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氯氟氰虫酰胺(ZJ4042){3-氯-N1-(2-甲基-4-七氟异丙基苯基)-N2-(1-甲基-1-氰基乙基)邻苯二甲酰胺}是由浙江省化工研究院有限公司自主开发的邻苯二甲酰胺类新型杀虫剂。采用浸渍法测定了氯氟氰虫酰胺对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella、甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua、斜纹夜蛾Prodenia litura和二化螟Chilo suppressalis的室内杀虫毒力,并进行了田间药效试验。结果表明:氯氟氰虫酰胺对小菜蛾、甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾和二化螟的LC50值分别为0.046、0.072、0.071和1.95 mg/L,与氟虫双酰胺和氯虫苯甲酰胺的杀虫毒力相当。在田间用20%氯氟氰虫酰胺悬浮剂处理(有效剂量30 g/hm2),对小菜蛾、斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾及菜青虫Pieris rapae药后7 d的防效为90.1%~96.3%;对二化螟和稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis药后15 d的防效为82.9%~90.5%;在试验剂量下,未观察到其对作物产生药害。  相似文献   

新化合物ZJ3265对5种鳞翅目害虫的毒力及田间防效   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
ZJ3265{(E+Z)-2-[2-(4-氰基苯)-1-(3-三氟甲基苯)亚乙基]-N-(4-二氟甲氧基苯)联氨酰胺}是由浙江省化工研究院有限公司自主开发的缩氨基脲类新型杀虫剂。采用浸渍法测定了ZJ3265对粘虫Mythimna separata、小菜蛾Plutella xylostella和斜纹夜蛾Prodenia litura的室内杀虫毒力。结果表明,ZJ3265对粘虫、小菜蛾和斜纹夜蛾的LC50值分别为1.37(1.16~1.62)、18.53(15.13~22.10 )和15.40(11.98~18.85) mg/L。在田间用24% ZJ3265 悬浮剂处理3 d(有效剂量120 g/hm2),其对小菜蛾、斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua和菜青虫Pieris rapae的防效分别达74.9%、76.7%、70.3%和84.4%;在试验剂量下,未观察到对作物产生药害。  相似文献   

Synthesis of analogues of two compounds with known insecticidal activity, both of which contain a 3,3-dichloro-2-propenyloxy group, produced 2-(trifluoromethyl)-4-phenoxyphenyl 3,3-dichloro-2-propenyl ether, which had weak activity against lepidopterous larvae. Structural modifications around this lead compound led to the development of pyridalyl [Pleo, S-1812; 2,6-dichloro-4-(3,3-dichloroallyloxy)phenyl 3-[5-(trifluoromethyl)-2-pyridyloxy]propyl ether], which belongs to a new class of insecticides. Pyridalyl gives very good control of various lepidopterous and thysanopterous pests on cotton and vegetables, without phytotoxicity. It controls populations of Heliothis virescens F and Plutella xylostella (L) which are resistant to various currently used insecticides. It also produces unique insecticidal symptoms, so it may have a different mode of action from other existing insecticides. Pyridalyl is also less harmful than existing insecticides to various beneficial arthropods, so it should provide an important tool in IPM and insecticidal management programmes for the control of lepidopterous and thysanopterous pests. The first market introduction is expected in Japan and some Asian countries in the years between 2004 and 2005.  相似文献   

使用无公害的植物源杀虫剂——烟碱防治马尾松毛虫,可解决山区应用喷雾法用水困难和保障虫源地高虫口应急防治需求,并降低了防治成本。  相似文献   

为充分发挥农作病虫绿色防控示范基地对新技术的宣传展示和辐射带动作用,提出在示范基地内建立新技术试验区、关键技术展示区、集中连片示范区的规划设想,详细构思了每个区域的设置目的、选地原则、工作重点和工作方法。对分区规划设计预期效果进行了展望。  相似文献   

A microencapsulated formulation that gives a burst release of piperonyl butoxide (PBO) several hours before a burst release of a conventional pyrethroid can effectively overcome metabolic resistance in Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), Aphis gossypii Glover and Myzus persicae Sulzer. This increase in efficacy against resistant pests was reflected in a field trial against B. tabaci on cotton, eliminating the need for two treatments. The ratio between the active insecticide and the synergist was found to be crucial in reducing resistance factors.  相似文献   



Birds have been shown to reduce pest effects on various ecosystem types. This study aimed to synthesize the effect of birds on pest abundance, product damage and yield in agricultural and forest systems in different environments. Our hypothesis is that birds are effective pest regulators that contribute to a reduction in pest abundance, enhancement of yield quality and quantity and economic profit, and that pest regulation may depend on moderators such as the type of ecosystem, climate, pest, and indicator (ecological or economic).


