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Drought damage in the park forests of the city of Helsinki   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During spring and summer 2003 severe drought-caused damage was observed in the park forests of the city of Helsinki; especially in barren site pine and spruce stands. The objectives of this study were to map and document the extent of the damage through the use of existing geographical information, digital aerial photography and field surveys and to examine the feasibility of assessing drought damage by visual interpretation of digital aerial photography. Our aim was also to assess the reasons for drought damage in Helsinki city park forests using geographic information system (GIS) analyses of existing interpretative and geographical data, i.e. digital aerial photographs, rainfall statistics and the compartmentwise GIS database of the park forest site and soil types.The total amount of area falling into serious damage classes represented approximately 25 ha (the total forested area in Helsinki is about 3700 ha). A majority of these areas were located on rocky sites having low stem volumes. The total proportion of damaged stock volume was estimated as 17 300 m3, which is 3.3% of the total stock volume in the study area. An accuracy assessment showed that visual interpretation of digital aerial photos is an excellent tool for assessing drought damage. The mean estimation error was 0.7 classes, and errors comprising 2 classes were found in all test grids. The overall correct percentage of photointerpretation was 46%, and estimation was unbiased (kappa 0.264). The forest site and soil type together with the tree species on site showed the greatest correlation with drought damage. The drier and more barren the site, the more likely that damage will occur. Roadside forests were in better condition than areas located further off the roads. Hills clearly impacted the condition of the trees through soil type and flow.  相似文献   

Tree size censusing is essential for evaluations of trees and forests, but traditional field surveys are both time- and labor-intensive. Here, we discuss the use of panoramic 360-degree street views available on the Internet for censusing of roadside trees in urban regions. Use of scale-independent, fixed-sized street objects as recalibrating meters in tandem with imagery software enabled street-view images to be used effectively in the remote measurement of diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height, underbranch height, and canopy projection size. Comparison of four independent meters determined that stem limewhite-related meters (used for tree disease and bark-freeze injury control; usually 1.3 in height throughout China) had greater precision than road curb height, lane width, and traffic line width meters. The limewhite meter’s precision was slightly lower than those of the meters in combination (i.e., when at least three of the abovementioned meters were used for the same tree measurement), but no statistically significant differences were detected between the limewhite and combined meters (p > 0.05). In contrast, the road curb height, traffic line width, and lane width meters all had significantly lower precision. The highest levels of precision were 92%, 87%, and 80% for DBH, height (tree height and underbranch height), and tree canopy size measurements, respectively. Empirical recalibration of the image-based measurements did not improve data precision with reference to field surveys (p > 0.05). Moreover, similar results were obtained regardless of individual users, and repeatability for DBH measurements (r2 > 0.92), and maximum differences among individual users were 0.6–1.9 cm for DBH (averaged at 22 cm) and 8–50 cm for underbranch height (mean value at 8 m). Labor costs and time needed for this approach were one-thirtieth to one-tenth those required for field surveys. Thus, the use of street-view images represents a more resourceful approach to assess forest ecological services.  相似文献   

A succession model for mixed evergreen forests of the southern Cape, South Africa, called OUTENIQUA, was developed based on one for subtropical rain forest in New South Wales, Australia. The model simulates the regeneration, growth and mortality on a 0.04 ha plot using an individual-tree based modeling approach to forest succession. The OUTENIQUA model was tested on its ability to simulate species dynamics of the forest stand used for its development, as well as on independent data from a neighboring stand and not used for the model derivation. The model is used as a research tool to summarize published and unpublished knowledge on the southern Cape forests and to highlight aspects where knowledge is insufficient. The development of the model represents a test of an individual-tree gap model as a simulation tool for use in management and directing research in subtropical and tropical forests.  相似文献   

