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We have studied the possibilities of manipulating N mineralization from high N vegetable crop residues by the addition of organic materials, with the aim of initially immobilizing the mineralized residue N with a view to stimulating remineralization at a later stage. Residues of leek (Allium porrum) were incubated with soil, alone and in combination with straw, two types of green waste compost (with contrasting C:N ratios) and tannic acid. Evolution of mineral N was monitored by destructive sampling. After 15 weeks, molasses was added to part of the samples in each treatment, and incubation continued for another 12 weeks. All materials added during the first incubation stage, except the low C:N compost, resulted in significant immobilization of the residue N. The immobilization with the high C:N compost (41.4 mg N kg−1 soil) was significantly larger than with tannic acid and straw (both immobilized about 26 mg N kg−1 soil). In the straw treatment, remineralization started in the first stage of incubation from day 50 onwards. The addition of molasses caused a strong and significant remineralization in the second stage (equivalent to 73% of the N initially immobilized) in the treatment with the high C:N ratio compost. In the case of tannic acid, there was no consistent effect on mineralization from addition of molasses. This was attributed to the fact that the immobilization observed was due to chemical rather than biological fixation of the residue N. A number of non-toxic organic wastes could be considered for use in mediating release of immobilized N from high N crop residue materials in an attempt to synchronize residue N availability with crop N demand.  相似文献   

The aim of this laboratory study was to investigate the effect of straw and vinasses on the nitrogen (N) mineralization-immobilization turnover of celery residues during two periods (each simulating a time period from autumn till spring) under laboratory conditions. During the first period (1-198 d), 15N-labelled celery residues (1.1 g dry matter (DM) kg−1 soil) were incubated together with straw (8.1 g DM kg−1 soil), aiming to immobilize the N released from celery residues, followed by an incorporation of vinasses (1.9 g DM kg−1 soil) after 84 d, with a view to remineralizing the immobilized celery-N. During the second period (198-380 d), the experimental set-up was repeated, except that non-labelled celery residues were used. Total N, mineral N and their 15N enrichments as well as microbial biomass N were determined at regular time intervals. During both periods, mixing celery residues with straw significantly increased microbial biomass N (90.5 and 40.5 mg N kg−1 extra compared to celery only treatment) and decreased the amount of mineral N (reduction of 56.1 and 45.9 mg N kg−1 soil compared to celery only treatment) and the celery-derived mineral 15N (0% of mineral celery-derived 15N in straw treatment compared to 35% of mineral celery-derived 15N in celery only treatment). After maximum immobilization, a natural remineralization (without addition of vinasses) of 32.2 (at day 198) and 11.1 mg N kg−1 soil (at day 380) occurred in the straw treatment, but the mineral N content remained significantly lower than in the celery only treatment during the complete experiment, and the amount of remineralized celery-15N was very low (5.4% of celery-derived 15N after 380 d). Vinasses caused no real priming effect, although it did slightly increase the amount of remineralized celery-15N (+6.4% of celery-derived 15N at day 380 compared to the straw treatment), probably due an apparent added N interaction caused by displacement reactions with the soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Conservation crop residue management increases soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, nutrient cycling and availability and improves soil quality. This study was conducted to evaluate the amount of residue biomass, residue carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio, residue carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), and residue N fertilizer deficit (supplemental N fertilizer requirement) from crop residue decomposition in long-term no-till production. Aboveground aged and fresh residues were collected in spring 2011 and fall 2012, respectively. Results showed slightly greater residue dry matter weight in aged residue than fresh residue. C:N ratios were wider in fresh residue than the aged residue. Both aged and fresh residue also showed wider C:N ratio in the corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation (66.6 and 64.4, respectively) and narrower C:N ratio in the spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-alfalfa-corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) (45.6 and 35.7, respectively). Individual fresh crop residues showed narrower C:N ratios for legume and cover crops than non-legume crops. Analysis of potential supplemental N fertilizer requirements showed greater potential N requirement for the fresh residue than the aged residue.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of tillage intensity on the N mineralization pattern of winter wheat residues, sugar beet residues, Italian ryegrass and maize residues undisturbed soil samples were taken from six sites under different tillage management. Site NTK had been managed for 10 years under reduced tillage (RT), whereby the last 4 years the crops were sown using direct seeding (NT). Site RTCSE had been managed for 20 years under reduced tillage (RT) and site RTH for 3 years. For each site under RT a nearby site under conventional tillage (CT) was selected (CTK, CTCSE and CTH). On site NTK and site RTCSE a significantly higher amount of SOC in the 0–10 cm was accumulated compared to the respective CT sites. Between site RTH and site CTH no such significant difference was found. However, the content of microbial biomass C (MB-C) and the β-glucosidase and urease activities were higher on all RT sites compared to the respective CT sites. This indicates that these microbiological and biochemical parameters seem to be very sensitive for alterations in management intensity. After 98 days, more N was immobilized under NTK than under CTK by adding winter wheat residues (expressed as kg ha−1 and as % of total added N). This higher immobilization potential can be explained by a higher microbial activity and a change in microbial population. Under RTCSE and RTH net N immobilization of the winter wheat residues was found, but the pattern was less pronounced than for NTK. However, when expressed as % of total N added, N immobilization of winter wheat residues was higher under CT than under RT, which indicates that high C:N residues when incorporated, decompose more slowly under RT than under CT. Similar results were found comparing the N mineralization pattern of maize residues under RTH and CTH. The residues of sugar beet and Italian ryegrass at site CTH released N more rapidly and to a higher extent, 74.1% and 66.2%, respectively (expressed as % of total N added) than under RTH at the end of the incubation. The slower mineralization of N rich crop residues under RT compared to CT means that there is less potential risk for nitrate leaching to occur, which may result in a higher N efficiency in RT compared to CT.  相似文献   

