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为了研究沙地不同植被类型土壤水分分布特征,深入揭示沙地植被与水分之间的关系,文中选取红石峡4种典型植被类型樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica Litv.)、紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa Linn.)、柠条(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)和草地为研究对象,运用单因素方差法比较各样地间土壤水分差异性。结果表明:研究区土壤含水量平均值介于2.34~3.70%;土壤蓄水量不足60mm,处于较低水平。在0~100cm土层范围内,土壤含水量和蓄水量均表现为樟子松林地最高,紫穗槐林地最低,不同植被类型间存在显著差异(P<0.05);各林地土壤水分变异程度在紫穗槐林表现为最大。合理的林草空间搭配更有利于沙地土壤水分的保持。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地的脆弱性与可持续发展研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
运用可持续发展理论 ,分析研究毛乌素沙地的脆弱性特征 ,提出了可持续发展战略措施。该区气候暖干化 ,气候灾害频繁 ,水资源短缺 ,沙漠化严重 ,粮食生产波动性大 ,经济发展也呈波动性变化。通过实施生态脱贫战略 ,因地制宜地对防治沙漠化 ,改善生态环境和发展生态经济 ,采取切实有效的措施 ,使生态建设与脱贫致富和经济开发同步进行 ,逐步实现该区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了探究毛乌素沙地不同植被类型下地表藓类结皮对土壤物理性质影响,文中以3种典型林分(小叶杨、沙柳、沙蒿)内藓类结皮下0~30cm 土壤为研究对象,以无藓类结皮样地为对照(CK),对不同林分藓类结皮下土壤粒径组成、土壤含水量和土壤容重的进行测定.结果表明:1)与CK相比,3种典型林分藓类结皮下的土壤粒径组成出现明显细化现...  相似文献   

以毛乌素沙地中间锦鸡儿(Caragana intermedia)为研究对象,采用株高和冠幅参数及其组合为自变量,分别构建了其枝条、叶、地上部分、根和整株生物量预测模型。通过综合分析各预测模型的判定系数、回归检验显著水平、总相对误差和平均相对误差绝对值等指标,筛选出中间锦鸡儿最佳生物量估测模型,且以幂函数为主。枝条生物量WB=1.054H3.124,叶生物量WL=0.096e0.496HC,地上生物量WA=1.339H2.989,根生物量WR=1.302H2.368,总生物量WT=0.159e2.685H。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地天然臭柏灌丛地的土壤特性   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
采用样方调查法对毛乌素沙地天然臭柏灌丛地土壤特性调查结果表明 :臭柏灌丛地土壤水分、有机质、全氮、速效钾和碱解氮等养分资源分布具有空间异质性。在臭柏灌丛地(覆盖度 70 %~ 85 % ) 0~ 5 cm的土层 ,聚集了较多的中细粒子 ( 0 .2 5~ 0 .0 2 cm) ,平均含量为68.9% ,比油蒿覆盖区 (覆盖度 40 %~ 5 5 % )高 9% ,并随土层深度的加深 ,其含量降低。水分、有机质、全氮、速效钾和碱解氮等养分含量的分布 ,存在明显的“沃岛”现象。在 0~ 1 0 0 cm的土层范围内 ,臭柏灌丛地 60 %以上的土样含水率为 1 %~ 2 % ,变异系数高达 1 1 3%。土层深度 <2 0 cm时 ,臭柏灌丛土壤含水率由灌丛内向灌丛外逐渐减少 ,当土层 >2 0 cm时 ,则正好相反。70 %的土样速效磷含量 <2 mg/kg,除速效磷之外 ,土壤中的有机质、全氮、速效钾、碱解氮等在臭柏灌丛下 0~ 2 0 cm的土层内相对富集。在 0~ 1 0 0 cm的土层内 ,有机质的变异系数为 96.3% ,全氮为 1 0 1 .4% ,碱解氮为 80 .6% ,速效钾为 88.4%。臭柏灌丛地土壤特性的空间异质性 ,是生物和物理过程共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)是毛乌素沙地分布最广的沙生植被,具有适应干旱环境的生态-生物学特征,是毛乌素沙地最主要的建群种之一,研究油蒿群落不同演替阶段的物种多样性特征,对沙地退化生态系统的恢复和生物多样性保护具有重要意义.通过野外调查,以物种重要值信息为指标,采用TWINSPAN数量分类方法,将油蒿群...  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地不同土地利用类型的土壤粒度及有机质特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在毛乌素沙地选择半固定沙丘地、留茬地、翻耕地及草地4种土地利用类型,采集土壤表层(0~5 cm)和亚表层(5~10 cm)实验样品,测试并分析粒度和有机质的含量变化及其二者之间的相关性。结果表明:①留茬地、翻耕地和草地的优势粒级为粉粒(0.002~0.05 mm)。表层土壤粉粒含量草地(61.06%)>留茬地(53.09%)>翻耕地(48.28%);亚表层为草地(61.25%)>翻耕地(49.43%)>留茬地(48.42%)。半固定沙丘地的优势粒级为细砂(0.1~0.25 mm)。其表层含量52.69%,亚表层含量54.53%。② 土壤有机质含量,表层草地(18.75 g·kg-1)>翻耕地(12.53 g·kg-1)>留茬地(11.25 g·kg-1)>半固定沙丘地(8.13g·kg-1);亚表层草地(13.36 g·kg-1)>留茬地(13.05 g·kg-1)>翻耕地(12.67 g·kg-1)>半固定沙丘地(7.73g·kg-1)。③ 土壤粒度与有机质的相关性表现为留茬地、半固定沙丘地的有机质与粉粒呈显著正相关,翻耕地有机质与中砂、细砂呈正相关,反映了翻耕地土壤有机质不稳定且易受其他因素影响。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地南缘不同林龄人工柠条林土壤渗透性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨不同林龄人工柠条林对土壤渗透性能的影响,以天然草地为对照,以土壤初渗速率,稳渗速率,平均渗透速率和渗透总量表征土壤渗透性,运用主成分分析及散点聚类法对毛乌素沙地南缘不同林龄人工柠条(Caragana korshinkii)林地土壤渗透性进行了研究。结果表明:不同林龄人工柠条林地土壤渗透性能大小依次为:15a>24a>36a>天然草地(CK)。即随着人工柠条林林龄的增加,其土壤渗透性能力逐渐减弱,对照天然草地的土壤渗透能力最小。不同林龄人工柠条林地土壤入渗过程回归模拟结果表明:土壤水分入渗过程符合Kostiakov模型,相关系数在0.8003~0.9535之间,且F检验均达到极显著水平。Kostiakov模型是比较适用于干旱、半干旱区的人工柠条林地土壤入渗特征的模型。。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地的气候对全球气候变化的响应研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文利用毛乌素沙地 8个气象站近 30年的气候资料 ,运用Excel分析了该区在全球气候变化背景下的气候变化特点及其时空分布特征。近 30年来毛乌素沙地气候呈现暖干化趋势 ,气温升高且其波动性增大 ,降水量减少且其稳定性增强。该区的气候变化与全球气候变化趋势基本一致 ,增温更显著 ,干旱化趋势不太明显 ,且其气温和降水量的变化存在明显的区内差异。  相似文献   

