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A histologic and histochemical study of the pyloric mucosa was carried out in six one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) of 2.5 to 10 years of age. The epithelial and glandular organization was described and the secretory cells characterized by the properties of their mucosubstance.  相似文献   

Summary Camels with cannulas in the small intestine were used to study the digestive-absorptive capacities of the small intestine. Solutions of different carbohydrates were infused through the cannulas and the responses in blood glucose levels were measured.Monosaccharides were readily absorbed from the camel small intestine. The pattern of disaccharide absorption indicated that there was high lactase activity and low maltase and sucrase activity, in the camel small intestinal mucosa.
Estudios Sobre La Digestión De Carbohidratos En Los Camellos (Camelus Dromediarius)
Resumen Se instalaron cánulas en el intestino delgado de camellos, para estudiar la capacidad digestiva-absortiva, Se utilizaron las cánulas para infundir a través de ellas una serie de soluciones diferentes de carbohidratos, midiendo de esta manera los niveles de glucosa sanguínea.Los monosacáridos se absorbieron fácilmente. El patrón absortivo de los disacáridos indicó que la actividad de la lactosa fue alta y baja la de la maltasa y sucrasa.

Etudes Sur La Digestion Des Hydrates De Carbone Chez Le Chameau (Camelus Dromedarius)
Résumé Les capacités digestives et d'absorption du petit intestin du chameau ont été étudiées à l'aide de cannules placées à ce niveau. Des solutions de différents hydrates de carbone ont pu être ainsi introduites dans la lumière du petit intestin avec mesures des taux de glucose dans le sang.Les monosaccharides ont été rapidement absorbés par le petit intestin du chameau. Les essais portant sur l'absorption de disaccharides ont montré l'existence d'une importante activité des lactases et d'une activité basse en ce qui concerne le maltose et le sucrose, dans le mucus du petit intestin du chameau.

Prescapular, femoral, mesenteric, mediastinal and splenic lymph nodes from nine camels of one to 12 years of age were studied. There were no obvious structural differences between these different lymph nodes or between the ages. The lymph nodes were surrounded by a capsule formed of two layers, an outer thicker layer of connective tissue and an inner thinner layer mainly of smooth muscles. Trabeculae extended from the inner layer of the capsule dividing the parenchyma characteristically into incomplete lobules. Subcapsular and trabecular lymphatic sinuses were supported by a reticular fiber network. The parenchyma was uniquely different from that of other species, as it was arranged in the form of lymphoid follicles and interfollicular lymphoid tissue. The lymphoid follicles of CD22 positive lymphocytes were supported by a reticular fiber network. This fine network of α-smooth muscle actin positive cells enclosed the lymphoid follicles. The interfollicular tissue was mainly made up of diffusely distributed CD3 positive lymphocytes. MHC class II: DR was expressed by most lymphocytes of the follicles and interfollicular tissue. Lymphatic sinuses and high endothelial venules were found in the interfollicular zone. The lymphatic sinuses were lined by discontinuous endothelial cells. The wall of the high endothelial venules was infiltrated by several lymphocytes and enclosed in a layer of α-smooth muscle actin positive cells. Acid phosphatase positive cells were evenly distributed in the interfollicular zone. A few cells were localized in the lymph follicles. Alkaline phosphatase was observed in the endothelium of the lymphatic sinuses and in the lymphoid follicles.  相似文献   

The paper presents some salient aspects of a study on the placentation of camel at gross, light and electron microscopic levels. The study involved factors analysis on five pregnant uteri from camel slaughter house in Yazd, Iran.
The experimental observations confirmed that unlike other animals, in camel, the fetus only developed in the left horn of the uterus. Based on the distribution type of the chorionic villi, in camel, similar to horse, the placenta was found to be in diffused form. At light microscopic level, the results revealed six layers between the fetal and maternal blood. From this it inferred that camel's placenta was also of epitheliochorial form.
The detailed examination further showed that similar to cow and sheep umbilical cord in camel was also limited to the amniotic sac but it contained two arteries, two veins and one urachus. Little amount of elastic fibers were also observed in the histological and electron microscopical sections. At the electron microscopic level, both binucleated and mononucleated cells in trophoblastic layer were confirmed.  相似文献   