Organic residues play a vital role in maintaining soil fertility in arid and semi-arid regions. Knowledge of the nutrient release from organic residues will help in optimizing nutrient efficiency in agricultural crop production systems. This study was conducted to assess the continuous release of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) from eight different organic residues (sheep manure, beet, waste material, rape, poultry manure, sunflower, potato and garlic) using successive extractions with distilled water. The residues were shaken for 1 h and equilibrated for longer intervals (1, 3.5, 18, 42, 72, 192, 768, 1248, 1608, 1968 and 2328 h) with successive extractions. Cumulative nutrient release curves by different organic residues versus time showed an initial rapid phase followed by a slow phase. The average percentage of nutrients released and the average release rate of nutrients found using a power model was different and were in the order K > P > Ca > Mg and Ca > Mg > P > K, respectively. According to MINTEQ software, the partitioning of total P between HPO4 2? and H2PO4 ? is sensitive to the type of organic residue. On average (pooled over all extractions), between 13% (rape) to 40% (poultry) and 27% (poultry manure) to 79% (beet) of total P in aqueous solutions present as HPO4 2? and H2PO4 ?, respectively. Among the various organic residues and in the first stage of release, sunflower residue, beet residue, poultry manure and garlic residue had the highest rate constant for Ca, Mg, P and K, respectively, indicating the high potential availability of these nutrients in the early stage of application to soils.  相似文献   

The mineralization of sulfur (S) was investigated in a Vertisol and an Inceptisol amended with organic manures, green manures, and crop residues. Field‐moist soils amended with 10 g kg—1 of organic materials were mixed with glass beads, placed in pyrex leaching tubes, leached with 0.01 M CaCl2 to remove the mineral S and incubated at 30 °C. The leachates were collected every fortnight for 16 weeks and analyzed for SO4‐S. The amount of S mineralized in control and in manure‐amended soils was highest in the first week and decreased steadily thereafter. The total S mineralized in amended soils varied considerably depending on the type of organic materials incorporated and soil used. The cumulative amounts of S mineralized in amended soils ranged from 6.98 mg S (kg soil)—1 in Inceptisol amended with wheat straw to 34.38 mg S (kg soil)—1 in Vertisol amended with farmyard manure (FYM). Expressed as a percentage of the S added to soils, the S mineralized was higher in FYM treated soils (63.5 to 67.3 %) as compared to poultry manure amended soils (60.5 to 62.3 %). Similarly the percentage of S mineralization from subabul (Leucaena leucocephala) loppings was higher (53.6 to 55.5 %) than that from gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) loppings (50.3 to 51.1 %). Regression analysis clearly indicated the dependence of S mineralization on the C : S ratio of the organic materials added to soil. The addition of organic amendments resulted in net immobilization of S when the C : S ratio was above 290:1 in Vertisol and 349:1 in Inceptisol. The mineralizable S pool (So) and first‐order rate constant (k) varied considerably among the different types of organic materials added and soil. The So values of FYM treated soils were higher than in subabul, gliricidia, and poultry manure treated soils.  相似文献   

