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The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae is one of the most economically deleterious ectoparasite of laying hens worldwide. To evaluate the efficacy of three strains (V245, 3247 and 715C) of entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae with potential as acaricides against D. gallinae, this investigation was carried out in a commercial caged laying poultry farm in Naghedeh, West Azarbaijan of Iran. The parasite infestation already existed in the farm. Sunflower oil suspension of all fungal strains, each in two concentrations (1×10(7) and 1×10(9) conidia/ml) were used separately as spray on hens and cages, and in the control group the cages were only sprayed with sunflower oil and sterile distilled water. For estimating the population rate of mites before and after treatment, special cardboard traps were fixed to cages during a 1-month period. The traps were placed on weeks -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3 and always removed after 1 w. The results showed that the population rates post fungal treatment with the lower concentration were not significantly different compared to the control group. However, the reduction in mite numbers induced by all three strains at the concentration of 1×10(9) conidia/ml was significantly higher than the control (P<0.05). The results revealed that under field conditions, higher concentrations of M. anisopliae will be required for controlling D. gallinae.  相似文献   

A method of controlling red mites by the use of a small amount of insecticide placed inside a hollow perch is described. 0.5 g. of 50 per cent Carbaryl (“Sevin”) wettable powder distributed along the inside of 2.1 m. trap perch controlled experimental infestations for up to 4 months.

This method of control is economical and protects the birds from unnecessary contamination with insecticide. Insecticides inside a trap perch are protected from conditions such as alkalinity which might otherwise lead to their inactivation. It is therefore suggested that insecticides used in this way may remain lethal to mites for a much longer time than if applied as a spray or dust to the inside surfaces of a poultry hut.  相似文献   

1. In the Netherlands aviary systems are in use on 19 commercial farms. In the present study the results of 19 flocks kept in aviaries, with an average flocksize of 16,000 hens, were analysed and compared with 47 flocks kept in battery cages.

2. The aviary flocks had lower egg weights, lower mortality rates and poorer food conversion. The difference in food intake per hen per day was not significant. The average percentage of floor eggs in aviaries was 4.6, ranging from 0.9 to 11.5.

3. Production costs per kg eggs produced in aviaries were 8.2% greater than in cages. This increase was mainly caused by higher costs for pullets, housing and labour.  相似文献   

The poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae is a major pest and widespread ectoparasite of laying hens and other domestic and wild birds. Under optimal conditions, D. gallinae can complete its lifecycle in less than 10 days, leading to rapid proliferation of populations in poultry systems. This paper focuses on developing a theoretical model framework to describe the population dynamics of D. gallinae. This model is then used to test the efficacy and residual effect of different control options for managing D. gallinae. As well as allowing comparison between treatment options, the model also allows comparison of treatment efficacies to different D. gallinae life stages. Three different means for controlling D. gallinae populations were subjected to the model using computer simulations: mechanical cleaning (killing once at a given time all accessible population stages), sanitary clearance (starving the mite population for a given duration, e.g. between flocks) and acaricide treatment (killing a proportion of nymphs and adults during the persistence of the treatment). Simulations showed that mechanical cleaning and sanitary clearance alone could not eradicate the model D. gallinae population, although these methods did delay population establishment. In contrast, the complete eradication of the model D. gallinae population was achieved by several successive acaricide treatments in close succession, even when a relatively low treatment level was used.  相似文献   

Azadirachtin-impregnated traps for the control of Dermanyssus gallinae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of neem oil (azadirachtin), originating from the tree Azadirachta indica, was investigated as a potential compound to control the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae. In vitro tests were performed to determine the most appropriate formulation of neem extracts and concentration of the substance to be used. Cardboard traps containing 20% neem oil were placed at the mites’ aggregation sites, out of reach of the hens, in a floor system for layers containing approximately 2400 birds. Treated traps were replaced every week for 4 weeks. Throughout the study, the parasite population was monitored by collections of mites with untreated plastic traps. A 92% reduction of D. gallinae was recorded.  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是一种常见的鸡体外寄生虫,通常夜间活动,在鸡体上吸血,白天隐藏于禽舍内阴暗角落.鸡群受皮刺螨侵袭后,一般不会引起鸡只死亡,但能严重影响肉鸡的生长速度及料肉比;蛋鸡因其生长期较长,比肉鸡多发,表现为产蛋率不高或达不到产蛋高峰.作者采用伊力佳(伊维菌素)0.2%预混剂,对一感染鸡皮刺螨的蛋鸡场,进行用药治疗,收到了良好的效果,鸡群产蛋率上升8%左右,皮刺螨得以控制,现报告如下.  相似文献   

1. This study investigated when and where body weight and flock‐uniformity should be determined in an aviary system by using automatic weighing systems.

