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Changes in blood chemistry were examined in vitamin B12 deficient lambs which developed ovine white-liver disease (OWLD), and were compared with values of cobalt/B12 supplemented lambs on the same pastures, as well as clinically healthy, but sometimes B12 deficient, lambs on other pastures (H). In the OWLD group, signs of hepatic damage were seen concurrently with reduction in weight gain, or 1-3 weeks before, and comprised elevation of serum glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) and decrease of phospholipid and cholesterol. Drop of plasma glucose and elevation of gamma GT also came in the earlier phase of the disease. All other blood changes developed later, and were partly regarded as reflections of the inappetence or hepatic injury. The changes included a drop in packed cell volume (PCV) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV), elevation of serum iron, and reduction of total serum protein and urea. Generally Co/B12 supplementation prevented hepatic damage and normalized blood values. The clinically healthy H lambs also showed signs of hepatic damage, especially one year when they were B12 deficient, indicating that simple B12 deficiency causes a moderate liver damage as well. For diagnostic purposes, clinical pathology is recommended mainly on a flock basis.  相似文献   

Microscopic liver changes could earliest be found after 1 month on OWLD pasture, and include extensive fatty change with large spherical vacuoles in hepatocytes, varying size of hepatocytes and nuclei, and formation of Councilman bodies. Later came ceroid deposits, biliary hyperplasia and mesenchymal proliferation. Changes occurred in all lambs which died or were killed due to OWLD, and altogether 83% of the lambs grazing OWLD pastures showed typical or suspect changes. Widespread haemosiderosis of the spleen was common. In severely affected lambs, sclerosis of the Peyer's patches and of the germinative centres of the intestinal lymph nodes were seen, as were neuronal atrophy and patchy microcavitation of areas in the brain stem. Four had polyvasculitis. Cobalt/vitamin B12 supplemented lambs showed no specific changes. Lambs which grew well on other pastures (H lambs), but which were subclinically Co/B12 deficient some years, showed no fulminant hepatic OWLD, but 15% developed some features seen in OWLD. They showed no extensive fatty change. Results indicate that OWLD is a manifestation of B12 deficiency worsened by factors triggering early hepatic fatty change resulting in a more severe liver damage with loss of intracellular homeostasis rendering the hepatocytes vulnerable to other elements, like copper.  相似文献   

Trace elements in liver were examined in vitamin B12 deficient lambs which developed ovine white-liver disease (OWLD), in cobalt/vitamin B12 supplemented lambs on the same pastures as well as clinically healthy, but sometimes subclinical B12 deficient lambs on other pastures (H). Liver Co was marginal to deficient in both OWLD lambs (S lambs) and H lambs. Supplementation with B12 or Co elevated liver Co. Liver copper was significantly lower in OWLD lambs than in the H lambs, and Co/B12 supplementation on pasture generally had no significant effect on the contents. Dosing lambs on OWLD pastures with copper oxide needles (SCuO), however, resulted in high/toxic liver Cu. Dosing with Co, Se and Cu glass boluses resulted in adequate liver Cu, except for 1 lamb with toxic amounts indicating dissolution and absorption of the bolus. OWLD lambs had significantly lower liver molybdenum than H lambs, and Co/B12 supplementation elevated values, while CuO treatment depressed them. Liver zinc, manganese and selenium are also reported.  相似文献   

The most important grass species on the ovine white-liver disease (OWLD) pastures (S) were Poa spp., Agropyron repens and Lolium perenne, while the control pastures (H), where lambs grew well, consisted of Poa spp., Festuca rubra and Agrostis tenuis. The soil was more acidic on the H pastures as compared with the S pastures. OWLD grass (S grass) contained marginal to deficient amounts of cobalt during the first 2 months of grazing. During 2 years out of 3, the average Co content was slightly lower in the S grass as compared with the content in the H grass. The lowest average grass Co was, however, found during one year in the H grass, in spite of the fact that the H lambs also this year grew well, and were 13 kg heavier than the S lambs after 3 1/2 months on pasture. Results thus indicate that the H lambs some years were subclinically Co deficient, without developing clinical symptoms or OWLD, and that factors other than marginal/deficient grass Co are of importance as to whether OWLD will develop or not. S grass differed from H grass by having significantly lower copper, molybdenum, manganese and zinc content, lower protein N/amid N ratios and higher aluminium and iron contents. According to the results, marginal to deficient grass Co is essential for development of OWLD, but cofactors play a part.  相似文献   

