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A revised version of the Morgan–Morgan–Finney model for prediction of annual soil loss by water is presented. Changes have been made to the way soil particle detachment by raindrop impact is simulated, which now takes account of plant canopy height and leaf drainage, and a component has been added for soil particle detachment by flow. When tested against the same data set used to validate the original version at the erosion plot scale, predictions made with the revised model gave slopes of a reduced major-axis regression line closer to 1.0 when compared with measured values. The coefficient of efficiency, for sites with measured runoff and soil loss, increased from 0.54 to 0.65. When applied to a new data set for erosion plots in Denmark, Spain, Greece and Nepal, very high coefficients of efficiency of 0.94 for runoff and 0.84 for soil loss were obtained. The revised version was applied to two small catchments by dividing them into land elements and routing annual runoff and sediment production over the land surface from one element to another. The results indicate that, when used in this way, the model provides useful information on the source areas of sediment, sediment delivery to streams and annual sediment yield.  相似文献   

Catchment scale sediment budgeting models are increasingly being used to target remediation works aimed at controlling erosion and improving water quality. Gully erosion is often a major sediment source and needs to be accounted for in such models in a manner consistent with the scale of analysis and available data. Using 130 measurements of gully cross-sectional area and 45 measurements of gully wall sediment texture, the variability in gully dimensions and particle size distribution for the Lake Burragorang catchment in Australia is examined. The distribution of gully cross-sectional area measurements is log-normally distributed and modelling indicates a representative value of 23 m2 be used in catchment sediment budgeting applications. The proportion of gully eroded sediment contributing to the bedload budget (defined as particles > 63 μm diameter) of a river link is approximately half, though may be higher in igneous landscapes. A continental scale spatially distributed subsoil texture dataset provided limited capacity to predict the finer scale spatial variation in the proportion of sediment contributing to bedload from gully erosion within the Lake Burragorang catchment.  相似文献   

The spatial variation of soil erosion and deposition rates was studied in a small catchment cultivated by rainfed agriculture, in the Mouriki area, Viotia Greece, using the 137Cs technique. A 25 m grid was established parallel to the slope and the 137Cs inventories were defined for the grid points. After establishing the local reference inventory, the soil erosion and deposition rates were estimated using the 137Cs residuals for individual points on the grid in conjunction with the four conversion (calibration) models described by Walling and He (2001) [Models for converting 137Cs measurements to estimates of soils redistribution rates on cultivated and uncultivated soils]. The conversion models were validated by means of sensitivity analysis and using local experimental data. The resulting estimates of soil redistribution rates were interpolated by means of kriging, using Surfer Golden software. The magnitude of the soil erosion rates depend on many factors, including the location of the sampling point, the local slope, and the soil properties. The mass balance model 2 (MBM2) and mass balance model incorporating soil movement by tillage (MBM3) conversion models predict soil redistribution rates of the same order of magnitude as the experimental data and are able to take account of Chernobyl fallout. Predicted soil erosion rates for catchment grid varied from 6.71 to 85.55 t ha−1 per year using MBM2 and from 3.54 to 95.78 t ha−1 per year using MBM3. Deposition rates varied from 1.23 to 168.19 t ha−1 per year using MBM2 and from 3.24 to 189.18 t ha−1 per year using MBM3. High correlation was apparent between erosion/deposition rates (MBM2) and soil P (P<0.001), soil K (P<0.001), soil organic matter % (P<0.05), point slope (P<0.05), clay % (P=0.053) and altitude (P=0.057). The total soil losses from the catchment have been estimated at 18.34 t ha−1 per year using MBM2 and 22.12 t ha−1 per year using MBM3.  相似文献   

Pinpointing erosional ‘hot spots’ or sediment source areas within a watershed can be difficult because of the highly non-linear and episodic nature of effective runoff and sediment transport. Continuous monitoring of stream networks can provide insight into sediment source areas not possible from routine sampling by capturing episodic events and integrating entire storm events. This paper presents the results of a three-year study of spring snowmelt runoff in watersheds of Lake Tahoe, California, USA, using a network of nine nephelometric turbidometers. We estimate that montane badlands, comprising 1.2% of the Ward Creek watershed (25 km2), contributed 10–39% of snowmelt-derived suspended sediment load. The badlands are comprised of poorly-vegetated and deeply-incised gullies formed in parent material of Miocene volcanic mudflow breccia. The larger (29.5 km2) Blackwood Creek watershed also showed high relative erosion rates from volcanic terrain. Tributaries draining forested granitic and metasedimentary headwater regions had minimal sediment loads. Monitoring networks indicated that temporary main channel storage regulated release of fine sediment eroded from steep headwater slopes. This lag between erosion and delivery may lead to underestimation of gully erosion contribution to sediment budgets.  相似文献   

