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Water dispersible clay (WDC) is a good indicator of the risk of soil erosion by water and the consequent losses of nutrients and contaminants in overland flow. We measured the content and studied the properties of WDC in 26 samples of calcareous Xeralfs, Xerepts and Xererts of southwestern Spain collected from fields under different crop and tillage management; the soils ranged widely in total clay content (60–455 g kg− 1), calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) (< 1–559 g kg− 1) and active calcium carbonate equivalent (ACCE; 2–135 g kg− 1), and were poor in organic carbon and soluble salts. The WDC content was determined by shaking 10 g of soil in 1 L of simulated rainwater for 4 hours. Non-carbonate WDC contents were found to be strongly correlated with the total clay content of the soils and ranged from 1 to 92 g kg− 1 soil (mean = 29 g kg− 1), the non-carbonate WDC/total clay ratio ranging from 0.01 to 0.29 (mean = 0.12). Based on regression analyses, illite was more dispersible than smectite and iron oxides decreased dispersion of clay. Carbonate WDC contents ranged from 1 to 27 g kg− 1 (mean = 8 g kg− 1) and were averaged one third the non-carbonate WDC contents; also, they were strongly correlated with the soil ACCE. WDC was rich in phosphorus (P) relative to the bulk soil. The enrichment ratio (ER) for total P (i.e. the ratio of total P in WDC to total P in soil) ranged from 0.2 to 29 (mean = 5) and was inversely related to the total clay content. On average, about one tenth of the soil total P was exported in the WDC and about one fifth of the total P in WDC was in the form of bicarbonate-extractable P (i.e. relatively soluble or ‘labile’ P). Part of the P in WDC seemingly occurred as metal phosphate particles formed by reaction of P fertilizers with soil. In summary, significant amounts of P can be exported via WDC, even though the proportion of total clay that is water dispersible is substantially lower in these soils than in cultivated soils of other semiarid regions.  相似文献   

Towada Ando soils consisted of five soils—Towada-a (1,000 years old), Towada-b (2,000 years old), Chuseri (4,000 years old), Nanbu (8,600 years old), and Ninokura soils (10,000 years Amorphous clay materials of these soils taken at different localities were studied by the combined use of selective dissolution and differential infrared spectroscopy, X-ray analysis, electron microscopy, etc.

The main clay minerals of Towada-a soils, present-day soils, were montmorillonite-vermic-ulite chloritic intergrades and opaline silica, or these minerals and allophane in the humus horizons, and allophane in the non-humus ones. Towada-b soils overlain by the Towada-a soils showed the clay mineralogical constituents similar to those of Towada-a soils. However, allophane was one of the main clay minerals in all the humus horizons as well as non-humus ones. The main clay minerals of Chuseri soils were allophane and layer silicates consisting chiefly of chloritic intergrades and chlorite in the humus horizons, and allophane in the non-humus ones. Opaline silica was present in minor amounts in the humus horizons of Chuseri soils, but nearly absent in Nanbu and Ninokura soils.

There were remarkable differences in the clay mineralogical composition of Nanbu and Ninokura soils with differences of their environmental conditions. Allophane and imogolite Were dominant in the clay fractions of both humus and non-humus horizons of very shallowly buried Nanbu soil which was subjected to the strong leaching process. Allophane was the main clay mineral of deeply buried Nanbu and Ninokura soils which showed the absence of notable accumulation of bases and silica. On the contrary, halloysite with a small amount of siliceous amorphous material appeared in very deeply buried Nanbu and Ninokura soils where bases and silica were distinctly accumulated. The amounts of halloysite in the clay fractions were larger in the humus horizons than non-humus ones, and in Ninokura soil than Nanbu soil.

