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A 21-year-old Dutch crossbred mare was presented with a 1-month history of weight loss and weakness. Clinical evaluation revealed severe anemia and thrombocytopenia with evidence of hepatic disease and muscular damage. Necropsy findings included diaphragmatic rupture with an extensive retroperitoneal hematoma and severe hepatosplenomegaly. Microscopic findings were characterized by hepatic sinusoidal and splenic red pulp infiltration by atypical CD3-positive lymphocytes. No other nodal or extranodal sites were affected. Hepatosplenic lymphoma with a probable T-cell origin was diagnosed based on gross and histologic findings.  相似文献   

Despite treatment with steroids, nodular areas of alopecia and erythematous skin lesions persisted in a 9-year-old Irish water spaniel with discoid lupus. Epitheliotropic lymphoma was diagnosed by skin biopsy.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old spayed female American Cocker Spaniel was presented for evaluation of a cough and weight loss. Physical exam revealed generalized lymphadenopathy. The patient was diagnosed with marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) on histopathology of an extirpated lymph node. This report demonstrates an unusual case of a pleomorphic neoplastic population documented on cytologic evaluation that had moncytoid features and peripheral blood involvement; a previously undocumented IgG1 monoclonal gammopathy was also an interesting feature of this canine MZL. The patient did not undergo chemotherapy for lymphoma and was euthanized over 4 years after the initial presentation.  相似文献   

Abstract: An 18-month-old male Doberman Pinscher was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the College of Veterinary Medicine for an erythemic nodular mass on the right forelimb. The mass was diagnosed as cutaneous lymphoma, based on cytologic examination of a mass aspirate and histopathology. Using immunohistochemistry the neoplastic cells were positive for CD3 but negative for CD79a, E-cadherin, and pancytokeratin, confirming their origin as T lymphocytes. No tumor recurrence was noted 18 months after surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a solitary nodular form of cutaneous lymphoma in a young dog.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old male Golden Retriever with swelling of the rostral bridge and right wing of the nasal areas, sneezing, and inspiratory difficulty was referred to a neighbor veterinarian. Except for those in the nasal area, no lesions were noted during routine physical examination. The mass occupying the nasal cavity was not observed radiographically. Punch biopsy of the affected lesions revealed nonepitheliotropic lymphoma. Immunohistochemical staining for CD3 antigen was positive. The dog was diagnosed with solitary nonepitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma. Local radiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy with doxorubicin were instituted and resulted in total clinical remission. The dog has remained disease free for 30 months.  相似文献   

Lymphoma in the left femoral nerve of a 10-year-old English Cocker Spaniel caused complete paralysis of the affected limb. Neoplastic cells were immunopositive for CD79a and Pax5 and negative for CD3. Neoplastic cells were in multiple lymph nodes and one kidney but spared bone marrow. The clinical and histologic features in this case resemble those of the rare human condition of neurolymphomatosis.  相似文献   

An unusual clinical presentation of lymphoma with vertebral involvement in a dog is reported. A 20-month-old intact female Golden Retriever presented with progressive paraparesis and anorexia. Complete blood count and serum biochemistry profile demonstrated pancytopenia and hypercalcemia. Ventral fusion of the lumbar vertebrae by new bony tissue deposition was evident on X-ray and CT scan. Fine needle aspiration revealed neoplastic lymphoid cells in lymph nodes and bone marrow. Histologically, vertebral bone and osteophytes, liver, bone marrow, kidney, and lymph nodes were diffusely infiltrated by neoplastic, lymphoid cells, with scant cytoplasm and round hyperchromatic nuclei. Polyostotic and medullary T-cell lymphoma with spondylosis was diagnosed. Lymphoma mainly affecting bone is uncommon in the dog. The present case differs from previously described polyostotic lymphomas in clinical signs of the disease, mainly attributable to spondylarthrosis. In addition, lymphomatous proliferation was associated with osteoproductive lesions of the vertebrae.  相似文献   

A 15-month-old dachshund was presented for examination because of a cough. Thoracic radiographs revealed the presence of a mass in the upper mediastinum. A diagnosis of γδ T-cell lymphoma was made by biopsy and flow cytometry analysis. The dog was treated with chemotherapy and remains asymptomatic after 24 months.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old, spayed female Alaskan malamute with a history of coccidioidal osteomyelitis was evaluated for inappetance and lethargy. Findings included generalized lymphadenopathy, pale mucous membranes, tachycardia, and labored breathing. Laboratory findings and radiographic imaging were consistent with generalized lymphoma and disseminated coccidioidomycosis. Treatment consisted of antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents, and antifungals.  相似文献   