We performed a systematic literature review of experimental and observational studies related to biological control in the presence and absence of regulatory birds. We retained 449 observations from 104 primary studies that were evaluated through qualitative and quantitative analyses. Of the 79 studies with known effects of birds on pest regulation, nearly half of the 334 observations showed positive effects (49%), 46% showed neutral effects, and very few (5%) showed negative effects. Overall effect sizes were positive (mean Hedges’ d = 0.38 ± 0.06). A multiple model selection retained only ecosystem and indicator types as significant moderators.


Our results support our hypothesis that there is a positive effect of avian control of pests for each analyzed moderator and this effect was significant for both ecological and economic indicators. Avian regulation of pests is a potential effective approach for environmentally friendly pest management that can reduce pesticide use regardless of the context of implementation. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Biological characterization of sulfoxaflor, a novel insecticide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The commercialization of new insecticides is important for ensuring that multiple effective product choices are available. In particular, new insecticides that exhibit high potency and lack insecticidal cross‐resistance are particularly useful in insecticide resistance management (IRM) programs. Sulfoxaflor possesses these characteristics and is the first compound under development from the novel sulfoxamine class of insecticides. RESULTS: In the laboratory, sulfoxaflor demonstrated high levels of insecticidal potency against a broad range of sap‐feeding insect species. The potency of sulfoxaflor was comparable with that of commercial products, including neonicotinoids, for the control of a wide range of aphids, whiteflies (Homoptera) and true bugs (Heteroptera). Sulfoxaflor performed equally well in the laboratory against both insecticide‐susceptible and insecticide‐resistant populations of sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, and brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), including populations resistant to the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid. These laboratory efficacy trends were confirmed in field trials from multiple geographies and crops, and in populations of insects with histories of repeated exposure to insecticides. In particular, a sulfoxaflor use rate of 25 g ha?1 against cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) outperformed acetamiprid (25 g ha?1) and dicrotophos (560 g ha?1). Sulfoxaflor (50 g ha?1) provided a control of sweetpotato whitefly equivalent to that of acetamiprid (75 g ha?1) and imidacloprid (50 g ha?1) and better than that of thiamethoxam (50 g ha?1). CONCLUSION: The novel chemistry of sulfoxaflor, its unique biological spectrum of activity and its lack of cross‐resistance highlight the potential of sulfoxaflor as an important new tool for the control of sap‐feeding insect pests. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

江宁区地处长江中、下游,属宁镇扬低山丘陵区。境内以冲积地、圩田为主,曾是全国商品粮基地县(区),随着农业种植结构的调整,本区粮改菜面积迅速扩大,由20世纪90年代初的200hm2发展到现在9333hm2,年复种面积2.67万hm2,年产值达3亿元,已成为农民致富的主导产业。然而,蔬菜病虫的发生为害,严重影响着蔬菜的产量、品质和效益。为此,1995~2001年我们对蔬菜主要病虫发生情况进行了调查观察,意在探索新改菜区病虫的发生特点、影响因素,从而制定合理的防治对策,使病虫害损失降低到最低限度。1主要病虫…  相似文献   

5%精旱作丰防除阔叶作物田禾本科杂草最佳时期为杂草3~5叶期,此时气温高、湿度大,用药量少,除草效果好。精旱作丰添加富华910增效剂,由于降低了药液表面张力,提高湿润性、渗透性、展着性、粘附性,通常可提高防效30%以上,降低用药量20%左右,即使在冬季低温情况下,杂草的死亡速度亦可提早10~15d。  相似文献   

旬阳县位于陕西省东南部,耕地总面积7.37万hm2,辖28个乡镇,320个村(社区),总人口45万,其中农业人口40.5万。主产小麦、玉米、油菜、烤烟、黄姜、芝麻等作物,常年播种面积在6.67万hm2以上。农作物常发病虫种类多、面积大,为害重。尤其是近年来随着农村青壮年劳动力外出务工逐年增多,农作物病虫害一家一户防治难的问题日益突出。2005年,由陕西省植保总站为该县配套60台机动喷雾器,200件防护服,组建了旬阳县农作物重大病虫害应急防治专业队,经1年的大胆实践和探索,专业队共开展重大病虫害应急防治面积0.47万hm2,增收626.64万元,粮食和烤烟均创…  相似文献   

嗪酮类杀虫剂可分为二嗪酮类和三嗪酮类杀虫剂,因其具有高效、低毒、作用机制独特等特点而在农药研究领域具有重要的地位,其中吡蚜酮是此类杀虫剂中的典型代表。本文综述了吡蚜酮的开发历程和作用机制,以及二嗪酮类和三嗪酮类杀虫剂的研究进展,对该类杀虫剂的构效关系进行了总结,对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