The study measured landscape level diversity of the understory plants of mature, upland forests in north-central Wisconsin USA. Habitat types were used to segregate the landscape along a moisture-nutrient gradient. Forty sites that had closed canopies, had been undisturbed for at least 20 years, and were at least 8 ha in size were used. The percent cover of groundlayer species was ocularly estimated in 12–18 randomly located, one meter square plots in June and August, 1995. Shrub cover was estimated by the line intercept method. Alpha, beta and gamma diversity were determined for early and late summer periods separately. Gamma diversity was quantified using a new method, affinity analysis, which generates a list of modal and outlier sites and calculates mosaic diversity, a measure of landscape complexity. Generally, communities in the middle of the moisture-nutrient gradient were modal, whereas those at the mesic end of the gradient were outlier. Mosaic diversity values were very similar for early summer and late summer (2.88±0.04, 2.95±0.03, respectively), but was much higher for both periods combined (3.95±0.07). Whittaker's Index (beta diversity) revealed varying rates of species turnover along presumed moisture and nutrient gradients, whereas species densities and richness were relatively constant among habitat types. A one-way analysis of variance of Shannon-Weaver values found no significant differences among habitat types (p0.05). Regional diversity mainly resulted from high beta values which appears to be primarily a function of the moisture gradient. The other factors influencing compositional differences among sites are variation in site history, especially disturbance, with niche partitioning and differences in seed dispersal capacity having a minor influence. The affinity analysis method indicated that sampling once per season is inadequate, and that many types of sites are modal. This method for estimating gamma (landscape) diversity shows considerable promise, but information on the processes that produce outlier sites is needed to fully understand and use the results of this method.  相似文献   

With the majority of the world’s human population now living in cities, urban forests provide an increasingly important range of ecosystem services, from improved air quality and climate change adaptation to better public health outcomes and increased tourism revenues. The importance of these ecosystem services in urban environments, and the central role that cities play in the lives of people around the world, have motivated various attempts to quantify the value of ecosystem services provided by urban forests. This paper reviews existing research in the fields of urban forestry, economics, sociology, and health on the value of urban ecosystem services, with a focus on cultural services, a category of ecosystem services that is of key importance to human well-being but that has suffered from a lack of empirical research. The review identified 38 studies that examined the value of mixed vegetation, 31 studies that examined the value of trees, and 43 studies that examined the value of green spaces. Psychological health is the most-studied ecosystem service category, with most research in this area focusing on the services of mixed vegetation. Social health, community economic development, and tourism are the least-studied, with most research in these areas focusing on mixed vegetation and trees. Multiple metrics were used to quantify the value of urban greenery within each ecosystem service category but only 11 metrics were assigned a monetary value. Gaps in the literature that present strong opportunities for future research include: the value of urban forests for improving social health, equitable access to ecosystem services, the impact of urban forests on community economic development, and economic valuation and green exposure metrics. We hope that this review stimulates future research in the areas highlighted and that municipalities consider including evaluations of a broad range of ecosystem services during land use planning and budgeting processes.  相似文献   

