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Concern over illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing has led to a number of policy, trade and surveillance measures. While much attention has been given to the impact of IUU regulation on industrial fleets, recognition of the distinct impacts on small‐scale fisheries is conspicuously lacking from the policy and research debate. In this paper, we outline three ways in which the application of IUU discourse and regulation undermines small‐scale fisheries. First, the mainstream construction of “illegal,” “unreported” and “unregulated” fishing, and also the categorical use of “IUU” in an all‐inclusive sense, disregards the diversity, legitimacy and sustainability of small‐scale fisheries practices and their governing systems. Second, we explore how the recent trade‐related measures to counter IUU fishing mask and reinforce existing inequalities between different sectors and countries, creating an unfair burden on small‐scale fisheries and countries who depend on them. Third, as IUU fishing is increasingly approached as “organized crime,” there is a risk of inappropriately targeting small‐scale fisheries, at times violently. Reflecting on these three trends, we propose three strategies by which a more sensitive and ultimately more equitable incorporation of small‐scale fisheries can be supported in the global fight against IUU fishing.  相似文献   

Fisheries have had major negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and effective fisheries management and governance are needed to achieve sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation goals and thus good ecosystem status. To date, the IndiSeas programme (Indicators for the Seas) has focussed on assessing the ecological impacts of fishing at the ecosystem scale using ecological indicators. Here, we explore fisheries ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ and relate this to ecosystem health and status. We developed a dedicated expert survey, focused at the ecosystem level, with a series of questions addressing aspects of management and governance, from an ecosystem‐based perspective, using objective and evidence‐based criteria. The survey was completed by ecosystem experts (managers and scientists) and results analysed using ranking and multivariate methods. Results were further examined for selected ecosystems, using expert knowledge, to explore the overall findings in greater depth. Higher scores for ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ were significantly and positively related to ecosystems with better ecological status. Key factors that point to success in delivering fisheries and conservation objectives were as follows: the use of reference points for management, frequent review of stock assessments, whether Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) catches were being accounted for and addressed, and the inclusion of stakeholders. Additionally, we found that the implementation of a long‐term management plan, including economic and social dimensions of fisheries in exploited ecosystems, was a key factor in successful, sustainable fisheries management. Our results support the thesis that good ecosystem‐based management and governance, sustainable fisheries and healthy ecosystems go together.  相似文献   

The need to accurately quantify fishing effort has increased in recent years as fisheries have expanded around the world and many fish stocks and non‐target species are threatened with collapse. Quantification methods vary greatly among fisheries, and to date there has not been a comprehensive review of these methods. Here we review existing approaches to quantify fishing effort in small‐scale, recreational, industrial, and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fisheries. We present the strengths and limitations of existing methods, identifying the most robust methods and the critical knowledge gaps that must be addressed to improve our ability to quantify and map fishing effort. Although identifying the ‘best’ method ultimately depends on the intended application of the data, in general, quantification methods that are based on information on gear use and spatial distribution offer the best approaches to representing fishing effort on a broad scale. Integrating fisher’s knowledge and involving fishers in data collection and management decisions may be the most effective way to improve data quality and accessibility.  相似文献   

Market-based fisheries management systems give incentives to reduce the fleet size and employment, which increases earnings and contributes to resolve the tragedy of the commons. However, the often-stated expectation that economies of scale cause the disappearance of small-scale fishery is not observed in many cases. In this study, we investigate the effects on fleet structure in the period after introducing individual fishing quotas or individual fishing days with various degrees of transferability in selected fisheries in the seven Nordic countries. Despite observing economies of scale in most cases, it is found that the market-based fisheries management often does not reduce the small-scale fleet more than the fleet of large vessels. This is explained partly by small vessels targeting demersal species and large vessels pelagic species, and partly by the larger need of larger than small vessels to continuously utilize their capital stocks through fast adaptation to ensure return. A more important explanation is the regulation design, with limitations in sale of fishing rights and lease between vessel groups and regions and in the share of the total quota holdings of fishing rights by individuals and vessels. This is important for countries considering the introduction of market-based fisheries management, since the Nordic experiences show that with proper regulation design, economic gains can be achieved with small-scale fishing surviving even under economies of scale.  相似文献   

山东省渔业资源丰富,渔业经济产值居全国首位,但是渔业资源的过度开发以及持续的生态环境污染导致山东省渔业可持续发展面临严峻挑战。本文基于价值链视角对山东省渔业发展进行了分析,明确了山东省渔业价值链在各环节上的优势和劣势,并以此确立了延伸渔业产业价值链,转变渔业价值链增值方式的发展战略,据此提出建议:大力发展精品养殖业,压缩近海捕捞规模;重点推动渔业加工业向精加工、深加工方向发展;建设多层次的水产流通服务体系,着力发展休闲渔业。  相似文献   

