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本实验旨在探索蒙古斑点马体尺指标与其年龄和性别的关系,对锡林郭勒盟地区60匹不同年龄阶段蒙古斑点马进行体尺测定及资料分析。结果表明:蒙古斑点马的年龄和性别对体尺指标有显著影响。成年马和老年马的体长、体高、胸围都高于青年马(PA<0.05),管围没有显著差异;公马的体高、胸围、管围高于母马(PS<0.05),性别对蒙古斑点马的体长没有影响(PS=0.1298);蒙古斑点马的年龄和性别对体尺指标的影响没有互作效应(PA*S>0.05)。综上,马匹体高、体长、胸围、管围、体重等体尺指标是可以直接反映马匹生长发育以及生产能力的可定量指标,也是决定一个马种生产性能和利用方向的指标之一,因此对蒙古斑点马年龄、性别与体尺指标的关系进行分析对蒙古斑点马品种的培育及选育工作有重大意义。  相似文献   

Objective: To (1) describe computed tomographic (CT) popliteal lymphangiography; (2) compare the number of thoracic duct (TD) branches detected by CT and by radiography after popliteal lymphangiography; and (3) to compare the number of branches detected after left and right popliteal lymphangiography. Study Design: Experimental study. Animals: Adult dogs (n=6). Methods: A randomly selected popliteal lymph node was percutaneously injected with 12 mL iodinated contrast medium through a 25‐g butterfly catheter over 4–5 minutes. Lateral and ventrodorsal (VD) thoracic radiograph projections and thoracic CT were performed. The procedure was repeated using the contralateral lymph node after a 48–72 hours washout period. Results: One dog had TD branches visible on CT but not on radiographs. A significantly greater number of TD branches were observed with CT popliteal lymphangiography compared with lateral and VD radiographic popliteal lymphangiography (P=.003 and P<.001, respectively). The number of visible TD branches observed between the 6th thoracic and 1st lumbar vertebrae were not significantly different in these dogs (P=.146). A significant difference in number of TD branches observed was not found after left or right popliteal lymph node injection (P=.097). Conclusions: CT popliteal lymphangiography consistently identified a greater number of TD branches when compared with radiographic popliteal lymphangiography. Injection of either popliteal lymph node resulted in the same number of TD branches being observed.  相似文献   



Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common endocrinopathy in cats. No known diagnostic test or patient characteristic at the time of diagnosis can predict likely disease course, unlike in people in whom computed tomographic angiography (CTA) is used. No published data exist regarding the CTA appearance of the pancreas in cats with DM, and thus, it is unknown what if any CTA variables should be further assessed for associations with pancreatic endocrine function.


A significant difference in pancreatic attenuation, volume, and size will be identified between normal cats and those with chronic DM on CTA.


Ten healthy control cats and 15 cats with naturally occurring DM present for >12 months.


Prospective cross‐sectional study comparing pancreatic attenuation, enhancement pattern, size, volume, pancreatic volume‐to‐body weight ratio (V:BW), pancreatic arterial: portal phase ratio (A:P), time‐to‐arterial enhancement, and time‐to‐peak portal enhancement on CTA between sedated healthy control cats and those with chronic DM.


The pancreas in cats with chronic DM was significantly larger, had higher volume, higher V:BW, and shorter time‐to‐peak portal enhancement on CTA when compared to normal cats.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Peak portal enhancement time, pancreatic size, pancreatic volume, and V:BW can be used to differentiate normal sedated cats from those with chronic DM by CTA. These variables warrant further investigation to identify possible associations with endocrine function.  相似文献   


The appropriateness of the current adjustment factors for weaning weight was studied on data from the Swedish Sheep Recording Scheme for the years 1981–83 and 1986–88. The study included the four main breed groups Swedish Peltsheep (P), Swedish Landrace (L), Swedish Crossbred (X) and the imported heavy breeds (K). The adequacy of the adjustment factors was also tested within the breeds Swedish Finewool (Lf), Swedish Rya (Lr) and Crossbred group having crossbred parents (X*X). Analyses (1981–83) were based on 140681 Pelt lambs, 16785 lambs from the L-group, 25092 lambs from the X-group and 6321 lambs from the K-group. Data from 1986–88 comprised in total 11% fewer lambs.