The effect of mean daily air temperature (MDT) on flowering rate (the reciprocal of days to flower) was quantified for 18 species of annual bedding plants. Plants were grown in environmental growth chambers at constant air temperature set points of 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 25, or 30 °C and under an irradiance of 160–180 μmol m–2 s–1, with a 16-h photoperiod. Nonlinear mathematical equations were developed to predict the effect of MDT on flowering rate and to estimate the base, optimum, and maximum temperatures (Tmin, Topt, and Tmax), which are the temperatures at which flowering rates are zero (low temperature), maximal, and zero once again (high temperature), respectively. The estimated Tmin varied among species and ranged from 1.1 °C in French marigold (Tagetes patula L.) to 9.9 °C in angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia Benth.). Topt and Tmax were only observed for 8–10 species with the temperature range tested. Topt ranged from 19.1 °C in dahlia (Dahlia × hybrida Cav.) to 28.0 °C in blue salvia (Salvia farinacea Benth.), whereas Tmax ranged from 30.3 °C in snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) to 31.7 °C in moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora Hook.). Angelonia, browallia (Browallia speciosa Hook.), cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus Cav.), dahlia, and snapdragon grown at 25 or 30 °C developed a mean of two to seven more nodes before flowering compared with plants grown at ≤15 °C. The results indicate that in many species, flowering rate in response to MDT is asymmetrical around Topt and the temperature range between Tmin and Topt is wider than that between Topt and Tmax. This information could be used to improve the predictability of flowering time of these ornamental crops and to assist growers in determining energy-efficient production temperatures.  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS) approach was used in conjunction with forest-plot data to develop an integrated moisture index (IMI), which was then used to predict forest productivity (site index) and species composition for forests in Ohio. In this region, typical of eastern hardwoods across the Midwest and southern Appalachians, topographic aspect and position (rather than elevation) change drastically at the fine scale and strongly influence many ecological functions. Elevational contours, soil series mapping units, and plot locations were digitized for the Vinton Furnace Experimental Forest in southeastern Ohio and gridded to 7.5-m cells for GIS modeling. Several landscape features (a slope-aspect shading index, cumulative flow of water downslope, curvature of the landscape, and water-holding capacity of the soil) were used to create the IMI, which was then statistically analyzed with site-index values and composition data for plots. On the basis of IMI values for forest land harvested in the past 30 years, we estimated oak site index and the percentage composition of two major species groups in the region: oak (Quercus spp.), and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) plus black cherry (Prunus serotina). The derived statistical relationships were then applied in the GIS to create maps of site index and composition, and verified with independent data. The maps show the oaks will dominate on dry, ridge top positions (i.e., low site index), while the yellow poplar and black cherry will predominate on mesic sites. Digital elevation models with coarser resolution (1:24K, 1:100K, 1:250K) also were tested in the same manner. We had generally good success for 1:24K, moderate success for 1:100K, but no success for 1:250K data. This simple and portable approach has the advantage of using readily available GIS information which is time-invariant and requires no fieldwork. The IMI can be used to better manage forest resources where moisture is limiting and to predict how the resource will change under various forms of ecosystem management.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the spatial configuration and dynamics of periurban forest patches in Barcelona (NE of Spain) played a minor role in determining plant species richness and assemblage compared to site conditions, and particularly to both direct (measured at plot level) and potential (inferred from landscape metrics) human-associated site disturbance. The presence of all understory vascular plants was recorded on 252 plots of 100 m2 randomly selected within forest patches ranging in size from 0.25 ha to 218 ha. Species were divided into 6 groups, according to their ecology and conservation status. Site condition was assessed at plot level and included physical attributes, human-induced disturbance and Quercus spp. tree cover. Landscape structure and dynamics were assessed from patch metrics and patch history. We also calculated a set of landscape metrics related to potential human accessibility to forests. Results of multiple linear regressions indicated that the variance explained for non-forest species groups was higher than for forest species richness. Most of the main correlates corresponded to site disturbance variables related to direct human alteration, or to landscape variables associated to indirect human effects on forests: Quercus tree cover (a proxy for successional status) was the most important correlate of non-forest species richness, which decreased when Quercus tree cover increased. Human-induced disturbance was an important correlate of synanthropic and total species richness, which were higher in recently managed and in highly frequented forests. Potential human accessibility also affected the richness of most species groups. In contrast, patch size, patch shape and connectivity played a minor role, as did patch history. We conclude that human influence on species richness in periurban forests takes place on a small scale, whereas large-scale effects attributable to landscape structure and fragmentation are comparatively less important. Implications of these results for the conservation of plant species in periurban forests are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf area of urban vegetation is an important ecological characteristic, influencing urban climate through shading and transpiration cooling and air quality through air pollutant deposition. Accurate estimates of leaf area over large areas are fundamental to model such processes. The aim of this study was to explore if an aerial LiDAR dataset acquired to create a high resolution digital terrain model could be used to map effective leaf area index (Le) and to assess the Le variation in a high latitude urban area, here represented by the city of Gothenburg, Sweden. Le was estimated from LiDAR data using a Beer-Lambert law based approach and compared to ground-based measurements with hemispherical photography and the Plant Canopy Analyser LAI-2200. Even though the LiDAR dataset was not optimized for Le mapping, the comparison with hemispherical photography showed good agreement (r2 = 0.72, RMSE = 0.97) for urban parks and woodlands. Leaf area density of single trees, estimated from LiDAR and LAI-2200, did not show as good agreement (r2 = 0.53, RMSE = 0.49). Le in 10 m resolution covering most of Gothenburg municipality ranged from 0 to 14 (0.3% of the values >7) with an average Le of 3.5 in deciduous forests and 1.2 in urban built-up areas. When Le was averaged over larger scales there was a high correlation with canopy cover (r2 = 0.97 in 1 × 1 km2 scale) implying that at this scale Le is rather homogenous. However, when Le was averaged only over the vegetated parts, differences in Le became clear. Detailed study of Le in seven urban green areas with different amount and type of greenery showed a large variation in Le, ranging from average Le of 0.9 in a residential area to 4.1 in an urban woodland. The use of LiDAR data has the potential to considerably increase information of forest structure in the urban environment.  相似文献   