Soil age, soil organic matter, and depositional overburden of tephras were observed to be conspicuous among various factors relating to the weathering of amorphous clay materials in Towada Ando soils.  相似文献   

The deeper horizons of soils developed on Keuper Marl (Worcester Series) often remain unsaturated during the winter, with corresponding high tensions, even when the surface layers are waterlogged. Re-wetting of the deeper layers is restricted because of the inherent low volume of coarse pores in the Bt horizon and because the small volume of desiccation cracks formed during the summer soon disappear on re-swelling. It is suggested that this unexpected water regime may not be uncommon in soils developed on clay-shale sediments and that the soil drainage (wetness) classes recognized in England and Wales may need to be modified.  相似文献   

Clay formation in soils was studied in four landscapes of different ages in Lanzarote (Canary Islands). Landscape IVB is about 250 years old, IVA subrecent, III early young pleistocene, and landscape I, late tertiary. The soils have developed from basic to ultrabasic pyroclastic fall deposits or basalt.Clay formation in soils of landscape IVB is in an initial stage having a clay content of 1–2 kg/m2, whereas in landscape IVA 30–40 kg/m2 and in landscape III 100–200 kg clay/m2 are accumulated. In polygenetic soils of landscape I more than 3000 kg clay/m2 can be found. In the youngest soils IVB, smectite is the most prominent clay mineral, whereas IVA-soils are dominated by “amorphous” clay. The clay fraction in older soils contains illite, smectite as well as kaolinite in smaller quantities.The chemical composition of the clay fraction of soils with different ages changes significantly according to the mineral composition.  相似文献   

Abstract. The leaching of salt from a restructured saline heavy montmorillonite clay soil was studied experimentally. Restructured clay was placed in a 25-m long ± 0.75-m deep polythene-lined trench and leaching studied under flood irrigation. The hydraulic conductivity of the soil always exceeded 25 m d-1 during the experiment, and 85 % of the salt was leached within 16 days, most being leached in the first 8 days. The results indicate that restructuring clay could make the drainage of heavy clay soils economically feasible.  相似文献   

Fine clay fractions of two soils and five geological materials including three formed in late Wisconsinan glacial rock flour were separated by decantation and centrifugation procedures. X-ray diffractograms (XRD) showed mica and chlorite as the main components. Pyrosulfate fusion which removed the phyllosilicates and iron oxides revealed presence of quartz and some feldspars. After dilute H2SiF6 treatment, blade-shaped, platy and sheroidal particles mainly of 0.2–0.1 μm size were observed by scanning electron microscope. Fine feldspars and quartz were found to be susceptible to the chemical treatments. On treatment with diluted H2SiF6 + HF + H3BO3, the crystallinity of fine quartz was considerably decreased as indicated by a very broad diffraction maximum at a spacing of about 4 Å.  相似文献   


We have shown that the traditional Kjeldahl method applied to clay soils of the Duero Basin (Spain) is not effective; so, it is necessary to add HC1 + HF to free trapped ammonium. This fixed ammonium has been measured by two methods which give significantly different results. The level of fixed ammonium in cultivated clay soils is relatively high (it ranges from 180 to 490 ppm). Fixed ammonium is significantly correlated to clay content and total inorganic nitrogen of the soil. A proposed method of analysis for total N is given.  相似文献   

Biomass burning produces a residue called black carbon (BC). Black C is generally considered to be highly resistant against biodegradation and has a potential role in the global C cycle, but is difficult to identify and quantify when subjected to prolonged degradation in terrestrial sediments. The colluvial soils from Campo Lameiro (NW Spain), also known as ‘Atlantic rankers’, are rich in organic matter (up to 140 g C kg?1 soil). A micromorphological study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that a large proportion of the organic matter was derived from BC formed during Holocene wildfires (up to > 6000 years ago). As roughly estimated from image analysis of 12 thin sections, the volumetric BC contribution ranged between 10 and 60% (26% on average) of the organic matter. This is a conservative estimate as additional morphologically unrecognizable BC was present in the microgranular matrix of coalesced excrement. We conclude that (i) currently unknown quantities of BC are stored in Atlantic rankers and (ii) analysis of thin sections is an effective tool to identify BC.  相似文献   