The adjusted weights for lambs after 1- and 2-year old ewes were underestimated by previous adjustment factors in all breed groups except Peltsheep. The adjusted weights were too high for single born and single reared lambs after yearlings in Peltsheep. The previous adjustment factors for litter size generally gave adjusted weights which were too high for single lambs and too low for triplets. The earlier adjustment factors gave adjusted weights for ram lambs that were too high in comparison with ewe lambs. Finally the adjustment factors for age of lamb underestimated adjusted weights by 10% in Peltsheep and the L-group, while in the X- and K-group weights were overestimated to the same degree. A new set of adjustment factors is suggested.  相似文献   

Background: Surfactant alterations are described in horses after exercise, anesthesia, and prolonged transport, in horses with recurrent airway obstruction, and in neonatal foals. The effect of horse age or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) sample characteristics on surfactant is unknown.
Objectives: To evaluate surfactant phospholipid composition and function in healthy horses, and to investigate the influence of age and BALF sample characteristics on surfactant.
Animals: Seventeen healthy horses 6–25 years of age maintained on pasture year-round.
Methods: BALF was collected by standard procedures and was assessed for recovery volume, nucleated cell count (NCC), and cytology. Cell-free BALF was separated into crude surfactant pellet (CSP) and surfactant supernatant (Supe) by ultracentrifugation. Phospholipid and protein content were determined from both fractions. CSP phospholipid composition was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with an evaporative light scatter detector. Surface tension of CSP was evaluated with a pulsating bubble surfactometer. Regression analysis was used to evaluate associations between age, BALF sample characteristics, and surfactant variables.
Results: Results and conclusions were derived from 15 horses. Increasing age was associated with decreased phospholipid content in CSP but not Supe. Age did not affect protein content of CSP or Supe, or surfactant phospholipid composition or function. Age-related surfactant changes were unaffected by BALF recovery percentage, NCC, and cytological profile.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Older horses have decreased surfactant phospholipid content, which might be because of age-related pulmonary changes. Surfactant composition is unaffected by BALF sample characteristics at a BALF recovery percentage of at least 50%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of season on the histologic and histomorphometric appearance of the normal equine pituitary gland. Pituitary glands were collected at necropsy from 121 horses throughout the year. Plasma was also collected from 59 of these horses before euthanasia. Hematoxylin and eosin stained median sagittal sections of each pituitary were evaluated and histologically graded by three pathologists. Histomorphometric analysis was performed on the same slides. Plasma α-melanocyte stimulating hormone was measured by radioimmunoassay in a subset of horses (n = 59). A total of 118 pituitary glands were included in the study after exclusions were made on the basis of the presence of pars intermedia (PI) adenomas (>5 mm). There was a positive correlation between PI hormone concentration (α-melanocyte stimulating hormone) and PI area. Pituitary gland measurements and grades from samples collected in the fall were compared with those collected in the nonfall months using t-test. The PI area, total pituitary area, and PI/total pituitary ratio were significantly greater in the fall compared with nonfall months (P < .0001, P < .01, P < .0001, respectively). Pituitary grades were also higher in the fall compared with nonfall months (P < .001). There was no seasonal difference in pars distalis or pars nervosa area. The results of this study show that the normal equine pituitary shows seasonal changes in appearance and size. These changes must be considered when using postmortem histologic evaluations in the diagnosis of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction or for validation of antemortem diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