Urban forests play a significant role in carbon cycling. Quantification of Aboveground Biomass (AGB) is critical to understand the role of urban forests in carbon sequestration. In the present study, Machine learning (ML) based regression algorithms (SVM, RF, kNN and XGBoost) have been taken into account for spatial mapping of AGB and carbon for the urban forests of Jodhpur city, Rajasthan, India, with the aid of field-based data and their correlations with spectra and textural variables derived from Landsat 8 OLI data. A total of 198 variables were retrieved from the satellite image, including bands, Vegetation Indices (VIs), linearly transformed variables, and Grey Level Co-occurrence textures (GLCM) taken as independent input variables further reduced to 29 variables using Boruta feature selection method. All the models have been compared where with RF algorithm, R2 = 0.83, RMSE = 16.22 t/ha and MAE = 11.86 t/ha. For kNN algorithm R2 = 0.77, RMSE = 28.04 t/ha and MAE = 24.24 t/ha and SVM where R2 = 0.73, RMSE = 89.21 t/ha and MAE = 74.22 t/ha and the best prediction accuracy has been noted with XGBoost algorithm (R2 = 0.89, RMSE = 14.08 t/ha and MAE = 13.66 t/ha) with predicted AGB as 0.51−153.76 t/ha. The study indicates that ML-based regression algorithms have great potential over other linear and multiple regression techniques for spatial mapping of AGB and carbon of urban forests for arid regions.  相似文献   

General Land Office Survey (GLOS) records from the A.D. 1840s provide data for quantitative characterization of presettlement vegetation across western Mackinac County, Michigan, located within the mixed conifer-northern hardwoods forest region. We analyzed data from land survey plat maps and 1958 bearing, witness, and line trees from 162 surveyed section and quarter-section corners in order to map vegatation cover types at a level of spatial resolution appropriate for characterizing landscape heterogeneity using standard landscape ecological metrics. As also demonstrated by a number of both classic and contemporary plant-ecological studies, the distribution of landforms, soils properties, hydrology, and location of fire breaks all contribute to the heterogeneity in vegetation observed at a landscape scale in the region. Through a series of spatial landscape analyses with differing grain of resolution, in this study we determine that a grid cell size of 65 ha (0.5 mi×0.5 mi or 0.25 mi2) to 259 ha (1 mi2) gives a conservative characterization of landscape heterogeneity using standard metrics and is therefore appropriate for use of GLOS data to study historical landscape changes.  相似文献   

Among physical characteristics, dimensions, mass, volume and projected areas are important parameters in sizing and grading systems. Fruits with the similar weight and uniform shape are desirable in terms of marketing value. Therefore, grading fruit based on weight reduces packing and handling costs and also provides suitable packing patterns. The different grading systems require different fruit sizing based on particular parameters. In this study pomegranate mass was predicted by applying different physical characteristics with linear and nonlinear models as three different classifications: (1) single or multiple variable regressions of pomegranate dimensional characteristics, (2) single or multiple variable regression of pomegranate projected areas and (3) estimating pomegranate mass based on its volume. The results showed that mass modeling of pomegranate based on minor diameter and three projected areas are the most appropriate models in the first and second classifications, respectively. In third classification, the highest determination coefficient was obtained for mass modeling based on the actual volume as R2 = 0.99 whereas corresponding values were 0.93 and 0.79 for assumed pomegranate shapes (oblate spheroid and ellipsoid), respectively. In economical and agronomical point of view, suitable grading system of pomegranate mass was ascertained based on minor diameter as nonlinear relation M = 0.06c2 − 4.11c + 143.56, R2 = 0.91.  相似文献   