A case of primary lymphoma of the prostate is reported in a nine-year-old crossbred dog. The lesion was treated with cytotoxic drugs, however, the dog was euthanased because of inadequate response. This is the first recorded case of primary prostatic lymphoma in the dog.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old, male castrated English springer spaniel was presented for muscle weakness, lethargy and anorexia while undergoing treatment of Stage IV lymphoma. Persistent hypokalemia prompted multiple diagnostic tests. Serum aldosterone levels, surgical exploration and histopathology confirmed primary hyperaldosteronism. Hyperaldosteronism is a rarely reported endocrinopathy in the dog. This report describes a case in which immunohistochemistry was utilized to confirm the diagnosis of an aldosterone-secreting tumour.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old, neutered male German shepherd dog was presented with perianal ulceration and fistulas. A clinical diagnosis of anal furunculosis was made, and the dog was treated with cyclosporine and ketoconazole. The perianal lesions resolved. However, after four weeks of therapy the dog developed multicentric lymphoma. Complete remission was achieved with combination chemotherapy (Wisconsin-Madison protocol). Cyclosporine administration is associated with an increased risk of development of lymphoma in humans and a similar increased risk might be expected in dogs. Although a causative relationship between cyclosporine administration and the development of lymphoma cannot be proven in this case, it is possible that cyclosporine therapy may have contributed to lymphomagenesis. As the use of cyclosporine in small animals is increasing, further work is required to substantiate and quantify the proposed increased risk.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old intact male mongrel dog with alopecia and weight loss was referred to the Veterinary Faculty of Naples. The dog had pale mucous membranes, enlarged prescapular lymph nodes, and splenomegaly. Laboratory abnormalities included anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hyperglobulinemia. Bone marrow aspirate smears contained numerous Leishmania amastigotes and an immunofluorescent antibody titer was strongly positive (1:1280) for leishmaniasis. The dog was treated with a combination of meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol for 60 days and showed clinical improvement. Two months after the end of treatment the dog was again referred because of relapse of leishmaniasis and the presence of a firm subcutaneous mass on the medial right thigh. Based on cytologic examination of fine needle aspirates of the mass, a diagnosis of large-cell lymphoma was made. Flow cytometry of tumor cells revealed gammadelta-T-cell lymphoma with a CD5+, CD3+, TCRgammadelta+, CD4-, CD8-, CD45RA+ immunophenotype. Using nested PCR, amastigotes were not detected in the neoplastic tissue. An association between leishmaniasis and hematopoietic tumors has been described rarely. gammadelta-T cells may be involved in the host response to this parasite, and prolonged antigenic stimulation and chronic immunosuppression (typical of leishmaniasis) play a crucial role in the etiopathogenesis of T-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

A middle-aged golden retriever presenting with exercise intolerance and multifocal cutaneous nodules was diagnosed as having non-epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma with concurrent myasthenia gravis. Treatment with corticosteroids induced short-term remission of the lymphoma and alleviation of myasthenic signs.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Labrador Retriever was examined because of progressive left hind limb lameness involving the stifle. A villous synovial mass was evacuated by synovectomy. Initially, the macroscopic and histopathologic features suggested a malignant fibrosarcomatous process; however, further histologic studies revealed lesions consistent with pigmented villonodular synovitis. Nine months later, the dog developed a large retroperitoneal tumor, with metastasis to the lungs and liver. The dog was then euthanatized. By histologic and electron microscopic examinations, the tumor was found to be a primitive plasmacytoid lymphoma.  相似文献   

Neoplastic angioendotheliomatosis was diagnosed in a nine-year-old, intact male German Shorthaired Pointer exhibiting progressive neurological signs over a six-month period. At necropsy, there was multifocal asymmetric, hemorrhagic necrosis within the cerebral hemispheres, centrum semiovale, caudate nucleus, and internal capsule. Histologically, there was extensive intravascular proliferation of pleomorphic mononuclear cells within the brain and multiple parenchymatous organs. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the absence of intercellular junctions between neoplastic cells. These cells were not attached to the vascular lining endothelium; Weibel-Palade bodies and a basement membrane were lacking. By indirect immunofluorescence, positive cytoplasmic staining of intravascular neoplastic cells for IgG was demonstrated. Peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique for Factor VIII related antigen was negative. As in man, this rare neoplastic disorder appears to be a lymphoma, apparently of the B cell line.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old Shetland Sheepdog was presented for exophthalmos caused by a locally extensive, poorly defined mass located behind the right eye. The primary orbital mass was identified by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry as a T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma (TCRBCL) composed predominantly of BLA.36-positive large neoplastic lymphoid cells admixed with fewer CD3- and CD79a-positive small lymphocytes. The dog was treated for lymphoma, but 6 months after presentation it was euthanatized for suspected hepatic and gastrointestinal metastasis. Gross findings revealed an enlarged liver with multiple well-demarcated, randomly distributed 0.1-1.5-cm white nodules, five firm white submucosal jejunal nodules, and ileocecal, mediastinal, and hilar lymphadenopathy. Metastatic liver lesions consisted of sheets of monomorphic large neoplastic lymphoid cells that effaced and expanded portal and centrilobular zones. These cells were morphologically similar to the large neoplastic cells of the original orbital tumor and were CD3-negative and variably BLA.36-positive, consistent with B-cell lineage. Similar cells comprised the jejunal nodules and effaced the lymph nodes. The progression of TCRBCL to a diffuse B-cell lymphoma in this case is consistent with reported human cases and has not been previously reported in the dog.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, 43-kg, spayed female rottweiler was presented for a 1-month history of progressive, left hind-limb lameness. Upon physical examination, a cranial drawer sign and joint distention were present in the left stifle. Radiographically, the stifle had evidence of effusion, remodeling of the patella, and an enlarged popliteal lymph node. Marked synovial thickening and an intact cranial cruciate ligament were noted during surgery. Despite finding a nonspecific, mixed inflammatory response on joint fluid cytopathology, histopathology demonstrated T-cell lymphoma of the synovium. Lameness may be the sole presenting clinical sign in canine lymphoma.  相似文献   

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