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Water use by drip-irrigated late-season peaches   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A 4-year experiment was conducted using a large weighing lysimeter to determine the crop coefficient and crop water use of a late-season peach cultivar (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, cultivar O'Henry) irrigated with a surface drip system. Two trees were planted in a 2×4×2 m deep weighing lysimeter that was surface irrigated with ten 2 L/h in-line drip emitters spaced evenly around the trees. Irrigation was applied in 12 mm applications after a 12 mm water loss threshold was exceeded as measured by the lysimeter. The crop coefficient (Kc) was calculated using the measured water losses and grass reference evapotranspiration calculated using the CIMIS Penman equation. Kc was plotted against day of the year and linear, quadratic, and cubic regressions were fitted to the data. A three-segment linear and the cubic equation had the best fit to the data. The maximum Kc determined for the linear fit in this experiment was 1.06 compared with a maximum of 0.92 recommended for use in California and 0.98 calculated using the FAO method. Average annual water use for the 4 years of the experiment was 1,034 mm. Mid-day canopy light interception was found to be well correlated with the crop coefficient determined using the lysimeter data.Communicated by P. Thorburn  相似文献   

Two varieties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba), differing in drought tolerance according to the classification of the International Center for Agronomic Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), were irrigated with waters of three different salinity levels in a lysimeter experiment to analyse their salt tolerance.The drought-sensitive varieties are more salt tolerant than the drought-tolerant varieties. Under saline conditions, the drought-sensitive varieties show a much higher yield up to a salinity threshold, corresponding with an electrical conductivity (ECe) between 2.5 and 3 dS/m for chickpea and between 5.5 and 6 dS/m for faba bean.The drought-sensitive varieties are able to improve or maintain the water-use efficiency when irrigated with saline water. This ability can be ascribed to
  • •the larger biomass production owing to the later senescence, which allows a better utilization of the irrigation water;
  • •the late flowering of chickpea.

Frequent fertigation of crops is often advocated in the technical and popular literature, but there is limited evidence of the benefits of high-frequency fertigation. Field experiments were conducted on an Indo-American Hybrid var., Creole Red, of onion crop during three winter seasons of 1999–2000 through 2001–2002 in coarse-textured soil of Delhi under the semi-arid region of India. Three irrigation levels of 60, 80 and 100% of the crop evapotranspiration (ET) and four fertigation frequencies of daily, alternate day, weekly and monthly comprised the fertigation treatment. Analysis of soil samples indicated considerable influence of fertigation frequency on NO3-N distribution in soil profile. NO3-N in lower soil profiles (30.0–60.0 cm soil depth) was marginally affected in daily, alternate day and weekly fertigation. However, fluctuations of NO3-N content in 0.0–15.0, 15.0–30.0, 30.0–45.0 and 45.0–60.0 cm soil depth was more in monthly fertigation frequency. The level of soil NO3-N after the crop season shows that more NO3-N leached through the soil profile in monthly fertigation frequency. Amounts of irrigation water applied in three irrigation treatments proved to be too small to cause significant differences in the content of NO3-N leached beyond rooting depth of onion. Yield of onion was not significantly affected in daily, alternate day and weekly fertigation, though there was a trend of lower yields with monthly fertigation. The highest yield was recorded in daily fertigation (28.74 t ha−1) followed by alternate day fertigation (28.4 t ha−1). Lowest yield was recorded in monthly fertigation frequency (21.4 t ha−1). Application of 56.4 cm irrigation water and 3.4 kg ha−1 urea per fertigation (daily) resulted in highest yield of onion with less leaching of NO3-N.  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was conducted to investigate the response of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to water salinity applied at different times of salinization. Faba beans were grown on loamy sand in pots and irrigated daily with modified half-strength Hoagland's solution. Salinization of the nutrient solution with NaCI and CaCl2 (2:1 molar ratio) provided four treatment solutions with electrical conductivities of 2, 6, 10 and 14 dS m−1 and was imposed on the tenth day from planting, and continued until day 30 (T1), from day 30 until day 50 (T2) and from day 50 to day 70 (T3) using a randomized block factorial design with five replications. The results indicated that faba bean was more sensitive to salinity during the vegetative stage and less sensitive at later stages. Water salinity significantly reduced the grain yield and grain number but did not affect grain weight. Vegetative growth decreased significantly by salinity stress during the three salinization periods but was more serious at the first stage.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to: (1) to evaluate the effects of subsurface drip irrigation amount and frequency on maize production and water use efficiency, (2) develop production functions and quantify water use efficiency, and (3) develop and analyze crop yield response factors (Ky) for field maize (Zea mays L.). Five irrigation treatments were imposed: fully irrigated treatment (FIT), 25 % FIT, 50 % FIT, 75 % FIT, rainfed and an over-irrigation treatment (125 % FIT). There was no significant (P > 0.05) difference between irrigation frequencies regarding the maximum grain yield; however, at lower deficit irrigation regime, medium irrigation frequency resulted in lower grain yield. There was a decrease in grain yield with the 125 % FIT as compared to the FIT, which had statistically similar yield as 75 % FIT. Irrigation rate significantly impacted grain yield in 2005, 2006 and 2007, while irrigation frequency was only significant during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons (two dry years) and the interacting effect was only significant in the driest year of 2005 (P = 0.006). For the pooled data from 2005 to 2008, irrigation rate was significant (P = 0.001) and irrigation frequency was also significant (P = 0.015), but their interaction was not significant (P = 0.207). Overall, there were no significant differences between irrigation frequencies in terms of grain yield. Ky had interannual variation and average seasonal Ky values were 1.65, 0.91, 0.91 and 0.83 in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, and the pooled data (2005–2008) Ky value were 1.14.  相似文献   