Trees play an important role in urban areas by improving air quality, mitigating urban heat islands, reducing stormwater runoff and providing biodiversity habitat. Accurate and up-to-date estimation of urban tree canopy cover (UTC) is a basic need for the management of green spaces in cities, providing a metric from which variation can be understood, change monitored and areas prioritised. Random point sampling methods, such as i-Tree canopy, provide a cheap and quick estimation of UTC for a large area. Remote sensing methods using airborne Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and multi-spectral images produce accurate UTC maps, although greater processing time and technical skills are required. In this paper, random point sampling and remote sensing methods are used to estimate UTC in Williamstown, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. High resolution multi-spectral satellite images fused with LiDAR data with pixel-level accuracy are employed to produce the UTC map. The UTC is also estimated by categorising random points (a) automatically using the LiDAR derived UTC map and (b) manually using Google Maps and i-Tree canopy software. There was a minimum 1% difference between UTC estimated from the map derived from remotely sensed data and only 1000 random points automatically categorised by that same map, indicating the level of error associated with a random sampling approach. The difference between UTC estimated by remote sensing and manually categorised random point sampling varied in range of 4.5% using a confidence level of 95%. As monitoring of urban forest canopy becomes an increasing priority, the uncertainties associated with different UTC estimates should be considered when tracking change or comparing different areas using different methods.  相似文献   

Landscape change is an ongoing process for even the most established landscapes, especially in context to urban intensification and growth. As urbanization increases over the next century, supporting bird species’ populations within urbanizing areas remains an important conservation challenge. Fundamental elements of the biophysical structure of urban environments in which bird species likely respond include tree cover and human infrastructure. We broadly examine how tree cover and urban development structure bird species distributions along the urban-rural gradient across multiple spatial scales. We established a regional sampling design within the Oak Openings Region of northwestern, Ohio, USA, to survey bird species distributions across an extensive urbanization gradient. Through occupancy modeling, we obtained standardized effects of bird species response to local and landscape-scale predictors and found that landscape tree cover influenced the most species, followed by landscape impervious surface, local building density, and local tree cover. We found that responses varied according to habitat affiliation and migratory distance of individual bird species. Distributions of short-distance, edge habitat species located towards the rural end of the gradient were explained primarily by low levels of urbanization and potential vegetative and supplemental resources associated with these areas, while forest species distributions were primarily related to increasing landscape tree cover. Our findings accentuate the importance of scale relative to urbanization and help target where potential actions may arise to benefit bird diversity. Management will likely need to be implemented by municipal governments and agencies to promote tree cover at landscape scale, followed by residential land management education for private landowners. These approaches will be vital in sustaining biodiversity in urbanizing landscapes as urban growth expands over the next century.  相似文献   

Urban forests have many positive effects on human health and recreation. However, urban areas can create stressful environments for native trees, leading to increased mortality and an altered ecosystem. Here, we compare growth variability and the climate response from old (>200 years) L. tulipifera growing in an urban forest in Bloomington, IN to surrounding non-urban sites in southern Indiana using dendrochronological techniques. We found that L. tulipifera growing in the urban forest responded similarly with small differences to climate compared to the non-urban sites. Radial growth from urban L. tulipifera had statistically similar correlation values with temperature, soil moisture, and precipitation compared to the trees in non-urban forests. Growth variability between the urban and non-urban L. tulipifera trees showed good agreement through time with the exception of the 20th century, where the urban forest experienced a stand-wide release from competition. Our results indicate that some urban forests may function similarly to non-urban forests from an ecological perspective. These findings suggest management practices from non-urban old-growth forest could be useful for management of rare urban old-growth forests.  相似文献   

Improved knowledge of the environmental factors that affect woody composition is urgently required for species conservation in riparian zones of urbanizing landscapes. We investigated the environmental factors influencing tree abundance and regeneration in diverse forest types growing in the riparian area of an urbanizing landscape along the Chao Phraya River. We established 252 0.1-ha circular plots in remnant forest patches along 372 km of the river. Cluster analysis was applied to classify the forest types. The relationships between environmental variables and tree abundance were assessed with ordination analysis, and generalized linear models were used to assess seedling/sapling abundance. The cluster analysis revealed five forest types, including floodplain forest with three sub-forest types, swamp forest, and mangrove forest. The ordination indicated that tree abundance in the floodplain forest was positively affected by distance to the ocean and the proportion of forested area. Swamp forest was positively influenced by the proportion of urbanized area and mean rainfall. Mangrove forest was negatively related to distance to the river. Seedling/sapling abundance of the dominant species in the floodplain forests was positively affected by lowland plain topography and negatively affected by the proportion of urbanized area, whereas swamp and mangrove forest species were positively influenced by the proportion of urbanized area and estuarine topography. Mature tree density influenced seedling/sapling abundance of all forest types. Tree abundance and regeneration of the riparian landscape was prevented by the urbanized area, floodplain, estuarine topography, and mature tree densities in remnant forests. These results suggest that remnant forest patches of conserved riparian forests along the urbanized landscape of the Chao Phraya River must be protected and the factors determining their colonization must be considered to enhance restoration practices.  相似文献   