Abstract. A potential technique for reducing overwinter leaching from high N containing crop residues is to immobilize the N released during decomposition by co-incorporating materials of a wider C : N ratio. This article describes the use of laboratory incubation experiments to investigate the effects of a wide range of such amendment materials on the mineralization of N from sugar beet and brassica leaf residues in a sandy loam and a silt loam. These materials were of varying quality, with C : N ratio ranging from 15 : 1 to 520 : 1, and cellulose content from 0 to 34%. Amendments were added at a fixed rate of 3.5 mg C g−1 of dry soil, equivalent to around 10 t ha−1 C (to 20 cm depth). The soils were then incubated at 15°C, and net mineral N derived from the leaves was measured at regular intervals over 168 days. Net mineralization of residue N was greatest with molasses (C : N ratio of 18 : 1), whereas paper waste (C : N ratio of 520 : 1) reduced N mineralized by up to 90% compared with a soil-only control. As the concentration of cellulose and lignin in the amendment materials increased, so the amounts of N mineralized decreased, with 62 and 54% of variance in N mineralized explained by cellulose and lignin content, respectively. Reduced levels of mineral N were associated with higher levels of biomass-N. The levels of N2O-N lost from sugar beet residues on day 14 were significantly reduced from 66 to 5 g ha−1 where compactor (cardboard) waste had been mixed into sandy loam, but this effect was not observed in the silt loam. These techniques could lead to greater efficiency of N use in rotations through reduction in N losses, and provide alternative routes for disposal of wastes when the EC Landfill Directive is implemented.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of plant residues decomposition on N2O emission, laboratory incubations were carried out for a period of 21 days using urea and five plant residues with a wide range of C:N ratios from 8 to 118. Incorporation of plant residues enhanced N2O and CO2 emissions. The two gas fluxes were significantly correlated (R2=0.775, p<0.001). Cumulative emissions of N2O and CO2 were negatively correlated with the C:N ratio in plant residues (R2=0.783 and 0.986 for N2O, and 0.854 for CO2, respectively). A negative relationship between the N2O-N/NO3-N ratio and the C:N ratio was observed (R2=0.867) when residue plus urea was added. We calculated the changes in dissolved organic C (DOC) and the relevant changes in N2O emission. The incorporation of residues increased DOC when compared with the control, while the incorporation of residue plus urea decreased DOC. Cumulative emissions of N2O and CO2 were positively correlated with DOC concentration measured at the end of the incubation. In addition, the N2O emission fraction, defined as N2O-N emissions per unit N input, was not found to be a constant for either residue-N or urea-N amendment but dependent on C:N ratio when plant residue was incorporated.  相似文献   

Lignin plus cutin (LIC) content and biological stability index (BSI) are well-recognized indexes of potentially recalcitrant carbon (C) in organic products, and C / nitrogen (N) and lignin/N ratios have been related to potentially mineralizable N (PMN). Our objective was to use Fourier-transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy to estimate PMN and BSI of plant residues, composts, and manures. We also evaluated FT-NIR for determining the C/N, LIC/N, and BSI/N ratios as indexes of N mineralization in selected organic products. We analyzed 148 organic products for biochemical composition and total C and N. A subset of 10 products was incubated in a sandy soil to determine PMN. The FT-NIR successfully determined lignin and cutin (LIC) and BSI from r2, the ratio of prediction to standard deviation, and the ratio error range criteria. The PMN was less closely related to the C/N ratio (r2 = 0.64) than the BSI/N (r2 = 0.84) and LIC/N (r2 = 0.87) ratios. There was some N immobilization at an early stage of incubation when C/N, LIC/N, and BSI/N ratios exceeded 14, 10, and 15, respectively. There is a need to characterize a larger number of organic compounds in the soluble and LIC fractions to improve the BSI equation.  相似文献   

