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Armadillos are apparently important reservoirs of Mycobacterium leprae and an animal model for human leprosy, whose immune system has been poorly studied. We aimed at characterizing the armadillo's langerhans cells (LC) using epidermal sheets instead of tissue sections, since the latter restrict analysis only to cut-traversed cells. Epidermal sheets by providing an en face view, are particularly convenient to evaluate dendritic morphology (cells are complete), spatial distribution (regular vs. clustered), and frequency (cell number/tissue area). Lack of anti-armadillo antibodies was overcome using LC-restricted ATPase staining, allowing assessment of cell frequency, cell size, and dendrites extension. Average LC frequency in four animals was 528 LC/mm(2), showing a rather uniform non-clustered distribution, which increased towards the animal's head, while cell size increased towards the tail; without overt differences between sexes. The screening of antibodies to human DC (MHC-II, CD 1a, langerin, CD86) in armadillo epidermal sheets, revealed positive cells with prominent dendritic morphology only with MHC-II and CD86. This allowed us to test DC mobilization from epidermis into dermis under topical oxazolone stimulation, a finding that was corroborated using whole skin conventional sections. We hope that the characterization of armadillo's LC will incite studies of leprosy and immunity in this animal model.  相似文献   

The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is a quadrupedal arboreal animal primarily distributed in the Himalayas and southern China. It is a species commonly kept in zoological collections. This study was carried out to describe the morphology of the pelvis and hind limb of the red panda evidenced by gross osteology, radiography and computed tomography as a reference for clinical use and identification of skeletons. Radiography of the pelvis and right hind limb was performed in nine and seven animals, respectively. Radiographic findings were correlated with bone specimens from three adult animals. Computed tomography of the torso and hind limb was performed in one animal. The pelvic bone had a wide ventromedial surface of the ilium. The trochlea of the femur was wide and shallow. The patella was similar to that seen in feline species. The medial fabella was not seen radiographically in any animal. The cochlea grooves of the tibia were shallow with a poorly defined intermediate ridge. The trochlea of the talus was shallow and presented with an almost flattened medial ridge. The tarsal sesamoid bone was always present. The lateral process of the base of the fifth metatarsal (MT) bone was directed laterally. The MT bones were widely spaced. The morphology of the pelvis and hind limb of the red panda indicated flexibility of the pelvis and hind limb joints as an adaptation to an arboreal quadrupedal lifestyle.  相似文献   

There is limited information available on the morphology of the thoracic limb of the ring‐tailed lemur (Lemur catta). This study describes the morphology of the thoracic limb of captive ring‐tailed lemurs evidenced by gross osteology and radiography as a guide for clinical use. Radiographic findings of 12 captive ring‐tailed lemurs are correlated with bone specimens of three adult animals. The clavicle is well developed. The scapula has a large area for the origin of the m. teres major. The coracoid and hamate processes are well developed. The lateral supracondylar crest and medial epicondyle are prominent. The metacarpal bones are widely spread, and the radial tuberosity is prominent. These features indicate the presence of strong flexor muscles and flexibility of thoracic limb joints, which are important in arboreal quadrupedal locomotion. Furthermore, an ovoid ossicle is always seen at the inter‐phalangeal joint of the first digit. Areas of increased soft tissue opacity are superimposed over the proximal half of the humerus and distal half of the antebrachium in male animals as a result of the scent gland. Knowledge of the morphology of the thoracic limb of individual species is important for accurate interpretation and diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases.  相似文献   

In family Lemuridae, anatomical variations exist. Considering its conservation status (near threatened) and presence of similarities between strepsirrhines and primitive animals, it was thought to be beneficial to describe the gross osteology and radiographic anatomy of the pelvis and hind limb of ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) as a reference for clinical use and species identification. Radiography was performed in 14 captive adult ring‐tailed lemurs. The radiographic findings were correlated with bone specimens from two adult animals. Additionally, computed tomography of the hind limbs was performed in one animal. The pelvic bone has a well‐developed caudal ventral iliac spine. The patella has a prominent tuberosity on the cranial surface. The first metatarsal bone and digit 1 are markedly stouter than the other metatarsal bones and digits with medial divergence from the rest of the metatarsal bones and digits. Ossicles were seen in the lateral meniscus, inter‐phalangeal joint of digit 1 and in the infrapatellar fat pad. Areas of mineral opacity were seen within the external genitalia, which are believed to be the os penis and os clitoris. Variations exist in the normal osteology and radiographic appearance of the pelvis and hind limb of different animal species. The use of only atlases from domestic cats and dogs for interpretative purposes may be misleading.  相似文献   

