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In order to realize the predictive function of BIM technology, the reliability theory and theoretical probability method are utilized to judge the uncertainty which exists in the process of construction. Meanwhile, the complicated relationship between construction schedule and prediction model is analyze, the random prediction model for construction schedule is established as well. Particularly, the influencing condition about a single factor in the process of construction is taken into consideration. Determinate model and random model for construction time as well as reliability analysis method for the construction time prediction which is based on a single influencing factor are studied .At the same time, The integrated management method of reliability prediction about construction schedule which is on basis of BIM management platform is discussed. The case study shows that the proposed method has delivered dramatic results to the control of construction schedule.  相似文献   

Network planning schedule optimization is one of the pivotal issues in engineering project management. The current studies on schedule optimization aim at achieving the optimal goals by least additional resources. In this paper, from transferring the critical path, the authors suggest a schedule optimization algorithm through transferring partial resource of un-critical activities to the critical activities. The result of applying the model shows that it is helpful for resolving schedule optimization issue for fixed resources.  相似文献   

农业广播电视教育在中国取得了明显的社会和经济效益,已经成了一种重要的教育形式。主要介绍了农业广播电视教育在培训师资、发展广播电视院校以及提高国民文化素质等方面的发展情况和今后的发展规划。并对农业广播电视教育办学队伍状况进行调查总结和比较分析,探讨构建适应21世纪新形势需要的农业广播电视教育办学队伍与培训创新体系基本框架。  相似文献   

Encryption is an important method which is used to protect the information of an individual and enterprises and the secret of nations. Rijndael algorithm is the new advanced encryption standard, and has extensive application foreground because of its much merit. Modem encryption algorithms are based on keys. However, so far few of people research into the key schedule of rijndael algorithm and especially do research on the generation of its initial keys. This paper researches into the mapping of Logistic, makes use of a chaos algorithm to produce initial encryption keys because it can create chaos sequences of high randomicity. Further more, corresponding CPLD implementation is given.  相似文献   

为了建立甜菜多重SSR-PCR体系,通过利用11对甜菜SSR核心引物,根据SSR扩增产物片段大小的不同,构建甜菜2~5重SSR-PCR反应体系。结果表明,在单一SSR-PCR的基础上,甜菜2~3重SSR-PCR的体系为:每增加一重SSR,仅仅增加相应引物的量以及减少去离子水的量。甜菜4~5重SSR-PCR,要在单一PCR的基础上增加0.5倍DNTPs的含量以及相应引物的量,同时根据个别引物扩增效率的不同,相应减少或者增加0.5倍个别引物的量,并成功的构建了16个4重PCR和9个5重PCR。多重PCR反应能够产生与单一PCR相同的多态性,但是却比单一PCR提高了2~5倍的效率,甜菜多重PCR体系的建立将大大加速甜菜品种纯度和真实性鉴定的速度,也将更快的促进甜菜分子生物学其他领域的发展。  相似文献   

The default of conventional schedule is expounded, which only emphasizes on system's overall object but overlooks sub system's local object. A mathematical model of two level multi object is put forward. The concept of relatively prior weight is defined, and a heuristic algorithm is given out. The results of computer simulation show that the algorithm is effective.  相似文献   

The influences of autoclaving schedule on the compressive strength,bending strength,spliting strength and fracture energy are studied by testing the strengths,fracture energy,pore structure and BET surface of lime_sand concrete with 2 kinds of mix proportion and 8 autoclave schedules.The purpose of the work is to explain the changes of mechanical behaviors of lime_sand concrete by the data of pore structure and BET surface.  相似文献   

The epicyclic gear drive with internal tooth has been analysed,the formula has been also deduced for computing the inertial force and change of contact force,and the dynamic optimization of system parameters for the force of bearing has been carried,it has given a reliable proof to reduce the dynamic load and prolong the life of bearing of three ring type reducer.  相似文献   

甜菜CDDP-PCR扩增体系的建立及优化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了建立最优甜菜的来源保守DNA序列多态(conserved DNA-derived polymorphism,CDDP)分子标记扩增体系,以期利用CDDP分子标记技术进行甜菜品种指纹图谱的构建、核心种质构建及分子标记辅助育种。本实验利用单因素变量的方法对甜菜CDDP体系进行优化;最终确定了甜菜最适CDDP体系,体系总体积为20μL,其中包括10μL MIX,0.5μL引物,0.5μL DNA模板。利用优化的体系对8个甜菜二倍体品系进行扩增,结果表明所有材料都能扩增出清晰稳定的条带,并且多态性丰富,由此可以说明本研究对CDDP进行优化的体系非常适合甜菜CDDP-PCR分析。  相似文献   

