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Soils that are forming on volcanic parent materials have unique physical and chemical properties and in most cases, on wet and humid climates, are classified as Andisols. The main purpose of this study is to examine if the soils that are forming on volcanic materials under a dry Mediterranean climate, in Nisyros Island (Greece), meet the requirements to be classified as Andisols. Soils from seven sites were sampled and examined for their main physico-chemical properties and selective dissolution analysis. Dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate (DCB) extractable Al and Fe (Áld, Fed), acid ammonium oxalate extractable Al, Fe, and Si (Álo, Feo and Sio), and sodium pyrophosphate extractable Al and Fe (Alp, Fep) were measured. In addition, Al and Si were determined after reaction with hot 0.5 M NaOH, (AlNaOH and SiNaOH) and with Tiron-(C6H4Na2O8S2), (AlT and SiT). P-retention was also measured. The soils are characterised by coarse texture, low organic matter content, low values of cation exchange capacity (CEC), and high pH values. Values of Sio, Alo and Feo are less than 0.022%, 0.09% and 0.35% respectively, highlighting the lack of noncrystalline components. The ratio (Fed–Feo)100/Fed is quite high expressing the degree of crystallisation of free iron oxides. For all samples tested, values of the Alo + 1/2Feo index are extremely low (< 0.24%). High SiNaOH and SiT (arising 2.76% and 2.18% respectively) indicate the presence of silica in amorphous forms. P-retention values are very low (< 12.6%). The results indicated the absence of noncrystalline minerals except for amorphous silica, and do not exhibit andic or vitric soil characteristics to be classified as Andisols.  相似文献   

Water infiltration is an important hydrological process that influences runoff and soil loss patterns in mountain ecosystems. In this paper, we present results on spatial variation in infiltration in croplands on the volcanic soils of Mt. Elgon, in Eastern Uganda. Twelve experimental sites with slope gradients ranging from 12 to 32% were established. Infiltration tests were carried out with a double ring infiltrometer and three measurements were taken at the upper, middle and lower sections of each experimental site to assess the local variability of infiltration. In addition soil information was collected on each experimental site. The soil infiltration data were then evaluated to fit to four commonly used water infiltration models: (1) Philip (1957), (2) Green–Ampt (1911), (3) Horton (1940) and (4) Kostiakov (1932). The twelve experimental sites cover two cropping systems: annual (6 sites) and perennial (6 sites) crops. Based on the results, we examine the spatial variability of infiltration, the relationship of infiltration to landscape position, and the influence of soil composition on infiltration rates on the slopes. The factors affecting spatial variability of soil infiltration were analysed using correlation and regression techniques. Steady state infiltration rates generally increased with the slope gradient and were crop type independent (P < 0.05). The performance of the four applied water infiltration models was generally good with mean R2 values ranging from 0.79 to 0.87, although all the models tended to over-predict the steady state infiltration rates at most sites. Overall, the Philip's and Kostiakov gave better results than the Horton and Green–Ampt models in reproducing the infiltration process on Mt. Elgon.  相似文献   

采集湖南烟区4种主要成土母质的16个具有典型代表性土壤样品,分析各形态钾的含量与比例。结果表明:紫色板页岩发育的土壤钾素库容量大,但有效钾含量相对较低,说明土壤对有效钾的保持能力有限;石灰岩发育的土壤矿物钾数量较少,但非交换性钾和有效钾的含量相对较高;第四纪红土发育的土壤在钾容量和自身补给潜力有限的情况下,维持了较高的有效钾水平,这可能与钾肥的施用及土壤对有效钾的保持有着密切的关系。不同母质发育土壤交换性钾只有27%是有效性较高的非特殊吸附钾,这可能直接限制了土壤短期钾的供应强度。土壤钾素有效性因成土母质的不同具有一定的差异,石灰岩发育土壤钾素有效性最高,其次为板页岩、第四纪红土,紫色板页岩最低。  相似文献   