Water use of Thompson Seedless grapevines was measured with a large weighing lysimeter from 4 to 7 years after planting (1990-1993). Above-ground drip-irrigation was used to water the vines. Vines growing within the lysimeter were pruned to four and six fruiting canes for the 1990 and 1991 growing seasons, respectively, and eight fruiting canes in the last 2 years. Maximum leaf area per vine at mid-season ranged from 23 to 27 m2 across all years. Reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) averaged 1,173 mm between budbreak and the end of October each year, with a maximum daily amount of approximately 7 mm each year. Maximum daily vine water use (ETc) was 6.1, 6.4, 6.0, and 6.7 mm (based upon a land area per vine of 7.55 m2) for 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993, respectively. Seasonal ETc was 718 mm in 1990 and ranged from 811 to 865 mm for the remaining 3 years of the study. The differences in water use among years were probably due to the development of the vine's canopy (leaf area), since they were pruned to differing numbers of fruiting canes. These differences were more pronounced early in the season. Soil water content (SWC) within the lysimeter decreased early in the growing season, prior to the initiation of the first irrigation. Once irrigations commenced, SWC increased and then leveled off for the remainder of the season. The maximum crop coefficient (Kc) calculated during the first year (1990) was 0.87. The maximum Kc in 1991, 1992, and 1993 was 1.08, 0.98, and1.08, respectively. The maximum Kc in 1991 and 1993 occurred during the month of September, while that in 1992 was recorded during the month of July. The seasonal Kc followed a pattern similar to that of grapevine leaf area development each year. The Kc was also a linear function of leaf area per vine using data from all four growing seasons. The decrease in Kc late in the 1991, 1992, and 1993 growing seasons, generally starting in September, varied considerably among the years. This may have been associated with the fact that leafhoppers (Erythroneura elegantula Osborn and E. variabilis Beamer) were not chemically controlled in the vineyard beginning in 1991.  相似文献   

