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二星瓢虫Adalia bipunctata(L.)的功能反应呈Holling Ⅱ型,其成虫在一天之内的捕食上限为376.87头,捕食1头桃粉大尾蚜Hyaloptera amygdali Blanchard仅需3分49秒,其捕食潜能很大。  相似文献   

桃蚜和桃粉蚜对杀虫剂的敏感性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用微量点滴法对山西省晋中市太谷县桃树上桃蚜及桃粉蚜进行了敏感性测定,结果发现不同药剂的毒力水平不同。其测定试验结果为:吡虫啉、灭多威和阿维菌素的毒力水平桃蚜比桃粉蚜高,溴氰菊脂的毒力水平桃粉蚜比桃蚜高;其中,桃粉蚜的敏感性测定结果为吡虫啉灭多威阿维菌素溴氰菊脂,桃蚜的测定结果为吡虫啉溴氰菊脂灭多威阿维菌素。  相似文献   

花角蚜小蜂防治松突圆蚧技术的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用花角蚜小蜂防治松突圆蚧面积达100多万hm^2,全面覆盖松突圆蚧疫区范围。放蜂定居成功率达85%以上,花角蚜小蜂普遍形成自然种群,有效地减缓松突圆蚧的扩散速度及将松突圆蚧控制在有虫不成灾的范围。  相似文献   

三突花蛛对桃小叶蝉和桃粉蚜的选择效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
三突花蛛 ( Misumenops tricuspidatus ( Fabricius) )属蛛形纲 ( Arachnida)蟹蛛科( Thomisidae) ,经野外调查发现 ,是泰山上桃树 ( Prunus persica Sieb et Zucc.)害虫的重要天敌之一[1,2 ] ,能捕食多种害虫 ,如桃小叶蝉 ( Erythroneura sudra ( Distant) )、桃粉蚜( Hyalopterus amygdali Blanchard)、朝鲜毛球蚧 ( Didesmococcuskoreanus Borchs.)等[3] 。前两种是早春常见的害虫 ,而活动早的天敌以三突花蛛为主。害虫与捕食性天敌之间的关系 ,常用的数学模型有 Holling模型等[4~ 8] 。但对多数树种 ,往往同时存在两种或两种以上…  相似文献   

飞机撒放花角蚜小蜂防治松突圆蚧,每架次装种蜂枝条200把,在松突圆蚧疫区以160~180公里/小时的航速作业,每13秒钟投放一把,每把控制面积33.3公顷。试验共作业飞行6架次,防治面积4万公顷,小蜂定居成功率达100%,半年后投放点中心区的平均寄生率达19.8%。每公顷防治成本2.25元,比地面人工挂枝放蜂速度快,成本低,效果好。  相似文献   

Four-armed airflow olfactometer was used to determining the foraging behavior ofPteroptrix longgiclava (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) andEncarsia gigas (Tshumakova) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) to the essential oils which emitted from the healthy bark ofPopulus pseudo-simonii×P. nigra, the infested bark injured byQuadraspidiotus gigas (Thiem & Gerneck), the body and scale of fixed 1st-instar-nymph ofQ. gigas. The results from these experiments showed that the volatile oils produced from the injured bark and from the scale of fixed 1st-instar-nymph had a higher attractive ability to female adults of the two species of wasps. The essential oil produced from the scale of the pest at dosages of 3–7 μL and the essential oil emitted by injured bark at dosages of 5–9 μL had a stronger alluring effect on the host searching behavior ofPteroptrix longgiclava. The essential oil from the body of fixed 1st-instar-nymph ofQ. gigas also had certain effect on the host locating effort ofPteroptrix longgiclava andEncarsia gigas. Those two wasps did not shown any reaction to the essential oil produced by the healthy bark of poplar. Foundation item: This paper was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (39970620) and the “TRAPOYT” Biography: CHI De-fu (1962-), male, Ph.D., Professor in Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P.R. China Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

松突圆蚧花角蚜小蜂引进和利用的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

五种常用农药对黑色软蚧蚜小蜂的毒力测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
五种常用杀蚧药剂的田间使用浓度对黑色软蚧蚜小蜂的成蜂和寄主体内的该蜂均有不同程度的影响。采用药膜法测定五种药剂对成蜂的毒性顺序为:喹硫磷>氧化乐果>水胺硫磷>速扑杀>机油乳剂。对寄主体内黑色软蚧蚜小蜂的影响大小依次为水胺硫磷>喹硫磷>氧化乐果>机油乳剂>速扑杀。  相似文献   