Serum copper was generally higher in lambs affected with ovine white-liver disease (OWLD) than in cobalt/vitamin B12 supplemented lambs grazing the same pastures. Although the copper content of the grass was very low on the OWLD pastures, dosing lambs with Cu alone resulted in worsening of the clinical condition and aggravation of clinical pathology. Dosing with selenium had no effect on OWLD. Dosing with a combination of Co, Se and Cu resulted in normal lamb growth and normal laboratory tests. Lambs growing well on other pastures (H) showed elevated serum Cu when they were subclinically B12 deficient.  相似文献   

During 6 years, altogether 458 twin lambs of the Dala and Rygia breeds with their dams were put on ovine white-liver disease (OWLD) pastures which were moderately, heavily or not cobalt fertilized, or on control pastures 15 km apart. Groups of lambs were untreated, regularly dosed with Co sulphate or vitamin B12, dosed with Co pellets, copper oxide needles (CuO), selenium pellets or Co-Se-Cu glass boli, or had access to Co enriched salt lick. Clinical symptoms in untreated lambs included varying degree of reduced weight gain or loss of weight appearing after 6-12 weeks on pasture, at an age of 10-15 weeks. Additional symptoms were seen 2-4 weeks later, including inappetence, listlessness, and often serous eye discharge and crusty ears. Of the untreated lambs on OWLD pastures 18% died or were eutanized because of OWLD. The condition was preventable by Co or B12 administration, which yielded an average increase of mid Sept. live weights of between 8 and 17 kg. Co fertilization of pastures, use of Co enriched salt lick, or dosing with Co pellets are recommended under practical circumstances. The lambs grazing control pastures were on average 17 kg heavier by mid Sept. than the OWLD lambs. They showed some weight increase on extra Co supply.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effect of increasing the Vitamin B12 status of the ewe on the Vitamin B12 supply to the suckling lamb. METHODS: The Vitamin B12 status of the ewe was increased during gestation and lactation by three injections of a long-acting preparation of Vitamin B12 microencapsulated in an organic acid polymer. The Vitamin B12 status of the ewes and suckling lambs was assessed from changes in serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations. RESULTS: Compared to untreated animals, serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations of the treated ewes were increased at least 70% during gestation. Foetal liver Vitamin B12 concentrations were increased 270%. Over the lactation, ewe serum and milk Vitamin B12 concentrations were increased at least 200% and 44%, respectively. The liver Vitamin B12 stores of the newborn lambs from Vitamin B12-treated ewes were depleted within 58 days. There were no significant differences in the serum Vitamin B12 concentrations of suckling lambs from Vitamin B12-treated and untreated ewes. CONCLUSION: Ewes with a high Vitamin B12 status will ensure an adequate supply of Vitamin B12 to their lambs for at least the first 30 days of life. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: In flocks grazing Co-deficient pastures, treating ewes with a long-acting Vitamin B12 supplement at mating will prevent Vitamin B12 (Co) deficiency in ewes, as well as their lambs, until they can be treated at tailing at 4-6 weeks of age.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of a long-acting injectable microencapsulated formulation of Vitamin B12 in dairy calves. METHOD: Fifty calves, average liveweight 110kg, were randomly allocated to 5 groups of 10 animals and injected subcutaneously in the anterior neck with 0.12, 0.18, 0.24 and 0.3 mg Vitamin B12/kg liveweight using a formulation of microencapsulated Vitamin B12 in a lactide: glycolide copolymer. The untreated calves were injected with the same vehicle, without Vitamin B12. Subsequent changes in serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations were followed for 244 days. RESULTS: The microencapsulated Vitamin B12 significantly increased, then maintained serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations higher than those of untreated controls for at least 110 days. CONCLUSIONS: Injection of the microencapsulated Vitamin B12 at dose rates of 0.12 to 0.24 mg/kg liveweight will increase and maintain the Vitamin B12 status of calves for at least 110 days.  相似文献   