Silicon is a beneficial element for rice plants and is one of the major factors affecting the sustainability of rice production. We investigated silica (Si) availability and dynamics in soils of sawah, other land uses, and also in river and canal water in two watersheds in Citarum and Kaligarang, Java Island, Indonesia. The term sawah refers to a leveled and bounded rice field with an inlet and an outlet for irrigation and drainage, respectively. In the present study, we examined Si content in soils, plants and river water in relation to factors influencing the Si content, such as parent material and land use. The available Si content in sawah was found to be deficient at two sites and low at 10 sites out of 16 sites investigated in the Citarum watershed. In the Kaligarang watershed, no sawah site was classified as deficient and nine out of the 15 sawah sites were determined to be low for rice plant growth. A survey of Si content in rice flag leaves in some selected rice fields showed that seven out of 12 samples had contents less than 125 g SiO2 kg?1; these rice samples with low Si contents were those in sawah classified as low in Si contents. In the Citarum watershed, sawah soils developed from the accumulation of lake and clay sediment contained relatively little available Si, while sawah soils in the Kaligarang watershed that were mainly developed from tuff and volcanic ash contained relatively more available Si. In the Citarum watershed, the type of land use influenced Si availability in the soils via a large amount of litter accumulation of pine trees in the case of pine plantations, and acidification in the soils in the case of tea plantations and maize fields. In general, the Si content in river and canal water was higher in the Kaligarang watershed than in the Citarum watershed, and this appears to be affected by the type of parent material. In addition to the type of parent material, Si depletion occurring in dams might also influence Si content in the lower stream of river or canal water in the Citarum watershed.  相似文献   

The various iron fractions were quantified by selective dissolution (Fed, Feo, Fet) in four Red Mediterranean soils, developed on metarhyolite and metadolerite. They were similar in all profiles. A strong trend of iron removal from the surface horizon and of its subsequent illuvial translocation to the argillic horizons was observed. In all profiles, Feo was not related to the organic matter content indicating the Mediterranean xeric soil environment. The Feo/Fed ratio and the percentage of crystalline iron oxides (Fed-Feo) suggested that the pedoenvironment in which the profiles P1, P2 were formed, allowed the high crystallization of iron oxides. As indicated by the Fed/Fet values, the weathering process was more intense in the metarhyolite-developed soils. In contrast, the metadolerite-developed soils present conditions of poorly crystallized iron oxides and a lower degree of development.  相似文献   

Soils with cool, moist winters and relatively warm, dry summers, a Mediterranean climate, are recognized as having a xeric moisture regime in Soil Taxonomy. These soils are classified mostly in taxa that use the formative element “xer” in the name. Soil series with either a xeric moisture regime or an aridic regime bordering on a xeric moisture regime make up more than 48,640,000 hectares in the western part of the United States. They are classified in the orders of Mollisols (20,080,000 ha), Aridisols (11,200,000 ha), Alfisols (5,320,000 ha), Inceptisols (4,800,000 ha), Entisols (4,400,000 ha), Vertisols (1,520,000 ha), Andisols (960,000 ha), and Ultisols (960,000 ha).  相似文献   

There are a series of special mountain soils on the Tibetan Plateau of China in an alpine environment for the high altitude. However, very few studies have focused on major soil elements in relation to soil formation in this area. Aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) contents of 237 topsoil samples covering a 2.8-km altitudinal gradient in uncultivated areas along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway of China were measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. The spatial distribution of the elements and its relationship to the parent rocks and climatic parameters were analyzed. Soils along the gradient are derived from a range of parent materials, but most are less than 30 cm deep with little development (Cambisols). Soil Al, Fe and Mg contents showed a decreasing trend from the start station (Xining Station) to end station (Lhasa Station) of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, whereas soil K and Na contents were relative stable from Xining Station to the Kunlun Mountains and then increased gradually. Soil Ca content was lower in the southern part of Tanggula Mountains. The major soil element contents clearly reflected the parent rock and climatic influences. Soils with higher Ca content appeared in areas with Ca-Mg carbonate rocks, soils with higher Al were found in areas with silicate-rich and high-Al silicate clastic rocks and silicate-rich aluminosilicate loose sediments. Soils with higher K and Na contents appeared in areas with high-K, high-Na and silicate-rich aluminosilicate rocks. Soil Na and K contents were affected by temperature, whereas the contents of Mg, Fe, Ca and Al were more affected by precipitation. Soil Na and K contents increased with increasing temperatures, whereas the contents of Mg, Fe, Ca and Al decreased with increasing precipitation. This analysis provides a relationship between soil properties and rapidly changing environmental conditions. The data can be used to investigate the effect of the climate or land use change on soil properties.  相似文献   