桃粉蚜又名桃大尾蚜,是观赏桃花常见的主要虫害之一,同时也危害李、杏、梅及禾本科植物。观赏桃树受害后,叶片畸形、卷缩、萎蔫,果实发育不良甚至枝梢干枯,同时排泄蜜露,诱发烟煤病,严重影响桃树的生长、发育和观赏价值。形态特征成虫分有翅和无翅2种类型,以无翅蚜为多。无翅蚜体长2毫米左右,绿色体表被有蜡状白粉。有翅蚜体型较无翅蚜小,头部及胸部为淡黑色,腹部黄绿色被有白粉,触角较体短。卵椭圆形。发生规律每年发生10余代。以卵在枝条和芽缝里越冬。来年3月无翅雌蚜出现,初期群集芽上,待展叶和新梢抽生后,即密集在叶背…  相似文献   

Journal of Pest Science - Aphids are one of the major agricultural pests in the world. Their pest management in pepper greenhouses is based on integrated control with release of natural enemies and...  相似文献   

于广东省中山市南葫镇翠亨村木荷上采集油茶尺蠖5龄幼虫,参照Ellman et al.(1961)的方法测定高浓度(20倍液)氯胺磷处理后油荼尺蠖乙酰胆碱酯酶的活性,结果显示,20倍稀释液氯胺磷对油荼尺蠖乙酰胆碱酯酶活性的抑制率为9.09%.于鸡屎藤叶背面和藤上采集桃蚜,配制80倍、160倍、240倍、320倍、400倍氯胺磷稀释液,在实验室用喷雾法测定氯胺磷对桃蚜的毒力,结果表明:随着氯胺磷浓度的增加,其防治效果越好,稀释80倍的氯胺磷溶液在24h内桃蚜死亡率达90%.  相似文献   

旬阳县烟蚜防治时期及防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以旬阳县烟草生产作为研究对象,得出烟草上烟蚜控制的关键时期和技术规范。研究结果表明:6月15日左右为关键防治期;6月28日左右是烟蚜的必须防治期;而7月19日为推荐防治期。对烟蚜的化学防治实验表明:在4种药剂试验中,烟蚜对吡虫啉的反应最为敏感,第3d后烟蚜的死亡率为60%左右,根施净和石敢当有相似的防治效果,在第3d后的死亡率均达到40%左右,高效氯氰菊酯的杀虫效果稍差一些。  相似文献   

The presence of a natural enemy in a habitat refuge is no guarantee of emigration by these into crop fields, when pest population outbreaks occur. Parasitoids from a refuge may not prefer foraging on the pest crop, exhibiting host fidelity, and therefore not constituting a source of natural enemies for improving biological control. An effective refuge must not only be a suitable sink for natural enemies, providing an acceptable host when these are not present in the crop, but it must also be a suitable source of parasitoids that readily accept the aphid-host on the crop. Therefore, crop-originated parasitoids would have to accept pests from the refuge as hosts to lay eggs in, and refuge-originated parasitoids would have to accept and lay eggs in pests from the crop. We here study the host fidelity of populations of Eriosoma lanigerum originating from two host plants (firethorn and apple) through reciprocal transfer experiments. Thereafter, the host fidelity of parasitoids from populations in the two host plants (firethorn and apple) was assessed. Reciprocal transfer experiments of parasitoids did not show an association between apple-originated parasitoids and their preference for any of the aphid hosts. Conversely, parasitoids from firethorn exhibited a higher number of attacks and in less time when aphids from apple were offered, suggesting a preference for apple-originated aphids. If future field work confirms these findings, firethorn could become an important management tool for enhancing biological control of woolly apple aphid in apple orchards, without being a substantial source of aphids.  相似文献   


A 7-year study was conducted to examine the growth (diameter and root) response of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings to elevated CO2 (CO2ELV, 770 μmol (CO2) mol?1) in different mixture types (monospecific (M): a Norway spruce seedling surrounded by six spruce seedlings, group-admixture (G): a spruce seedling surrounded by three spruce and three European beech seedlings, single-admixture (S): a spruce seedling surrounded by six beech seedlings). After seven years of treatments, no significant effect from elevated CO2 was found on the root dry mass (p?=?0.90) and radial growth (p?=?0.98) of Norway spruce. Neither did we find a significant interaction between [CO2]?×?mixing treatments (p?=?0.56), i.e. there was not a significant effect of CO2 concentrations [CO2] in all the admixture types. On the contrary, spruce responses to admixture treatments were significant under CO2AMB (p?=?0.05), which demonstrated that spruce mainly increased its growth (diameter and root) in M and neighbouring with beech was not favourable for spruce seedlings. In particular, spruce growth diminished when growing beside high proportions/numbers of European beech (S). Here, we also evaluated the association between tree-ring formation and climatic variables (precipitation and air temperature) in different admixture types under elevated and ambient CO2 (CO2AMB, 385 μmol (CO2) mol?1). Overall, our result suggests that spruce responses to climate factors can be affected by tree species mixing and CO2 concentrations, i.e. the interaction between climatic variables?×?admixture types?×?[CO2] could alter the response of spruce to climatic variables.


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