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泥鳅因其适应性强、疾病少、成活率高,且繁殖力强、运输方便、饵料易得,已成为重要的水产养殖品种.广丰县从2006年开始有养殖户进行规模的池塘养殖泥鳅,并取得了较好的收益.本文对泥鳅生物学特性,以及池塘养殖、病害防治、捕捞运输等方面的关键技术进行了概述.  相似文献   

泥鳅的池塘养殖技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来由于泥鳅价格不断攀升,无论是池塘、网箱、稻田养殖泥鳅,都取得了很好的经济效益。尤其是池塘养殖,不但经济效益高,而且易于建设、管理,现将池塘养殖泥鳅技术介绍如下:一、池塘的选址要选在避风向阳处,池塘深度约为1米,水质好,注排水方便无污染,用水最好与农田用水分开,中性底质。二、池塘建设池塘可以是水泥池,也可以是土池。土池池壁需用砖石砌成,或用三合土捶紧,池底需夯实,做到坚固耐用,无漏洞。进出水口用铁丝或塑料网拦住。池底向排水口倾斜,以便排水与捕捞。每10m2建一个食台,食台可用砖石砌成,面积40×60cm,四周有10cm高的…  相似文献   

<正>泥鳅(Oriental weatherfish)因适应能力强、成活率高、繁殖力强、饵料易得,已成为我国主要的淡水养殖品种之一,养殖前景广阔。通常泥鳅都在秋季大批量上市,但此时,其售价并不高,而春节前后上市,售价则能提高20%~50%。泥鳅有冬眠的习性,要实现冬天顺利捕捞泥鳅并且不使其患病绝非易事。笔者结合近几年国内捕捞泥鳅的经验教训,将池塘养殖泥鳅冬季捕捞技术要点总结如下。1引地下井水,唤醒泥鳅  相似文献   

<正>泥鳅属鲤形目、鳅科,是温水性底栖鱼类。具有适应性强、疾病少、成活率高、养殖成本较低等优点。并以其肉质细嫩,营养丰富,具有医用、保健等功效,被誉为"水中人参"。近几年随着市场需求量的不断增加,已成为黄河三角洲养殖前景较好的淡水名优品种,取得了良好的经济效益。现将泥鳅主要养殖技术及管理措施介绍如下。  相似文献   

鱼台滨南四湖,是山东东省著名的鱼米之乡,沟渠纵横,泥鳅野生资源丰富。当地百姓利用泥鳅资源丰富这一优势,大力发展泥鳅池塘养殖,取得了良好的经济效益。现把我们泥鳅养殖技术总结如下。  相似文献   

吴凯  刘权 《河北渔业》2003,(3):22-22,52
<正> 近几年,由于持续干旱,池塘春季普遍缺水,尤其是5、6月份枯水季节,缺水更加严重,甚至部分池塘出现干涸。如何开发利用季节性缺水池塘,发挥其应有的经济效益,成为摆在渔技推广人员面前的一大课题。几年来,我们利用泥鳅耐低氧、耐密养和对水量、水质要求低的特性以及泥鳅生长快、产量高、销路好的优势,进行了季节性缺水池塘泥鳅高产养殖试验和推广应用,取得了良好的推广效果和经济效益。实践证明,通过泥鳅高产养殖,开发利用季节性缺水池塘不失为一项好对策,现将有关技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

刘学美 《齐鲁渔业》2009,26(3):40-41
泥鳅属鲤形目、鲤亚目、鳅科、泥鳅属,是一种杂食性小型淡水鱼类,普遍分布在我国除青藏高原外的河川、沟渠、水田、池塘、湖泊及水库等水域中。近年来是我国外贸出口的重要鲜活水产品。河东区鑫盛水产养殖场发展泥鳅养殖3.33hm^2(50亩),成鱼全部出口韩国,取得了较好的经济效益。现将其主要养殖技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

