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Antimicrobial usage (AMU) has been described to be high in pig production. Although farmers are aware of the high usage, little is known about intervention to improve the situation. This study evaluated the extent to which AMU could be reduced in pig production by the optimization of herd management, biosecurity status, vaccination strategy, anthelmintic therapy and advice on prudent AMU. Furthermore, the effects of these interventions on the herd production results were explored. This intervention study was conducted on 61 Flemish pig herds and included three visits per herd. During the initial visit, information was gathered on herd management, biosecurity status (quantified by means of the Biocheck.UGent? risk‐based scoring system), vaccination strategy, anthelmintic therapy and AMU. This info was then translated into a herd‐specific action plan which was discussed with the farmer and herd veterinarian/other advisors during the second visit. In the final herd visit (±8 months later), comparable data were obtained to evaluate the progress. Overall, a significant improvement of 2.4 points external and 7 points internal biosecurity on the herds was obtained, combined with additional vaccination, anthelmintic therapy and prudent AMU. This was accompanied by a significant reduction in the AMU with a decrease of 52% for the pigs from birth till slaughter and 32% for breeding animals, based on treatment incidences (TIs) and included an important reduction in the use of critically important antimicrobials. More importantly, the increased biosecurity levels and decreased AMU were combined with significantly improved technical results such as the number of weaned piglets per sow per year (+1.1), daily weight gain (+5.9 g/day) and mortality in the finisher period (?0.6%). Guided interventions as a team effort of farmer and herd veterinarian/other advisors have shown to be a promising method in the reduction of AMU in pig production.  相似文献   

中国地方猪种利用现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国地方猪种除作为杂交母本在商品生产中直接利用以外,近年来作为基本育种材料,导入不同比例的国外猪种血统,选育出一批瘦肉型新品系。新品系的选育和推广利用既促进了地方猪种资源的保护,也给保种工作带来了挑战。优质猪肉生产为未来地方猪种的利用提供了广阔的市场。  相似文献   

梅山猪和香猪Prop-1基因的初步比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prop-1基因编码一种影响垂体前叶发生的转录因子,在人和动物均已发现由于该基因突变而引起的综合性垂体功能障碍,进而影响生长和繁殖。梅山猪和香猪的繁殖力和生长性能差异非常显著,为了了解这些差异的遗传基础,对两种猪的Prop-1基因进行了测序和比较。梅山猪Prop-1基因第198密码子为TTG,编码亮氨酸,而香猪为GTG,编码缬氨酸,即两种猪的Prop-1基因产物不同;在Prop-1基因终止密码下游250bp左右有一个腺苷酸丰富区,梅山猪有14个腺苷酸串联,香猪有11个腺苷酸串联。上述结果为进一步研究梅山猪和香猪之间生产性能差异的遗传基础提供了新线索。  相似文献   

为了解新疆地区不同规模化猪场伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)野毒感染情况,采用ELISA对2016年4月-2017年12月来自67个不同规模化猪场的2 516份血清进行了PRV-gE抗体血清学调查。结果显示,血清总阳性率为34.02%,2016年和2017年阳性率分别为17.77%和39.52%;哺乳仔猪、保育猪、育肥猪、后备母猪、妊娠母猪、哺乳母猪、公猪总阳性率分别为26.07%、22.35%、35.38%、32.70%、33.13%、31.06%和31.71%;猪场总阳性率为82.09%,北疆、南疆和东疆猪场阳性率分别为78.57%、100.00%和100.00%。结果表明,2016年-2017年新疆地区猪群中PRV感染率明显上升,南疆与东疆地区阳性率显著高于北疆地区,各个阶段猪群阳性率均显著升高,母猪与公猪感染加重是伪狂犬病持续存在的重要原因,对其进行防控与净化刻不容缓。  相似文献   