2. An Individual Poultry Weighing System (IPWS) was developed to record time, duration, location and body weight of visits of individual hens to 4 weighing scales.

3. The number of hens that visited the weighing scales per 3 h period varied from less than 10 during the dark‐period to more than 60 during the light‐period.

4. The average number of visits per individual hen was 1–4 and the average number of successful weighings per hen was 0–6 during the light‐period.

5. Body weight showed a diurnal rhythm: the difference between the maximum body weight at night and the minimum body weight in the morning was 63 g.

6. The location of the scales influenced number of visits, number of weighings, mean body weight, flock‐uniformity and duration of visits.

7. Body weight per 3 h period did not differ between hens which were individually recognised and those which were not.

8. Flock‐uniformity was 2–6% higher during the light‐period if it was based on weighings of identified hen visits.

9. The average duration of the visits to the scales in the middle of the feeding tier during the light‐period was 63 s.

10. Of all the hens that visited the scales during a 24 h period, 54% visited them only once.

11. Automatic weighing systems without individual hen recognition can deliver reliable management information on mean body weight and flock‐uniformity in aviary systems if the weighing scales are located on the feeding tier in the middle of the house and if they are used during the light‐period.  相似文献   

In Sweden, the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, is the only haematophagous mite of poultry. After obtaining a blood meal the parasite spends most of its life off the host aggregated in cracks and crevices where mating and reproduction occur. Cardboard traps (1000 mm x 40 mm x 3 mm; 160 mm x 140 mm x 3 mm and 100 mm x 70 mm x 3 mm) containing 2% metriphonate were placed where mites gathered, out of reach of the hens, in two different types of multi-tiered floor systems for layers. In two separate trials, treated traps were replaced every second day for 2 weeks and every week for 8 weeks. In the 2-week trial the whole floor system was treated while in the 8-week trial six of 12 existing compartments studied were treated. The untreated compartments were used as controls. Throughout the study, the parasite populations were monitored by collections of mites with untreated cardboard traps (100 mm x 70 mm x 3 mm). A 95% reduction of mites was recorded in the 8-week trial whereas a 99% reduction of mites was recorded in the 2-week trial. The placement of treated traps near mite aggregation sites was essential for satisfactory control.  相似文献   

夏季温度较高,在集约化饲养环境下,鸡舍气温往往超过30℃,甚至高达40℃。高温对蛋鸡是一种较强的热应激源,易造成蛋鸡采食下降、产蛋减少、蛋壳变薄、蛋重减轻,严重时还会导致鸡群死亡,严重影响着养鸡生产的经济效益。要在炎热季节保持蛋鸡高产,应采取以下综合技术措施。1改善蛋鸡生产环境1.1鸡舍建筑不能太矮,尽可能坐北向南,多设窗户或通风口,屋顶设置隔热层。1.2在鸡舍四周,特别是在鸡舍南西两侧种植大叶树和藤蔓植物,鸡舍周围地面可种植草皮、蔬菜等。尽量不使地面裸露。1.3进入夏季,可在鸡舍周围搭设凉棚,鸡舍屋顶用石灰乳之类刷白,草…  相似文献   

The development of a reliable in vitro feeding system has enabled the rapid testing of presumptive anti-mite factors, a mixture of protease inhibitors (PI), by incorporating these into the blood feed. Mites were collected from a caged-hen facility and underwent a regime of starvation under varying conditions of temperature and darkness to determine the optimum conditions that encouraged mites to feed in the in vitro system. The efficacy of two anti-coagulants, heparin (HS) and acid citrate glucose (ACD), on mite feeding rates and mortality was evaluated. The ability of a mixture of PI to kill mites was also evaluated. The rate of feeding was greater in mites that were starved and cooled for between 7 and 30 days compared with mites that were not starved or cooled. The percentage of mites that fed when presented with HS treated blood (70%) was greater when compared with ACD treated blood (48%). The mortality of mites fed blood treated with HS + PI increased to 45% compared with a mortality level of 5% in mites fed on blood treated with HS alone. A reliable in vitro method for feeding D. gallinae which has the potential to be used to rapidly screen blood-borne products for their efficacy in reducing mite numbers has been developed.  相似文献   