The concentration of vitamin R12 in the blood was studied in five totally gastrectomized pigs followed for 10–18 months, and in four controls followed for 5¼–8 months. The concentration of vitamin B12 in the liver was investigated in three pigs of each group. The content of vitamin B12 in the blood was of the same magnitude in both groups. Thus, removal of the stomach does not compromise the normal presence of this vitamin in the blood. The B12 content in the liver was also unaffected by the operation, whereas it was increased after simultaneous administration of vitamin B6.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine the spectrum of diseases associated with subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin in cats undergoing investigation of suspected gastrointestinal problems. The solid-phase boil radioassay (RA) for cobalamin employed in the present study was immunologically specific, precise, and accurate, with a sensitivity of 15 pg/mL. The RA yielded results that strongly correlated with those obtained by bioassay (Spearmann rho = .805; P < .0001), although the absolute values were lower for the RA. Forty-nine of 80 serum samples submitted during the period of January 1996-January 1998 had cobalamin concentrations below the reference range for healthy cats (range 900-2,800 pg/mL; mean +/- SD, 1,775 +/- 535 pg/mL; n = 33). Cats with subnormal cobalamin concentrations (mean +/- SD; 384 +/- 272 pg/mL, range 3-883 pg/mL) were middle-aged or older and were presented for weight loss. diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, and thickened intestines. Definitive diagnoses in 22 cats included inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), intestinal lymphoma, cholangiohepatitis or cholangits, and pancreatic inflammation. Serum concentrations of cobalamin were particularly low in cats with intestinal lymphoma, three-fifths of whom also had subnormal serum concentrations of folate (< 9 ng/mL). The simultaneous presence of disease in the intestines, pancreas, or hepatobiliary system in many cats made it difficult to determine the cause of subnormal cobalamin concentrations. The circulating half-life of parenteral cyanocobalamin was shorter in 2 cats with IBD (5 days) than in 4 healthy cats (12.75 days). The presence of subnormal serum concentrations of cobalamin in 49 of 80 cats evaluated suggests that the measurement of serum cobalamin may be a useful indirect indicator of enteric or pancreatic disease in cats. The rapid depletion of circulating cobalamin in cats suggests that cats may be highly susceptible to cobalamin deficiency. However, the relationship of subnormal serum cobalamin concentrations to cobalamin deficiency and the effect of cobalamin deficiency on cats remain to be determined.  相似文献   

A serological study was done to assess the role of Maedi-Visna (MV) infection in sheep from flocks with high respiratory tract disease morbidity in Ethiopia. Of 105 sheep examined from central Ethiopia 78 (74%) were positive for MV-infection. However, antibodies to the virus were not detected in 48 sheep and 70 goats from elsewhere in Ethiopia. The infection was detected in all breeds of sheep examined (Awassi, Hampshire, Corriedale, indigenous Menz breeds and their crosses) but with a significant breed difference (chi 2 = 20, p < 0.001) varying from 48% in imported Awassi sheep to 92% in the indigenous Menz sheep. This suggests that Menz sheep are more susceptible to infection, which may support the observation of a higher incidence of clinical disease in these sheep compared to exotic breeds and their crosses. It also supports recent studies indicating that MV is becoming one of the most important respiratory tract diseases in sheep in central Ethiopia. Our findings indicate that MV was introduced into Ethiopia via sheep imported into the central highlands and that it now constitutes an important emerging disease is discussed. Measures to control the disease are suggested.  相似文献   

青海省地处高海拔地区,有很丰富的草场资源,但每年青草期短,枯草期长。进行圈舍育肥,给饲养管理带来了很大的方便,较放牧育肥大大缩短了育肥时间,提高了经济效益。在舍饲饲喂的条件下,反刍动物易发生缺钴和维生素B12表现为食欲差,生长慢或失重,严重消瘦,异食癖和极度贫血死亡。生化检查表明肝肾中维生素B12浓度下降。维生素B12缺乏小牛表现为生长停滞,食欲差,有时候运动不协调。试验通过在饲  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 deficiency was induced in 15 small East African goats by feeding cobalt deficient Chloris guyana hay (containing 0.02 mg of Co/kg dry matter) over a 25week experimental period. Cobalt was supplemented as an oral drench to supply 0.3 g of Co/goat/week to 15 treated goats. At intervals of 3–4 weeks, serum concentrations of Vitamin B12 total thyroxine (TT4), free tetra-iodothyronine (FT4) and free tri-iodothyronine (FT3) were determined by radioimmunoassay, while the rate of resting metabolism was determined by measuring the goats' rate of oxygen consumption.

