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杀手瓦螨严重危害蜜蜂,不仅使寄生的蜜蜂体重减轻、缩短寿命,还传播病菌和病毒。蜜蜂有多种抗螨机制,以抑制瓦螨繁殖为目标的抗螨育种,可以增强蜜蜂的抗螨力。  相似文献   

本介绍了澳大利亚安德森(Denis L.Anderson)等人对蜜蜂瓦螨分类学和繁殖生物学方面的最新研究成果,以及本课题组对中国蜜蜂瓦螨的相关研究结果。提出将我国“大蜂螨”的学名从“雅氏瓦螨”改为“狄斯瓦螨”。  相似文献   

黄文诚 《中国蜂业》2002,53(5):44-45
20世纪初 ,雅各布森在印度尼西亚爪哇本地的东方蜜蜂采集到一种螨 ,他将它们送到荷兰。以后奥德门鉴定它为一个新种 ,定名为雅氏瓦螨 (Varroajacob soniOudeman 1 90 4)。雅氏瓦螨的分布很广 ,亚洲东方蜜蜂分布地区都有它们的踪迹。大约在 5 0年前 ,瓦螨转移到西方蜜蜂 ,使亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美及南美的西方蜜蜂都受到感染 ,对世界养蜂业造成了巨大损失。德尔芬纳多 贝克和霍克 (1 989)采用多变量形态测定技术 ,发现雅氏瓦螨的不同种群在形态上有些差别 ,尤其在体格大小上。一般说来 ,寄生在东方蜜蜂的瓦螨比寄生在…  相似文献   

蜜蜂具有几种抗螨机制 ,其中之一是使瓦螨的生殖受到抑制 ,通过育种可选育出不生殖瓦螨百分率高的抗螨蜂种  相似文献   

蜜蜂的抗螨机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂的抗螨机理中国养蜂学会(北京香山卧佛寺西侧:100093)黄立诚雅氏瓦螨(简称瓦螨),俗称大蜂螨,自本世纪5o年代由原寄主东方蜜蜂传入西方蜜蜂以来,除大洋洲的澳大利亚和新西兰尚未发现以外,瓦螨已经由亚洲传播到欧洲、非洲和南北美洲,对西方蜜蜂造成了...  相似文献   

本文综述了全世界12种蜜蜂外寄生螨及1种附生螨的分类地位、形态和危害特点,报道了2002年恩氏瓦螨在中国云南省中华蜜蜂雄蜂房中的首次发现.  相似文献   

介绍 一直到20世纪末,瓦螨属(Aarroa)已确定的有3种高度分化的蜜蜂专性体表寄生螨类,它们靠吸食蜜蜂的血淋巴生活.  相似文献   

(接上期 )据此可以认为 ,寄生于西双版纳中华蜜蜂上的瓦螨与西方蜜蜂瓦螨 (应称为狄斯瓦螨 )完全可能是在遗传学上具有相对独立地位的 2个种类 (基因型 ) ,并保持着遗传隔离。由于云南中蜂瓦螨不能在西方蜜蜂的雄蜂房和工蜂房中繁殖 ,因此 ,西方蜜蜂狄斯瓦螨并非来源于该地的中华蜜蜂瓦螨。而中蜂早就与云南中蜂建立起寄生关系 ,也决非传染自后来引进的西方蜜蜂。在我国辽阔的地域和多样的自然生态条件下 ,以中华蜜蜂不同亚种和地理宗作为其原始寄主的瓦螨 ,其自然种系和基因型的构成和划分 ,与西方蜜蜂的寄主转换关系 ,尚需通过随后的mt…  相似文献   

抗瓦螨育种中国农科院蜜蜂研究所黄文诚雅氏瓦螨(简称瓦螨),俗称大蜂螨,自本世纪50年代,由原寄主东方蜜传入西方蜜蜂以来,除大洋洲尚未发现以外,已经传遍亚洲、欧洲、非洲和南北美洲,对西方蜜蜂造成了很大损失。近年来,许多国家都在探讨选育抗瓦螨的蜂种。基于...  相似文献   

<正>狄氏瓦螨(Varroa destructor)会引起蜜蜂的一种体外寄生虫病,主要危害成年蜂,也危害蜜蜂幼虫。国际兽医局(OIE)将其列为B类疫病。一、生物学特性狄氏瓦螨又称"大蜂螨",属寄螨目瓦螨科,是蜜蜂的体外寄生螨之一。瓦螨发育周期经过卵、幼螨、前期若螨、后期若螨、成螨5个不同虫态。雌螨  相似文献   

狄氏瓦螨(Varroa destructor)的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狄氏瓦螨(Varroa destructor)是严重危害西方蜜蜂(Apismellifera)的一种寄生螨,近几年对狄氏瓦螨的研究有了新的进展,本文就血统进化、生理机制、携带病原菌和最新的防治方法等领域作一综述。  相似文献   

瓦螨(V arroa)为分布于亚洲东方蜜蜂及全世界西方蜜蜂的自然外寄生螨类,严重危害世界养蜂业。本文介绍了瓦螨的分类地位,形态学及遗传学的分类方法和结果。记录了我国瓦螨分类分布的研究进展。并讨论了瓦螨分类学研究的意义,存在的问题以及对将来研究工作的展望。  相似文献   

