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Haemangiosarcoma of bone in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-two dogs with osseous haemangiosarcoma were examined in the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine from July 1952 to September 1972. A detailed case report of a primary haemangiosarcoma of the proximal humerus in a 21/2-year old spayed Irish Setter is given along with the salient features of twenty-one other cases. The three breeds most commonly involved were Boxers, Great Danes and German Shepherd Dogs. The ages ranged from 2–11 years with a median age of 6 years. The male to female ratio was 1·6:1·0. The proximal humerus and ribs were the bones most commonly affected. The long bone to flat bone ratio was 1·0:1·33. In some cases it was difficult or impossible to ascertain whether the haemangiosarcoma in bone was primary or metastatic. Histological grading appeared of little or no prognostic value. Résumé. De juillet 1952 à septembre 1972, on a examiné à l'Ecole de Médicine Vétérinaire de l'Université de Pennsylvanie, vingt-deux chiens atteints d'hémangiosarcome osseux. On donne un protocole détaillé d'observation d'un cas d'hémangiosarcome primaire de l'humérus proximal chez un setter irlandais châtré avec les traits caractéristiques saillants de vingt et un autres cas. Les trois races les plus communes dont il s'agissait, étaient les Boxers, les Grands Danois et les Bergers Allemands. Les âges variaient de deux à onze ans avec une moyenne d'âge de six ans. La proportion mâle à femelle était de 1·6:1·0. L'humérus proximal et les côtes étaient les os lesplus communément affectés La proportion de l'os long à l'os plat était de 1·0:1·33. Dans certains cas, il était difficile ou impossible de constater si l'hémangiosarcome de l'os était primaire ou métastatique. Une gradation histologique a semblé n'avoir que peu ou pas de valeur prognostique. Zusammenfassung. Zweiundzwanzig Hunde mit ossalen Hämangiosarkomen wurden in der Universität der Pennsylvanischen Schule für Veterinäre Medizin in der Zeit von Juli 1952 bis September 1972 untersucht. Ein in Einzelheit gehender Krankenbefund von einem primären Hämangiosarkom des Humerus proximalis in einem zweiundhalbjährigen irischen Setter (dem die Eierstöcke entfernt waren) wurde, zusammen mit den hervorstechenden Merkmalen von zweiundzwanzig anderen Fällen, veröffentlicht. Die drei Rassen, am Meisten einbegriffen, waren Boxer, dänische Doggen und deutsche Schäferhunde. Ihr Alter belief sich von zwei bis elf Jahren mit einem Durchschnittsalter von sechs Jahren. Das männliche zum weibliche Verhältnis stand bei 1·6:1·0. Der Humerus proximalis und die Rippen waren die Knochen, welche am Meisten befallen waren. Die Röhrenknochen standen zu den Plattenknochen im Verhältnis von 1·0:1·33. In einigen Fällen war es schwierig oder unmöglich zu ermitteln ob das Hämangiosarkom in Knochen primär oder metastatisch war. Histologische Einstufung schien von wenig oder keinem prognostischem Wert.  相似文献   

Haemangiosarcoma of the urinary bladder is reported in a dog. The bladder mass was detected incidentally during physical examination. Partial cystectomy with unilateral ureteroneocystostomy were performed to remove the tumour en bloc. Necrosis of the urinary bladder was diagnosed 10 days postoperatively and the dog was euthanased.  相似文献   

A 11-year-old, female, spayed greyhound was presented with a haemorrhagic discharge from the vulva. Clinical examination, vaginoscopy and a computed tomography scan showed an irregular egg-sized mass in the region of the cervix and uterine stump. An endoscopic grab biopsy (incisional) suggested a malignant mesenchymal tumour. Following this, surgical excision of the cranial vagina, cervix and the uterine remnant was performed. The final diagnosis of haemangiosarcoma was based on histological examination of the larger excisional biopsy specimen and was confirmed by positive immunolabelling of the neoplastic endothelial cells for the von Willebrand factor.  相似文献   