Endurance horses are subjected to heightened stress even after several conditioning protocols. Hence, the goal of this study was to examine the effect of age and performance on the hematology, biochemistry, and physical parameters after an endurance race. Eighteen horses aged 6-15 years were grouped into 80-km race category. All the horses were physically examined, and blood samples were collected postrace. After physical examination, the poor (n = 9) and good (n = 9) performance horses were identified. Potassium concentration was significantly higher (P < .05) in the good performance horses; chloride concentration was significantly higher (P < .05) in the poor performance horses. The mean blood glucose concentration of the poor performance horses in all the age-groups was significantly higher (P < .05). The mean blood lactate concentration was significantly lower (P < .05) in the poor performance horses. There was significant effect of performance on heart rate (P < .031), capillary refill time (P < .013), and gut motility (P < .05). Univariate Fisher exact test results were significantly higher for skin recoil (P < .03), mucous membrane (P < .03), and gait (P < .04) in the performance categories. In conclusion, the influence of age was seen in the poor performance category in relation to lactate, but age did not influence other physical, hematological, and biochemical parameters of the endurance horses. Thus, further studies are required to determine whether physical, hematological, and biochemical parameters during training could be used to estimate performance in endurance horses based on age.  相似文献   

本研究以不同发育阶段的雄性雏鸵鸟(Struthio camelus)为试验动物,在其饮水中添加不同剂量的硼,采用放射免疫分析法(radioimmunoassay,RIA)检测不同硼水平和不同发育阶段雏鸵鸟血清中卵泡刺激素(follicle stimulating hormone,FSH)、黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone,LH)、睾酮(testosterone,T)、雌二醇(estradiol,E2)的含量,旨在探明硼对雏鸵鸟血清性激素水平的影响。研究结果表明,雄性雏鸵鸟血清FSH和E2含量均随硼添加量的增加而增加;LH和T的含量随硼添加量的变化表现出一定的相关性,且均表现为低硼水平其含量升高,中硼和高硼水平其含量降低;LH和T的含量随年龄增大而增加,E2逐渐减小,而FSH则先升高后下降。该结果提示,硼对鸵鸟内分泌与生殖具有一定的调节作用,且年龄对雏鸵鸟血清性激素水平有一定影响。  相似文献   

镉是一种重金属,镉在体内的生物半衰期长达10~30年,少量镉持续进入体内因长期积累而对各组织器官有不同程度的损伤,为已知的最易在体内蓄积的毒物。试验采用火焰原子吸收法对染镉鸡垂体中镉的蓄积情况进行检测,以探讨镉对内分泌器官毒性的影响,为进一步研究其毒理提供依据。1材料与方法1.1试验动物分组将180只50日龄海兰鸡随机分为3组,即对照组、低镉组和高镉组,每组60只。对照组饲喂基础日粮;低镉组饲喂基础日粮和CdCl2140mg/kg;高镉组饲喂基础日粮和CdCl2210mg/kg,分笼常规饲养。分别于染镉第20,40,60天时,每组随机抽取5只鸡,测定其垂…  相似文献   

Estimation of Saliva Production in Crib-Biting and Normal Horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing saliva flow to buffer the stomach has been hypothesized as a basis for crib-biting in horses. Saliva amounts in seven cribbing and seven noncribbing (control) horses were compared either pre- and post-cribbing or at pre- and post-5-minute intervals for controls. A pre-weighed cellulose sponge was used to collect saliva at the exit of the submandibular gland for 30 seconds, then reweighed. Data were analyzed as repeated measures. Mean saliva weight overall was similar between cribbing and control horses (1.2 and 1.5 g, respectively, SE = 0.2). However, mean saliva weight for pre- and post-samples (1.5 and 1.2 g, respectively, SE = 0.06) for all horses was significantly lower (P < .05) in the post-sample, indicating a drying effect of the sponge. Because of a strong tendency (P < .06) for a treatment-by-sampling time interaction, data were analyzed by sampling time and cribbing status. Mean saliva weights in the pre-sample were 0.43 g higher (P < .03) in control than cribbing horses. Control horses showed a 0.38 g decrease (P < .01) in saliva weight between pre- and post-samples, which was not evident in cribbing horses. To determine whether cribbing offset the saliva decrease seen in control horses, nine cribbing horses were sampled as before but prevented from cribbing between samples. A similar reduction (0.39 g, P < .01) in saliva weights between samples with cribbing allowed versus cribbing prevented was seen in these horses as was seen in control horses in the initial study. Because cribbing does produce saliva, gastrointestinal irritation could be a motivating cause for cribbing.  相似文献   