泥鳅,是一种分布广,数量多的小型经济鱼。它具有适应能力强,苗种易得,生长速度快,养殖方法简单,食用和药用价值都很高等特点,深受国内外市场的欢迎。其具有一定的经济效益和社会效益,市场发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

孙兴涛  仲雷 《内陆水产》2006,31(3):15-16
为积极探索黄河入海口地区淡水生态养殖新思路.2005年5月中旬垦利县海洋与渔业局从江苏盐城引进泥鳅苗种300万尾.组织实施了“黄河入海口盐碱地区池塘泥鳅生态养殖技术”试验,最终收获健康成鳅300t,产值300多万元,取得了良好的经济效益。现将养殖过程中的技术要点介绍如下:  相似文献   

Tetraploid fish, which are considered as key resources of diploid gametes for further breeding and ploidy manipulation, can be artificially induced by inhibition of the mitotic cell division with hydrostatic pressure or temperature treatments. Although many attempts have been made to induce artificial tetraploid strains, successful establishment of viable and fertile tetraploid strains are rare. In pond loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, natural tetraploid individuals are distributed in wild populations and diploid gametes from the tetraploid fish have been used for the induction of polyploid individuals, but artificially induced tetraploid strains have not been established yet. In the present study, we optimised starting timing of the heat-shock treatment (41 °C for 2 min) to inhibit a mitotic cell division in fertilised eggs of the normal diploid pond loach between 21 and 51 min after insemination at 20 °C. After the treatment, we observed external appearance of hatching larvae and flow cytometrically determined ploidy status of the resultant larvae. Although tetraploid and diploid/tetraploid mosaic larvae were obtained, the optimum timings for induction of tetraploidy varied amongst crosses. Various kinds of ploidy such as haploidy, diploidy, triploidy, pentaploidy, hexaploidy, aneuploidy and mosaic were detected in non-optimum heat-shock timings for tetraploidisation. Survivors, a tetraploid and a diploid/tetraploid mosaic male, matured at the age of 1-year-old, but they produced functional haploid spermatozoa.  相似文献   

泥鳅的集约化养殖技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柳富荣 《淡水渔业》2000,30(6):23-25
1 泥鳅的人工繁殖11 亲鱼选择根据实践经验,泥鳅人工繁殖用的亲鱼一般不易长期蓄养,因而最好采集临近产卵期捕获不久的天然泥鳅,集中一段时间进行强化培育。采集时,从背部向下观察,见腹部是白色的,即是发育良好的标志,若腹部两侧出现白斑点则是已产完卵的鱼,不能采集。此外,粘液不多或囤养时间太久的也不能采购。催产时,要选择体型端正、体质健壮、粘液较多、无伤无病、体长15~20cm以上、体重30~50g以上的泥鳅,雌鳅腹部园大,雄鳅“追星”明显。雌雄区别是:雌鳅个体明显大于雄鳅,胸鳍较短,鳍的前端短而园,呈扇形,第2~3根软鳍条的长短…  相似文献   

Experimental crossings were made between tetraploid loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, T for short) and diploid large‐scale loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus, P for short), resulting in T×T, T×P and P×P crosses (female before male). Meanwhile, a part of T×P cross was cold shocked to inhibit second meiosis (T×P‐0 for short). Fertility rate, hatching rate and survival rate of T×T, T×P, P×P and T×P‐0 were measured. Flow cytometry and chromosome count were taken to identify ploidy statuses of the four crosses. Results showed that T×T, T×P and P×P were, respectively, tetraploidy (4n = 100), triploidy (3n = 74) and diplody (2n = 48), while 89.19 per cent of T×P‐0 of 12 months old were pentaploidy (5n = 124, T×P‐0‐5n for short) and the others were triploidy. Morphological data of the four crosses of 12 months old showed that morphological characteristics of T×P and T×P‐0‐5n loach were between those of their parents, while T×P‐0‐5n loach presented a smallest head length/body length. Total lengths of T×P and T×P‐0‐5n were significantly larger than those of T×T and P×P, showing hybrid vigour. This study will provide valuable information for production of polyploidy loach and breeding programmes of the two loaches and other closely related species.  相似文献   

