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【目的】建立我国葡萄白粉病菌对QoI类杀菌剂吡唑醚菌酯的敏感基线,明确葡萄白粉病菌对吡唑醚菌酯的抗性水平。【方法】采用孢子萌发法测定了吡唑醚菌酯对来自我国北京、湖南、宁夏、云南、江苏5个葡萄种植地区的145株葡萄白粉病菌的EC50值,并利用荧光定量PCR法检测cytb基因上G143A的突变情况。【结果】吡唑醚菌酯对43株当年未施用过化学杀菌剂的葡萄白粉病菌菌株EC50值呈连续性单峰且符合正态分布,其均值(1.387±0.107)μg·mL-1作为葡萄白粉病菌对吡唑醚菌酯的敏感基线。采用孢子萌发法分析的结果表明,供试菌株对吡唑醚菌酯的抗性频率为45.52%,采用荧光定量PCR(G143A)法分析的结果显示供试菌株对QoI类杀菌剂的抗性频率为57.69%。在RF>2时,采用荧光定量PCR检测结果与孢子萌发法测定结果趋势一致,Pearson相关性分析结果显示二者存在显著相关性。【结论】我国葡萄白粉病菌对吡唑醚菌酯的抗药性发生较为普遍,应注意与不同作用机制的药剂轮换使用或混用,以延缓抗药性发展。  相似文献   

杀菌剂吡唑醚菌酯在大白菜上的残留动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用高效液相色谱紫外法测定大白菜中杀菌剂吡唑醚菌酯的残留量,对吡唑醚菌酯在河北、湖南两地大白菜中的残留规律进行了研究。结果表明,该方法最低检出浓度为0.04 mg?kg-1,残留量在0.04~2.00 mg?kg-1范围内的添加回收率为70%~106%,变异系数为6.6%~10.0%。两地残留动态试验结果显示:吡唑醚菌酯在大白菜上的半衰期分别为2.97 d和3.34 d|按推荐剂量12.50 g?(667 m2)-1和1.5倍剂量18.75 g?(667 m2)-1施药3~4次,距最后1次施药7 d,吡唑醚菌酯在大白菜中的残留量为0.96~2.70 mg?kg-1。  相似文献   

研究了枣和火龙果中吡唑醚菌酯残留量的检测方法,分析了2种水果中残留量差异,并对最终残留量进行长期膳食摄入和急性膳食摄入风险评估。样品中吡唑醚菌酯采用QuEChERS前处理方法进行提取,高效液相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱法检测;采用IBM SPSS Statistics 23软件分析2种水果中吡唑醚菌酯残留量差异,长期和急性膳食摄入评估采用膳食摄入风险评估模型进行。枣(全果)、枣(果肉)、火龙果(全果)和火龙果(果肉)中吡唑醚菌酯在最后1次施药间隔7 d时残留量分别为1.27~1.99、1.36~2.13、0.097 5~0.163 mg/kg和0.01~0.017 3 mg/kg;在最后1次施药间隔14 d时残留量分别为0.931~1.68、0.999~1.80、0.057~0.15 mg/kg和0.011 4~0.018 9 mg/kg。吡唑醚菌酯的普通人群国家估算每日摄入量为1.83 mg,占每日允许摄入量的97%。枣(儿童)、枣(成人)、火龙果(儿童)和火龙果(成人)中吡唑醚菌酯的国家估算短期摄入量分别为0.001 07、0.006 10、0.000 675、0.000 939 m...  相似文献   

以番茄叶霉病菌为靶标,采用孢子萌发法,研究了啶酰菌胺与吡唑醚菌酯混配对番茄叶霉病菌毒力的影响,并对该混合物进行了田间试验。结果表明:啶酰菌胺与吡唑醚菌酯以质量比2∶1混配后,对叶霉病菌具有显著的毒力增效作用,增效系数为1.94;在田间试验中,该组合(2∶1)在240~300g a.i.·hm~(-2)的剂量下,对番茄叶霉病也表现出良好的防治效果,防效为81.96%~89.09%,与对照药剂10%苯醚甲环唑WG 120g a.i.·hm~(-2)相比对番茄叶霉病的防效没有显著差异。这2种药剂的混用能够发挥不同药剂的作用特点,增强杀菌活性,对延缓抗药性的发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