为了解安徽省六安市猪预混料市场营销现状,并为生猪养殖户科学选择预混料以及预混料生产企业制定销售策略提供参考,通过电话调查和走访的方式,对该市生猪养殖场的猪预混料使用情况进行了调查。结果表明:随着猪场养殖年限的增加会提高预混料的使用率;对于不同养殖模式的生猪养殖场,以养殖育肥猪为主的猪场更愿意使用预混料;年出栏育肥猪数量的增加会提高预混料的使用率;合理的价格、稳定的质量、及时的供货以及优惠政策的制订,均有利于维持养殖户对预混料产品的忠诚度。根据调查结果,提出以下建议:预混料厂家应以兽药饲料经销商作为主要分销渠道,将以出售育肥猪为主业且规模较大、养殖时间较长的猪场列为重点目标客户,加强售后服务,同时配合灵活的销售政策,培育忠诚的客户群,不断提高产品的市场竞争力;猪场采购预混料时要选择品牌形象好、价格合理、质量稳定、服务良好的产品。  相似文献   

功能性寡糖在猪生产中应用的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对功能性寡糖的理化特性、分类、结构特点及主要作用机理进行了探讨,综述了近十年来功能性寡糖对猪生产影响的研究,分析了其在养猪业应用和研究中尚存在的问题,对功能性寡糖的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

现代化畜牧养殖面临全面禁抗的挑战,而植物提取物具有分布广、无残留和微量高效的特点,是极佳的抗生素替代品。连翘提取物具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗菌、抗过敏、抗应激和增强免疫力等功能,在猪和鸡生产中有广泛应用。连翘酯苷是连翘提取物的主要活性组分,但其作用机理有待进一步研究。本文集中探讨连翘酯苷的深层作用机理以及连翘在猪和鸡生产中的应用前景,为科学研究和畜牧生产提供可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

旨在估计山下黑猪和鲁莱黑猪正反交F1代杂种优势,筛选出合适的杂交方式,以提高优质肉猪的生产效率,满足人们对于优质猪肉的需求。本研究在山下黑猪(164头)和鲁莱黑猪(69头)及其正(6头山下黑猪♂×25头鲁莱黑猪♀)、反(3头鲁莱黑猪♂×35头山下黑猪♀)交4个群体中测定了生长肥育、体尺外貌(75~110 kg)、繁殖和胴体肉质(90~115 kg)4大类共43个性状,比较了这些性状在群体间的差异,并估计了正反交F1代的杂种优势。结果表明,山下黑猪的生长肥育和体尺性状较好,鲁莱黑猪的繁殖和肉质性状较好,正反交群体介于它们之间。正交群体的繁殖性能优于反交群体,但生长肥育性能比反交差。由于这4个群体的母猪都是纯种,因此繁殖性状没有表现出明显杂种优势。除膘厚、胸椎数、45 min pH和剪切力无显著的杂种优劣势外,大部分胴体性状和肉质性状有明显的杂种劣势。生长肥育性状的杂种优势在正反交群体中的表现不一致,反交群体表现出显著杂种优势,而正交则无明显的杂种优势。本研究估计了山下黑猪和鲁莱黑猪正反交的杂种优势,为筛选山下黑猪和鲁莱黑猪的最佳杂交方式奠定基础。  相似文献   

为了解广西地区近3年规模化猪场主要病毒性传染病的流行情况,应用PCR及RT-PCR方法对2015年-2017年广西的1648份疑似猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)、猪圆环病毒2型(PCV-2)、猪圆环病毒3型(PCV-3)、猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)和猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)感染的病料进行病原学检测。结果显示,CSFV、PRRSV、PRV、PCV-2、PCV-3、TGEV和PEDV的阳性率分别是2.06%(13/632)、14.43%(192/1331)、12.10%(88/727)、14.32%(132/922)、53.85%(42/78)、10.87%(20/184)和32.00%(72/225)。PRV、TGEV和PEDV的感染率呈逐年上升趋势,PCV-2的感染率呈逐年递减趋势。二重感染以PCV-2和其他病毒感染为主,其中PRRSV和PCV-2的二重感染率最高,平均感染率为2.93%。CSFV、PRRSV、PRV、PCV-2、PEDV的感染率在冬季比较高,分别为3.75%、23.86%、19.02%、27.73%和57.78%。检测结果表明,PRRSV和PCV-2是目前对广西规模化猪场危害较为严重的主要病毒性疫病。PCV-3作为一种新发现病毒,引起母猪皮炎肾病综合征与繁殖障碍和仔猪腹泻,对养猪业造成了一定的威胁。规模化猪场流行的腹泻性病毒主要是PEDV和TGEV。  相似文献   