A cell line was established from a benign mixed tumour of the canine mammary gland. Light microscopy of the cells cultured on plastic dishes revealed monolayer colonies. Cells that grew within the collagen gel matrix formed large three-dimensional colonies with a branching pattern. Immunohistochemically, these cells reacted intensely with anti-vimentin antiserum and mildly with anti-desmin antiserum. Ultrastructural examination revealed a large nucleus, intracytoplasmic organelles and intermediate filaments, which varied among cells. The cells possessed an abnormal chromosome number, an average of 80 per cell. Histologically, the xenografted tumour of cultured cells was similar to anaplastic carcinoma and reacted strongly with antivimentin antiserum, mildly with anti-desmin antiserum, and weakly with anti-keratin antiserum. The average chromosome number of cells form the xenografted tumour was the same as that of the original cultured cells. These findings suggest that the cell line might be derived from stem cells or atypical cells, and that it should be useful as a model for the study of cell differentiation and proliferation in canine mammary tumours.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old male Boxer dog presented with a 5 x 5 x 7-cm partially encapsulated mass in the right mandibular salivary gland. Histologically, the mass was composed of neoplastic epithelial and mesenchymal cells. The mesenchymal component consisted of two cell populations arranged in different patterns: coalescing nodules of neoplastic mononuclear cells with rare osteoid and numerous osteoclastlike giant cells; and sheets of neoplastic spindle cells intermingled with neoplastic epithelial cells and containing osteoid and well-formed bone trabeculae lined by osteoblasts and few osteoclastlike giant cells. On the basis of these histological features, two malignant salivary tumors were diagnosed: a malignant fibrous histiocytoma (giant cell type) and a malignant mixed tumor. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated keratin 5 and 8 expression by the neoplastic epithelial cells, indicating a probable salivary ductal origin, and vimentin expression by all mesenchymal elements, suggesting a fibroblastic line of differentiation.  相似文献   

A dog was presented with signs of subacute, progressive myelopathy. A tentative diagnosis of a diffuse intramedullary spinal cord mass was made using contrast radiography (myelography). At autopsy a solitary, large bronchoalveolar carcinoma was detected in a lung lobe. Histological examination of the cranial thoracic spinal cord revealed a tumour which was similar, but not identical, to the lung tumour. Immunohistochemistry helped to confirm that the spinal lesion was a metastasis of the lung tumour.  相似文献   

This paper describes the occurrence of a rare skin tumour that has been removed surgically from the upper lip of a 13-year-old Tibetan spaniel. The tumour was 0.5 cm in diameter and macroscopically appeared as a single dermal mass, but histopathological analysis identified it as a biphasic collision mixed tumour. In the anatomically uniform tumour, 70% (4 mm in diameter) of the total parenchyma was formed by a high-grade sarcoma (with the presence of giant cells), and about 30% of it (1 mm in diameter) was a malignant melanoma (again with the presence of giant cells). The histologically distinct, but anatomically uniform tumour parts were separated by a macroscopically invisible, non-neoplastic epithelial process originating from the overlying hyperplastic epidermis. The two malignant components did not infiltrate the peritumoural vessels and each other's substance. In the sarcoma part, the mitotic and apoptotic indexes were 32 and 8, respectively, whereas in the melanoma part the same parameters were 10 and 6, respectively. During the immunohistochemical investigations anti-α-SMA, anticytokeratin AE1-AE3, anti-Melan-A, anti-Ki-67 and anti-claudin-5 antibodies were applied. In conclusion, this is the first report of a primary cutaneous malignant biphasic collision mixed tumour formed by an anaplastic sarcoma with giant cells and a malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Expression of maspin in mammary gland tumors of the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maspin is a serine protease inhibitor that inhibits tumor invasion and metastasis in human breast cancer and is consistently expressed by mammary myoepithelial cells (MECs). To analyze the value of maspin as a marker of the MEC layer of the normal and tumoral canine mammary gland, the immunohistochemical expression of maspin was studied in formalin-fixed tissues from 55 benign and malignant tumors (40 tumors also contained the surrounding normal mammary gland) using a commercially available monoclonal antibody. Periacinar and periductal MECs of all 40 normal mammary glands were stained by the anti-human maspin monoclonal antibody, and immunoreactivity was observed in the nucleus and cytoplasm of these cells. In addition, maspin was found in 53 (98%) of the tumors studied, reacting with the MECs in 100% of benign tumors and 93% of malignant tumors and to the epithelial cells of 16% of benign and 73% of malignant tumors. In the MEC compartment, immunoreactivity was observed in the cytoplasm of hypertrophic MECs, fusiform MECs, stellate MECs, rounded (myoepithelial) cells, and chondroblasts. In the epithelial cell compartment, immunoreactivity was observed in the cytoplasm of cells with and without squamous differentiation. Stromal myofibroblasts were unreactive. Maspin appears to be a very sensitive marker of the normal and neoplastic myoepithelium that, contrary to smooth muscle differentiation markers, does not stain stromal myofibroblasts. In addition, a subset of neoplastic epithelial cells reacted with the maspin antibody. The relationship between maspin expression in different cellular compartments of canine mammary carcinomas and the biologic aggressiveness of the disease remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