吡唑醚菌酯防治草莓、苦瓜及黄瓜炭疽病田间试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选高效、安全的炭疽病新药剂,通过田间药效试验进行新药剂筛选。结果表明,在药后的7 d和14 d,吡唑醚菌酯对苦瓜炭疽病的防效最好。与之相比,在草莓和黄瓜上的防效也达到80%以上。研究表明,吡唑醚菌酯防治炭疽病效果良好、持效期长,是防治草莓、苦瓜、黄瓜炭疽病的理想药剂。生产上建议的使用剂量为337.5~450 ml/hm2。  相似文献   

田间药效试验结果显示:40%吡唑醚菌酯·甲基硫菌灵悬浮剂和75%吡唑醚菌酯·甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂对柑橘沙皮病具有良好的防治效果,2个药剂供试浓度防治效果均稳定在82%以上,最高达89.93%,优于"甲基托布津",与"吡唑醚菌酯"防效相当。安全性试验及田间试验均未发现药害,对柑橘安全,可以在柑橘生产上使用。  相似文献   

采用胶孢炭疽病菌孢子悬浮液(1×105个·m L~(-1))针刺接种辣椒感病品种福湘5号的成熟果实,对吡唑醚菌酯与甲基硫菌灵两种单剂及其复配混合物(吡唑醚菌酯与甲基硫菌灵质量比为1︰2,1︰4,1︰8,1︰16和1︰32)的保护与治疗效果进行评价。结果表明:吡唑醚菌酯浓度≥3.00mg·L~(-1)时,它的保护和治疗效果在接种前和接种后施药的平均防治效果能达到81.82%以上;甲基硫菌灵浓度≥16.67mg·L~(-1)时,它的保护和治疗平均防治效果也在81.82%以上;在吡唑醚菌酯∶甲基硫菌灵的5个不同配比中,质量比为1∶8的混合物的保护和治疗作用平均防效最好,当浓度≥3.33mg·L~(-1)时,其平均保护效果达83.12%以上,平均治疗效果在77.92%以上。  相似文献   

[目的]建立同时检测不同地区苹果中戊唑醇和吡唑醚菌酯的残留分析方法,通过苹果树1年12地的田间试验,监测了 2种农药在苹果主要产区的消解态势,并评估不同人群对其膳食暴露风险.[方法]QuEChERS-HPLC-MS/MS法的建立,用于检测苹果中的戊唑醇和吡唑醚菌酯的残留,并且分析2种农药在苹果中的最终残留和消解动态,计...  相似文献   

采用菌丝生长速率法和孢子萌发法测定了25%吡唑醚菌酯乳油对苹果斑点落叶病病菌和苹果轮纹病病菌的毒力,并进行了田间药效试验。结果表明,25%吡唑醚菌酯乳油对苹果斑点落叶病病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的EC50分别为0.176 3、0.275 5μg/mL;对苹果轮纹病病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的EC50分别为0.033 3、0.602 9μg/mL;第4次施药后16天,25%吡唑醚菌酯乳油1 500、2 000、2 500倍液对苹果斑点落叶病的防效为96.72%~98.69%,采收后30天对苹果轮纹病的防效为93.17%~99.15%,显著或明显好于43%戊唑醇悬浮剂3 000倍液和80%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂700倍液。  相似文献   

苹果腐烂病是苹果生产上重要的枝干病害之一.可导致树皮腐烂,树枝枯死,严重发生时造成果树死亡.果园毁灭。以往喷施福美胂有效控制了此病害发生危害.但2002年农业部明令禁用福美胂。因此,为筛选出替代福美胂的有效药剂。本所应用25%吡唑醚菌酯(凯润)乳油进行了室内外试验,取得良好效果.报告如下。  相似文献   