香精油抗蜂螨作用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香精油及其组分具有显著的抗螨效果。萜类化合物(主要是单萜)是香精油的主要成分。占总量的90%左右。研究者通过筛选试验测定了多种香精油及其一些组分的抗螨能力。大部分表现出良好的抗螨效果。但只有少部分在蜂群试验中表现出强抗螨能力。因此,有必要对此作进一步的研究。以达到最优化目标。同时联合其它防治手段,建立一套全面的害虫防治策略,实现蜂螨的最终控制。  相似文献   

We describe the spatial epidemiology of Varroa destructor infestation among honey bee apiaries in the greater Auckland area of the North Island of New Zealand. The study population was comprised of 641 apiaries located within the boundaries of the study area on 11 April 2000. Cases were those members of the study population declared Varroa-infested on the basis of testing conducted between April and June 2000. The odds of Varroa was highest in apiaries in the area surrounding transport and storage facilities in the vicinity of Auckland International Airport. A mixed-effects geostatistical model, accounting for spatial extra-binomial variation in Varroa prevalence, showed a 17% reduction in the odds of an apiary being Varroa infested for each kilometre increase in the squared distance from the likely site of incursion (95% Bayesian credible interval 7–28%). The pattern of spatially autocorrelated risk that remained after controlling for the effect of distance from the likely incursion site identified areas thought to be ‘secondary’ foci of Varroa infestation initiated by beekeeper-assisted movement of infested bees. Targeted investigations within these identified areas indicated that the maximum rate of local spread of Varroa was in the order of 12 km/year (interquartile range 10–15 km/year).  相似文献   

AIM: To use a simulation model of the spread of the Asian honeybee mite (Varroa destructor) amongst apiaries, to evaluate a series of detection surveillance programmes for the South Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: Five potential incursion sites into the South Island were selected. A stochastic spatial simulation model, Varroa_sim, was adapted to simulate spread of the mite from these sites as a series of silent-phase propagating epidemics. The study population comprised all apiaries in the South Island registered in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's (MAF's) apiary database in 2003. Six different surveillance programmes were simulated to try and detect the mite. Three of these were the actual multi-stage sampling plans conducted during the autumn (March–May) of 2001, 2002 and 2003, and the other three involved simple random sampling with sampling fractions equivalent to the actual numbers of apiaries tested in each of those years. The relative performances of the different surveillance plans were evaluated in terms of their ability to detect the mite early before it had spread too far and whilst there might still be a chance of eradication.

RESULTS: There were 13,798 registered apiaries in the South Island with valid map coordinates in the apiary database at the time of the study. The model generated 50 epidemics against which the various surveillance programmes were evaluated. The actual surveillance programmes conducted during the autumn of 2001 and 2002 generally performed fairly well in detecting the mite. The programme conducted in autumn 2003 detected the mite reasonably well in high-risk areas, but was very poor in low-risk areas. The simple random sampling strategies performed surprisingly well, and their relative rankings were proportional to the sampling fractions employed.

CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the value in using a spatial simulation model to generate plausible silent-phase epidemics, against which detection surveillance programmes could be evaluated, in ways that would otherwise not be possible.  相似文献   

开发新的抗螨药物势在必行,而香精油及其组分具有显著的抑螨效果。百里酚(香精油的一种主要组分)及其一些组分,在实验室试验中其杀螨率一般都超过90%,而且对蜜蜂危害小,长期使用后在蜂蜜中的残留量很低,但要应用于养蜂生产,还有许多工作要做。对香精油在蜂群抗螨中的应用情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

狄斯瓦螨是蜜蜂的一种外寄生螨,它的原始寄主是东方蜜蜂,在经过寄主转移后,成为危害世界养蜂业最大的病虫害。目前化学杀螨剂以其高效、方便的优点被人们广泛应用,但药物残留和抗药性等弊端越来越突出。因此,通过深入对狄斯瓦螨的危害、分类及生物学特性等方面的基础研究,加快开发各种生物防治技术是十分必要的。本文就瓦螨的分类地位、生物学特性及雄蜂脾诱杀、撒糖粉和真菌三个重要的生物防治方法的研究进展进行了简要介绍,并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

对卫鹏制药有限公司2007年新出产的北方专用型螨扑进行了防治效果、药效期、伤蜂情况和氟胺氰菊酯在蜂蜜中残留的测试,测试结果显示:卫鹏北方专用型螨扑防治效果平均达到88.1%(79.8%~93.4%);防治期间,平均每天伤蜂13.2只,属于适度伤蜂程度;螨扑药效期为24天(23~26天)使用后蜂蜜中氟胺氰菊酯残留量为0.03~0.05 mg/kg.  相似文献   

We describe the spatial epidemiology of Varroa destructor infestation among honey bee apiaries in the greater Auckland area of the North Island of New Zealand. The study population was comprised of 641 apiaries located within the boundaries of the study area on 11 April 2000. Cases were those members of the study population declared Varroa-infested on the basis of testing conducted between April and June 2000. The odds of Varroa was highest in apiaries in the area surrounding transport and storage facilities in the vicinity of Auckland International Airport. A mixed-effects geostatistical model, accounting for spatial extra-binomial variation in Varroa prevalence, showed a 17% reduction in the odds of an apiary being Varroa infested for each kilometre increase in the squared distance from the likely site of incursion (95% Bayesian credible interval 7–28%). The pattern of spatially autocorrelated risk that remained after controlling for the effect of distance from the likely incursion site identified areas thought to be ‘secondary’ foci of Varroa infestation initiated by beekeeper-assisted movement of infested bees. Targeted investigations within these identified areas indicated that the maximum rate of local spread of Varroa was in the order of 12 km/year (interquartile range 10–15 km/year).  相似文献   

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