水分入渗是土壤水分循环的重要环节。为探明毛乌素沙地生物结皮覆盖沙区水分入渗特征及其影响因素,采用双环法测定不同类型地表(裸沙、浅灰色藻类结皮、黑褐色藻类结皮和藓类结皮,依次用BS、LC、DC和MC表示)水分入渗速率及其土壤理化性质。结果表明:1与BS相比,LC、DC和MC样地初始入渗率分别减少了37.7%、59.2%和73.6%,稳定前平均入渗率分别减少了37.5%、62.2%和81.3%,稳定入渗率分别减少了13.6%、67.4%和78.9%,累计入渗量分别减少了25.8%、61.3%和78.6%。2不同类型地表达到稳定入渗所需的时间在3~8 min;相关性分析结果显示,水分入渗速率与砂粒和土壤容重呈正相关关系,与粉粒、黏粒、结皮厚度、结皮抗剪强度、结皮层容重和有机碳含量呈负相关关系。3主成分分析结果表明,黏粒、结皮抗剪强度和土壤容重是影响该地区水分入渗速率的主要因子。因此,生物结皮在沙丘表面的形成和发育过程中,通过改变土壤的理化性质,减缓了该地区水分入渗速率,增加了降水的径流流失风险。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群年龄结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以毛乌素沙地天然臭柏(Sabina vulgaris)种群为研究对象,按水分、地形等立地条件变化,将臭柏种群划分为滩地、沙丘底部、沙丘坡面和沙丘顶部4种生境类型进行实地调查,分析种群的年龄结构及其动态。运用WinDENDRO~(TM)年轮分析系统确定种群个体年龄,建立幼龄个体和成过熟个体的地径与年龄的回归方程,用以推算样地内所有个体的年龄。结果表明:滩地和沙丘底部生境下的臭柏种群10年以下幼龄植株占94%以上,其年龄结构图表现为金字塔型,属扩展种群;沙丘坡面生境下的臭柏种群以21~30年中龄植株为主,年龄结构表现为圆锥型,属稳定种群;沙丘顶部生境下的臭柏种群以51~60年成熟或老龄植株为主,年龄结构表现为倒金字塔型,属衰退种群。  相似文献   