不同地区有害疣孢霉菌株对一些杀菌剂的敏感性测定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谭琦  王镭 《食用菌学报》1996,3(3):41-45
从上海、浙江、江苏、福建的蘑菇菇房中采集了有害疣孢霉(Mycogone Perniciosa)19株,并从国外收集了7株,其中一株为红丝菌疣孢霉(M.rosea),进行室内杀菌剂敏感性测定,结果表明,江、浙、沪一带分离的有害疣孢霉菌株对苯并咪唑类杀菌剂已产生一定的耐药性,而对施保功仍敏感。其它地区有害疣孢霉菌株对所试杀菌剂均敏感。  相似文献   

为明确辽宁省番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr.)对氟啶胺的敏感性及其与不同杀菌剂的交互抗性,从辽宁省番茄产区采集、分离纯化获得206株单孢菌株,采用菌丝生长速率法测定其对氟啶胺的敏感基线。结果表明,辽宁省番茄灰霉病菌对氟啶胺的EC50值在 0.001 3~0.073 1 μg·mL-1之间,平均值为(0.022 7±0.014 5)μg·mL-1,敏感性频率分布呈连续单峰曲线,符合正态分布,因此可将EC50平均值(0.022 7±0.014 5) μg·mL-1作为辽宁省番茄灰霉病菌对氟啶胺的敏感基线,用于田间抗药性监测。从206 株菌株中选取对氟啶胺敏感性不同的39株菌株,测定其对嘧霉胺、异菌脲、腐霉利、啶酰菌胺及咯菌腈的敏感性。结果表明,供试6种杀菌剂对番茄灰霉病菌的抑制活性依次为氟啶胺>咯菌腈>啶酰菌胺>异菌脲>腐霉利>嘧霉胺,氟啶胺与嘧霉胺、异菌脲、腐霉利、啶酰菌胺和咯菌腈之间均不存在交互抗性。  相似文献   

我国梨腐烂病病原菌的初步鉴定及序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】为了对我国梨腐烂病病原菌进行初步鉴定和序列分析,【方法】从我国15个省(市)梨产区采集腐烂病样品并观察其田间危害症状,通过组织分离法分离获得168份梨腐烂病菌分离株,从中选取72份进行单孢纯化,共获得79份梨腐烂病菌纯化分离株;观察在PDA、25℃黑暗条件下病原菌菌落形态以及产孢体形态,并对其在梨枝条上产生的分生孢子器徒手切片置显微镜下观察其结构特征和分生孢子形态;采用菌丝块接种法测定梨腐烂病菌在‘翠冠’梨离体枝条上的致病力。对部分菌株rDNA-ITS进行PCR扩增、测序,利用BLAST软件与GenBank数据库进行序列相似性分析,并用MEGA 4.1和邻接法构建系统发育树。【结果】根据梨腐烂病菌各分离株在PDA上的菌落形态特征可分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种菌落类型,不同梨腐烂病菌分离株在PDA上产生多种类型的产孢体,不同梨腐烂病菌菌株在离体梨树枝条上的致病力存在差异,我国梨腐烂病菌的rDNA-ITS核苷酸序列一致率为99.98%~100%,与苹果腐烂病菌分别聚在同一亚组的两个分支。【结论】我国梨腐烂病病原菌存在不同的菌落类型,其rDNA-ITS核苷酸序列分析显示均为V.mali var.pyri。  相似文献   