The impact of incorporated residues of winter oilseed rape, peas and oats on soil N availability and the risk of N leaching during autumn and winter in a northern climate is not clear. Therefore, the aim was to determine the influence of incorporated residues on net N mineralization–immobilization in topsoil during autumn and winter. A field experiment carried out at three sites in South Sweden provided soil samples and crop residues for an interpretive, in situ incubation study. Topsoil corresponding to a 7‐cm soil layer from each site used for the field experiment was incubated with and without aboveground residues under natural temperature conditions at a single field location. On the basis of the incubation study, we concluded that in the field experiment, soil N dynamics during autumn and winter trials were the combined outcome of net N mineralization in the topsoil fraction not affected by aboveground residues and net N immobilization in the fraction in contact with aboveground crop residues. In the absence of aboveground residues, the net rate of N mineralization during early autumn was similar after both oilseed rape and peas, but values were larger than that after oats. After incorporation, aboveground residues of winter oilseed rape and peas made no contribution to soil mineral N in late autumn and thus did not increase the risk of N losses during winter. In fact, the residues of oilseed rape, peas and oats reduced the amount of soil mineral N by 7–14 kg N/ha during the main drainage period (October–March). Therefore, incorporating chopped aboveground residues should be encouraged before sowing winter wheat after peas and winter oilseed rape.  相似文献   

【目的】土壤酸化是自然过程。随着农业集约化发展,土壤酸化在部分农田呈加速趋势,而施肥是目前农田土壤酸化加速的重要诱因,研究有机肥和化肥对土壤酸化的作用差异及机理,对合理指导施肥及耕地保育有重要的意义。【方法】通过测定不同施肥处理的不同组分有机质含量及酸碱缓冲容量,探明不同施肥处理的酸化影响,从土壤有机质和盐基累积角度对有机-无机肥料不同比例配施条件下土壤酸化特征进行了研究。【结果】① 连续5年在等氮量(N 270 kg/hm2)且有机-无机肥料不同配施比例的处理中,水稻产量以有机肥比例为25%~50%的处理最高,其平均产量比单施化肥处理提高了5.1%,比对照提高44.9%。但处理间无显著性差异;② 土壤各活性有机质及总有机质等指标中仅总有机质含量随鸡粪施用比例的增加而持续增加,不同比例有机无机肥配合施用后,土壤的高活性有机质及低活性有机质均高于CK和纯化肥氮处理,但随着有机肥投入比例的升高,除中活性有机质和水稻产量之间呈显著的正相关外(P=0.0067**),高活性有机质、活性有机质及总有机质含量与水稻产量之间的相关性不显著(对应的概率值分别为P=0.192,P=0.208,P=0.160);③ 施肥提高了土壤的碳库管理指数(CPMI),且其随有机肥施用比例的上升呈增加趋势。增施鸡粪提高土壤的交换性盐基离子(Ca2+、 Mg2+、 K+、 Na+)含量,导致阳离子代换量(CEC)和pH随鸡粪施用比例的提高而升高。供试土壤酸碱缓冲容量为2.07~2.36 cmol/kg,随鸡粪施用比例的上升而增加,其与土壤阳离子代换量及有机质含量呈显著正相关。表明增施鸡粪可使土壤pH及酸碱缓冲容量上升,与鸡粪使土壤盐基累积量及有机质含量的提高有关。【结论】连续有机-无机肥施用下,土壤pH上升和酸碱缓冲容量的提高可能与该试验点下盐基离子和有机质含量随鸡粪施用比例上升有关,但其最终上升幅度及平衡点尚需进一步研究。鸡粪氮替代化肥氮比例为25%~50%时,土壤性质最优,水稻产量最高。  相似文献   