Water use of Thompson Seedless grapevines during the first 3 years of vineyard establishment was measured with a large weighing lysimeter near Fresno, California. Two grapevines were planted in a 2ǸǶ m deep lysimeter in 1987. The row and vine spacings in the 1.4-ha vineyard surrounding the lysimeter were approximately 3.51 and 2.15 m, respectively. Vines in the lysimeter were furrow-irrigated from planting until the first week of September in 1987. They were subsequently irrigated with subsurface drip-irrigation whenever they had used 2 mm of water, based upon the area of the lysimeter (equivalent to 8 liters per vine). The trellis system, installed the second year, consisted of a 2.13 m long stake, driven 0.45 m into the soil with a 0.6 m cross-arm placed at the top of the stake. Crop coefficients (Kc) were calculated using measured water losses from the lysimeter (ETc) and reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) obtained from a CIMIS weather station located 2 km from the vineyard. Water use of the vines in 1987 from planting until September was approximately 300 mm, based on the area allotted per vine in the vineyard surrounding the lysimeter. Daily water use just subsequent to a furrow-irrigation event exceeded ETo (>6.8 mm dayу). Water use from budbreak until the end of October in 1988 and 1989 was 406 and 584 mm, respectively. The initiation of subsurface drip-irrigation on 23 May 1988 and 29 April 1989 doubled ETc measured prior to those dates. Estimates of a 'basal' Kc increased from 0.1 to 0.4 in 1987. The seasonal Kc in 1988 increased throughout the season and reached its peak (0.73) in October. The highest Kc value in 1989 occurred in July. It is suggested that the seasonal and year-to-year variation in the Kc was a result of the growth habit of the vines due to training during vineyard establishment. The results provide estimates of ETc and Kc for use in scheduling irrigations during vineyard establishment in the San Joaquin Valley of California and elsewhere with similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Seven varieties of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum), provided by ICARDA, were tested in a greenhouse experiment for their salt tolerance. Afterwards two varieties, differing in salt tolerance, were irrigated with waters of three different salinity levels in a lysimeter experiment to analyse their salt tolerance.The characteristics of the salt tolerant variety compared to the salt sensitive variety are:
  • -a shorter growing season and earlier senescence;
  • -a higher pre-dawn leaf water potential;
  • -a stronger osmotic adjustment;
  • -a better maintenance of the number of productive stems per plant.
Salt tolerance of durum wheat corresponds with drought tolerance because the tolerance is caused by earlier senescence and stronger osmotic adjustment, both reducing the transpiration of the plant.  相似文献   

A 3-year study was conducted in the eastern Mediterranean region of northern Syria to develop crop coefficient, K c, for drip-irrigated short-season cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Two sets of K c curves were determined, the generalized K c published by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that was adjusted for local climate, and the locally developed K c as the ratio of measured cotton evapotranspiration to calculated reference evapotranspiration. The adjusted FAO K c curves were the same for the 3 years. However, the locally developed K c curves not only differed among the 3 years, but also from the adjusted FAO K c. During the mid-season stage, the adjusted FAO K c was 24% higher than the locally developed value of 1.05. Variations in locally developed K c values were caused by normal year-to-year variations in irrigation timing and amount, suggesting sensitivity of K c that cautions against the use of locally developed K c based on limited data (i.e., a single season). On the season, the overestimation of crop evapotranspiration by using adjusted FAO K c was substantial and equivalent to 150 mm water or about two additional irrigations per season. Results caution against blind application of published FAO K c curve, suggesting some local or regional calibration for increased accuracy.  相似文献   