Historical land use changes may have significant impact on erosion and agricultural soil properties, including soil degradation by acidification, nutrient leaching and organic matter depletion. The Kali Basin study area, a small catchment of high landscape value located in a national park at Lake Balaton, Hungary, with its historical agricultural records, together with the available unique historical land use data for the last 200 years, provides an opportunity to study and model impacts of historical land use changes on erosion and agricultural soil properties. Comparison of long-term land uses with present soil degradation indicator parameters showed that permanent arable land use has led to degradation of both the physical and chemical properties of soils in the Kali Basin. Application of the SEDEM/WATEM distributed erosion and sediment transport model showed that, despite the low overall sediment export from the catchment, land use changes introduced by property ownership and agricultural changes have decreased average soil erosion in the catchment but increased relative sediment export to Lake Balaton. This is due to changes in the land cover pattern that allow more sediment transported to the river system. The overall conclusion of this study is that besides the size and area proportion of land use types, land use pattern seems to be equally important in soil erosion and degradation processes, thus land use pattern is a key factor for landscape planning and development in the Kali Basin. A relationship between the sociological and agro-ecological reasons for the recorded land use changes is also shown in this study.  相似文献   

Jim Bogen   《CATENA》2009,79(3):251
The impact of unusual events on the sediment dynamics in rivers is discussed in this paper. The increase in the number of extreme precipitation events and other unusual weather events in Norway strongly suggests that weather conditions are changing. It is difficult to monitor sediment transport during large magnitude floods. It is however well known that they may deliver substantial amounts of sediment. The suspended sediment load in the upper Atna river during the springflood in 1995 was 44 times the mean load measured during the preceding years. The recurrence interval of this flood was estimated to be 100–200 years. The conditions during the occurrence of a particular flood event may also be of considerable importance and measurements during rainfall on frozen ground have indicated unusually high runoff and erosion rates.The seasonal distribution of runoff in several parts of Norway has changed in recent years and higher winter temperatures have produced an increase in the frequency of flood events. A very long lasting flood caused by a prolonged period of rain occurred in the Vikka stream during September to December 2000. The availability of sediment increased with the increasing soil moisture content in the area. As the ground became saturated, more active slope processes caused erosion rates to increase markedly. The combined effects of climate change and human impact on sediment transport in rivers appear to enhance downstream sediment delivery. Flood protection works along river channels prevent sediment from being deposited on the floodplain. River channels that have been lowered in order to reduce groundwater levels in agricultural floodplain areas will experience the same effect. During the last decade extensive ecological changes have taken place in the coastal areas of southern Norway as 90% of the sugar kelp forest has been lost. This change has been attributed to an apparent increase in sediment delivery to the sea along with a rise in sea temperatures.  相似文献   

九龙江是福建省第二大河流,北溪是龙岩、漳州和厦门三市的主要水源地,该河流的水土流失及水源含养直接关系到三市居民生活用水安全。本文对北溪的悬移泥沙的年际变化和年内分配以及变化原因进行初步分析,为北溪的水土保持及水资源综合治理提供参考数据。  相似文献   

While much research has been done on predicting the occurrence of waterlogged soils in small catchments, we need to improve our knowledge of the extension of these soils in large catchments. The aim of this study is to analyse the extent of soils with redoximorphic features in the valley bottomland domain as a function of the stream order.This study concerns a 10,000 km2 catchment (River Vilaine, Armorican massif, north-western France) where valley bottomland soils commonly associated with hydromorphic characteristics cover up to 20% of the basin area. To describe the catchment organisation, we used the stream order classification of Strahler to test the behaviour of the topographic index in a large range of landscape morphological settings. Two methods were used to define the extent of the hydromorphic zone (HZ) in each valley bottomland according to stream order: (i) A field study based on mapping the HZ according to the occurrence of redoximorphic features along 60 transects; (ii) a modelling approach linking a DEM-derived topographic index to the digitized stream network of the River Vilaine.In view of the topographic factors, progressive valley widening may represent an enhancing factor of HZ extent. Thus, simple topographic index modelling predicts an increase in waterlogging in high-order channel settings (orders 6–7). By contrast, field mapping suggests that HZ extent remains stable with increasing order and decreases significantly for high-order settings (orders 6–7). Therefore, topographic index modelling appears effective in upper catchment settings (1st, 2nd and 3rd order). On the contrary, modelling efficiency is limited in high-order settings where the indices prove to be inappropriate: in such contexts, interactions between adjacent hillslope and HZ are of secondary importance. Along the longitudinal profile of the catchment, soil material near the streams shifts from having a colluvial origin in low-order to an alluvial origin in high-order settings. In high-order settings, the fine-scale valley bottomland topography and the spatial organisation of deposits control waterlogging duration and possibly play a major role in HZ extent. Finally, the integration of stream order data should considerably improve the efficiency of modelling the spatial distribution of soils over large catchments.  相似文献   