刘晓东 《中国水产》2009,(10):48-49
江苏省灌南县汤沟镇泥鳅养殖大户吴进,通过三年时间的不断探索,发展泥鳅养殖池塘100亩,取得显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

台湾大泥鳅池塘养殖技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年,在杭州萧山东海养殖有限责任公司进行了台湾大泥鳅养殖试验。结果发现,台湾大泥鳅最大特点是生长速度快,当年养殖个体体重可达100~200g。台湾大泥鳅最适水温为25~28℃,摄食范围广,耐低氧,适应性强,喜好偏酸性环境,既适合池塘高密度养殖,也适合循环水集约化养殖,是一种养殖前景乐观的新品种。  相似文献   

2008年辽宁省大洼县平安乡小房村农工王立权在自家两亩稻田采用生态法孵化泥鳅获得成功。据观察预计可产5cm~10cm规格的泥鳅苗种500kg。实际捕出250kg。由于缺乏经验,起捕时间过晚,气候转凉,一部分的泥鳅钻泥无法捕出。就捕出的产量看经济效益也是非常可观的。250kg售价20元/kg,就是5000元,去掉全部费用1500元,还剩3500元,  相似文献   

泥鳅规模人工繁殖的试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泥鳅 [Misgurnusanguillicaudatus(Cantor) ],又名鳅、鳅鱼等 ,是我国常见的小型淡水经济鱼类。近年来 ,由于农药及工业废水等的污染 ,泥鳅资源遭到破坏 ,天然产量大为减少。为满足人工养殖的需求 ,我们在前人工作[1~ 2 ] 的基础上 ,对泥鳅进行了较大规模的人工繁殖试验 ,以探索泥鳅人工繁殖与养殖的方法和途径。1 材料与方法1 1 亲鱼来源泥鳅的人工繁殖于 2 0 0 0年 6月 19日至 9月 2 5日在苏州大学水产学院实习基地进行。亲鱼购自苏州市浒墅关镇农贸市场。1 2 雌雄及成熟度鉴别泥鳅雌雄性别区别表现在…  相似文献   

When eggs from the Chinese tetraploid loach that had 100 chromosomes were fertilized with UV-irradiated sperm, we obtained viable gynogenetic progeny without any additional treatment for the duplication of maternal chromosomes, which survived beyond first feeding towards adult stage of development. Gynogenetic progeny were determined to be diploid since they possessed 50 chromosomes, along with two chromosomes bearing nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), detected by silver nitrate staining (Ag-NORs), chromomycin-A3 (CMA3)-positive sites and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) signals for rDNA loci. In contrast, when gynogens were induced using eggs from diploid loach fertilized by UV-irradiated sperm, but without chromosome doubling, we found that all resultant progeny were non-viable haploid gynogens with 25 chromosomes, along with one NOR-bearing chromosome detected by Ag-NORs, CMA3 and FISH. These observations demonstrate the true genetic tetraploid nature of the Chinese loach possessing 100 chromosomes, and the potential use of this tetraploid as a source of functional diploid gametes for further ploidy manipulation experiments.  相似文献   

王敏  陈福斌 《水利渔业》2004,24(2):41-42
选择0.48hm^2的1号塘为试验池塘,0.53hm^2的2号塘为对照塘,进行鱼种池套养泥鳅养殖试验。养殖9~10个月,1号塘总产2795kg,其中泥鳅770kg,总收入21942元。折合45712元/hm^2,纯收人15962元,折合33255元/hm^2;2号塘总产2424kg,总收入16713元,折合31348元/hm^2,纯收人10606元。折合19875元/hm^2。池塘常规养殖套养泥鳅可增加渔业产量,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

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