Between 1950 and 1989, marine fisheries catch in the open‐ocean and deep‐sea beyond 200 nautical miles from shore increased by a factor of more than 10. While high seas catches have since plateaued, fishing effort continues to increase linearly. The combination of increasing effort and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing has led to overfishing of target stocks and declines in biodiversity. To improve management, there have been numerous calls to increase monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS). However, MCS has been unevenly implemented, undermining efforts to sustainably use high seas and straddling stocks and protect associated species and ecosystems. The United Nations General Assembly is currently negotiating a new international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). The new treaty offers an excellent opportunity to address discrepancies in how MCS is applied across regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs). This paper identifies ways that automatic identification system (AIS) data can inform MCS on the high seas and thereby enhance conservation and management of biodiversity beyond national jurisdictions. AIS data can be used to (i) identify gaps in governance to underpin the importance of a holistic scope for the new agreement; (ii) monitor area‐based management tools; and (iii) increase the capacity of countries and RFMOs to manage via the technology transfer. Any new BBNJ treaty should emphasize MCS and the role of electronic monitoring including the use of AIS data, as well as government–industry–civil society partnerships to ensure critically important technology transfer and capacity building.  相似文献   

林志锋  张敏 《海洋渔业》2006,28(1):79-82
本文关注《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》的背景,着重介绍了《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》涉及的水域、管理的鱼种和公约成员国概况,阐述了《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》对我国南大洋渔业的影响,涉及对我国远洋渔业生产的影响,对我国在南大洋作业水域渔船的法规性限制,对我国在南大洋区域与相关各国渔业合作的推动。文章对我国南大洋的渔业进行了分析,提出了相应的分析与建议,即:开展南大洋水域海洋渔业资源调查和评估,积极参与南大洋水域的渔业管理事务,加强对南大洋作业渔船的监控和管理,促进国际渔业信息交流。  相似文献   

Derelict fishing gear is a highly visible source of marine plastic pollution, causing mortality and ecosystem degradation with uncertain long-term consequences. The quantity of derelict gear entering the oceans remains unknown because of heterogeneity in fishing gear and effort, as well as inadequate monitoring. Prior studies have been limited in scope to specific fisheries and regions, and large-scale estimates lack an empirical basis. It is critically important for decision makers to have credible information in order to design effective remediation efforts. We estimated the amount of industrial fishing effort and the associated plastic debris entering the ocean globally each year from lost fishing gear. Using remote observations of fishing vessel activity paired with technical fishing gear models, we generated a bounding estimate for gear operation and loss worldwide in 2018. We estimate that industrial trawl, purse-seine and pelagic longline fisheries operated 2.1 Mt of plastic gear over 2018 to obtain 49.7 Mt of retained and discarded catch, representing 74% of industrial marine capture globally. The median estimate for plastic gear lost during the use of these gear types was 48.4 kt (95% confidence interval: 28.4–99.5 kt). This estimate excludes abandoned and discarded gear. Improved observation, especially of small-scale fisheries, is needed to better understand the sources of derelict gear. These findings serve as a benchmark for future monitoring and management efforts to reduce derelict gear in the global ocean.  相似文献   

Coral reef fisheries are of great importance both economically and for food security, but many reefs are showing evidence of overfishing, with significant ecosystem‐level consequences for reef condition. In response, ecological indicators have been developed to assess the state of reef fisheries and their broader ecosystem‐level impacts. To date, use of fisheries indicators for coral reefs has been rather piecemeal, with no overarching understanding of their performance with respect to highlighting fishing effects. Here, we provide a review of multispecies fishery‐independent indicators used to evaluate fishing impacts on coral reefs. We investigate the consistency with which indicators highlight fishing effects on coral reefs. We then address questions of statistical power and uncertainty, type of fishing gradient, scale of analysis, the influence of other variables and the need for more work to set reference points for empirical, fisheries‐independent indicators on coral reefs. Our review provides knowledge that will help underpin the assessment of the ecological effects of fishing, offering essential support for the development and implementation of coral reef fisheries management plans.  相似文献   