外加碳、氮对黄绵土有机质矿化与激发效应的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用14C标记的葡萄糖和麦秸,15N标记的(NH4)2SO4和Ca(NO3)2对生黄绵土、菜园黄绵土土壤有机质的矿化与激发效应进行了研究。结果表明,外加有机质,特别是外加易分解的葡萄糖,和外加氮源,特别是外加(NH4)2SO4,对两种黄绵土土壤的有机质矿化与激发效应都有明显的促进作用,土壤有机质的矿化是高肥力菜园黄绵土高于低肥力生黄绵土,而有机质矿化的激发效应却是低肥力生黄绵土高于高肥力菜园黄绵土。外加有机质与外加N同时施入土壤时,外加N对外加有机质的矿化与激发效应同样有明显的促进作用,并发现外加有机质与外加N在促进土壤有机质矿化与激发效应过程中表现出正交互作用。激发效应对土壤肥力的更新和培养有积极作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of crop residues from winter oilseed rape on N2O emissions from a loamy soil and to determine the effect of different tillage practices on N2O fluxes. We therefore conducted a field experiment in which crop residues of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L., OSR) were replaced with 15N labelled OSR residues. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and 15N abundance in the N2O were determined for a period of 11 months after harvest of OSR and in the succeeding crop winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivated on a Haplic Luvisol in South Germany. Measurements were carried out with the closed chamber method in a treatment with conventional tillage (CT) and in a treatment with reduced soil tillage (RT). In both tillage treatments we also determined N2O fluxes in control plots where we completely removed the crop residues. High N2O fluxes occurred in a short period just after OSR residue replacement in fall and after N‐fertilization to winter wheat in the following spring. Although N2O emissions differed for distinct treatments and sub‐periods, cumulative N2O emissions over the whole investigation period (299 days) ranged between 1.7 kg and 2.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 with no significant treatment effects. More than half of the cumulative emissions occurred during the first eight weeks after OSR replacement, highlighting the importance of this post‐harvest period for annual N2O budgets of OSR. The contribution of residue N to the N2O emission was low and explained by the high C/N‐ratio fostering immobilization of mineral N. In total only 0.03% of the N2O‐N emitted in the conventional tillage treatment and 0.06% in the reduced tillage treatment stemmed directly from the crop residues. The 15N recovery in the treatments with crop residues was 62.8% (CT) and 75.1% (RT) with more than 97% of the recovered 15N in the top soil. Despite our measurements did not cover an entire year, the low contribution of the OSR residues to the direct N2O emissions shows, that the current IPCC tier 1 approach, which assumes an EF of 1%, strongly overestimated direct emissions from OSR crop residues. Furthermore, we could not observe any relationship between tillage and crop residues on N2O emission, only during the winter period were N2O emissions from reduced tillage significantly higher compared to conventional tillage. Annual N2O emission from RT and CT did not differ.  相似文献   

Laboratory indices (KCl extraction, thermal fractionation, pepsin extraction, C:N ratio and N mineralization) of organic materials were compared with plant availability of mineral-N produced from organic-N in a greenhouse experiment. Six types of organic materials [farmyard manure (FYM), pig manure (PG), poultry manure (PL), sewage sludge (SS), pressmud (PM) and compost (CP)] were compared with urea as a chemical reference fertilizer. Relative effectiveness of organic N (REo) was used to compare the fraction of N extracted with different N availability laboratory indices. REo values of organic materials ranged from 0.14 to 0.77 and decreased in the following order: PL > PG > SS > PM > CP > FYM. The KCl-extracted inorganic N, pepsin-extracted organic N and N mineralized during 42 days gave a positive relationship with REo, and the C:N ratio a negative relationship with REo. Among the different N availability laboratory indices, pepsin extraction of organic N, C:N ratio and N mineralization can be recommended for determining mineralizable organic N in organic materials. KCl-extracted inorganic N proved to be a useful index for organic materials having a low inorganic N fraction. Thermal fractionation did not provide a suitable index of plant-available N in organic materials.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the BSE crisis, alternatives for fertilizers derived from animal residues are being sought for use in organic horticulture. Grain legumes (milled seeds of pea, yellow lupine, and faba bean) and organic fertilizers of industrially processed plant and microbial residues (Maltaflor®‐spezial, Phytoperls®, Agrobiosol®, Rizi‐Korn) were investigated as to their suitability as a replacement fertilizer. With four soils, incubation studies were conducted to determine net N mineralization of the organic fertilizers, and pot experiments were used to measure the apparent N utilization by perennial ryegrass. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine simple fertilizer characteristics that describe their N release and (2) to compare the suitability of both experimental setups to predict fertilizer N release. At the end of all experiments, net N mineralization and apparent N utilization from Rizi‐Korn was highest compared to all the other organic fertilizers, while pea performed relatively poor. This differentiation between the fertilizers developed during the first 2 weeks. Nitrogen release from the organic fertilizers as described by net N mineralization or apparent N utilization was significantly related to the N content of the fertilizers. Different soils modified this relationship. Two industrially processed fertilizers (Phytoperls®, Agrobiosol®) could not be included into a generalized relationship because N release from these fertilizers was low compared to their N content. It is discussed that the quality of fertilizer C and N affected the N release from the fertilizers. Both experimental setups, incubation and pot experiments, were suitable to describe the release of plant‐available N from the organic fertilizers. However, N release of fertilizers with a low net N mineralization in the incubation experiments was underestimated compared to plant N uptake of ryegrass in the pot experiments. It is concluded that the N content of organic fertilizers indicates, but not predicts their N release.  相似文献   