对本实验室2011年受理检测的92个规模化和散养猪场猪瘟、口蹄疫等血清学监测和流行病学调查信息分析,结果表明,猪瘟平均免疫抗体合格率为76.86%,口蹄疫免疫抗体合格率为60.82%,猪伪狂犬病免疫抗体合格率为51.75%,猪繁殖与呼吸综合征免疫抗体合格率为55.52%。结合临床诊断及实验室检测,部分猪场存在胸膜肺炎放线杆菌、猪圆环病毒、链球菌、副猪嗜血杆菌等感染,胸膜肺炎放线杆菌抗体阳性率为48.10%,猪圆环病毒抗体阳性率为53.21%,链球菌抗体阳性率为48.89%,副猪嗜血杆菌抗体阳性率为25.58%。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is a natural colonizer of the urogenital mucosa of healthy females; however it is one of the pathogens associated to reproductive failures in cows and sows. A better knowledge about the characteristics of native E. coli will allow us to differentiate them from pathogenic strains. Ninety autochthonous isolates from the reproductive tract of sows and cows were characterized to determine the phylogenetic profile, antibiotic resistance and virulence factors; also, comparisons between different breeding systems were performed. Vaginal colonization of E. coli was statistically higher in cows (57.5%) than sows (23.8%), and most isolates belonged to the phylogenetic group A: 79.69 and 80.77%, respectively; moreover phylo-groups B1 (12.5 and 11.54%) and D (7.81 and 7.69%) were significantly lower; however, none was classified as B2. Positive associations between virulence factors and group D were found. Isolates with antimicrobial susceptibility were associated with group A and the MDR (Multiple Drug Resistance) was related to the porcine source. These results contribute to the knowledge of extra-intestinal E. coli populations; which could affect the reproductive performance of females.  相似文献   

A questionnaire-based survey was conducted in small-scale pig farms in the rain forest of the Colombian Pacific coast in order to study aspects of reproduction, nutrition and productivity. A total of 124 farmers was interviewed. They owned, on average, 13.6 pigs, including 2.3 sows, mainly of the Zungo breed. Pigs are reared in extensive systems and are allowed to wander freely in search of food. The sows produce, on average, 9.6 piglets/litter but, owing to poor sanitary conditions, 1.5 are born dead and only 6.3 are weaned alive. Two-thirds of the sows have five litters or more and the boars are also kept for a long time. This leads to high consanguinity rates within the herd and low productivity. Diets are based on maize, banana, tubers (taro, cassava) and fruits (peach palm, among others), and are rich in energy but poor in protein and minerals. The lack of protein and mineral sources appears to be the main limiting factor of these extensive production systems. Tree forages could partially solve the problem but are used by only 2% of the farmers. It is concluded that decreasing inbreeding, better piglet management and provision of balanced diets are areas that require immediate improvement.  相似文献   

规模化猪场仔猪腹泻的发病特点与防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
仔猪腹泻是猪场常见疾病之一,其病因复杂,常给猪场造成巨大的经济损失。2011年1月—4月,对安徽、河南和江苏3省12个基础母猪存栏数在400头以上的规模化猪场发生仔猪腹泻的情况进行调查,分析了这些猪场仔猪腹泻的发病特点,并对不同的防治方法进行总结,以供广大兽医工作者参考。  相似文献   

小梅山猪种质指标测定与杂交利用分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小梅山猪是我国优良的地方品种猪,纯种小梅山猪体型小而紧凑细致、繁殖力高、杂种优势明显,为了更好地保护与利用这一优秀种质资源,本试验对小梅山猪育种中心纯种小梅山猪的种质指标进行测定,并分析其杂交利用情况。结果表明:该猪场现有猪群的群体近交系数为0.1953,头胎平均总产仔数为(13.57±3.70)头,头胎平均产活仔数为(12.75±4.23)头;2胎及2胎以上平均总产仔数为(14.09±4.17)头,2胎及2胎以上平均产活仔数为(13.39±3.92)头,后肢畸形率为0.40%,黑脚为0.60%,杂毛为0.20%,驼背为1.40%;纯种小梅山猪日增重、饲料转化率、胴体瘦肉率分别为324.4g/d、4.01∶1、46.23%,而培育的长白×小梅山二元杂交猪和大约克×长白×小梅山三元杂交猪日增重、饲料转化率、胴体瘦肉率分别为553.7 g/d、3.31、53.33%和622.3g/d、3.18、57.83%。  相似文献   