Andosols developed from non-volcanic materials in Galicia, NW Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A set of well-drained soils in Galicia, formed from gabbros, amphibolites and schists, with udic moisture and mesic temperature regimes, are studied. All but one of the surface horizons show an'exchange complex dominated by amorphous material'(ECDAM); consequently, most soils are classified as Andosols (FAO) or as different subgroups of Dystrandepts (Soil Taxonomy). The soils on gabbros and amphibolites frequently have'andic properties'so, following the ICOMAND proposals, five of the 12 soils studied may be characterized as Andisols. Many of the five soils have properties comparable to those of soils from volcanic areas, especially to those called'non-allophanic Andosols', which have an abundance of active-Al, mainly in the form of Al-humus complexes.  相似文献   

Two field experiments with drained plots on clay soils (60% and 25% clay) demonstrated a significant reduction in leaching of total phosphorus after application of structure lime. Aggregate stability was significantly improved. Phosphorus leaching in particulate form was significantly reduced following structure liming at the site with a very high clay content. Sites representing low (50 mg kg?1) and high (140 mg kg?1) levels of phosphorus extractable with acid ammonium lactate in topsoil displayed differing effects on leaching of dissolved reactive P (DRP). This form of phosphorus was only significantly reduced compared with the control at one site with high topsoil phosphorus status and relatively high (17–18%) degree of phosphorus saturation in the subsoil. Laboratory experiments with simulated rain events applied to topsoil lysimeters from the same site also demonstrated a significant reduction in leaching of DRP. These findings indicate that structure liming is an appropriate leaching mitigation measure on soils with both a high clay content and high soil phosphorus status.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic parameters of the enzymes catalase, dehydrogenase, casein-protease, α-N-benzoyl-l-argininamide (BAA)-protease, urease, Carboxymethyl (CM)-cellulase, invertase, β-glucosidase and arylsulphatase, were investigated in grassland soils from a European temperate-humid zone (Galicia, NW Spain). The effect of temperature on enzyme activity was determined at 5, 18, 27, 37, 57 and 70 °C. The temperature-dependence of the rate of substrate hydrolysis varied depending on the enzyme and soil. In general, the soil containing the least amount of organic matter (OM) showed the lowest enzyme activity for all temperatures and enzymes, whereas soils with similar OM contents showed similar levels of activity for the entire temperature range. Temperature had a noteworthy effect on the activity of oxidoreductases. Product formation in the reaction catalyzed by dehydrogenase increased with increasing temperature until 70 °C, which was attributed to chemical reduction of iodonitrotetrazolium violet (INT) at high temperatures. Catalase activity was not affected above 37 °C, which may be explained either by non-enzymatic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide or by the fact that catalase has reached kinetic perfection, and is therefore not saturated with substrate.The Arrhenius equation was used to determine the activation energy (Ea) and the temperature coefficient (Q10) for all enzymes. The values of Ea and Q10 for each enzyme differed among soils, although in general the differences were small, especially for those enzymes that act on substrates of low molecular weight. In terms of the values of Ea and Q10 and the differences established among soils, the results obtained for those enzymes that act on substrates of high molecular weight differed most from those corresponding to the other enzymes. Thus the lowest Ea and Q10 values corresponded to BAA-protease, and the highest values to CM-cellulase and casein-protease. Except for catalase in one of the soils, the values of Ea and Q10 for the oxidoreductases were similar to those of most of the hydrolases. In general, the effect of temperature appeared to be more dependent on the type of enzyme than on the characteristics of the soil.  相似文献   