中国燃料乙醇生产用原料的多元化探索   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
该文分析了中国燃料乙醇生产原料多元化的必要性,阐述了可用于燃料乙醇生产的淀粉质、糖质和纤维质3大类非粮原料的种类、性质、利用及研究现状,对这些非粮原料的种植情况、燃料乙醇生产性能等进行了对比分析,归纳了中国非粮原料用于生产燃料乙醇时所存在的问题,提出了相应的解决对策,最后对中国可用于燃料乙醇生产的非粮原料的供应前景作出了展望.  相似文献   

海藻多糖抗蚀剂对土壤抗剪与入渗特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
施用土壤抗蚀剂是提升土壤流失治理效果的有效途径之一,现有材料生态效益不能满足耕地的使用需求,寻找生态效益优良的新型土壤抗蚀材料是目前的研究热点与关键。该研究以土壤内源性多糖-海藻多糖为基材制得的土壤抗蚀材料为对象,通过直剪试验、土壤崩解试验与变水头入渗试验分析施用量、养护时间对土壤抗剪、入渗等特性的影响,以探讨其防治耕地水土流失的潜质。试验结果表明,海藻多糖抗蚀剂可以在较大程度上提升土壤内聚力,在相同养护时间下,土壤内聚力与其施用浓度呈正相关;在同一施用浓度下,土壤内聚力随养护时间延长而增加,短时养护就能取得较好效果。施用浓度与养护时间对内摩擦角的影响较小,施用海藻多糖抗蚀剂后内摩擦角仅小幅增加。土壤抗崩解性随施用浓度的增加而增加,少量施用就能取得良好效果,在施用浓度0.25%时,土壤崩解系数减少66.1%,当施用浓度达到1%时,试验条件下没有崩解发生。渗透系数随施用浓度增加先增加后减小,于0.25%时达到最大值2.86×10-5 cm/s,于1%时达到最小值0.91×10-5 cm/s,都属中等透水层。对固土机理进行了探讨,并通过扫描电镜测试进行验证,结果表明海藻多糖抗蚀剂可通过土壤孔隙渗透扩散到土体内部,包裹土壤颗粒,进而利用自聚交联、凝胶固结在土壤表面和孔隙形成网状膜结构,增强土壤颗粒间的连接,提升土体强度。该研究结果表明,海藻多糖抗蚀剂可有效提升土壤抗蚀性,可拓宽坡耕地土壤侵蚀防治材料的选择范围。  相似文献   

The iron oxides fractions of four major physiographic units obtained from a transect of calcareous materials were studied to assess the effects of key pedogenic processes and local hydrology conditions as well as physiographic units in controlling iron oxides forms in the north-west of Iran. Samples from different horizons belonging to six pedons were selected and analyzed for soil physicochemical properties, clay minerals, and Fe oxides forms (Fed, Feo, Fep). In general, the soils indicated some variation in the concentration of iron oxides that could be related to rate of weathering, pedogenic accumulations, geomorphologic conditions (as results of different in physiographic units), wet and dry cycle, and organic matter. A wide relative variation in mean values of Fed (6.4–9.9 g kg?1), Feo (2.9–4 g kg?1), and Fep (0.68–1.3 g kg?1) was observed among physiographic units. On the plateau unit, the presence of the most stable geomorphologic conditions and high rate in situ weathering (reflected in clay content), coupled with minor deposition of sediment suggest that the soils have more dynamic conditions than other units, reflecting in the greatest amount Fed and the lowest Feo/Fed ratio. Fed content of the soils containing less clay content (15–25%) was significantly different from those with greater clay content (25–35%).  相似文献   