Groundwater is a significant component of the hydrological cycle in arid and semi-arid areas. Its evapotranspiration is an important part of the water budget because many plants are groundwater-dependent. To restore the degraded ecosystems, the need is pressing to further our understanding of the groundwater evapotranspiration (ETg) in arid and semi-arid areas. This study employed the White method to estimate ETgat four sites in the Mu Us Sandy Land in northern China, and the four sites are covered by Salix psammophila(SP site), Artemisia ordosica(AO site), Poplar alba (PA site), and Carexenervis(CE site), respectively. The depth of groundwater table and the duration of drainage were taken into account in calculating the specific yield (Sy) to improve the accuracy of the ETgestimats. Our results showed that from late May to early November 2013 the ETg were 361.87 (SP site), 372.53 (AO site), 597.86 (PA site) and 700.76 mm (CE site), respectively. The estimated ETg rate was also species-dependent and the descending order of the ETg rate for the four vegetation was: C. enervis, P. alba, A. ordosica, and S. psammophila. In addition, the depth of groundwater table has an obvious effect on the ETg rate and the effect varied with the vegetation types. Furthermore, the evapotranspiration for the vegetation solely relying on the water supply from unsaturated layers above the groundwater table was much less than that for the vegetation heavily relying on the water supply from shallow aquifers.  相似文献   

Remote sensing is a valuable and effective tool for monitoring and estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) in large areas.The current international research on biomass estimation by remote sensing technique mainly focused on forests,grasslands and crops,with relatively few applications for desert ecosystems.In this paper,Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images from 1988 to 2007 and the data of 283 AGB samples in August 2007 were used to estimate the AGB for Mu Us Sandy Land over the past 30 years.Moreover,temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of AGB and influencing factors of climate and underlying surface were also studied.Results show that:(1) Differences of correlations exist in the fitted equations between AGB and different vegetation indices in desert areas.The modified soil adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) and soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) show relatively higher correlations with AGB,while the correlation between normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and AGB is relatively lower.Error testing shows that the AGB-MSAVI model established can be used to accurately estimate AGB of Mu Us Sandy Land in August.(2) AGB in Mu Us Sandy Land shows the fluctuant characteristics over the past 30 years,which decreased from the 1980s to the 1990s,and increased from the 1990s to 2007.AGB in 2007 had the highest value,with a total AGB of 3.352×106 t.Moreover,in the 1990s,AGB had the lowest value with a total AGB of 2.328×106 t.(3) AGB with relatively higher values was mainly located in the middle and southern parts of Mu Us Sandy Land in the 1980s.AGB was low in the whole area in the1990s,and relatively higher AGB values were mainly located in the southern parts of Uxin.In 2007,AGB in the whole area was relatively higher than those of the last twenty years,and higher AGB values were mainly located in the northern,western and middle parts of Mu Us Sandy Land.  相似文献   

Wind erosion is a key global environmental problem and has many adverse effects. The Mu Us Sandy Land of northern China is characterized by an arid climate, where vegetation patches and bare sand patches are usually distributed mosaically, and aeolian activities occur frequently. Vegetation plays a significant role in controlling wind erosion. Artemisia ordosica is the most dominant native plant species in the Mu Us Sandy Land. It is urgent to study the wind-proof and sand-fixing effects of Artemisia ordosica in the Mu Us Sandy Land. This study analyzed the wind-proof and sand-fixing effects of Artemisia ordosica based on the field data of wind regimes, aeolian sediment transport, and surface change of Artemisia ordosica plots with four coverages (denoted as site A, site B, site C, and site D) in the Mu Us Sandy Land during the period from 1 June 2018 to 29 June 2019. The coverages of Artemisia ordosica at site A, site B, site C, and site D were 2%, 16%, 29%, and 69%, respectively. The annual average wind speeds at 2.0 m height above the ground for site A, site B, site C, and site D were 3.47, 2.77, 2.21, and 1.97 m/s, respectively. The annual drift potentials were 193.80, 69.72, 15.05, and 6.73 VU at site A, site B, site C, and site D, respectively. The total horizontal aeolian sediment fluxes during the period from 2-3 June 2018 to 6 June 2019 at site A, site B, site C, and site D were 4633.61, 896.80, 10.54, and 6.14 kg/m, respectively. Site A had the largest surface changes, and the surface changes at site B were significantly weaker than those at site A, whereas the surface changes at site C and site D were minimal. The results indicated that Artemisia ordosica significantly reduced the wind speed, drift potential, aeolian sediment transport, and surface changes. The higher the coverage of Artemisia ordosica is, the more obvious the effects of wind-proof and sand-fixing. Wind erosion would be effectively controlled in the Mu Us Sandy Land if the coverage of Artemisia ordosica is greater than 29%. These results provide a scientific basis for evaluating the ecosystem service function of Artemisia ordosica and the vegetation protection and construction projects in the Mu Us Sandy Land.  相似文献   