Protection of rare ecosystems requires information on their abundance and spatial distribution, yet mapping rare ecosystems, particularly those which are fragmented, is a challenge. Use of high spatial resolution satellite imagery is increasing, in part because it may be well-suited for mapping fine-scale components of landscapes. We classified high spatial resolution QuickBird imagery of coastal British Columbia, Canada into late seral forest associations. With an emphasis on rare forest associations, we compared the classification accuracies resulting from contrasting accuracy assessment techniques. We also evaluated the impact of post-classification image smoothing on the quantity and configuration of rare forest associations mapped. Less common associations were generally classified with lower accuracies than more abundant associations, however, accuracies varied depending on the assessment technique used. In particular, ignoring the presence of fine-scale heterogeneity falsely lowered the estimates of map accuracy by approximately 20%. Smoothing, while generally increasing the accuracies of rare forest associations, had a large effect on their predicted spatial extent and configuration. Simply due to smoothing, areal estimates of rare associations differed by as much as 36%, the number of patches decreased by 73% on average, and mean patch size increased by up to 650%. Our findings indicate that routinely used post-classification and map assessment techniques can greatly impact the portrayal of rare and fragmented ecosystems. Further research is needed on the specific challenges of mapping and assessing the accuracy of rare ecosystems in fragmented and heterogeneous landscapes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Integration of previously developed Allium cepa linkage maps requires the availability of anchor markers for each of the eight chromosomes of shallot (A. cepa L. common group Aggregatum). To this end, eight RAPD markers originating from our previous research were converted into SCAR markers via cloning and sequencing of RAPD amplicons and designing of 24-mer oligonucleotide primers. Of the eight pairs of SCAR primers, seven resulted in the amplification of single bands of the original RAPDs, and the remaining primer set amplified an additional band. The results of Southern hybridization using RAPD amplicons from genomic DNA of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.)—shallot monosomic addition lines indicated that five SCAR markers were single shallot chromosome-specific markers and were not detected in genomic DNA of A. fistulosum. The eight SCAR primer pairs were applied to other Allium species and exhibited three types of amplification profiles, namely RAPD amplicons observed only in shallot, in shallot and Allium vavilovii, and in several Allium species. A mapping study using 65 F2 plants generated by the selfing of one interspecific cross A. cepa × Allium roylei individual integrated the SCAR marker SAOE17500 into chromosome 5 as expected. The results of the present study show that the eight SCAR primer sets specific to shallot can facilitate the mapping in A. cepa and can also serve as anchor points between maps of different Allium species.  相似文献   

The determination of tree age is an important issue for urban green planning, forestry and dendrology; finding non-destructive and quasi-non-destructive methods for this purpose is of great theoretical and practical importance. The resistance drilling method is quasi-non-destructive because the average diameter of an opening that remains after drilling does not exceed 3 mm. Do electrically recording resistance drills allow precise assessment of tree age? The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of determining the number of tree rings based on an examination of this special kind of drilling resistance profiles for three tree species, the pine Pinus sylvestris L., the oak Quercus robur L., and the birch Betula pendula ROTH. In 2015 and 2016, 15 pine trees, 15 oak trees, and 15 birch trees were randomly selected. For each studied tree, a measurement was conducted using the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 with a flat-tipped 1.5/3 mm steel needle (research sample), and an increment core was taken (reference sample). The drill used was not a real Resistograph®. The analysis of the E400-profiles underestimated the number of tree rings; the mean bias error (MBE) values were –6.5, –2.5, and –6.0 years for pine, oak, and birch, respectively. The proportion of investigated trees with less than five years difference between the research and reference samples varied from 38.4 (birch) to 66.7 (oak) percent. The accuracy of tree age determination was lowest for birch and highest for oak. The binomial generalised linear model (GLM) revealed that the most accurate tree age assessments were obtained from tree rings wider than 2 mm. The measurements clearly showed that the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 enables a quick, although approximate, tree age assessment. Future research should concentrate on electronically regulating and recording drills, providing a higher spatial and signal resolution, and a stronger correlation to wood density.  相似文献   

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