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Leaves of young chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) plants were sprayed with selenate (1 mg SeVI/L) to establish the distribution of added selenium (Se) in the heads. Its concentration was analyzed in the outer, intermediate, and innermost leaves of chicory heads. The concentration of Se was about double (43-46 ng Se g-1 DM) that in the control (21-24 ng Se g-1 DM), indicating that the applied Se was transported from the sprayed leaves to the heads. In cv. Monivip, Se concentration was even throughout the head, but in cv. Anivip, the innermost leaves had a lower concentration of Se. No visual symptoms of Se toxicity appeared on the plants, and the quantum yield of photosystem II showed no indication that Se spraying could be harmful for energy conversion. Se increased the respiratory potential in young plants but not in plants at harvest time.  相似文献   

Spontaneous gene flow between wild and cultivated chicory, Cichorium intybus L., may have implications for the genetic structure and evolution of populations and varieties. One aspect of this crop-wild gene flow is the dispersal of transgenes from genetically modified varieties, e.g. gene flow from GM chicory to natural chicory could have unwanted consequences. With the purpose to identify and quantify crop-wild gene flow in chicory, we analysed introgression in 19 wild chicory populations and 16 accessions of chicory varieties and landraces distributed across Northern, Central and Mediterranean Europe. The analysis used 281 AFLP markers and 75 SSAP markers giving a total of 356 polymorphic markers. Results from model based assignments with the program STRUCTURE indicated many incidents of recent gene flow. Gene flow was observed both between cultivars and wild populations, between landraces and wild populations, between different wild populations as well as between cultivars. Population structure visualized by distance-based clustering showed a North–South geographical structuring of the wild populations, and a general grouping of the cultivars corresponding to known origin. The results indicated, however, that the structuring between the two groups of wild and cultivated types was weak. As crop and wild recipients are genetically close and genes are transferred between the two types rather frequently, focus on mitigating crop-wild gene flow should be increased, before transgenic varieties are cultivated openly.  相似文献   

The forage potential of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) has not been realized in southern West Virginia (WV) because ruminants are reluctant to consume the herbage. Chicory contains bitter sesquiterpene lactones that can adversely impact palatability. This study was undertaken to determine whether sesquiterpene lactone concentrations in chicory grown in southern WV differ from those in chicory grown in central Pennsylvania (PA) where chicory is grazed readily. Herbage was collected in 1997 and 1998 from cultivars Grasslands Puna (Puna), INIA le Lacerta (Lacerta), and Forage Feast established at research sites near State College, PA, and Beckley, WV. The total concentration of sesquiterpene lactones in WV-grown cultivars was 0.58% (dry matter basis) in Puna, 0.59% in Lacerta, and 0.79% in Forage Feast in 1997 and ranged from 1.03 (Lacerta) to 1.52% (Forage Feast) in 1998. In PA-grown cultivars, sesquiterpene lactones represented 0.16 (Puna), 0.18 (Lacerta), and 0.27% (Forage Feast) of the forage dry matter in 1997 and ranged from 0.32 (Lacerta) to 0.55% (Forage Feast) in 1998. Concentrations of lactucin, lactucopicrin, and total sesquiterpene lactones in Forage Feast exceeded those in the other cultivars grown at the same site. The lowest concentrations of lactucopicrin and total sesquiterpene lactones observed among WV-grown cultivars were higher (2-fold or more) than the highest concentrations present in cultivars grown the same year in PA. Mineral analyses of soils from the two cultivation sites indicate that P availability may influence sesquiterpene lactone composition of chicory herbage. Results provide a foundation for future studies of environmental effects on sesquiterpene lactone composition and palatability of chicory herbage.  相似文献   


Root chicory is mainly grown in Belgium and the Netherlands with production also elsewhere in Europe, India, and South Africa. The world’s crop is worth an estimated US$56.04 million. India and South Africa focus on supplying root chicory to the blend coffee industry. Only limited and variable information is available on the fertilizer requirements of root chicory. Most studies on nitrogen (N) report that chicory in cooler, temperate regions requires 40–75?kg?N/ha compared to 200?kg?N/ha in warmer areas. Recommended rates for phosphorus (P) range from 0 to 69?kg?P/ha. Poor responses to potassium (K) are reported with recommended rates from 0 to 190?kg?K/ha. Application rates for sulfur (S) of 10–30?kg?S/ha have been suggested. Suitable micronutrient requirements and soil acid saturation and pH values for root chicory have not been published. To establish crop norms a concerted effort is needed to quantify the fertilizer use of root chicory.  相似文献   