Effects on water use, green bean yield, irrigation water-use efficiency (IWUE), water-use efficiency (WUE), plant dry weight and crop water relationship were investigated for two-drip irrigation techniques and four irrigation water levels in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. The treatments were conventional (SDI) and alternating subsurface drip irrigation (SPRD). At each irrigation event, half of the volume of water applied to the SDI was applied to one side of the crop, representing the partial rootzone-drying treatment. All treatments received 295 mm of irrigation during crop establishment, prior to beginning the different irrigation regimes. Differing irrigation amounts corresponded to four crop-pan coefficients (Kcp1 = 0.6, Kcp2 = 0.8, Kcp3 = 1.0 and Kcp4 = 1.2), appropriate to pan data. Total water applied to the SDI and SPRD treatments ranged from 366 to 437 mm and from 331 to 366 mm, respectively, depending on Kcp values, with water uptake varying from 396 to 470 mm and 364 to 409 mm, respectively. While differences of green bean yield and dry plant weights were not significantly affected by the SDI and SPRD irrigation techniques, the overall irrigation water saving was found to be 16% for the SPRD irrigation treatment compared with the SDI treatment. SPRD irrigation techniques increased IWUE, WUE, and slopes of yield water relationships. Increase in slopes of the yield–irrigation water and yield–water-use function of SPRD according to the equivalent slopes of the SDI were 215.8 and 151.4%, respectively. SPRD increased the green bean yield response factor (ky) with value of 128.4% according to the equivalent slopes of the SDI. In conclusion, irrigation scheduling based on a 0.8 crop-pan coefficient is recommended for conventional SDI, with 1.0 being more appropriate for partial rootzone-drying practice.  相似文献   

Summary The evapotranspiration rates of five-year-old coconut palms (Cocos nucifera Linn. cv West Coast Tall) grown in an Oxisol on the West coast of India were quantified from soil moisture depletion studies and lysimetric measurements. The rates increased from 2.9 mm day–1 in December to 5.5 mm day–1 in April and reduced to 2.3 mm day–1 in June following the onset of monsoon rain. Ratios of evatranspiration to class A pan evaporation were 0.87–0.88 in the moderate rainfall period (September and October), 0.78–0.85 in the winter period (November–February), 0.87–0.96 in the summer period (March–May) and 0.60–0.68 in the rainy period (June–August).  相似文献   

在大棚滴灌条件下对厚皮甜瓜伊丽莎白不同生育期进行不同程度的亏缺灌溉,研究调亏灌溉对其植株生长、产量、品质及水分利用效率的影响.以土壤相对含水量为标准,在营养生长期和生殖生长期分别设置不同的土壤水分灌溉下限处理,分别是T1(75%~75%),T2(75%~55%),T3(65%~65%),T4(55%~75%),T5(55%~55%)5个试验处理.结果表明:在营养生长期,随着水分亏缺程度的加大,株高、茎粗、叶面积均呈减小趋势.在果实发育阶段,营养生长期及生殖生长期的水分亏缺对果实的生长、产量都有影响,均随亏缺程度的加大而降低,产量以处理T1和T2的最高,T5的最低,T3的大于T4的,各处理间差异具有统计学意义.水分利用效率为处理T2的最高,T1和T4的较低,T2与T4相比,在灌水基本相同的条件下,产量增加了26.2%,水分利用效率提高了27.7%.品质方面,水分亏缺提高了TSS含量;在营养生长期充分灌溉、生殖生长期亏水灌溉可以提高可溶性蛋白、游离氨基酸、维生素C的含量;而营养生长期亏水灌溉、生殖生长期充分灌溉有利于可滴定酸的合成.经综合分析,认为处理T2的灌溉下限设置可以作为武汉地区大棚滴灌条件下的甜瓜灌溉制度.  相似文献   