【目的】明确内蒙古地区引起苹果树腐烂病的病原种类。【方法】采用形态学结合分子生物学的方法,对内蒙古呼和浩特市周边果园的苹果腐烂病病菌进行分离、鉴定和致病力测定。【结果】从感病’金红’苹果树上分离到2株苹果腐烂病病菌,命名为QH1和QH2。QH1与QH2的致病力与分离自陕西杨凌的参照菌株YL1相同;菌落、分生孢子及子实体的形态特征均符合Cytospora属的特征;基于内转录间隔区、核糖体大亚基片段、转录延长因子和β微管蛋白4个基因的序列一致性和系统发育的分析证明,QH1属于Cytospora schulzer,QH2属于Cytospora mali。【结论】内蒙古呼和浩特地区苹果腐烂病病菌为C.schulzer和C.mali两种致病菌。  相似文献   

HUANG Jun  CHEN Ling 《园艺学报》2011,27(4):829-832
AIM: To analyze the sensitivity, specificity and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of echocardiography for diagnosis of coronary artery disease. METHODS: One hundred and fourteen subjects were selected according to the clinical diagnostic criteria of coronary artery disease and echocardiography was performed. The regional ventricular wall motion was observed, and the left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, left ventricular end-systolic diameter, left ventricular ejection fraction and the ratio of early-diastolic peak flow velocity to late-diastolic peak flow velocity were measured in all subjects. The coronary angiography was performed, and the final diagnosis of coronary artery disease was made when the degree of the coronary artery stenosis was ≥50%. RESULTS: The final diagnosis of coronary artery disease was confirmed by coronary angiography in 96 cases of the total 114 patients selected. Among them, attenuation, disappearance and paradoxical motion of the regional ventricular wall motion were observed, and a sensitivity of 79.2% and a positioning accuracy of 75.0% were achieved by echocardiography. The sensitivity was 82.2% and the specificity was 100% when the score of the regional left ventricular wall motion was divided into the cut-off point of ≥4, and the area under the ROC curve was 0.95 (0.89-0.98). CONCLUSION: Echocardiography is a preferred non-invasive method for diagnosis of coronary artery disease. The score of regional ventricular wall motion has high specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

The nearly unprecedented loss of life resulting from the earthquake and tsunami of December 26, 2004, was greatest in the province of Aceh, Sumatra (Indonesia). We evaluated tsunami damage and built empirical vulnerability models of damage/no damage based on elevation, distance from shore, vegetation, and exposure. We found that highly predictive models are possible and that developed areas were far more likely to be damaged than forested zones. Modeling exercises such as this one, conducted in other vulnerable zones across the planet, would enable managers to create better warning and protection defenses, e.g., tree belts, against these destructive forces.  相似文献   