The proportion of N from crop residues entering the light-fraction organic matter (LFOM) pool was investigated in soils with contrasting soil organic matter and microbial characteristics arising from different management histories. A laboratory experiment was conducted in which 15N-labelled sugar beet, Brussels sprout or ryegrass shoots, which possessed a range of C/N contents, and hence different biochemical qualities, were incorporated into a sandy–loam soil collected from within a field (FC) or from the field margin (FM). Amounts of C and N incorporated into LFOM were determined after 112 days. The FC and FM soils had organic C contents of 0.9% and 2.5%, respectively. Addition of crop residues increased total LFOM N content and reduced its C/N in FC soil but had no effect on total LFOM N or its C/N in FM soil. Ryegrass incorporation into FC was the only treatment in which there was a net increase in LFOM C. Isotopic analysis indicated that more crop-residue-derived N became incorporated into the LFOM N pool in FM relative to FC soil, with per cent crop residue N incorporated ranging from 25.9% to 35.3% in FC and between 38.9 and 68.5 in FM. Incorporation of crop residues had a positive priming effect on pre-existing LFOM N in FM but not FC soil. We conclude that the characteristics of plant material, together with differences in soil organic matter and microbiology resulting from contrasting management, determined the amount of crop residue C and N incorporated into both HFOM and LFOM.  相似文献   

Abstract. When over exploited and coupled with climatic conditions, tropical soils are subject to increased erosion and a loss of soil organic matter. Countermeasures include the incorporation of organic materials such as crop and animal residues. We studied the effect of adding crop residues and manure to soil, at five sites in Ethiopia, on carbohydrate properties, aggregate stability and the C and N distribution within water-stable aggregates. The effects of organic amendments varied between sites. The largest content of carbohydrates was obtained in the control treatment at Holeta, Ginchi (90 kg ha–1 mustard meal), Jimma (5 t ha–1 cow dung + 9 t ha–1 coffee husk), Awassa (forested soil), and Sirinka (soil alley-cropped with Leuceanae ). The aggregate stability of these soils was highly correlated with the OM content but not with carbohydrates. The smaller aggregates (<1.00 mm) accumulated more carbohydrates than the larger (>1.00 mm), thereby suggesting a protecting effect within the finer soil fractions. A protecting role played by humified OM components was also indicated by the C and N distribution as well as the C:N ratios which showed preferential accumulation in small rather than in large aggregates. The isotopic 13C-OC values of carbohydrate extracts were generally low, suggesting that OM was from plants with C3 photosynthetic pathways. Soil treatments with maize alone or combined with coffee husks at Jimma decreased the δ13C‰ values slightly, revealing that maize contributed a share of the labile OM. Despite the improvement in the soil OM content, neither the carbohydrate content nor the aggregate stability were increased to the level of the forested sites, suggesting that the additions of crop residues and manure were not alone sufficient to restore the soil physical quality.  相似文献   

