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This study documents the mineralogical and geochemical record of a lateritic weathering event during the Pliocene in South-west Spain. The paleoweathering profile derived from arkosic sands and comprises a white sandy clayey saprolite, a red mottled clay zone overlain by a thick soft layer, and a ferruginous pisolitic hardcap partially dismantled by erosive processes. Kaolinite, quartz and degraded K-feldspars are the major minerals forming the saprolite, along with Al-goethite (mottled zone) as well as gibbsite and boehmite (soft layer), while the pisolitic duricrust is essentially composed of quartz grains embedded in a matrix of Fe oxy-hydroxides (hematite, goethite, and/or maghemite). Besides quartz, the phases most resistant to alteration were a variety of heavy minerals (mostly titanium oxides) that are present as minor impurities in the residual kaolin deposit.  相似文献   

Traditional rainfed agriculture in semi-arid regions heavily relies on soil and water conservation (SWC) structures to supplement the sparse rainfall. As referring to the ecosystem functions of these constructions, when extensive such systems prevent any runoff into the fluvial system. The extent to which these dams and terraces resist major events is variable, and earthen dams can be major sediment sources. Extensification and increasing mechanization of rainfed agriculture in marginal areas have led to a change in cropping systems. Large-scale almond and olive plantations with widely spaced trees do not rely on runoff water, but draw the soil water from a large soil volume of bare soil maintained by regular shallow tillage. The high density of terraces has now become a nuisance to the farmers. The aim of this paper is to i) demonstrate the degradation of SWC structures and the relative importance of the driving forces, ii) assess the limits of the protection that earthen dams can provide by surveying their resistance during a heavy storm (return period 8.2 years) and iii) demonstrate the implications of the abandonment of SWC structures over the period 1956–2005 for the hydrological connectivity between croplands and the ephemeral rivers system. The headwaters of a marl catchment with a continuous area treated with SWC structures in Murcia region (Spain) already had a very high density of step terraces and check dams (182 m ha− 1) in 1956. This density decreased by 27% in the period 1956–2005. Furthermore, many terraces have not been maintained and flow traces indicate that they no longer retain water. This is particularly true for the check dams in abandoned lands. The distance between the step terraces has increased over time, making them vulnerable to erosion. The mean drainage area of the dams that failed during the heavy storm was significantly (3.16 ha) higher than that of the ones that remained intact (1.11 ha). The probability of failure increases with drainage area from P = 0.16 for an area of 1.8 ha to P = 0.8 for an area of 20 ha. The percentage of cropland draining directly on the river system without interference of a check dam has increased from just 9% in 1956 to 31% in 2005 and 40% after the storm in November 2006.  相似文献   

This work focuses on a new approach to quantify the effects of above-ground earthworm's activity on soil erosion in steep slope ecosystems such as in Northern Vietnam. In these areas and in many others in the world, soil erosion becomes a major issue while the factors that determine it are still misunderstood. Earthworm's activity is believed to influence soil erosion rate, but we are still unable to precisely quantify their contribution to soil erosion. In this study, we used Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to quantify the proportion of soil aggregate in eroded soil coming from earthworm activity. This was done by generating NIRS signatures corresponding to different soil surface aggregates (above-ground soil casts produced by earthworms vs. surrounding topsoil).  相似文献   

This study presents the results of an analysis into the role of soil surface conditions in the regulation of soil hydrology and erosive processes at one hillslope under dry Mediterranean climatic conditions. The methodology was based on the analysis of hillslope surface components and their hydrological and erosive function on a patch to scale by means of rainfall simulation and experimental plots. The results showed the existence of a complex eco-geomorphological system composed of a multitude of vegetation patches distributed at random on the hillslope, and where the presence of different surface conditions on the soil can have a sizeable influence on hydrological and erosive behavior. From the hydrological point of view, the runoff generation mechanisms follow a seasonal pattern depending on the moisture of the soil with a different spatial condition, with frequent hydrological disconnections between parts of the hillslope, as in other Mediterranean mountainous regions. Soil surface rock fragments, the layout of tussocks intra-hillslope and previous soil moisture as dynamic control factors in the hydrological and erosive processes are all important.  相似文献   

A complex buried paleosol at Podere Renieri at Montalcino (central Italy) formed during a series of continental episodes within an interval of Pliocene marine sediments from about 4.1 to 4.8 My BP. The aim of this work was to document the kind of pedogenesis which occurred throughout this time and, in particular, the plinthite formation. Plinthite (soft and hard) is poor in organic carbon, neutral or subalkaline, dominated by illite, and enriched in iron and chromium. The main differences between soft and hard plinthite are attributed to soil structure, which is absent in hard plinthite, and to the abundance of iron depleted zones, which are much larger in soft plinthite. Variations in mineralogy, chemistry and genesis of soft and hard plinthite can be ascribed to the specific environment of plinthite formation, close to the Pliocene sea. Pedogenetic evidence indicates that plinthite evolved in a hot and humid paleoclimate, showing a progressive increase in seasonality, and that low-grade plinthite formation occurred in a time span of a few hundred thousand years. Soils with low-grade plinthite have agronomic value in their suitability for the production of high quality Brunello di Montalcino wine.  相似文献   

A unique artefact — the fragment of a bow made of yew wood, indicating the hunting activity of prehistoric man — was found within the sediments of the landslide peat bog (at the depth of 330 cm) formed on the Mt. Kamiennik (Polish Flysch Carpathians). The datings of this artefact using 14C method at ca 3790–3380 cal BC indicate its connection with the activity of the Neolithic man, related to the Funnel Beaker Culture. In the sequence of the peat bog deposits formed since the Atlantic Phase, the palaeoclimatic changes of the Middle- and Late Holocene, as well as traces of human impact in these and subsequent periods were recorded and analysed using palynological, macrofossils, lithological methods, and dated with radiocarbon. Palaeoenvironmental changes identified in the peat horizon bearing the artefact were marked by the delivery of minerogenic, “high energy” deposits (with charcoal) to the peat bog, as well as distinct changes of plant communities. These phenomena confirm a significant human impact caused by the Prehistoric man on landslide areas. On the other hand, the study confirms significant importance of climatic condition for human activity and proves that landslide peat bog deposits are very sensitive records of palaeoenvironmental changes. The archaeological artefact essentially supplements the results of our interdisciplinary palaeoenvironmental study. It is one of the rare Neolithic bows found in the area of Europe, till now.  相似文献   

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