Dermanyssus gallinae, the poultry red mite, is an obligatory blood-sucking ectoparasite. The genetic diversity of D. gallinae has been examined in some countries, but so far not in Asian countries. Here, we sequenced a part of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and16S rRNA genes and nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS) region in 239 mite samples collected from 40 prefectures throughout Japan. The COI and 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences were classified into 28 and 26 haplotypes, respectively. In phylogenetic trees, the haplotypes clustered into 2 haplogroups corresponding to haplogroups A and B, which were previously reported. Haplogroups A and B were further subdivided into sub-haplogroups AJ1 and AJ2, and BJ1 and BJ2, respectively. In both trees, the sequences of haplotypes in AJ1 and BJ2 were relatively distant from those reported in other countries, while some sequences in AJ2 and BJ1 were identical to those in Europe. In addition, the ITS sequences were classified into two sequences, and both sequences were closely related to the sequences found in European countries. These findings indicate a possibility of international oversea transmission of D. gallinae.  相似文献   

The influence of housing system on the initial bacterial contamination of the eggshell was studied. Two long-term experiments were performed. Bacterial eggshell contamination, as expressed by total count of aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria, was periodically analysed for eggs from a conventional cage, a furnished cage with nest boxes containing artificial turf or grids as nest-floor material and an aviary housing system. Results were log-transformed prior to statistical analyses. For both experiments no systematic differences were found between the conventional cage and furnished cage. The type of nest-floor material in the nest boxes of the furnished cages also did not systematically influence the bacterial contamination. A possible seasonal influence on contamination with a decrease in the winter period (up to > 0.5 log cfu/eggshell) of total count of aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria was observed in the first experiment. The contamination with total aerobic flora was higher (more than 1.0 log) on eggs from the aviary housing system compared to the conventional and the furnished cage systems. For Gram-negative bacteria this was not the case. During the entire period of both experiments, independent of housing system, shell contamination was not influenced by age of hens or period since placing the birds in the houses. For the total count of aerobic bacteria a restricted positive correlation (r2 = 0.66) was found between the concentration of total bacteria in the air of the poultry houses and initial shell contamination.  相似文献   

蛋雏鸡的成活率,直接关系到蛋鸡场的经济效益,必须牢牢把握好育雏这一关键环节. 1 科学的饲养措施 1.1 雏鸡的饮水 雏鸡入舍后,应先用温开水配成3%~5%糖水,并在1 kg水中加入1ml维生素C,饮用2~3 h后,再投料开食.糖水饮用时间一般不超过6 h,以防止细菌在水中大量繁殖.连饮1周后,逐渐换成普通水.  相似文献   

1. Fifty-one flocks of laying hens in two high-density loose-housing systems were studied on 25 commercial farms in Sweden as part of a government test programme for evaluating new systems for laying hens. Six different hybrids were used in group sizes ranging from 250 to 5 000 birds. Stocking-densities varied from 10.2 to 19.1 birds per m2 floor area. No birds were beak trimmed. 2. The distribution of birds in the system, the frequency and location of aggressive pecks and feather pecks, the dust bathing activity and the birds' fear reaction to the keeper and to a novel object were measured. Direct behaviour observations were carried out twice per flock, at weeks 35 and 55. 3. The proportion of birds at the different locations was relatively constant across the 8-h observation period in the tiered system, but changed over time in the perch system, which may reflect a difference in access to resources between the systems. At night the top perches/tiers were preferred although when stocking-density increased, other sites were also used. 4. Aggression occurred mainly on the litter or in the nest areas. It did not differ between hybrids, but increased with age in the tiered system. Feather pecks occurred mainly on the litter. Brown hybrids feather pecked more than white ones, while white hybrids reacted more both to the keeper and to a novel object than did the brown hybrids. 5. It was concluded that access to nests was insufficient in both systems, as was litter space. Feed space was insufficient in the tiered system if food requirements increased. Design of the top perches, in the perch system, should be improved to allow birds to perch high up in the system without blocking access to feed etc. for others.  相似文献   

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