总结了2010年病虫害防控工作取得的成绩和经验,科学谋划了"十二五"期间的发展思路,明确了目标、任务,全面部署了2011年病虫害防控工作.  相似文献   

Acetamiprid, (NI-25; (E)-N1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridyl)methyl]-N2-cyano-N1-methylacetamidine), is a novel neonicotinoid insecticide having an N-cyanoacetamidine structure as its characteristic feature. The [1H] and [13C]-NMR spectra indicated the existence of two different structures in acetamiprid at room temperature in solution. The measurement of CH-NOE and C–C coupling constants proved the E-configuration at the cyanoimino group in both existing structures. The [13C] chemical shifts of N-CH3 and the long range C–H coupling in the formamidine analogue of acetamiprid suggested that there exist two conformers generated by the rotation of C–C single bond in the amidine moiety. Dynamic NMR spectra of acetamiprid and the computer simulation of the two-site exchange demonstrated that the two conformers change slowly to each other at room temperature. The conformational analysis by semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations using MNDO-PM3 method predicted four conformers as energy-minimum structures, among which two E-conformers were more stable than Z-conformers. One of the E-conformers in which two methyl groups are in cis configuration was superimposable onto the structure of imidacloprid, which is a known neonicotinoid insecticide having more rigid structure. This E-conformer was assumed as the active conformation of acetamiprid on the basis of the molecular similarity in terms of steric and electrostatic properties. © 1997 SCI  相似文献   

通过样带法(50 m×3 m)对金华市汤溪镇寺平村生态工程技术控害稻田进行了两栖动物调查。结果表明,生态工程技术控害稻田中的两栖动物共有1目4科6种。动物区系为广布种3种,东洋界3种。广布种群体数量占总数的93.3%。生态类型中陆栖静水型4种,静水型2种。泽陆蛙(Fejervarya multistriata)是生态工程技术控害稻田环境中的优势种,种群密度与农户自防稻田中的泽陆蛙存在极显著差异(F=6.908;P≤0.001);黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculatus)为亚优势种,种群密度与农户自防稻田中的黑斑侧褶蛙差异不显著(F=1.375;P=0.266)。  相似文献   

Benzpyrimoxan (5-(1,3-dioxan-2-yl)-4-{[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methoxy}pyrimidine, NNI-1501) was discovered as a novel insecticide structurally characterized by a pyrimidine derivative substituted with 1,3-dioxanyl and 4-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy groups. The compound showed remarkable activity against nymphs of rice planthoppers, including strains resistant to existing insecticides. Furthermore, benzpyrimoxan had low adverse effects on pollinators and beneficial arthropods. Because of these features, benzpyrimoxan is expected to be a suitable part of an integrated pest management strategy. In this report, the history of the discovery to reach benzpyrimoxan and details of the structure–activity relationships are described.  相似文献   

我国农作物病虫害现代测报工具研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪以来,全国农业部门大力推进现代植保体系建设,在自动化、智能化新型测报工具研发应用方面取得了比较明显的成果。开发了农作物重大病虫害远程实时监控物联网,实现了对田间作物长势、害虫种类和数量、病菌孢子种类和数量以及田间小气候的远程实时监测;开发了害虫性诱实时监控和自动计数系统,实现了对螟蛾科、夜蛾科等重大害虫的远程实时监测;开发并改进了马铃薯晚疫病、小麦赤霉病的远程实时预警系统,实现了重大流行性病害的实时联网监测,提升了测报装备水平,提高了重大病虫害监测预警能力。  相似文献   

Flonicamid (IKI220; N-cyanomethyl-4-trifluoromethylnicotinamide), a pyridinecarboxamide compound, is a novel systemic insecticide with selective activity against hemipterous pests, such as aphids and whiteflies, and thysanopterous pests. The purpose of this study is to clarify the biological properties of flonicamid against aphids. Flonicamid is very active against aphids, regardless of differences in species, stages and morphs. This compound inhibited the feeding behaviour of aphids within 0.5 h of treatment without noticeable poisoning symptoms such as convulsion, and this antifeeding activity was not recoverable until death. The nymphs born from adults exposed to flonicamid for 3 h showed high mortality. The effect of flonicamid on the feeding activity of an individual aphid was studied using electronic monitoring of insect feeding behaviour (EMIF). Although the treated aphid attached the head of its proboscis to the leaf surface, salivation and sap feeding were strongly inhibited. These results suggest that the main insecticidal mechanism of flonicamid is starvation based on the inhibition of stylet penetration to plant tissues.  相似文献   

2004~2010年,笔者对温泉县麦田鼠情进行了监测.结果表明,温泉县麦田主要害鼠种类为小家鼠、灰仓鼠、社会田鼠.通过分析3种害鼠的种群数量及繁殖特征,确定了4月和8月为最佳防治时期.对其防控应综合运用农业防治、生物防治、无害化物理器械灭鼠等绿色防鼠技术.  相似文献   

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