近年来,消费者对于肉类食品的需求随着生活水平的提高而不断增加,全国生猪存栏量和出栏量都有所提高,畜牧兽医专业人才缺口越来越大。《猪生产与管理》作为畜牧兽医专业必修的核心课程,理论性与实践性都比较强,可以为养猪业提供重要的技术支撑。自非洲猪瘟在国内出现已有四年多时间,进入后非瘟时代,养猪企业依然面临很大的防疫压力,《猪生产与管理》课程相关实训内容需要的养猪实验场地无法在校内建设,课程教学急需改革,而虚拟仿真技术为教学带来新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

通过对青海省乐都县容生生态养殖场现状和原有规划的调查与分析,结合现有生产环境和资源条件,对其场区布局进行重新规划,并对其生产工艺和场房利用进行了设计和改进。结果显示,该猪场可以在科学设计、合理规划的基础上完成其原定目标,并在调整其发展重点后实现万头养殖规模。  相似文献   

文章对杜仲的活性成分、生理功能及其在养猪生产中的最新研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial-resistant (AR) enterococci have emerged as leading nosocomial pathogens. Transmission of AR Enterococci from animals to humans has been demonstrated. However, there is limited information on the transmission of enterococci from horses to humans. To address this issue, we characterized 260 enterococci isolated from horse-associated samples in Korea in 2013 based on their AR profiles and virulence traits. AR profiling revealed an average ratio of AR enterococci of 23.8%. Seven isolates (2.7%) were multidrug-resistant Enterococcus faecalis. Most tetracycline-resistant enterococci harbored either tetM or tetL or both genes; genes conferring resistance to other antimicrobials were detected at low rates. Biofilm formation and gelatinase activity were observed in 51.1% and 47.7% of isolates, respectively; most were E. faecalis harboring the gelE gene. Evidence of transmission of AR enterococci between horses and their environments was provided by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and highlights the risk of AR enterococcus transmission to horse riders and handlers through close contact.  相似文献   

甜菜碱对生长肥育猪胴体组成的影响及其机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甜菜碱是一种广泛存在于动植物体内的天然化合物,无毒、无害、无残留、无污染,性质稳定。在动物体内,甜菜碱是高效的甲基供体物质,参与蛋白质和脂肪代谢。日粮中添加甜菜碱可提高猪的生长性能、改善胴体组成和肉质。本文就甜菜碱对生长肥育猪胴体组成的影响及其机理研究作一综述。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to regain new epidemiology information about frequency, drug resistance rates, and typing of Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) isolates, obtained from some poultry and cattle farms, slaughterhouses, and people with diarrhea. In this regard, Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of several antibiotics and the associated antibiotic resistance genes, including tetO, tetA, cmeB, and blaOXA-61 were evaluated. The isolates were also typed, using the Fla-RFLP method. Generally, between 233 food animal samples, 80 (34.33%) C. jejuni were isolated. Moreover, 20 out of 74 (27%) human specimens suspected to infectious diarrhea were C. jejuni positive. High frequencies of resistance to tetracycline (100%), ciprofloxacin (95%), and nalidixic acid (86%), and low frequencies of resistance to florfenicol (0%), erythromycin (5%), and gentamicin (8%) were observed. Furthermore, in the tetracycline-resistant isolates, the existences of tetO, tetA, and cmeB were 86%, 23%, and 48%, respectively. There was a significant correlation between the cluster types obtained from Fla-RFLP method and antibiotic resistance pattern. The results suggested that the genomic link between Campylobacter spp. should be always evaluated in each country to provide an insight about the Campylobacter spp., spread in the region, in order to implement the health-controlling programs efficiently.  相似文献   

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