The study of the development of the mesonephros in the camel (Camelus dromedarius) was carried out on 16 embryos ranging from 0.9 to 8.6 cm crown vertebral rump length (CVRL). At 0.9 cm CVRL, the mesonephros is represented by a narrow strip along the roof of the thoracolumbar part of the vertebral column. At 1.4 cm CVRL, some of the mesonephric tubules are canalized but others are still solid. The mesonephric corpuscles are well developed at 1.9 cm CVRL and occupy almost the entire abdominal cavity in between the liver and the gut. Histologically, the glomeruli occupy the ventromedial aspect of the mesonephros while the mesonephric tubules become numerous, larger and more coiled. At 3 cm CVRL, the metanephros is invaginated in the caudal pole of the mesonephros, and the mesonephric tubules in some areas are differentiated into secretory and collecting tubules. At 3.5 cm CVRL the mesonephros is related dorsally to the postcardinal vein and ventrally to the subcardinal vein. At 4.7 cm CVRL continuous regression of the mesonephros from cranialwards to caudalwards is observed. At 5.3-5.5 cm CVRL, the cranial part of the mesonephros is divided into medial and lateral regions, and later the medial region completely disappears and is replaced by the primordium of the adrenal gland. At 8.6 cm CVRL, the caudal part of the mesonephros completely disappears.  相似文献   

Thyrocalcitonin cells (C cells) were predominantly demonstrated in the ultimobranchial (UB) structures of the thyroid gland of one‐humped camels. The UB population was observed as clear cells, either singly distributed or as groups of cells between the component cellular elements lining the UB structures. They displayed various shapes: oval, pear‐like, rounded, cubical, columnar and or ellipsoid. Those populating the cell nests or solid cellular masses were almost polygonal or ovoid in shape. The cytoplasm contained well‐developed golgi complexes, several mitochondria and characteristically presented rounded or oval membrane‐bound electron dense granules of different sizes. The latter granules were irregularly distributed within the cytoplasm especially at the vascular pole. The nucleus of C cells was relatively large, indented, occupying a more or less central position in the cytoplasm. It presented various chromatin contents; the heterochromatin variety was predominantly demonstrated at the marginal zone. However, the euchromatin occupied a more central position within the nucleus.  相似文献   

Two hundred eighteen genital tracts of slaughtered female camels were collected and examined. Infundibular cysts were observed in 35 tracts (16%); these were either unilateral (22 cases) or bilateral (13 cases) all containing fluids of different consistencies. The morphological and histological structures of the cysts were recorded. The bacteriological investigation and physicochemical analysis of cyst contents were carried out. Aeromonas hydrophila was isolated from 68.5% of cases. Rectal palpation and ultrasound technique were compared for the diagnosis of the cysts antemortem.  相似文献   

Anatomy of the sinus node was studied in six camel hearts (Camelus dromedarius) with serial histologic sectioning. The sinus node in this species of animal was located 0.5 mm beneath the epicardium, near the junction between the cranial vena cava and the right atrium at the sulcus terminalis. Its shape was elongated, bent oblong with 28.25 mm length, 5.75 mm width and 5.38 mm thickness. The maximum section area was 101.66 mm2. The central artery of the node originated from the circumflexus branch of the left coronary artery and, throughout its length in the substance of the sinus node, had an internai elastic membrane. Histologically, the sinus node of this animal contained a central artery and a framework of collagen fibres, which were distributed around the central artery. The nodal cells were irregularly organized around the central artery and two types, i.e.‘p’ cells and transitional cells were present. The ‘p’ cells had a perinuclear clear zone but the transitional cells contained more myofibrils. The intercalated dises were not present. At the periphery of the sinus node there were many nerve fibres and a ganglion. The purkinje fibres were present within atrial myocardium, as well as within ventricular myocardium. The glycogen content of the sinus nodal cells was higher than that of the atrial myocardial cells.  相似文献   