Whereas the range size of endangered species is undoubtfuly useful to predict risk of extinction, the role of their life-history characteristics is much less clear, and their effects may depend on the nature of the threatening factors. Such factors, for instance, are known to be different on islands and on the mainland. We used phylogenetically based statistical analyses to study the relationships among conservation status, insularity, range size, and life-history traits in a clade of Western Palaearctic lacertids including insular and continental species. These lizards are ecologically similar, but they show wide variation in life-history traits and vulnerability to extinction. Insular species of a given size had smaller clutches than mainland ones. Degree of threat was best predicted by a logistic regression including range size, insularity, clutch size, and the insularity × clutch size interaction. On the mainland, but not on islands, threatened species had smaller clutches than non-threatened ones. On islands, small clutch size is probably an adaptive trait, and it might predispose certain species to extinction, but the intrinsic characteristics of such species remain unclear. However, small clutch size was a good predictor of extinction risk on the mainland, having evolved most frequently in late maturing species from montane habitats in which climatic conditions limit their reproductive output and increase their vulnerability to stochastic hazards or habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

We used sequential extraction to investigate changes in the amounts of six chemical forms of manganese, cobalt and cadmium in soil samples after chloroform fumigation. The six forms were designated as follows: exchangeable, dilute-acid-soluble, manganese-oxide-occluded, organically bound, iron-oxide-occluded and residual. For all three metals, the decreases in the amounts of manganese-oxide-occluded forms were equivalent to the sum of the increases in the amounts of exchangeable and dilute-acid-soluble forms. The amounts of the other three forms did not change significantly after fumigation. These results indicate that some of the cobalt and cadmium in the manganese oxides was converted into exchangeable and dilute-acid-soluble forms, which suggests that soil sterilization may increase the availability of these heavy metals to plants.  相似文献   

Community level physiological profiles (CLPPs) have been implemented in many European soil monitoring programmes as a rapid tool for the assessment of the functional properties of soil microbial communities. However, this technique has not been harmonized among different laboratories. In this experiment, the changes of the CLPPs after storage of three Mediterranean forest soils were characterised for two sampling depths. The methods to store the samples were cooling, freezing and room temperature storage. Data presented in this study provide evidence that substantial changes can occur to the soil microbial community functions, regardless of the kind of storage. Changes in functional diversity and substrate evenness depended on the profile and sampling depth. The rate of consumption of the groups of substrates, however, shifted towards an enhanced utilisation of carboxylic acids, phenols and/or amines after 1 month storage at 4 °C, regardless of the profile or sampling depth. This was attributed to the physical disruption of soil aggregates and exposure of relatively recalcitrant occluded organic matter. These effects levelled out during 1-year storage. The great sensitivity of CLPPs to storage treatment suggests to take care for immediate analysis after sampling. In case fresh samples are not available, freezing is recommended as a convenient alternative; in that case, however, the kinetic approach is required for data analysis.  相似文献   

The environs of Mt. Daisen, Tottori Prefecture, are generally mountainous or hilly, and apart rom small areas of alluvial and coastal flats there is little level ground. The volcanic ash soils derived from the quartz biotite hornblende andesitic ejecta occur on the gently undulating foot-hill and on the level ground with exception of alluvial flats. Considering the fact that these soils were formed from not only volcanic ash but the coarser materials, they may be properly called volcanogenous soils. The volcanic ejecta have been deposited on the soils from diluvial series, andesite, basalt, granite, and tertiary sedimentary rocks. It was recognized that in an eruption the large ejecta, such as fine porous pumiceous lapiili descended first, then the smaller Particles such as sands, and finally the smallest, as ashes. All of these deposits have been highly weathered, but the quartz and hornblende remain in a fresh state1). The author has studied some characteristics of these volcanic ash soils.  相似文献   

The use of time domain reflectometry for the determination of volcanic soils' moisture content in tropical areas has shown the necessity to set up an accurate calibration. We chose to test the most representative calibration models on two tropical volcanic soils coming from two different climatic areas of the Réunion Island. The empirical model of Topp et al. [Topp, G.C., Davis, J.L., Annan, A.P., 1980. Electromagnetic determination of soil water content: measurements in coaxial transmission lines. Water Resources Research, 16 (3) 574–582.] was found to offer the best accuracy/simplicity trade-off for simulations with a cambisol, with an accuracy of ±2.46 dielectric constant points (or about ±2.7% for a water content close to 45%). In contrast, it gave poorer results for analysis of the andosol containing the greatest quantity of amorphous minerals (±5.74 dielectric constant points). The partly deterministic models were found to be better for this latter application, including that of Ansoult et al. [Ansoult, M., De Backer, L.W., Declercq, M., 1985. Statistical relationship between apparent dielectric constant and water content in porous media. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 49, 47–50.] which gave the best accuracy (±3.84 dielectric constant points). For both soil materials studied, there was only a slight gain of accuracy by introducing a specific polynomial calibration determined in the laboratory: ±1.72 and ±3.46 dielectric points for the cambisol and the andosol, respectively. Choices of models to be used should thus be based on the type of soil to be analysed and accuracy requirements.  相似文献   