Endocytic activity of phagocytic cells from armadillos infected with viruses, parasites or bacteria is unknown. This report shows that eosinophils from armadillos infected with microfilaria act against these helmintic parasites but have deficiencies in their oxygen-dependent bacteriocidal mechanisms and also in endocytic capacity against yeast.  相似文献   

The present study was performed on 12 heads of donkey’s cadavers of both sexes for different anatomic techniques and on 20 live adult donkeys for ultrasonographic approaches of local anesthetic techniques. The aim was to achieve safe desensitization of the ear canal and tympanic membrane in addition to measuring different parameters of the structures occupying the infra-auricular parotid region. The internal auricular nerve was divided into two fine branches and constituting, at its origin, a characteristic V-shape with the caudal auricular nerve. The styloid process of auricular cartilage was an adequate landmark for ultrasonographic needle-guided anesthesia for internal auricular and auriculopalpebral nerves, whereas the great auricular nerve was easily palpated subcutaneously that showed safety and success in all cases. The auricular branch of mandibular nerve joined the auriculopalpebral branch of facial nerve. The maxillary vein was descending, partially embedded within the texture of the parotid glandular tissue. The parotid gland divided into five segments was clearly demarcated by maxillary vein tributaries with three main collecting radicles pouring into the parotid duct. The mandibular duct received about 12–15 fine radicles and supplied with a separate branch from the external carotid artery. Using the Doppler sonographic technique in donkeys for diagnosis of ear affections, evaluation of retrograde sialography to salivary glands with their blood vasculature and their indices might be helpful for the detection of different critical abnormalities, such as stenosis, thrombosis, and other vasopathological affections through measuring their resistivity and pulsatility indices.  相似文献   

Life expectancy of crab‐eating foxes in captivity is approximately 11 years, which favours the development of diseases including orthopaedic disorders. However, to understand disorders that may affect these animals, it is worth determining a normal range of measurements. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate radiographic measurements of joint angles of the hindlimbs and the ratio of patellar ligament length to patellar length in healthy crab‐eating foxes. Fifteen captive crab‐eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous), eight males and seven females, aged more than 1 year old, weighing 5.5–7.9 kg were used. Anatomic and mechanical femoral joint angles were assessed in ventrodorsal radiographic views, and mediolateral views were taken to measure patellar ligament length and patellar length, and the tibial plateau angle. The right and left hindlimbs were evaluated. All measurements were conducted in triplicate by the same investigator. No statistically significant differences were observed between sides in the radiographic measurements. The anatomic lateral proximal femoral angle and the anatomic lateral distal femoral angle recorded mean values of 95.43° and 92.75°, respectively. The mechanical lateral proximal femoral angle and the mechanical lateral distal femoral angle recorded mean values of 93.39° and 96.75°, respectively. Inclination angles measured according to the Tomlinson, Hauptman A and Hauptman B methods were 133.80°, 147.32° and 128.63°, respectively. The tibial plateau recorded 18.77°, and the ratio of the patellar ligament length to the patellar length was 1.99. In conclusion, the collected data are important to characterize the normal values of crab‐eating fox limbs.  相似文献   

The gross anatomical structure of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) gastrointestinal tract is poorly described and often veterinary anatomical terminology is not used. Although the basic abdominal visceral pattern corresponded to domestic carnivores, significant differences were noted. The stomach was an elongated sharply bent tube (u‐shaped) with the pylorus and fundus juxtaposed. The elongated jejunum measured up to 15.6 times body length and had 37 jejunal arteries from the cranial mesenteric artery. The pancreas was asymmetrical with a small right lobe and a large left lobe. The unusually short greater omentum negated formation of deep and superficial leaves. The most remarkable difference was the separation of the liver parenchyma into three physically separate masses, held together by hepatic ducts, veins and arteries. The topography and position of the liver was dependent on the amount of blood in the hepatic sinus (distended hepatic veins and hepatic portion of vena cava). Thus, as the hepatic sinus filled, the lateral liver masses separate from the central mass by moving caudolaterally. This was facilitated by modified coronary and triangular ligaments which did not attach directly to the liver, but instead to the hepatic sinus. These anatomical adaptations are apparently advantageous to ringed seal's survival in a deep marine environment.  相似文献   