为了建立甜菜DAMD扩增体系,以期利用DAMD引物应用于甜菜品种指纹图谱的构建及分子标记辅助育种。本实验利用单因素变量的方法对甜菜DAMD体系进行优化。同时选用12个甜菜品种,利用优化的体系对25条DAMD引物进行扩增。获得甜菜的最适DAMD体系:总体积为20μL,包含模板DNA 10~80 ng、0.75 U的DNA聚合酶、0.2μL的d NTPs(2.5 mmol/L each)以及2.0μL的引物(10μmol/L)。同时25条引物均扩增出了清晰条带,除了个别引物多态性较差外,其余引物多态性都非常的丰富,其中引物62H(-)就可以把实验中用到的12个甜菜品种全部区分开。由此可见,DAMD引物的扩增效率很高,并且扩增结果稳定,条带清晰,非常适合甜菜品种指纹图谱的构建及遗传多样性分析。  相似文献   

高职粮食工程专业在全国职业院校中设置较少,为提高粮食工程专业人才培养质量,使之适应当前粮油行业企业的专门人才需求,结合省级特色专业的建设,对粮食工程专业的课程体系全面优化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

自动化加热排湿烤烟房烘烤工艺初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自动化加热排湿烤烟房是近年来中国烟草发展的一个主题,为了探明该烤烟房配套的烘烤工艺,依据现有烘烤理论和自动化加热排湿烤烟房的研究结果,设置自动供热排湿热风循环烤房的烘烤工艺,以传统的三阶段烘烤工艺为对照进行了烘烤比较。结果表明:设置的烘烤工艺阶段简单,操作方便,烟叶烘烤后,比三阶段烘烤工艺烘烤的烟叶桔黄烟比例、上等烟比例、上中等烟比例分别增3.38、4.74、2.03个百分点,鲜干比增高0.03,均价提高0.53元/kg;总糖、淀粉、总氮、烟碱、烟碱氮、蛋白质的含量及总糖与还原糖的差值有所降低,烟叶化学成分更为协调。  相似文献   

农产品加工与新农村建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了农产品加工业与农业生产、食品产业的密切关系,提出新农村建设的主体是农民,农产品加工的受益者也应是农民。分析得出了我国目前农产品加工和食品加工与农业、农村、农民脱节是造成食品安全问题的根本原因。我国新农村建设的迫切任务首先是使农民成为经营的主体。  相似文献   

以木糖、丙氨酸、半胱氨酸和硫胺素为变量,以反应液的吸光度和感官评定结果为考察指标,采用响应曲面法优化得到了一种新型的烤鸡上色增香液配方。其最佳配方参数为:木糖3.7%,丙氨酸2.6%,半胱氨酸1.8%和硫胺素2.6%,在此条件下,烤鸡上色增香液具有最佳的色泽和香味。  相似文献   

低碳型新农村建设初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王环  仪坤秀 《中国农学通报》2010,26(18):359-363
低碳经济成为全球意志和中国的现实选择。如何推进现代农业建设的顺利进行,提高农民收入和改善农村生态环境,实现农业的可持续发展,这是新农村建设中面临的根本问题。本文阐述了低碳型新农村建设的重要意义和关键举措。  相似文献   

韩芹  朱继东 《中国农学通报》2008,24(11):533-536
摘要:随着我国经济社会的发展,市场经济全球化、一体化格局日趋形成。培训众多高素质、有文化、懂技术、会经营具备致富创业能力的新型国际化农民是提高我国农业参与国际市场竞争的需要,也是推进社会主义新农村建设的力量源泉和根本保证。本文旨在结合日本农民的培训模式、立足我省省情,阐述了教育培训新型国际化农民对我省全面发展的重要意义,以及在实施培训工作中存在的问题、对策与建议。  相似文献   

FIDIC adopted a new construction claims procedure and a new disputes resolution for construction claims in its first edition of New Conditions of Contract published in 1999. The authors analyze the reasons why the FIDIC improves claims procedure and the resolution for construction claims, and describes the impartiality and efficiency of the DAB in resolving and preventing the construction claims disputes with informal procedures.  相似文献   

许书杰 《中国农学通报》2017,33(14):153-157
为了适应经济新常态的需要,使严重失衡的城乡收入分配结构得以优化,通过对城乡收入分配结构现状、成因分析,找到劳动复杂程度、户籍歧视等是影响城乡收入结构失衡的主要因素,给出优化城乡收入分配结构路径:提高农村居民受教育水平,加快户籍改革取消农户及非农户限制,实施城乡社会保障一体化,加大农村基本建设财政支出力度,大力发展农村普惠金融等,从而提高农民收入。  相似文献   

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