Ecosystem‐based management is an emerging paradigm influencing the management of commercial fisheries. Increasingly, developed nations are adopting explicit legislation and policy governing the assessment and management of their fisheries against criteria of ecological sustainability. Yet the ability to evaluate ecosystem impacts of fisheries is compromised by a general lack of understanding of marine ecosystem function (beyond the population level) and a lack of robust and practical indicators for ecosystem health and management. Recent technological advances can assist in developing criteria, including structural analyses of seafloor communities potentially impacted by fishing gears (e.g. demersal trawling). Similarly, advances in fishing gear technology, including improved selectivity and the development of gears which have a more benign environmental impact, can mitigate some of the ecological impacts of fishing. Such technological advances are summarized in the context of contemporary fisheries management.  相似文献   

Tropical fisheries are among the most productive fisheries in the world, often providing the primary source of protein for the local population. Despite their importance, data on these systems are relatively limited, thus hampering management and policy development. Here, the implications of increasing fishing pressure are explored by critically evaluating the perceptions of the fishers who rely on these ecosystems to survive. A total of 169 fishers in 26 different fish‐dependent communities in the Tonlé Sap Lake, Cambodia, were surveyed to understand their perceptions of the impact that fishing has had on the ecosystem. The Tonlé Sap is one of the largest, yet poorest studied, freshwater fisheries in the world. Consistent with “fishing down the food web” theory of fisheries, survey data revealed that although fishers observed the total size of fish catch remaining consistent over recent years there has been a drastic decline in the size of individual fish, as well as a reduction in the diversity of species caught. These perceptions are examined with reference to food web theories that explore how fishing pressure leads to ecosystem change, including the more recent “indiscriminate fisheries” theory.  相似文献   

以南极海洋生物资源养护委员会第30届年会为例,介绍了南极海洋生物资源养护委员会的基本运作与最近发展趋势以及中国在其中的作用。首先阐述了委员会会议的基本结构以及下设的遵守与执法常委会会议主要内容,如养护措施的执行与修订,非法、不报告与不管制捕捞,渔获文件制度等;接下来分析了南极磷虾与犬牙鱼两种主要渔业的生产与管理情况,围绕与中国相关的三个议题,即两艘渔船、香港适用渔获文件制度以及IMO号等,指出中国的影响和作用,最后对2012年会议进行展望,并提出提高参会能力的有关建议。  相似文献   

While there has been a growing concern for the adverse ecological impacts of fishing, progress on incorporating these into operational fisheries management has been slow. Many fisheries management organizations have addressed the problem of overharvesting and over‐capitalization first. In this domain, the question of access regulation has gained growing recognition as a key dimension of fisheries sustainability, leading to recommendation and progressive implementation of rights‐based systems, in particular Individual Transferrable Quotas (ITQs). While adjustments in fishing capacity resulting from the implementation of these systems may entail a reduction in some unwanted ecosystem impacts of fishing, it is also recognized that they will not be sufficient to achieve the ecological outcomes increasingly demanded by the global community. There is thus a need to examine the possibilities for a common management framework for dealing with both over‐capitalization of fisheries and adverse ecological effects of fishing. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of incorporating greater ecosystem goods and services into ITQ policy instruments initially designed with a narrow focus on commercial target species. We consider the advantages and limitations of alternative approaches in this respect and identify some of the practical issues associated with the different alternatives, in particular the underpinning knowledge requirements. We argue that given the need for increasingly streamlined management processes, further investigation into practical ways forward in this domain is crucial if management of fisheries is to achieve economic efficiency while fully encompassing the ecologically sustainable development objectives of ecosystem‐based fisheries management.  相似文献   

The world's seas and oceans are a vital source of animal protein from fishing and a major contributor to global food security. It has been argued that global wild‐catch production has reached its limit, and there is concern that many species are overfished. Concerns are also mounting about the state of marine ecosystems and the ecological impacts of fishing on them, with increasing efforts to protect marine biodiversity. Fisheries appear to be at an impasse – demand for seafood is rising but so is concern about the impacts of fishing. However, through a simple analysis, we show that global exploitation rates are well below long‐term sustainable levels at a whole ecosystem level. The oceans can support considerably higher sustainable catch than currently harvested. Overfishing has happened but only to a small fraction of species as a result of intensive and selective fishing. Shifting fishing effort away from highly targeted stocks towards currently underutilized species would reduce pressure on overfished species, result in fewer adverse ecosystem effects of fishing and increase overall fisheries production. This shift requires significant changes to our views about seafood, particularly in the developed world. We suggest ways in which this paradigm shift could happen and the range of expertise that would be required to achieve higher global yields with less ecological impact.  相似文献   