In southern African countries soil erosion and the related problems, such as water quality issues or decreasing soil productivity, are the main topics affecting the inhabitants of both rural and urban areas. Therefore, the attention has been recently placed on those problems related to soil erosion. This can also be documented by an increasing number of studies carried out on erosion and by the development and application of erosion models. Nevertheless, gully erosion phenomena have been widely neglected in erosion modelling. This is because the development of erosion models was focused on those regions with an intense agriculture typical of developed countries on the one hand, and because of the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of gully erosion processes on the other hand. This study regards the identification of gully erosion forms and processes in the Mbuluzi River catchment (Kingdom of Swaziland) by using the Erosion Response Units (ERU) concept. The following modelling of gully erosion was done through the stable gully model [Catena 37 (1999) 401]. The input data were obtained through the application of remote sensing techniques (API method) and GIS-analyses. The example from Swaziland shows that the applied methods are able to identify areas affected by gully erosion. Furthermore, it is possible to estimate the amount of soil loss due to gully erosion, which, for example, is not taken into consideration by the USLE-type models.  相似文献   

The area burned by wildfire in the states of Arizona and New Mexico in the southwestern US has been increasing in recent years. In many cases, high severity burns have caused dramatic increases in runoff and sediment yield from burned watersheds. This paper describes the potential and limitations of the HEC6T sediment transport model to describe changes in channel scour and deposition following the Cerro Grande fire near Los Alamos, New Mexico. Following the fire, Pueblo Canyon, near Los Alamos, was subject to a peak flow two orders of magnitudes higher than any discharge in the 7-year period of record, and twice the initial post-fire estimate of the 100-year event. HEC6T requires that the limits of scour and deposition on a cross-section be specified prior to application. This was achieved by using geomorphologic principles, predicted post-burn hydrology and long-term estimates of channel change derived from air photos, to estimate post-fire channel widths. Because significant quantities of silt and clay were present in the runoff, erosion shear stress and erosion rate parameters for cohesive sediments had to be obtained experimentally. After a sensitivity analysis, an optimization routine was used to estimate the optimal model parameter values for sensitive parameters. HEC6T was able to accurately model the change in cumulative sediment volume change derived from Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM, often called Lidar) taken before and after the large post-fire event. One discrepancy between the HEC6T model prediction and the ALSM-estimated change was that the ALSM-estimated change showed the greatest amount of deposition in a portion of the canyon with increasing slope, which the HEC6T model did not predict. Any sediment transport model will predict increased sediment transport capacity with increasing energy slope, so that it was considered to be beyond the capability of any sediment transport model to predict this deposition. Therefore, HEC6T simulated the overall changes in scour and deposition within reasonable expectation of the capabilities of physically-based sediment transport modeling indicating that it is capable of modeling sediment transport in ephemeral channels following wildfire.  相似文献   

S. Assouline  M. Ben-Hur 《CATENA》2006,66(3):211-220
Soil erosion during rainfall is strongly affected by runoff and slope steepness. Runoff production is drastically increased when a seal is formed at the soil surface during rainfall. Therefore, a complex interaction exists between soil erosion and surface sealing. In this study, the dynamics of interrill erosion during seal formation is studied under different simulated rainfall and slope conditions. A sandy soil was exposed to 70 mm of rainfall at two intensities, 24 mm h− 1 and 60 mm h− 1, and five slope gradients, from 5% to 25%. Infiltration, runoff and soil loss rates were monitored during rainfall. Final infiltration rates increased with slope gradient at both rainfall intensities, this effect being stronger for the higher intensity. Cumulative runoff at the end of the rainfall event was lower as slopes were steeper, while an opposite trend was obtained for soil loss. For the 5% and the 9% slopes, the sediment concentration in runoff reached quickly a stable value during the whole rainfall event, while it reached a peak value before declining for the higher slopes. The peak value and its timing were rainfall intensity dependent. Soil erodibility during seal formation was evaluated using two empirical multiplication-of-factors type models. It seems that slope and rainfall erosivity are accounted for only partly in these models. For mild slope gradients below 9%, the value of Ki estimated by means of the two expressions becomes practically constant shortly after runoff apparition. Consequently, the estimates resulting from this type of expressions remain valuable from the practical point of view.  相似文献   