Minimally processed red chicory products (Cichorium intybus L. var. silvestre) were studied for their polyphenol content and antioxidant activity evaluated by using the synthetic 2,2-diphenyl-1-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)hydrazyl radical and three model reactions catalyzed by relevant enzymatic sources of reactive oxygen species, namely, xanthine oxidase, myeloperoxidase, and diaphorase. Products were analyzed at the time of production and after storage at 4 degrees C within either a gas permeable film or a gas barrier film. The antioxidant activity and contents of hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids decreased by less than 20% during storage of the minimally processed red chicory products. Total phenolics were significantly correlated with the antioxidant activity evaluated with both the synthetic radical and the enzyme-catalyzed reactions. On a molar basis, red chicory phenolics were as efficient as the reference compound Trolox in scavenging the synthetic radical. However, red chicory phenolics had a much higher inhibitory activity than Trolox in the model enzymatic systems.  相似文献   

Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Web.) were demonstrated to be potential indicator plants for heavy metal contaminated sites. Chicory, grown with 0.5–50 μM cadmium (Cd) in nutrient solution, accumulated 10–300 μM Cd g?1 in shoots and 10–890 μg Cd μg?1 in roots and rhizomes. With dandelion, 20–410 μg Cd μg?1 was found in shoots and 20–1360 μg Cd μg?1 in roots and rhizomes. An inverse correlation existed between chlorophyll and Cd concentrations in shoots of both species. Accumulation of Cd from nutrient solution was similar with the counter-anions SO4 2?, Cl1? and NO3 ? in chicory. In chicory grown in Cd-amended (11.2 kg Cd ha?1 applied five years previously) soils, Cd concentrations were substantially higher than in controls in all plant parts following the order: leaf > caudex > stem > root and rhizome. The above trend was the opposite of that observed in solution culture, where Cd accumulation was higher in roots and rhizomes than in shoots. Higher cadmium accumulation was found from a Cd-treated sand (Grossarenic Paleudult) than from a loamy sand (Typic Kandiudult) soil type. Chicory and dandelion are proposed indicator plants of cadmium contamination, and both have the potential to be an international standard heavy phytomonitor species of heavy metal contaminantion.  相似文献   

Chicory root pectin was isolated by acid extraction followed by alcohol precipitation. Because the extraction conditions have important effects on the features of pectins, an experimental design was used to study the influence of 17 different extraction parameters on yield and composition of pectin: pH, temperature, time of extraction, solid/liquid ratio, and different pretreatments of the pulps before extraction. Twenty extractions were conducted and examined for their significance on yield and sugar content using the Plackett-Burman factorial design. The acid extraction of chicory roots resulted in an average yield of 11% containing 86% of sugars. It was found that extraction temperature, time, protease pretreatment, water purity, and water washing of pulps significantly affected yield and pectin composition with an increase of yield and purity of pectin in harsher extraction conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is an ancient fruit plant which has been consumed for its nutritional value and medicinal properties by mankind. Several...  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen fixation plays a key role in agriculture sustainability, and assessment of rhizobial diversity contributes to worldwide knowledge of biodiversity of soil microorganisms, to the usefulness of rhizobial collections and to the establishment of long-term strategies aimed at increasing contributions of legume-fixed N to agriculture. Although in recent decades the use of molecular techniques has contributed greatly to enhancing knowledge of rhizobial diversity, concerns remain over simple issues such as the effects of sampling on estimates of diversity. In this study, rhizobia were isolated from nodules of plants grown under field conditions, in pots containing soil, or in Leonard jars receiving a 10−2 or a 10−4 serially-diluted soil inoculum, using one exotic (soybean, Glycine max) and one indigenous (common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris) legume species. The experiments were performed using an oxisol with a high population (105 cells g−1 soil) of both soybean rhizobia, composed of naturalized strains introduced in inoculants and of indigenous common-bean rhizobia. BOX-PCR was used to evaluate strain diversity, while RFLP-PCR of the ITS (internally transcribed spacer) region with five restriction enzymes aimed at discriminating rhizobial species. In both analyses the genetic diversity of common-bean rhizobia was greater than that of soybean. For the common bean, diversity was greatly enhanced at the 10−4 dilution, while for the soybean dilution decreased diversity. Qualitative differences were also observed, as the DNA profiles differed for each treatment in both host plants. Differences obtained can be attributed to dissimilarity in the history of the introduction of both the host plant and the rhizobia (exotic vs. indigenous), to host-plant specificity, rhizobial competitiveness, and population structure, including ease with which some types are released from microcolonies in soil. Therefore, sampling method should be considered both in the interpretation and comparison of the results obtained in different studies, and in the setting of the goals of any study, e.g. selection of competitive strains, or collection of a larger spectrum of rhizobia. Furthermore, effects of sampling should be investigated for each symbiosis.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Monech.] is an annual herb of the family Malvaceae and has tremendous nutritional and industrial potential. However, the...  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates utilization of 11 microsatellite markers to explore genetic diversity held in Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. landrace accessions growing on farms in different parts of Korea and Japan and to assess their genetic relationships. All microsatellite loci were polymorphic and produced a total of 96 alleles ranging from 4 to 20, with an average of 8.7 alleles per locus. Of the 96 alleles found, a total of 15 unique landrace-specific alleles were observed at 9 different loci. The locus GBPFM203 provided the highest number of alleles (20), of which five were unique and each specific to a particular landrace accession. The occurrence of unique, accession-specific alleles presented molecular evidence for the generation of new alleles within on-farm collection of Perilla. The mean values of observed (H O) and expected heterozygosity (H E) were 0.39 and 0.68, respectively, indicating a considerable amount of polymorphism within this collection. A genetic distance-based phylogeny grouped the two Perilla varieties, var. frutescens and var. crispa (Thunb.) Decne into two distinct groups. Accessions belonging to var. frutescens could also be divided into two subgroups at a close genetic distance (GD = 0.432). The overall clustering pattern did not strictly follow the grouping of accessions according to their geographic origins. These observations are indicative of extensive germplasm exchange among farms from different geographical regions. The genetic similarity observed among the Perilla landraces may be useful for future Perilla crop variety identification, conservation, and improvement programs.  相似文献   