We investigated the magnitude and dynamics of the eddy covariance system (ECS) residual energy (energy balance closure error) for a subsurface drip-irrigated maize (Zea mays L.) field in 2005 and 2006 growing and non-growing (dormant) seasons. The corrections for coordinate rotation, oxygen, frequency, and Webb–Pearman–Leuning corrections improved the slope of the total convective energy (latent heat + sensible heat) with respect to the net available energy (from 0.68 to 0.84), but the data filtering (for horizontal and frictional wind speeds higher than 2 m s?1 and lower than 0.2 m s?1) had little effect on the slope. Also, the number of data points available for the analyses was reduced by 53 % after filtering. Overall, the daytime residual energy varied between ?100 and 200 W m?2 during the dormant seasons and between ?500 and 600 W m?2 during the growing seasons. Most of the nighttime residual energy ranged within ±40 W m?2 during the calendar year in 2005 and within ?60 and 20 W m?2 in 2006. During nighttime, the total convective energy is vertically distributed with respect to (R n ? G), indicating that the total convective energy is independent of the variations in (R n ? G). Secondly, it was observed that nighttime residual energy did not show any seasonal variation patterns throughout the two consecutive years and confined mostly within a narrow range of ±40 W m?2, showing no dependency on seasonal changes in surface conditions. The maximum variation in residual energy was usually around frictional wind speed of 0.3–0.5 m s?1 (varying between ?150 and 300 W m?2) and then decreasing to a range of ±100 W m?2 at higher frictional wind speeds. On average, the residual energy decreased by about 33 W m?2 (after the intercept) for every 1.0 m s?1 increase in frictional wind speed, whereas the residual energy decreased by about 4 W m?2 (after the intercept) for every 1.0 m s?1 increase in horizontal wind speed. Similar diurnal residual energy distribution patterns, with different magnitudes, were observed during growing and dormant seasons. Even though a slight decrease in residual energy was observed with increase in leaf area index (LAI) in both growing seasons, LAI did not have considerable influence on the seasonal variation in the residual energy. The residual energy was also evaluated by separating the data into morning and afternoon hours. We observed that the root-mean-squared difference value is slightly greater for the morning data than the afternoon, indicating greater residual energy in the morning hours due to weaker turbulent mixing than the afternoon. Overall, significant reduction in the available evapotranspiration data after applying a series of corrections possess challenges in terms of utilization of ECS for in-season irrigation management and crop water requirement determinations that needs to be further researched and addressed.  相似文献   

Water requirements of maize in the middle Heihe River basin, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As part of an intercomparison study on crop evapotranspiration (ETc), six methods for estimating ETc have been applied to maize field in the middle Heihe River basin, China. The ETc was estimated by the soil water balance and Bowen ratio-energy balance methods while the Priestley-Taylor, Penman, Penman-Monteith and Hargreaves methods were used for estimating the reference evapotranspiration (ET0). The results showed that the trend of ETc was very similar, while the differences were significant among the different methods. The variations of ETc were closely related to the LAI as well as to the meteorological features. The ETc for the Bowen ratio-energy balance, Penman, Penman-Monteith, soil water balance, Priestley-Taylor and Hargreaves methods totaled 777.75, 693.13, 618.34, 615.67, 560.31 and 552.07 mm, respectively, with the daily mean values for 5.26, 4.68, 4.18, 4.16, 3.79 and 3.73 mm day−1. The Penman-Monteith method provided fairly good estimation of ETo as compared with the Priestley-Taylor, Penman, Hargreaves methods. By contrast with the Penman-Monteith method, the Bowen ratio-energy balance and Penman methods were 25.8% and 12.0% higher, while the Priestley-Taylor and Hargreaves methods were 9.4% and 10.7% lower, respectively. Therefore, the Hargreaves and Priestley-Taylor methods were the alternative ETc methods in arid regions of Northwest China.  相似文献   

Because of the stragetic and industrial importance of natural rubber, there is renewed interest in cultivating guayule (Parthenium argentatum) in the Southwestern U.S.A. and several other arid regions of the world. This review was made to assess the quantity and quality of water required to cultivate this crop under irrigation. Data from Arizona and West Texas show that under high transplant densities (44 000 to 54 000 plants per ha), shrub and rubber yields increase almost linearly with increasing irrigation up to 300 cm for the first 2 years. The amount of water required to produce a ton of dry shrub in 2 years ranges from 1200 to 1600 m3 for a wide range of irrigation regimes and irrigation water salinity. Although rubber content in the shrubs increases with increasing water stress, the increase is generally insufficient to offset the reduction in shrub yield under high plant densities. Salinity stress may increase rubber content slightly, but reduces shrub and rubber yields when salinity of irrigation water exceeds 4 to 6 dS m?1 in sandy soils. The amount of water required to produce 1 kg of rubber with existing cultivars (with rubber contents of 40 to 70 g kg?1) ranges from 20 to 30 m3, and should decrease substantially with the development of cultivars with higher rubber contents. The resin content in the shrubs does not change greatly with irrigation or salinity levels, thus the resin yield increases proportionally with shrub yield or irrigation amount. If guayule is to be established through direct seeding, additional water of low salinity needs to be allocated. Nursery grown seedlings have been transplanted successfully in spring months with 10–25 cm of water having salinity less than about 4 dS m?1. If high rubber yields are to be achieved in 2–3 years, water requirements for guayule would be comparable to those for alfalfa. However, guayule can be grown with less quantities of water because of its high drought tolerance, especially when rubber production is the sole purpose.  相似文献   