采集湖南烟区4种主要成土母质的16个具有典型代表性土壤样品,分析各形态钾的含量与比例。结果表明:紫色板页岩发育的土壤钾素库容量大,但有效钾含量相对较低,说明土壤对有效钾的保持能力有限;石灰岩发育的土壤矿物钾数量较少,但非交换性钾和有效钾的含量相对较高;第四纪红土发育的土壤在钾容量和自身补给潜力有限的情况下,维持了较高的有效钾水平,这可能与钾肥的施用及土壤对有效钾的保持有着密切的关系。不同母质发育土壤交换性钾只有27%是有效性较高的非特殊吸附钾,这可能直接限制了土壤短期钾的供应强度。土壤钾素有效性因成土母质的不同具有一定的差异,石灰岩发育土壤钾素有效性最高,其次为板页岩、第四纪红土,紫色板页岩最低。  相似文献   

Four soil profiles were selected to represent the heavy clay soils of alluvial and lacustrine origin. The locations studied had been subsoiled at least once during the year before the investigation. Field observations and laboratory analyses were carried out to ascertain the subsoiling effect on the soil profile properties. For further confirmation, soil penetration tests were performed on material from all the sites studied. The data revealed that subsoiling is not to be recommended in the Vertisols or the heavy clay soils adjacent to the northern Delta lakes of Egypt because these soils develop abundant natural cracks of 3–5 cm in width and 50–70 cm in depth. There are no impervious layers in the top 60 cm of the soils in the study area, and there is no evidence of soil compaction throughout the top 70 cm in all the sites studied.  相似文献   

A number of soils are described in the literature as having andic and spodic soil properties, but have developed in nonvolcanic and nonallophanic materials and lack typical Podzol eluvial and illuvial horizons. They cover a wide range of parent materials and different types of climate. They have always been regarded as restricted to small areas. They were assigned to Andisols/Andosols, Podzols/Spodosols, or andic Inceptisols in the WRB and Soil Taxonomy and sometimes also named Cryptopodzols or Lockerbraunerden. Recent soil surveys in Bhutan, E Himalayas, show these soils are widespread at altitudes between 2200–3500 m asl and are spanning several bioclimatic zones. The aim of this study is the detailed characterization of specific properties and processes of formation by physical and chemical analyses, NMR spectroscopy, column experiments, SEM, XRD, and 14C dating in one of these soils in E central Bhutan. The results indicate advanced soil development with high amounts of oxidic Fe and Al compounds, low bulk densities (partly <0.5 g cm–3), P retention >85%, and a dominance of Al‐hydroxy‐interlayered phyllosilicates. Scanning electron microscopy of sand fractions indicate microaggregates highly resistant to dispersion. Column experiments show podzolization with mobilization and translocation of DOM, Fe, and Al. Nuclear‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy and 14C ages of 16,000 BP indicate stabilization of DOM. Applying classification criteria, these soils appear to have andic and spodic features, but are neither Andosols nor Podzols senso strictu. Especially the role of Fe seems to be underestimated with regard to the specific soil‐forming processes. Because of their widespread occurrence and distinct properties, we suggest either a simplification of the criteria for existing soil types or a clearly defined separation of volcanic and nonvolcanic/nonallophanic Andosols.  相似文献   

Retention of S04 2? was investigated in Galician soils throughout an intense regime of acidification. Experiments consisted of the addition of an H2SO4 solution (pH 2.7) to columns of 6 soils of contrasting properties over 1, 2, or 5 months. Leachates were obtained continuously throughout the experiment for analysis, and analysis made of the solid fractions after 1, 2 or 5 months. The greatest capacities for retention of S04 2? were found in soil developed from serpentine and micaschist; the lowest in soils from granite, slate and sandy sediments. The surface horizons, especially those rich in organic matter, displayed low retention of 5042-. The amount of S04 2? adsorbed throughout the experiment depended on the content of crystalline forms of Fe and with the Fe and Al extracted with dithionite-citrate.The low retention of S04 2? in the organic horizons and the slightly negative relation with the organic matter suggest an inhibitory effect of the organic matter on the S04 2? retention process. Results of the study show, that under conditions of moderate acidity, SO4 2? retention occurs in the form of adsorption; in strongly acidic conditions, the precipitation of aluminium-sulphate minerals may provide an additional retention mechanism.  相似文献   

