的基本情况;从顶层设计、扶持政策、科技创新、经营主体、市场环境5 个角度分析了当前民族水产种业发展中存在的主要问题。最后探讨并提出了民族水产种业转型升级的政策路径,即优化顶层设计、丰富扶持策略、转变评价方法、坚持以人为本、加强种业监管,以期为产业发展和相关政策完善提供参考。  相似文献   

为解决中国农业长期粗放经营问题,研究中国耕地与生态文明协同保护体系,采用文献研究法和归纳演绎法,分析东亚地区代表国家环境保全型农业下的耕地农业协同体系。研究表明,日本的耕地农业环境保护支付制度、生态补偿市场认证体系、耕地农业法律制度保障,是建立在生态补偿原则上,经过实践检验行之有效的,能够提升市场参与度及农民自主性投入的耕地生态协同保护措施。中国在推广耕地合理利用实践方面做出了不懈努力,但是在建立耕地生态协同保护的休耕制度、因地制宜建立生态补偿体系、加快推进耕地生态协同保护专项基金的设立等方面还需进一步坚持和完善。  相似文献   

水利部对各类开发区提出推行区域水土保持评估的背景下,分析水土流失量预测方法及技术要点。以庆安开发区为例,分析东北黑土区水土流失量预测及土石方平衡估算,可以为同类区域水土保持评估水土流失量计算提供借鉴及参考。通过计算分析,得到2条结论:(1)在考虑最不利条件下,预测区域内土壤流失量结果中工业用地新增土壤流失量最大;(2)对于规划建设及在建区域,可以采用区域内已完成水土保持方案的已建项目为典型项目,类比推算区域土石方挖填量的方法。  相似文献   

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