Serum Vitamin B12 concentration was significantly higher (p<0.01) in cobalt-treated (289.6 ± 40.76 pg/ml) than in control (142.8 ± 28.27 pg/ml) goats. The mean serum TT4 concentration was signifieantly (p<0.01) higher in control (59.0 ± 1.70 nmol/l) than in cobalt-treated (51.6 ± 2.45 nmol/l) goats. However, the levels of FT4, FT3 and the rate of resting metabolism were unaffected by the goats' cobalt status. Furthermore, the goats did not lose weight or become anaemic.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 deficiency was induced in 15 small East African goats by feeding cobalt deficient Chloris gayana hay (containing 0.02 mg of Co/kg dry matter) over a 25 week experimental period. Cobalt was supplemented as an oral drench to supply 0.3 g of Co/goat/week to 15 treated goats. At intervals of 3-4 weeks, serum concentrations of Vitamin B12 , total thyroxine (TT4), free tetra-iodothyronine (FT4) and free tri-iodothyronine (FT3) were determined by radioimmunoassay, while the rate of resting metabolism was determined by measuring the goats' rate of oxygen consumption. Serum Vitamin B12 concentration was significantly higher (p<0.01) in cobalt-treated (289.6 +/- 40.76 pg/ml) than in control (142.8 +/- 28.27 pg/ml) goats. The mean serum TT4 concentration was significantly (p<0.01) higher in control (59.0 +/- 1.70 nmol/l) than in cobalt-treated (51.6 +/- 2.45 nmol/l) goats. However, the levels of FT4, FT3 and the rate of resting metabolism were unaffected by the goats' cobalt status. Furthermore, the goats did not lose weight or become anaemic.  相似文献   

Monensin in ruminant diets increases production of propionic acid. We have tested the hypothesis that propionic acid may be elevated to such an extent by monensin that it cannot be optimally metabolized by the methyl malonyl-CoA pathway requiring vitamin B12 (B12) in the liver. Thus, the effects of weekly B12 injections (10 mg X head-1 X wk-1, intramuscularly) with and without dietary monensin (25 mg/kg diet) on average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed to gain ration (F/G), liver and serum B12 concentrations and liver activity of propionate metabolizing enzymes were examined in an 84-d trial. Sixteen lambs (27.5 kg average initial wt) were assigned randomly to one of four treatments in a factorial arrangement: monensin plus B12, monensin without B12, no monensin plus B12 and no monensin without B12. Lambs were fed an 80% concentrate diet and slaughtered at the end of the trial. Liver samples were obtained by biopsy on d 0 and at slaughter on d 84 to determine activity of propionate metabolizing enzymes and B12 concentrations. Serum samples were taken on d 0, 28, 56 and 84 to determine serum B12 concentration. Neither monensin nor B12 affected (P greater than .10) ADG, DMI or F/G. Lambs receiving B12 had higher (P less than .01) serum B12 concentrations, but this was not reflected (P greater than .10) in higher liver B12 concentrations. No difference (P greater than .10) in liver propionate metabolizing activity among treatments was detected; however, monensin decreased (P less than .05) fumarate and malate formation by liver homogenates. Liver B12 concentrations were highly correlated with endogenous propionate metabolizing activity at d 0 (r = .73, P less than .01) and d 84 (r = .51, P less than .05). Results suggest no advantage to providing supplemental B12 to lambs fed monensin-supplemented, high-concentrate diets.  相似文献   

Steatitis due to vitamin E deficiency occurred in three 10-wk-old boat-billed herons (Cochlearius cochlearius) despite daily placement of a powdered vitamin supplement on the fish that was subsequently washed off by the parents. Physical findings included emaciation, yellow-brown subcutaneous nodules, a firm distended coelom, stomatitis, and yellow-white, submucosal pharyngeal nodules. Clinical pathology revealed heterophilic leukocytosis, anemia, hypoproteinemia, and low plasma alpha (alpha)-tocopherol levels (1.94 microg/ml and 2.14 microg/ml). Two of the chicks died of severe, diffuse pansteatitis and respiratory aspergillosis.  相似文献   

维生素B12、E和C在家畜精液保存中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
家畜精液保存时,向稀释液中添加一定量的维生素B12、E或C,在提高精液品质方面具有重要的作用。精液稀释液中添加维生素B12,具有维持精子顶体完整率,延长精子体外存活时间和提高解冻后的精子活力的作用。维生素E是重要的抗氧化剂,能通过抑制自由基的形成,阻止诱发的膜脂质发生过氧化,从而维持精子顶体膜的完整,提高精子顶体完整率和降低精子畸形率;维生素E还能防止精子发生冷休克,提高冻精解冻后的精子活力,从而提高受精率。维生素C作为抗氧化物质,能有效地防止冷冻精子磷脂发生过氧化,提高解冻后的精子活力,延长精子在体外存活的时间;维生素C的抗氧化作用还表现在能够保护精子细胞中的遗传基因DNA免受氧化破坏。  相似文献   

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