This paper presents two new definitions of sediment and water flux connectivity (from source through slopes to channels/sinks) with examples of applications to sediment fluxes. The two indices of connectivity are operatively defined, one (IC) that can be calculated in a GIS environment and represents a connectivity assessment based on landscape's information, and another that can be evaluated in the field (FIC) through direct assessment. While IC represent a potential connectivity characteristic of the local landscape, since nothing is used to represent the characteristics of causative events, FIC depend on the intensities of the events that have occurred locally and that have left visible signs in the fields, slopes, etc.IC and FIC are based on recognized major components of hydrological connectivity, such as land use and topographic characteristics. The definitions are based on the fact that the material present at a certain location A reaches another location B with a probability that depends on two components: the amount of material present in A and the route from A to B. The distance to B is weighted by the local gradient and the type of land use that the flow encounters on its route to B, while the amount of material present in A depends on the catchment surface, slope gradient and type of land use of said catchment.Although IC and FIC are independent from each other, and are calculated using different equations and different inputs, they complement each other. In fact, their combined use improves IC's accuracy. Hence, connectivity classes can afterward be rated using IC alone.This procedure has been applied in a medium-size watershed in Tuscany (Italy) with the aim of evaluating connectivity, identifying connected sediment sources and verifying the effects of mitigation measures.The proposed indices can be used for monitoring changes in connectivity in areas with high geomorphological or human induced evolution rates.  相似文献   

基于体积法对黄土细沟侵蚀沿程分布模拟的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵宇  陈晓燕  米宏星  莫斌 《土壤学报》2014,51(6):1234-1241
通过土槽冲刷试验结合体积法估算不同流量(2、4、8 L min-1)和坡度(5°、10°、15°、20°、25°)条件下,细沟侵蚀体积及其分布规律,进而研究黄土细沟侵蚀过程及坡度、流量对其的影响。结果表明:细沟侵蚀过程不是沿其均一恒定的,累积侵蚀泥沙量及含沙量均随着细沟的增长近似呈指数增加,且这个趋势在陡坡和大流量下更为显著。坡度和流量的增大均能造成累积侵蚀泥沙量及含沙量的增加,即导致细沟侵蚀程度加重,但是流量对于侵蚀的影响权重远大于坡度。且实测的侵蚀泥沙总量及水流含沙量与体积法测得累积侵蚀泥沙量及含沙量的对比验证了本试验体积法估算细沟侵蚀总量及沿程分布规律的准确性及实用性,其结果为细沟侵蚀动态过程研究及预测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Analysis of sediment sources is an important component in the development of catchment sediment budgets and in determining links between erosion from sources and sediment delivery to catchment outlets. In this study 137Cs and 210Pbex were used to determine surface and sub-surface source contributions of fine sediment in a small upland headwater catchment (1.6 km2) in south-eastern Australia. The findings from this analysis are employed in an adjustment procedure to better differentiate sediment source erosion processes by utilising channel survey and erosion pin data. This improved the precision of estimates of sediment-source erosion-process contributions from hillslopes and channel/gully walls. A mean of 74% of in-channel deposits and suspended sediment exiting the study catchment was derived from sub-surface sources and when adjusted for erosion process this increased to 81%, which may be attributed to channel and gully wall erosion alone. Net erosion of the channel floor was low and constitutes only a small part of the total channel source input to sediment flux. Variability in sediment source contributions within the catchment was high, with rapid transition from hillslope to channel source dominance of sediment flux with distance downstream in the study catchment.  相似文献   