普那菊苣引种栽培试验   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
针对石羊河下游民勤绿洲地下水资源严重超采,地下水位持续快速下降的现状,以及所引起的生态环境效应,提出了恢复地下水位生态需水量的概念和计算方法,并且预测出2000—2019各年恢复地下水位生态需水量。根据民勤绿洲的具体特点提出了恢复持续下降的地下水位、改善和恢复生态环境的一些可行措施。  相似文献   

Roads can have two important effects on populations that impact genetic variation: reduced gene flow and reduced abundance. Reduced gene flow (“barrier effects”) due to road avoidance behavior or road mortality can lead to reduced genetic diversity because genetic drift is enhanced in fragmented populations. Road mortality can also reduce population abundance (“depletion effects”) whenever road-caused mortality outpaces recruitment, also lowering diversity even when barrier effects are inconsequential. Although roads are expected to affect both genetic diversity and fragmentation, most research focuses only on fragmentation. Furthermore, in studies that do investigate road effects on genetic diversity, correlations are usually attributed to barrier effects and little attention is paid to the potentially confounding influence of mortality-caused depletion effects. Here we investigate the relative importance of barrier and depletion effects on genetic diversity of populations separated by a road by performing coalescent simulations wherein these two road effects are varied independently. By simulating wide ranging rates of migration and population decline, we also determine how the importance of these forces changes depending on their relative magnitude. We show that the vast majority of potential variation in genetic diversity is governed by depletion (mortality) rather than barrier effects. We also show that unless migration is sufficiently high and population decline due to mortality is sufficiently low, increasing migration across roads will generally not recoup genetic variation lost due to road mortality. We argue that the genetic effects of road-mediated mortality have been underappreciated and should be more often considered before prioritizing road-mitigation measures.  相似文献   