Morphological studies of the gastrointestinal tract of blue‐and‐yellow macaws (Ara ararauna) are scarce. In view of the paucity of information regarding the digestive tract of macaws, this study aims to describe the gross anatomical features (oesophagus to cloaca) as part of a broad study of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of these birds. Three animals (two males and one female) adult macaws were anatomically dissected from the oropharynx to the cloaca to expose the GIT. The oesophagus was identified as a muscle‐membranous tube continuous with the crop, which was intimately attached to the skin. The internal longitudinal folds of the cervical oesophagus were sparser cranial to the crop and less evident compared to the portion caudal to the crop. The duodenum began in the pylorus and was grey‐coloured exhibiting a large lumen. The jejunum was formed by loops in a spiral‐fashion model supported by mesojejunum. The ileum was also composed by small loops and was continuous with the colo‐rectum forming the large intestine, because the caeca were absent. The large intestine was short, median in position, suspended in the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity by mesentery and ended in the cloaca. The GIT was similar to the basic patterns in birds, in general, and also presented new unreported morphological data that might be important when studying nutrition and health of the macaws.  相似文献   

The ring‐tailed coati (Nasua nasua) is a procyonid whose population is in sharp decline. Therefore, studies are needed to better understand the reproduction of this animal. For this reason, this study aimed to evaluate the morphology, morphometry and sperm ultrastructure of ring‐tailed coati sperm. Four captive adult males were used for this study. Slides stained with Bengal Rose were used for the morphometric and morphologic analyses. The length and width of the head were measured, as well as the length of the midpiece and tail and the total length of the sperm. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were used for the ultrastructural analyses. The most obvious morphological abnormalities observed were coiled tails (6.1 ± 8.7%) and the lack of acrosomes (5.4 ± 4.4%). Regarding the morphometry, the measurements of the head (length × width), midpiece (length) and tail (length) were (mean ± SD) 6.2 ± 0.4 × 8.1 ± 0.6 μm, 14.1 ± 0.5 and 63.9 ± 4.1 μm, respectively, and the total length of the sperm was 86.1 ± 4.3 μm. Through electron microscopy, the presence of electron‐lucent points in the nucleus and the presence of approximately 55 mitochondrial spirals in the midpiece were identified. The data obtained in this study provide detailed information on the sperm characteristics of coatis and may inform future research on germplasm conservation, both for this species and other threatened procyonids.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to provide a detailed computed tomography (CT) and cross‐sectional anatomic reference of the normal metatarsus and digits for the camel and buffalo, as well as to compare between metatarsus and digits in these animals to outstand a basis for diagnosis of their diseases. Advantages, including depiction of detailed cross‐sectional anatomy, improved contrast resolution and computer reformatting, make it a potentially valuable diagnostic technique. The hind limbs of 12 healthy adult camel and buffalo were used. Clinically relevant anatomic structures were identified and labelled at each level in the corresponding images (CT and anatomic slices). CT images were used to identify the bony and soft tissue structures of the metatarsus and digits. The knowledge of normal anatomy of the camel and buffalo metatarsus and digits would serve as initial reference to the evaluation of CT images in these species.  相似文献   

This study describes the osteology and radiology of the pelvic limb in maned wolves. Ten (five live and five dead) maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), five males and five females, aged from 2 to 7 years old were used. Digital radiographs were taken and recorded for both pelvic limbs in all animals. Osteology was correlated with the radiographic images. The pelvis had a rectangular shape, and the obturator foramen (foramen obturatum) was oval. The femoral neck (collum femoris) was short and thick. The greater trochanter (trochanter major) extended proximally to near the dorsum of the femoral head (caput ossis femoris). The lateral femoral condyle (condylus lateralis) was larger than the medial condyle (condylus medialis), and the intercondylar fossa (fossa intercondylaris) had a slightly oblique orientation. The proximal tibia displayed medial and lateral condyles with the medial larger. The femur was slightly shorter than the tibia. Seven tarsal bones (ossa tarsi) were present, four long metatarsal bones (ossa metatarsalia II ‐ V) and a short first metatarsal bone (os metatarsal I).  相似文献   

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