铁路工程建设中重塑坡面单元产流产沙规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
奚成刚  杨成永  许兆义 《土壤》2003,35(1):48-52,61
本文通过野外人工降雨试验的方法,对铁路工程建设中各主要坡面单元的产流产沙情况与原始坡面的产流产沙情况进行了比较研究。发现:(1)坡面产流:施工营地>路堑边坡>施工便道≈原始地面;(2)坡面产沙:路堑边坡>施工便道>施工营地≈原始地面。同时对工程中坡面产流产沙的因素进行了讨论,认为:(1)工程中重塑坡面单元上的产流主要受坡度和坡面土层的密实度等因素的影响,而坡面土壤前期含水量亏缺程度则是影响产流时间的关键因素;(2)重塑坡面单元上的侵蚀程度主要受坡面土层密实度、坡度以及受人为干扰土层的厚度等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem arising from agricultural intensification and landscape changes. Improper land management coupled with intense rainfall has intricated the problem in most parts of the Ethiopian highlands. Soil loss costs a profound amount of the national GDP. Thus, quantifying soil loss and prioritizing areas for conservation is imperative for proper planning and resource conservation. Therefore, this study has modeled the mean soil loss and annual sediment yield of the Gumara watershed. Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7ETM+, and Landsat 8 OLI were used for land use land cover (LULC) change analysis. Besides these, other datasets related to rainfall, digital soil map, Digital Elevation Model, reference land use, and cover (LULC) ground truth points were used to generate parameters for modeling soil loss. The watershed was classified into five major land-use classes (water body, cultivated land, grazing land, built-up and forest and plantation) using a maximum likelihood algorithm covering a period of the last 30 years (1988–2019). The mean annual soil loss and sediment yield were quantified using RUSLE, Sediment delivery ratio (SDR), and Sediment Yields models (SY). The analysis result unveils that within the past 30 years, the watershed has undergone significant LULC changes from forest & plantation (46.33%) and grazing land to cultivated land (31.59%) with the rate of ?1.42km2yr-1 and -2.80km2yr-1 respectively. In the same vein, the built-up area has expanded to cultivated and grazing land. Subsequently, nearly 15% (207 km2) of the watershed suffered from moderate to very severe soil loss. On average, the watershed losses 24.2 t ha?1 yr?1 of soil and yields 2807.02 t ha?1 yr?1 sediment. Annually, the watershed losses 385,157 t ha?1 yr?1 soil from the whole study area. Among the admirative districts, Farta (Askuma, Giribi, Mahidere Mariam and Arigo kebeles), Fogera (Gazen Aridafofota and Gura Amba kebeles), East Este (Witimera kebele), and Dera (Gedame Eyesus and Deriana Wechit kebeles) districts which cover 50% of the watershed were found severely affected by soil erosion. Thus, to curve back this scenario, soil and water conservation practices should prioritize in the aforementioned districts of the watersheds.  相似文献   

不同植被类型对降雨径流和泥沙的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植被对控制水土流失、调节气候、减缓径流、削减洪峰有特别重要的作用。本文通过对乔木型、乔灌混交型、灌木型不同植被降水径流及泥沙观测,分析了不同植被类型对降水径流及泥沙的影响,为水土流失治理采用生物措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

To assess the effects of climate change on soil erosion we need to model changes in rate, frequency and extent of erosion. Present day rates of soil erosion for agricultural land in England and Wales are known from a national monitoring scheme and also from a local one. The latter, for the South Downs, covers a seven-year period and includes climatic data. This shows a strong correlation between total erosion and a Rainfall Index. The availability of these databases allows us to use existing models such as EPIC and an Expert System to predict erosion rates for postulated warmer and wetter (winter) conditions. EPIC is particularly suitable for specific sites where detailed data exists and crop yield implications can also be modelled. A rule-based Expert System approach allows us to examine erosion rates at a different scale across the landscape. We postulate that water erosion rates on arable land in the lowlands will increase markedly in severity, frequency and extent especially if land use changes. In the uplands predicted climatic warming suggests a longer growing season and fewer frosts: these may lead to a decrease in erosion of overgrazed eroding slopes. Increases in erosion rates are not inevitable if policy decisions are taken and implemented in good time.  相似文献   

Predictive erosion models are useful tools for evaluating the impact of land-use practices on soil and water properties, and as often used by environmental protection authorities, for setting guidelines and standards for regulation purposes. This study examines the application of three erosion models of varying complexity and design for predicting runoff and soil erosion from logged forest compartments in south eastern Australia. These are: the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP), and TOPOG, a physically based hydrologic modelling package. Data on rates of soil loss and redistribution collected during a series of large-scale rainfall simulator experiments were used as model input parameters and validation. The models were evaluated in terms of general ease of use, input data requirements and accuracy of process understanding and prediction. Results suggest that in this application the USLE overestimated soil loss, and have the limitation that it does not predict sediment yield or sediment redistribution for specific storm events. When used at the hillslope scale, WEPP and TOPOG have predicted runoff and soil loss reasonably well, particularly on disturbed surfaces such as skid trails. On less disturbed surfaces such as the general harvesting area, both models performed less accurately, generally under-predicting soil loss and sediment yield, notably on sites with low observed values. The complexity and data requirements of WEPP and TOPOG limit their usability as a general-purpose, erosion hazard predicting tool. In terms of process understanding, none of the existing models accurately depict the nature and extent of sediment redistribution quantified in the rainfall simulator experiments. In order to advance the application and accuracy of modelling tools in forestry environments, this redistribution process should be considered integral to the refinement and redevelopment of future models.  相似文献   

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