For a long time, farmers in the red soil region of southern China have returned crop residues to the soil, but how various crop residues influence nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions is not well understood. We compared the influence of returning different crop residues [rapeseed cake (RC), maize straw, rice straw and wheat straw (WS)] in combination with different levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer (nil, low and high) on red soil N2O emissions. Results confirmed the inverse relationship between cumulative N2O emissions and residue C:N ratio in red soil under different levels of N fertilizer. However, N‐fertilizer application did not significantly influence N2O emissions in the WS (which had the highest C:N ratio) and corresponding control treatments, while it enhanced N2O emissions in the RC (which had the lowest C:N ratio) treatment and displayed significantly higher cumulative N2O emissions with low N fertilizer application. This phenomenon may be attributed to the poor nutrient content in red soil, which leads to ‘Liebig's Law of the Minimum’ on available C. N fertilizer application provided sufficient available N, while the readily available C, which was mainly dependent on the degradability of the residue, became the crucial factor influencing N2O emissions. Additional experiments, which showed that the addition of glucose and sucrose could increase N2O emissions when N () was sufficient, confirmed this hypothesis. Thus, to reduce N2O emissions when returning residues to red soil, we suggest that both the residue C:N ratio and the quality should be considered when deciding whether to apply N fertilizer.  相似文献   

The turnover of N derived from rhizodeposition of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and the effects of the rhizodeposition on the subsequent C and N turnover of its crop residues were investigated in an incubation experiment (168 days, 15 °C). A sandy loam soil for the experiment was either stored at 6 °C or planted with the respective grain legume in pots. Legumes were in situ 15N stem labelled during growth and visible roots were removed at maturity. The remaining plant-derived N in soil was defined as N rhizodeposition. In the experiment the turnover of C and N was compared in soils with and without previous growth of three legumes and with and without incorporation of crop residues. After 168 days, 21% (lupin), 26% (faba bean) and 27% (pea) of rhizodeposition N was mineralised in the treatments without crop residues. A smaller amount of 15–17% was present as microbial biomass and between 30 and 55% of mineralised rhizodeposition N was present as microbial residue pool, which consists of microbial exoenzymes, mucous substances and dead microbial biomass. The effect of rhizodeposition on the C and N turnover of crop residues was inconsistent. Rhizodeposition increased the crop residue C mineralisation only in the lupin treatment; a similar pattern was found for microbial C, whereas the microbial N was increased by rhizodeposition in all treatments. The recovery of residual 15N in the microbial and mineral N pool was similar between the treatments containing only labelled crop residues and labelled crop residues + labelled rhizodeposits. This indicates a similar decomposability of both rhizodeposition N and crop residue N and may be attributable to an immobilisation of both N sources (rhizodeposits and crop residues) as microbial residues and a subsequent remineralisation mainly from this pool.Abbreviations C or Ndec C or N decomposed from residues - C or Nmic microbial C or N - C or Nmicres microbial residue C or N - C or Nmin mineralised C or N - C or Ninput added C or N as crop residues and/or rhizodeposits - dfr derived from residues - dfR derived from rhizodeposition - Ndfr N derived from residues - NdfR N derived from rhizodeposition - Nloss losses of N derived from residues - SOM soil organic matter - WHC water holding capacity  相似文献   

A composting experiment was carried out to study changes in physical [color, odor, temperature, organic matter (OM) loss], chemical [C:N ratio, water-soluble organic carbon (Cw):organic N (Norg) ratio, NH4 +-N and NO3 ?-N, humic acid (HA):fulvic acid (FA) ratio, humification index (HI) and cation-exchange capacity (CEC):total organic carbon (TOC) ratio)] and biological [seed germination index (GI)] parameters to assess compost maturity and stability over a period of 150 days. Five composts were prepared using a mixture of different farm wastes with or without enrichment of N, rock phosphate (RP) and microorganism (MO) inoculation. All the composts appeared to change to a granular and dark grey color without foul odor, and attained a constant temperature with no measurable changes (ambient level) at 120 days of composting. Correlation analysis showed that the optimal values of the selected parameters for our experimental conditions are as follows: organic matter loss > 42%, C:N ratio < 15, HA:FA ratio > 1.9, HI > 30%, CEC:TOC ratio > 1.7 and Cw:Norg ratio < 0.55. Composts enriched with N + RP or N + RP + MO matured at 150 and 120 days, respectively, whereas composts without any enrichment or enrichment with N or RP + MO did not mature even at 150 days of composting.  相似文献   

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