为探索环境材料对种植于Pb、Cd污染土壤中的玉米生长、品质的影响, 以及对Pb、Cd重金属污染土壤的改良效应, 本文采用温室盆栽方法, 研究了不同环境材料[腐殖质类材料(HA)、高分子材料(SAP)、煤基复合材料(FM)及粉质矿物材料(FS)]及其复合处理对Pb-Cd复合污染土壤中玉米(Zea mays L.)生长、品质及根系土壤环境的影响。结果表明, 添加环境材料组合F22(FM+SAP)、F23(FS+SAP)及F32(HA+SAP+FS)能促进苗期玉米生长, 长势好于对照; 所有环境材料处理中玉米地上部粗灰分含量都低于对照, 添加单一环境材料对玉米地上部粗淀粉含量的提高效果高于对照、优于组合; 处理FM、F33(SAP+FM+FS)及F4(HA+SAP+FM+FS)对土壤中Pb固定效果显著, 抑制土壤中Pb向玉米体内迁移; 单一处理FM、FS及组合F33(SAP+FM+FS)对土壤重金属Cd固化效果明显, 抑制土壤中Cd向玉米体内迁移。环境材料的添加在一定程度上有助于土壤基本理化性质的改善, 促进土壤改良, 同时环境材料对阻止土壤重金属向植物体迁移有一定作用。  相似文献   


The CEC of volcanic ash derived soils in Guatemala was measured following equilibration with 1.5 and 6.0 me P/100 g soil supplied through KH2PO4 solutions. An increase in CEC resulted due to P reaction and the increase was substantial after removal of soluble Al from P reacted soils. The average ratios of increase in CEC to P retained were 0.49 and 1.63 in the former and later, respectively. P apparently neutralized positive charges on the surface of amorphous component and those internally in the soil particles resulting in a net increase in negative charge (CEC).  相似文献   

Quinoa was cultivated for 7000 years by indigenous people of the Andes, but in recent decades it is gaining international attention because of its tolerance to abiotic stresses, the wide genetic variability, and its high nutritional value. Greece was among the European countries and in the Mediterranean basin, the first European country, which since 1995 was involved in the “American and European Test of Quinoa” organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Quinoa Project “CIP-DANIDA.” The experiments (1995–2004) were conducted in the lowlands of Central Greece (Larissa region). The first experiments focused on the adaptation of quinoa varieties to warm and dry climatic conditions and to the effect of plant density on seed yield (SY). Drought, low relative humidity, high temperatures (>32 °C), and long days (during anthesis) were considered unfavorable for seed production. Moreover, crusting and drying up of the soil surface had a negative effect on the proportion (60–70%) of emerged seedlings. The best sowing density is considered to be 25 plants m?2. Considering the effect of sowing date on SY and quality, it was found that early sowing in March is more suitable (in areas where frost avoidance is ensured), whereas latest (May) sowing was unsuitable and resulted in poor germination. The evaluation of 25 quinoa varieties showed that only 8 (six European and two Latin American) varieties produced seeds, whereas the rest 17 produced only panicles and flowers. Dry matter quality of the produced stems was analyzed for protein and fiber content. Dry stems of the plants remained after seed harvest contained high percentage of fibers (45%). The eight most promising varieties were also evaluated for their yielding potential and their seed composition under contrasting soil properties. Compared to neutral soil conditions, SY in the saline–sodic soil was decreased up to 45%. Mineral and protein content in seeds was higher in the varieties originated from Latin America. SY for some varieties exceeded 1000–1500 kg ha?1, and seeds were rich in protein (15–18.5%) and minerals content. On a breeding program started in 2002, 23 families have been created using mass selection procedures for the creation of new varieties from plants survived in the saline–sodic soils. These selections had to be evaluated in dense sowing in typical SY experiments, but experimentation was discontinued in the absence of financial support. Farmers’ knowledge gaps on cultivation techniques, the distances from the European markets, and the absence of incentives are probably considered the major obstacles to date for crop’s expansion in Greece. Research should focus on the evaluation of promising genetic material in different agroecological zones including higher altitudes.