Soil cracking is a well-known phenomenon, also seen in clay soils in the boreal climatic zone. This study was carried out to quantify soil shrinkage properties in six differently managed clay soils in Finland (Vertic Cambisols, 51% clay). Cylinder samples (100 cm3) were taken in spring from two depths (0–5 and 5–10 cm), then saturated with water and dried as a function of applied suction. The heights of the sample were measured after each drying step and the volume of soil was calculated assuming isotropic shrinkage. The volume loss by shrinkage at a suction of −50 kPa was 1.6–3.8% and the total shrinkage was 5.2–10.5% of the total soil volume, respectively. All shrinkage curves showed structural shrinkage which occurred in the matric potential range from saturation to around −6 kPa. The shrinkage curves were characterized by minor proportional and wide residual shrinkage zones. Eight of twelve sites showed a steeper shrinkage in the proportional shrinkage zone than the theoretical 1:1 line. Large slope values, up to 3.0, reflect the collapse of inter-aggregate pore space due to shrinkage pressure. The results indicate significant particle rearrangement and structural changes, e.g. structural collapse and changes in inter-aggregate pore space due to shrinkage pressure. Continuous water saturation and variable periods of freezing between spring and autumn are mostly responsible for soil weakness against increasing effective stress as soil dries. It is presumed that shrinkage behaviour will change substantially with increases in drying and wetting cycles.  相似文献   


The Ae, Bhf and Bf horizons of two podzolic soils from the Appalachian and Laurentian Highlands were treated with various reagents to remove the amorphous material prior to X‐ray diffraction analysis. Treatments were Na citrate, NaOH, Tiron, DCB and modified DCB, with a lower solid:liquid ratio. Samples treated with NaOH, Tiron and DCB were subsequently extracted with citrate. The latter extraction was necessary to remove Fe2O3 and SiO2 that was not solubilized in the first treatment. The effectiveness of the reagents to extract SiO2, Al203 and Fe2O3 decreased in the following order:

DCB 1:1 > Tiron = DCB > citrate > NaOH

The total weight loss of the samples represented about 1.8 times the sum of the oxides and reached up to 70% of the Laurentian Bf sample. Organic matter accounted for a part of the weight loss and its removal was more complete in the less crystalline samples of the Laurentian profile. Tiron was the best reagent to improve the X‐ray diffraction patterns, closely followed by DCB 1:1 treatment.

Removal of amorphous material and organic matter resulted in a decrease of the cation exchange capacity of the clay fraction, from a maximum of 73.5 meq / 100 g in the Laurentian profile to a minimum of 3.2 meq / 100 g in the Appalachian profile.

The results suggested that in the Laurentian profile, very poorly crystallized minerals possibly contributed to a part of the extracted material.  相似文献   

The release of non-exchangeable potassium from 24 calcareous soils of divergent mineralogy, from southern Iran, was examined. Sand, silt and clay particles were fractionated after dispersion with an ultrasonic probe. Samples were extracted with 0.01 M CaCl2 for 30 successive 2-h periods. The clay fraction released the largest amount of K in each soil. Cumulative K released ranged from 175 to 723, 35 to 128, and 71 to 146 mg kg?1 contributing 20–90, 4–39 and 2–54% for clay, silt and sand fractions, respectively. The lower proportion of K released from sand and silt fractions can be explained by the presence of a high content of CaCO3 and quartz in these fractions. The release kinetics for the non-exchangeable K data showed that parabolic diffusion and power function were the best fitting kinetic models. This indicated that slow diffusion of K from the mica interlayer positions is the main rate-controlling process. Cumulative K released and constant b values of parabolic diffusion model correlated significantly with the mica content of the clay fraction.  相似文献   

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