基于3种灌溉决策方法(土壤水分、蒸散量、土水势),设置10个灌溉处理(CK,W1,W2,EP100,EP80,EF100,EF80,P25,P45,P65),研究不同灌溉决策方法对河西地区春玉米生长、产量及水分利用效率WUE的影响.结果表明:基于土壤水分、蒸散量、土水势调控灌溉下产量最高的处理分别为CK,EP100和P25;处理CK的产量比EP100和P25分别增大6.90%和8.28%.CK的春玉米生长和干物质积累最优,但是耗水量最大,为718.54 mm,比EP100增大26.13%和11.57%.处理EP100的产量显著低于CK,但WUE显著高于CK.处理P25较CK和E P100灌水次数多,产量和水分利用效率表现均不突出.处理EP80和EP100的产量和WUE差异不具有统计学意义.综合考虑产量、水分利用效率和灌溉决策方法的适用性,基于过去蒸散量调控灌溉,每周灌水定额为80%ET0(EP80)是最适合河西地区春玉米高效稳产的灌溉决策方法.  相似文献   

Summary The objective of the study was to examine the production functions of industrial tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. M-82) with saline and nonsaline water and to determine their water and leaching requirements. The experiment was conducted in small field plots on a sandy loam soil. Water was applied by drip irrigation at three different salinity levels (ECi) in amounts ranging from about 30 to 120% of the optimum with nonsaline water.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, No. 1439-E 1984 series  相似文献   

Intercropping, drip irrigation, and the use of plastic mulch are important management practices, which can, when utilized simultaneously, increase crop production and save irrigation water. Investigating soil water dynamics in the root zone of the intercropping field under such conditions is essential in order to understand the combined effects of these practices and to promote their wider use. However, not much work has been done to investigate soil water dynamics in the root zone of drip-irrigated, strip intercropping fields under plastic mulch. Three field experiments with different irrigation treatments (high T1, moderate T2, and low T3) were conducted to evaluate soil water contents (SWC) at different locations, for different irrigation treatments, and with respect to dripper lines and plants (corn and tomatoes). Experimental data were then used to calibrate the HYDRUS (2D/3D) model. Comparison between experimental data and model simulations showed that HYDRUS (2D/3D) described different irrigation events and SWC in the root zone well, with average relative errors of 10.8, 9.5, and 11.6 % for irrigation treatments T1, T2, and T3, respectively, and with corresponding root mean square errors of 0.043, 0.035, and 0.040 cm3 cm?3, respectively. The results showed that the SWC in the shallow root zone (0–40 cm) was lower under non-mulched locations than under mulched locations, irrespective of the irrigation treatment, while no significant differences in the SWC were observed in the deeper root zone (40–100 cm). The SWC in the shallow root zone was significantly higher for the high irrigation treatment (T1) than for the low irrigation treatment, while, again, no differences were observed in the deeper root zone. Simulations of two-dimensional SWC distributions revealed that the low irrigation treatment (T3) produced serious severe water stress (with SWCs near the wilting point) in the 30–40 cm part of the root zone, and that using separate drip emitter lines for each crop is well suited for producing the optimal soil water distribution pattern in the root zone of the intercropping field. The results of this study can be very useful in designing an optimal irrigation plan for intercropped fields.  相似文献   

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