The Fine Structure of Mast Cells in the Normal Bovine Mammary Gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mast cells from the mammary gland of the cow greatly resemble the mast cells of man and small laboratory animals. However, certain ultrastructural differences are found in the mast cell granules. These granules are divided into four different types according to their morphology. All contain a granular material of varying fineness, bounded by a membrane. In addition a fibrous or crystalline part is found in some granules, while in others a large light vacuole can be seen. All the granules are surrounded by a unit membrane.  相似文献   

金岭梅 《家畜生态》1995,16(1):18-20,32
试验选用大耳白,加里福尼亚兔和比利时兔,通过对试验兔75-150日龄生长阶段饲料转化率的测定,结果表明:日龄是影响试兔饲料转化率的主要限制性因素(P<0.01)。由此得出:要提高商品兔的生产效率,必须注重兔的早期饲养管理,使之在较短的时间同进入生长高峰,加快周转,而饲养“长寿兔”将使商品兔生产的经济效益显著降低。  相似文献   

Although pulmonary function tests have been used to evaluate horses with clinically normal lungs and those with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), comprehensive studies of equine respiratory function, considering factors such as sex, age and usage are not available. Studies on the influence of these factors on pulmonary function in healthy horses are required for interpretation of measurements made in those with respiratory disease. The study was performed with 63 warmblood horses and the status of their pulmonary health was evaluated by clinical examination. The functional aspect of pulmonary health was assessed by indices derived from the single-breath diagram for CO2 (SBD-CO2). Differences in pulmonary functional indices between the sexes, age groups and usage groups adjusted for pulmonary health were analysed with hierarchical linear models. It was shown that the effects on pulmonary function of age, sex and usage of a horse were significant and have to be considered when establishing the true pulmonary functional status of a horse suffering from RAO. The multivariate statistical model used included the covariates age, sex and sporting discipline of the horses and accounted for the complex, non-linear interactions between the different covariates.  相似文献   

To meet the needs of sport horses, horseshoes of various styles and materials have been implemented to enhance performance. Steel shoes are commonly used for their affordability and longevity; however, the use of aluminum horseshoes is being adopted to satisfy the various requirements of certain equestrian activities. Owing to the importance of the allure of movement in many aspects of competitive riding, the lightweight nature of aluminum horseshoes has been recognized to accentuate foreleg action. By performing a repeated-measures crossover study on nine healthy stock-type horses, the effects of these two horseshoe types on forelimb action were analyzed at the trot using two-dimensional kinematics. Horses were trotted in hand for three repetitions over a distance of 50.1 meters on days 4, 18, 32, and 46 postshoeing for two 6-week shoeing cycles. Video footage was collected and analyzed using gait analysis software (EquineTec) for each repetition. The measured stride length, fetlock extension, elbow and knee range of motion, and minimum and maximum elbow angle remained constant between treatments. However, there was a significant treatment effect on minimum carpal angle and maximum hoof height, with aluminum shoes having a larger minimum carpal angle than those in steel shoes (P < .05) and a lower maximum hoof height (P < .05). An overall 3-degree difference in minimum carpal angle and approximate 2.5-cm difference in maximum hoof height was observed between treatments. This finding is of particular importance to performance horse disciplines for which a lesser degree of knee action is desirable.  相似文献   

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