农业生物多样性的研究和保护是全球重要农业文化遗产保护的核心要素。以王金庄为核心的涉县旱作梯田系统2014年被认定为中国重要农业文化遗产,研究其农业生物多样性,可为涉县旱作梯田系统的保护与利用提供依据,为农业文化遗产地农业生物多样性农家就地保护提供参考。本文通过对传统农家品种普查收集与入户访谈、田间调查与种植鉴定,系统研究了涉县旱作梯田系统的农业物种和传统农家品种以及由此形成的保护与利用经验与技术。研究发现涉县旱作梯田系统种植或管理的农业物种26科57属77种,其中粮食作物15种、蔬菜作物31种、油料作物5种、干鲜果14种、药用植物以及纤维烟草等12种。共有包括171个传统农家品种,其中粮食作物62个、蔬菜作物57个、干鲜果品33个、油料作物7个、药用植物和纤维烟草12个。这些农业物种及传统农家品种,通过混合种植、轮作倒茬、间作套种、优中选优等一系列保护与利用技术被活态传承和保护。但随着城镇化和现代农业的快速推进,涉县旱作梯田系统农业生物多样性保护与利用正面临着主体缺失、技术失传、传统农家品种名称混乱、种质退化以及单一化种植造成的品种多样性丧失、单一追求产量造成适应性强的品种资源丧失、农民生计方式多样化造成梯田农业的弱化、传统农家品种生产比较效益低和重要性认识不足等问题,针对这些问题提出了建立动态保护与适应性管理机制、发展特色产业、激发农民内生动力、组织开展资源普查并建立社区种子库与农民自留种相结合的传统农家品种就地活态保护机制等对策与建议。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of selective logging on the genetic diversity of Scaphium macropodum using RAPD markers via two approaches: (1) to investigate the immediate effect by studying a same population before and after logging, and (2) to determine the long term effect by comparing two regenerated stands with an adjacent unlogged stand, assuming that they were genetically identical before logging. Results showed no negative immediate impact for the first approach, probably due to the high abundance and heterogeneity of S. macropodum in the compartment investigated. However, for the latter approach, substantial genetic erosion (i.e. 31.5% reduction for Shannon diversity, H) was detected in one of the regenerated stands corresponding to its extremely low tree density for S. macropodum. This implies the possible occurrence of genetic drift and increased inbreeding due to population decline as a result of logging. However, the observed genetic differences among the three sub-populations having prevailed before logging cannot be totally discounted in the second approach. This study also demonstrates the use of tree density as a good surrogate measure of genetic diversity. The present harvesting system in Malaysia based on a general cutting limit need to be refined; the basis for determining cutting limit in a forest management unit should consider abundance of commercial species.  相似文献   

Molecular data are shedding new light on our understanding of genetic diversity and biological diversity in general. We examine results of recent genetic studies on African birds that document endemic diversity in small, isolated montane forests of Africa. These studies show that levels of genetic differentiation in these isolated montane regions are substantial and indicate little or no gene flow with their closest populations. Although this pattern of locally distributed montane taxa is not something that has gone unnoticed by traditional taxonomists, we argue that many of the small, often outlying areas run the risk of being devalued in conservation planning because these areas generally have comparatively low levels of overall diversity and endemism (especially at the species level). We strongly suspect that other organisms will possess similar patterns of differentiation in Afro-montane regions of Africa and we argue that this information can be effectively brought to bear to highlight the conservation significance of these smaller areas.  相似文献   

Isozyme studies of genetic diversity and evolution in Hippophae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary To provide information on the genetic variation, differentiation and evolution in Hippophae seed samples of 25 populations from China, Finland and Russia were electrophoretically analyzed. Of six loci investigated, four were good genetic markers for identifying species and subspecies. The percentages of polymorphic loci per population were 40.3% and 62.5% at 0.95 and 0.99 polymorphic criteria respectively. The mean number of alleles per locus per population was 2.1. Total genetic diversity in the material was 0.4614. Genetic diversity partitioning showed that there was a large amount of diversity residing within geographical populations (0.1354), between subspecies within species (0.1046) and between species (0.2566) but not between geographical populations (0.0114). There were nearly twice as many negative fixation indices as positive ones in Hippophae populations. The phylogenetic tree agreed very well with botanic classifications of the species and subspecies and their geographical distributions, and quantitatively presented the genetic relationships of 25 populations. A detailed view of the evolutionary stages in Hippophae showed clearly a general decline of similarity as evolutionary divergence continued, which further explained the evolution process in Hippophae.  相似文献   


Medicago archiducis-nicolai Sirjaev and M. ruthenica (L.) Ledebour are two phylogenetically closely related species in the section Platycarpae within Medicago. M. archiducis-nicolai is endemic to the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP), shows more tolerance to abiotic stress than M. ruthenica, which inhabits relatively temperate areas, and has the potential to be domesticated and used as a legume forage germplasm in alpine meadows. Here, we analyzed the population genetic structure and genetic diversity of these species using 20 putatively neutral EST-SSR markers. Twenty-four wild populations, including 21 M. archiducis-nicolai and 3 M. ruthenica, were divided into two clusters that were consistent with current taxonomy. The 21 M. archiducis-nicolai populations were clustered into two geographically related groups. Positive relationships between population genetic distance and geographical factors, including geographical distance and altitudinal difference, revealed that the genetic differentiation of M. archiducis-nicolai populations was driven by both geographical distance and the complex topography of the QTP. Medicago archiducis-nocilai, a narrow-range endemic on the QTP, had lower genetic diversity than the more widespread M. ruthenica. Medicago archiducis-nicolai populations from the central platform of the QTP had relatively high genetic diversity, whereas those occupying the east platform and edge of the QTP showed variable levels of genetic diversity, implying the presence of refugia on the central platform. These results have implications for the genetic resource management and exploitation of M. archiducis-nicolai and provide novel insights into the mechanisms underlying the adaptation of this species to the harsh environment of the QTP.


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