Resource management strategies have begun to adopt natural landscape disturbance emulation as a means of minimizing risk to ecosystem integrity. Detailed understanding of the disturbance regime and the associated spatial landscape patterns are required to provide a natural baseline for comparison with the results of emulation strategies. Landscape pattern indices provide a useful tool to quantify spatial pattern for developing these strategies and evaluating their success. Despite an abundance of indices and tools to calculate these, practical knowledge of interpretation is rare. Quantifying changes in landscape pattern indices and the meaning of these changes is confounded by index sensitivity to input data characteristics such as spatial extent, spatial resolution, and thematic resolution. Sensitivity has been examined for simulated landscapes but rarely using real data for large areas as real landscapes are more difficult to manipulate systematically than simulated data. While simulated data offer a control, they do not provide an accurate portrayal of reality for practical applications. Our goal was to test the sensitivity of a suite of landscape pattern indices useful for disturbance emulation strategy development and evaluation to spatial extent, spatial resolution, and thematic resolution using current land cover data for a case study of the managed forest of Ontario, Canada. We also examined how sensitivity varies spatially across the study area. We used Landsat TM-based land cover data (> 45.5 million ha), controlling spatial extent (2,500 to 2,560,000 ha), spatial resolution (1 to 16 ha), and thematic resolution (2 to 26 classes). For each index we tested a hypothesis of insensitivity to changes in each input data characteristic using a combination of ANOVA and regression and compared our results with previous studies. Of the 18 indices studied, significant (p< 0.01) effects were found for 17 indices with changes in spatial extent, 13 indices with changes in spatial resolution and 18 indices with changes in thematic resolution. A significant (p < 0.01) linear trend accounted for the majority of the variance for all of the significant relationships identified. Most of the mean index responses were consistent with those interpreted from previous studies of simulated and real landscapes; however, sensitivity varied greatly among indices and over space. We suggest that variation in sensitivity to input data characteristics among indices and over space must be explicitly incorporated in the design of future natural disturbance emulation efforts.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ficus benghalensis L (banyan tree) has been planted as ornamental tree in parks, landscapes as well as along roads and streets in many southern cities of Iran. During field surveys conducted in Kish Island (Hormozgān province) an unusual decline was noticed on F. benghalensis. Affected trees exhibited bark necrosis, peeled off bark and cankers on branches and aerial roots, yellowing and defoliation, branch dieback and eventually death. A black sooty mass of fungal spores under the bark as well as wood discoloration in cross sections were also observed on infected parts of trees and pruning wood debris. Samples were collected from all affected parts of trees showing disease symptoms, pruning wood debris as well as rove arthropods in close proximity to the trees for the presence of fungal inoculum. In this study 239 Botryosphaeriaceae-like isolates were obtained from discoloured wood tissues, pruning wood debris and from the bodies of collected arthropods. Based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data of ITS and tef-1α gene regions, isolates were identified as Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum. Pathogenicity of both species was performed on the branches of banyan trees and L. theobromae was more virulent, based on the length of necrotic lesions in the wood, than those of N. dimidiatum. This study is the first report of N. dimidiatum associated with sooty canker and dieback of F. benghalensis worldwide. Our study showed for the first time that L. theobromae and N. dimidiatum can also be associated with some arthropods. Our outcomes can improve the management strategies of trunk diseases caused by Botryosphaeriaceae species on ornamental trees in landscapes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the sensitivity of modelled area burned to environmental factors across a range of independently-developed landscape-fire-succession models. The sensitivity of area burned to variation in four factors, namely terrain (flat, undulating and mountainous), fuel pattern (finely and coarsely clumped), climate (observed, warmer & wetter, and warmer & drier) and weather (year-to-year variability) was determined for four existing landscape-fire-succession models (EMBYR, FIRESCAPE, LANDSUM and SEM-LAND) and a new model implemented in the LAMOS modelling shell (LAMOS(DS)). Sensitivity was measured as the variance in area burned explained by each of the four factors, and all of the interactions amongst them, in a standard generalised linear modelling analysis. Modelled area burned was most sensitive to climate and variation in weather, with four models sensitive to each of these factors and three models sensitive to their interaction. Models generally exhibited a trend of increasing area burned from observed, through warmer and wetter, to warmer and drier climates with a 23-fold increase in area burned, on average, from the observed to the warmer, drier climate. Area burned was sensitive to terrain for FIRESCAPE and fuel pattern for EMBYR. These results demonstrate that the models are generally more sensitive to variation in climate and weather as compared with terrain complexity and fuel pattern, although the sensitivity to these latter factors in a small number of models demonstrates the importance of representing key processes. The models that represented fire ignition and spread in a relatively complex fashion were more sensitive to changes in all four factors because they explicitly simulate the processes that link these factors to area burned. The US Government's and the Canadian Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license is acknowledged  相似文献   

河南境内桑叶葡萄种内形态和遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对河南省境内桑叶葡萄(Vitis ficifolia Bge.)的形态变异水平、遗传变异水平以及分布进行了研究。形态学分析结果表明,新梢、幼叶和成龄叶的17个性状中有10个性状在居群间存在显著或极显著差异,所有性状的变异系数在2.6%~54.7%,表明形态变异较丰富。SSR分析检测到69个位点,其中多态位点64个,多态位点比率(PPB)为92.75%,表明桑叶葡萄遗传多样性水平较高。居群间的遗传分化系数(GST)和Nei’s基因多样性指数分析显示,大部分遗传变异存在于居群内(分别为24.05%、11.83%)。  相似文献   

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