明代边墙修筑时毛乌素沙地范围探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据野外调查,并结合历史文献记载,对明代毛乌素沙地的范围进行了分析。结果表明:明代时毛乌素沙地边墙一带已经处于沙地之中,其环境为沙地、湖滩交错组成,沙漠早在边墙修筑之初就远在边墙的南面。边墙的修建虽说"草茂之地,筑之于内,使虏绝牧;沙碛之地,筑之于外",这只能代表一种景观的差异,与现今所定义的沙地概念不符,不能用来作为沙地与非沙地的分界线。但当时边墙附近植被盖度应好于现在,多为固定沙丘或者平沙地。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地东南缘不同类型沙丘土壤水分分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对横山县境内毛乌素沙地东南缘的实地考察,根据植被类型和植被覆盖度,将沙丘分为裸露流动沙丘、灌木覆盖沙丘、乔木覆盖沙丘,分别在各类沙丘不同地貌部位实施4 m深度钻孔取样,并进行含水量测试和粒度分析,研究沙地土壤含水量变化。结果表明:对于垂直方向0~4m深度的沙地、灌木和乔木覆盖沙丘平均含水量变化为:丘间洼地>迎风坡>背风坡,而裸露流动沙丘平均含水量变化为:丘间洼地>背风坡>迎风坡;不同类型沙丘在各地貌部位不同层段含水量变化差异明显,变化趋势不统一。沙丘的地貌部位相同,地表的植被类型和覆盖度差异是影响沙地土壤含水量的重要因素,测试结果显示,迎风坡含水量为:灌木覆盖沙丘>乔木覆盖沙丘>裸露流动沙丘;背风坡含水量为:灌木覆盖沙丘>裸露流动沙丘>乔木覆盖沙丘;丘间洼地含水量为:灌木覆盖沙丘>乔木覆盖沙丘>裸露流动沙丘。灌木覆盖沙丘土壤含水量变异系数最大,水分含量在不同层位波动较大,裸露流动沙丘和乔木覆盖沙丘含水量波动差异较小。沙丘上生长的灌木和乔木明显地改变了沙丘含水量的变化特征,灌木比乔木对沙丘含水量及其垂向变化的影响更显著。灌木对地表大气中的粉尘有较强的拦截能力,灌木沙丘平均的粉砂和黏土含量高,灌木的覆盖有利于沙地的土壤化进程和保持沙地水分,在沙地绿化过程中,应充分考虑灌木植物的作用。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地生物结皮对土壤温度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤温度对作物生长发育、土壤水盐运移、生物的数量与活性、土壤碳平衡等均有较大的影响。为了研究毛乌素沙地生物结皮区和裸沙区土壤温度的差异,于2010年9~11月在陕北毛乌素沙地东南缘神木县圪丑沟地区,选择晴朗天气进行定位观测试验。结果表明: ① 同一剖面深度,生物结皮样地土壤温度的日变化趋势同裸沙样地一致;且从6:00~21:00时每隔3 h,土壤垂直剖面的温度沿着“\” 型、 微“(”型、明显“(”型、“/” 型、微“)”型、“\”型进行周期性变化。② 生物结皮的覆盖极显著降低了地表的土壤温度([WTBX]P[WTBZ]<0.01)。③ 生物结皮样地和裸沙样地表层土壤温度变幅最大,随剖面深度的增加土壤温度变化趋缓。当气温和土壤含水量较低时,生物结皮对同一深度土壤温度变化幅度的影响更明显。从垂直剖面角度看,生物结皮降低了土壤温度及其变幅。④ 生物结皮提高了0~25 cm深度土壤温度对气温的敏感程度。表明土壤温度的变化是多因素作用的结果,前人仅根据生物结皮的颜色来判断其对土壤温度的影响是不够的。生物结皮对土壤温度造成影响的主要原因,可能是其改变了土壤表层结构及土壤水分状况。在今后相关研究中如水分蒸发、土壤化学性状的改变等,要特别注意生物结皮的温度效应对这些过程的影响,从而使分析更加客观深入。  相似文献   

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