In the neoplasm of this report a final diagnosis of a circumanal gland adenocarcinoma invading the vertebral column and canal was made based on the histologic appearance. No growths were noted in the circumanal gland region and the location of the primary neoplasm is open to debate.  相似文献   

Given its importance in human and canine tumour biology, a profound understanding of tumour hypoxia is of paramount importance. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the relationship between tumour hypoxia and the expression of a number of hypoxia-induced proteins that play a role in tumour metabolism. The hypoxia marker pimonidazole was administered to dogs affected by spontaneous mammary carcinoma and compared with immunohistochemical staining for GLUT1 and 3, HK 2 and CA IX. A statistically significant correlation was found between pimonidazole staining and GLUT1-expression (R = 0.607; p = 0.001). These results indicate a strong interaction between tumour hypoxia and tumour metabolism by the induction of proteins essential to maintain a stable tumour microenvironment.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to determine if specific host factors, such as age at diagnosis, obesity, and hormone status, influence the prognosis of canine mammary gland carcinomas and to confirm if previously reported risk factors (ie, histologic subtype, tumor size, and World Health Organization [WHO] stage) were important in a large series of affected dogs. Ninety-nine female dogs with mammary gland carcinomas, no previous therapy, an excisional biopsy, and known cause of death were studied. No significant association with survival was noted for age at diagnosis (chronologic or physiologic), obesity, or hormone status (ie, spayed versus intact, regardless of time of being spayed). Of the tumor factors analyzed, the histologic subtype anaplastic carcinoma (P = .02), WHO stage I (P = .01), evidence of metastasis at the time of diagnosis (P = .004), and tumor size of 3 cm or smaller (P = .005) all significantly influenced survival. Dogs that were classified as having tumor-related mortality had a shorter postoperative survival compared to dogs that died of other causes (14 months versus 23 months; P = .03). In conclusion, histologic subtype, WHO stage, and tumor size remain important prognostic factors in canine mammary gland tumors. Further study of other prognostic factors is needed to determine which tumors are adequately addressed with local therapy only and which dogs may require adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old intact female dog presented with a sudden onset of unilateral hindlimb paralysis of 3 days duration. Based on the history and results of physical, neurological, and histopathological examinations, and blood work, an arterial thrombosis was suspected as a complication of the hypercoagulability from a malignant mammary gland tumor. Thermography provided evidence of the unilateral femoral thrombus. Initially, thrombolysis with streptokinase administered by intravenous infusion was ineffective. Thereafter, the direct delivery of streptokinase to the site of thrombus was attempted. The approach was curative. These results suggest that thermography could describe the site of the arterial thrombus, and local intra-arterial administration of streptokinase may be an effective therapy for the canine arterial thrombosis complicated by malignant mammary gland tumor.  相似文献   

Unusual metastasis of malignant aortic body tumor to multiple bones was detected in a 5-year-old female English Setter dog. Radiographs exhibited an abnormal mass in the base of heart and osteolytic lesions in the bodies of T11 and L2 vertebrates, body of right femur, right proximal humoral epiphysis and infraspinous fossa near to the neck of right scapula. At necropsy, multiple tumor masses of various sizes were observed also in the bones as well as the heart base and tracheobronchial lymph node. Tumor masses of L2 and T11 protruded into the vertebral canal and compressed corresponding sites of spinal cord, leading to paraplegia. Histopathologically, the tumor cells, arranged in sheets or nests, were polyhedral, lightly eosinophilic, finely granular cytoplasm with mostly round to oval nucleus and had scattered bizarre giant cells. Ultrastructural study revealed the characteristic findings that tumor cells contained a large number of small, electron-dense, membrane-limited secretory granules in cytoplasm. This is thought to be an extremely rare case having multiple bone metastases of a malignant aortic body tumor.  相似文献   

The presence of metallothioneins (MTs) were demonstrated immunohistochemically using a monoclonal antibody (E9) against a conserved epitope of I and II isoforms in canine mammary tumours. In a semiquantitative analysis MT expression in the tumour cells was observed in 54/54 cases of benign and 32/40 malignant mammary neoplasms. A statistically significant difference at the level of P<0.01 was observed for MT expression between benign and malign mammary tumours in terms of immunoreactivity score. It is concluded that immunohistochemically demonstrated MT expression is significantly associated with benign canine mammary tumours.  相似文献   

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