Abbreviations: AETQ, American and European Test of Quinoa; FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization; SY, seed yield; a.s.l., above sea level; N, neutral soil; S-S. saline–sodic soil; B, branched plant types; UN-B, unbranched plant types.  相似文献   

雷州半岛玄武岩发育的时间序列土壤的发生演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采集了广东省南部热带地区雷州半岛第四纪以来不同时代(0.58~6.12 Ma)喷发的玄武岩上发育时间序列土壤剖面样品,分析了一些理化性质的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)容重随深度增加而增大,与成土年龄有较好的相关性,说明容重在一定程度上可以指示土壤的发生层次和发育程度。(2)游离铁(Fed)、铁游离度(Fed/Fet)、活性氧化铝(Alo)和铝活化度(Alo/Ald)与成土年龄有着较好的相关性,可以指示土壤的发育程度和相对成土年龄;而无定形铁(Feo)、游离铝(Ald)和无定形硅(Sio)与成土年龄的关系不明显,尚难于指示土壤的发育程度。(3)常用的黏粒风化发育指标,如硅铝率Sa(SiO2/Al2O3)、硅铁铝率Saf(SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3))、风化淋溶系数ba((Na2O+K2O+CaO)/Al2O3)、A指数((SiO2+CaO+K2O+Na2O)/(Al2O3+CaO+K2O+Na2O))、B指数((CaO+K2O+Na2O)/(Al2O3+SiO2+CaO+K2O+Na2O))、WI指数([(2Na2O/0.35)+(MgO/0.9)+(2K2O/0.25)+(CaO/0.7)]×100)、CIW指数([Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO+Na2O)]×100)、CIA指数([Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO+Na2O+K2O)]×100,与成土年龄之间相关性不显著,难以指示土壤的风化程度,但黏粒的Sa、Saf和元素Si迁移率的变化在一定程度上揭示了土壤中生物复硅的存在。  相似文献   


The dramatic increases in rice productivity and cultivation intensity through the implementation of green revolution (GR) technology using high yielding varieties (HYVs) of rice and chemical fertilizers were not long lasting in Indonesia. The stagnancy of rice productivity in recent years without any scientific reasons presents a challenge for agronomists and soil scientists in Indonesia. This study describes the effects of long-term intensive rice cultivation on the change in available silica (Si) in sawah soil. The term sawah refers to a leveled and bounded rice field with an inlet and an outlet for irrigation and drainage. Soil samples collected by Kawaguchi and Kyuma in 1970 and new samples taken in 2003 from the same sites or sites close to the 1970 sites were analyzed and compared. From 1970 to 2003, the average content of available Si decreased from 1,512 ± 634 kg SiO2 ha?1 to 1,230 ± 556 kg SiO2 ha?1 and from 6,676 ± 3,569 kg SiO2 ha?1 to 5,894 ± 3,372 kg SiO2 ha?1 in the 0–20 cm and 0–100 cm soil layers, respectively. Cultivation intensity differences between seedfarms planted with rice three times a year and non-seedfarms rotating rice and upland crops appeared to affect the changing rates of available Si within the study period. In the 0–20 cm soil layer, the average content of available Si decreased from 1,646 ± 581 kg SiO2 ha?1 to 1,283 ± 533 kg SiO2 ha?1 (?22%) and from 1,440 ± 645 kg SiO2 ha?1 to 1,202 ± 563 kg SiO2 ha?1 (?17%) in seedfarms and non-seedfarms, respectively. Differences in topographical position also influenced the decreasing rate of available Si in this study. Using similar management practices and cultivation intensity, upland sampling sites lost more Si compared with lowland sites. Planted rice under a rain fed system with no Si addition from rain water in an upland position may be a reason for the higher loss of Si, particularly in non-seedfarms. The Si supply from irrigation water might have contributed to the slowdown in the decreasing rate of available Si in Java sawah soils.  相似文献   

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