The Coronary Arteries of the Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of distribution of the coronary arteries of the camel was studied by combining dissection and vinyl acetate casts. The results showed that in the camel the right coronary artery supplies the interventricular subsinuosal artery, characteristic of a right coronary pattern. The septal branch that supplied the interventricular septum originated from the paraconal interventricular artery. A muscular bridge was observed crossing each of the paraconal and subsinuosal interventricular arteries in the middle third of the longitudinal grooves.  相似文献   

The detailed coronary arterial anatomy of seven camels was studied and compared with that of horses and cattle. In camels, there is a bilateral coronary supply, the right coronary artery being the larger. The left coronary artery follows the same pattern as that in horses. The ramus collateralis proximalis in camels separates off some distance away from the origin of the ramus interventricularis paraconalis, as in horses, whereas it separates off very quickly in cattle. The ramus collateralis distalis has two branches in camels, whereas the left distal ventriculi ramus does not branch. The ramus angularis is also absent but the left distal atrii ramus is present.Abbreviations LCR left ramus circumflexus - RCR right circumflexus ramus - RIS ramus interventricularis subsinosus - RIVP ramus interventricularis paraconalis  相似文献   

双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜组织学与组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用组织学和组织化学研究方法重点观察了双峰驼胃底腺的细胞组成、分布及其组织化学特性。结果表明,双峰驼胃底腺区有发达的黏膜皱襞和厚的黏膜层,固有层中充满长而直的分支管状腺,由颈黏液细胞、壁细胞、主细胞和亲银细胞组成。颈黏液细胞分布在腺颈部,为混合黏液细胞,以分泌酸性糖共轭物为主。壁细胞十分丰富,分布于整个腺体,以腺体体部最多,细胞内含有酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶以及活性较强的非特异性醋酶,糖共轭物呈色均为阴性。主细胞位于腺体体部和底部,胞质中有大量的嗜碱性颗粒,含非特异性醋酶,但无糖共轭物。在黏膜褶顶部腺体体部和底部常看到不成熟的主细胞,其形态同颈黏液细胞和主细胞相似,为矮柱状或立方状,胞质有大量细小的颗粒,糖共轭物呈色反应和颈黏液细胞相似。糖共轭物呈色结果还显示,胃底腺区黏膜表面上皮仅分泌中性糖共轭物,胃小凹上皮和颊部腺上皮可分泌混合糖共轭物,胃小凹浅层上皮以中性糖共轭物为主,而底部上皮和颊部腺上皮以酸性糖共轭物为主。此外,在网状纤维染色时我们发现颈黏液细胞有明显的嗜银现象,核上胞质可见大量的嗜银颗粒,不成熟的主细胞有类似表现,但较其弱,颊部腺上皮也有较弱的嗜银性,而成熟的主细胞则无此特点,建议将此法作为颈黏液细胞和主细胞的鉴别方法。虽然双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜的微观结构及组织化学特性同其他动物和人有差异。但基本结构相似。  相似文献   

The aim of this was to investigate the histology and immunohistochemistry of interstitial glands during non‐breeding season in camel ovaries. A total of 21 mature, non‐pregnant and apparently healthy camels aged between 8 and 12 years were slaughtered. The ovaries were removed within 15 min, cleaned from adipose tissue, weighted and examined grossly. The histological preparation was made, and then, the blocks were cut at 3–5 microns thickness and stained by H&E for histological examinations. Moreover, some sections were stained with Sudan Black for lipid detection. Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin‐embedded ovarian tissues was performed to detect the localization of S‐100, vimentin, progesterone receptors (PR) and oestrogen receptors (ER). Immunoreactive signals were detected using UltraVision Detection System. The results revealed that the interstitial glands were located in the cortical region and they were arranged in various arrangements either single, in couple or in groups rich in lipid droplet. All interstitial gland arrangements were enclosed by connective tissue capsules containing fibroblasts and collagenous fibres separated them from the surrounding ovarian structures. Both interstitial glands and their surrounding CT were penetrated by several blood vessels. There was a strong immunoreactive signal for S‐100 in the nuclei of interstitial cells, and no signals were detected either in cells of the interstitial glands or their connective tissue with PR. We could conclude that the interstitial gland is distinct in ovary of camel and further studies are needed to elucidate its rule in steroid synthesis.  相似文献   

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