Managing fisheries resources to maintain healthy ecosystems is one of the main goals of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). While a number of international treaties call for the implementation of EAF, there are still gaps in the underlying methodology. One aspect that has received substantial scientific attention recently is fisheries‐induced evolution (FIE). Increasing evidence indicates that intensive fishing has the potential to exert strong directional selection on life‐history traits, behaviour, physiology, and morphology of exploited fish. Of particular concern is that reversing evolutionary responses to fishing can be much more difficult than reversing demographic or phenotypically plastic responses. Furthermore, like climate change, multiple agents cause FIE, with effects accumulating over time. Consequently, FIE may alter the utility derived from fish stocks, which in turn can modify the monetary value living aquatic resources provide to society. Quantifying and predicting the evolutionary effects of fishing is therefore important for both ecological and economic reasons. An important reason this is not happening is the lack of an appropriate assessment framework. We therefore describe the evolutionary impact assessment (EvoIA) as a structured approach for assessing the evolutionary consequences of fishing and evaluating the predicted evolutionary outcomes of alternative management options. EvoIA can contribute to EAF by clarifying how evolution may alter stock properties and ecological relations, support the precautionary approach to fisheries management by addressing a previously overlooked source of uncertainty and risk, and thus contribute to sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing is a major problem in many of the world's fisheries. The stocks most severely impacted centre on those characterised by high economic value, such as abalone, as well as long lived and slow growing species such as Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). Effective management of these stocks as well as assessment of the impacts of IUU fishing on the resources is impeded by the technical difficulties associated with determining the magnitude of the IUU catches. The South African abalone Haliotis midae fishery rates as an extreme example of extraordinarily high levels of illegal and unreported (IU) catch. To assess the level and trends in IU catches, we used a combination of approaches that included collation of confiscation records from law enforcement, development of a novel index (the confiscations per unit policing effort—CPUPE), estimation of illegal catches using a spatial and age-structured assessment model, and cross-checking of model outputs through comparison with trade data on abalone imports in destination countries. The model-predicted 2008 IU estimate was 860 tonnes, more than 10 times the total allowable catch (TAC) for that year, and implied that, on average, 14% of all IU catches are confiscated. Associated management responses included the listing of H. midae on Appendix III of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), and a temporary closure of the commercial fishery. We summarise both technical and management lessons to be learnt from this integrated approach to assess and verify the magnitude of IU fishing.  相似文献   

The inland fisheries of Sri Lanka are essentially artisanal on most of the reservoirs in the country. The annual inland fish production declined dramatically after 1990, when state patronage for the development of the inland fisheries was discontinued for 4 years. This decline was shown to be a result of growth overfishing of the two dominant cichlid species which accounted for over 90% of landings. This was a result of using small mesh ( < 6.9 cm) gillnets in the absence of the State-sponsored monitoring procedure in the fishery after 1990. This indicates that it is necessary to monitor inland fisheries management in Sri Lanka through a centralized authority in the current situation. However, in some Sri Lankan reservoirs, fishing communities can be categorized as 'organized' because they collectively make decisions to define procedures for the rational exploitation of the fishery resources. In reservoirs with 'organized' fishing, the communities themselves have developed mechanisms to regulate the landing sizes of dominant cichlid fish species through community-based fisheries management strategies. In such reservoirs, over-exploitation of fish stocks was not evident, even after 1990, when state-sponsored monitoring procedures were suspended. Based on these observations, an alternative approach is recommended for the management of Sri Lankan reservoir capture fisheries in which the Government and resource-users have equal responsibilities in the management of the resources.  相似文献   

Abstract  To deal with excessive fishing capacity, a part of the fishing rights, both volume quotas and gear use rights, in all Estonian fisheries was allocated each year during 2001–2003 through auctions while the remainder was allocated on the basis of the recent fishing rights use history. All fishing rights depreciated in a geometric manner by 10% annually. This was carried out for the first time in 2001, but the system was abandoned for political reasons in 2003. In this paper, the development of the small-scale Estonian inland fisheries, as well as the results of the auctions of fishing rights in those fisheries, are discussed. The auctions led to some increase in the number of owners of fishing rights. In most cases, however, new enterprises were formed on the basis of fishers active up to 2001 as employees of other enterprises. The auctions did not lead to a concentration of ownership of fishing rights in large enterprises. On the contrary, the share of smaller owners increased. According to the Fishing Act, in Estonia there is a fishing fee for all professional fishing gears. The official fishing fee was always used as the starting price in bidding, and this increased greatly during the bidding. Finally, the auction system served as a real incentive for fishers to cooperate more than they did during the previous management system based only on earlier rights.  相似文献   

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