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阐述适合盆栽的百合花品种,并从百合花种球的品种选择、栽培管理、植株矮化处理、盆花周年栽培、种球繁殖方面进行介绍。  相似文献   

以风信子年宵盆花生产为目标,研究了种球规格对盆栽风信子年宵花开花的影响。结果表明,不同规格的种球,种球越大,出苗越早,花序越大,花茎越长,开花越早,宜选择17cm以上大规格的种球进行年宵花生产。本研究可为风信子年宵花生产提供参考。  相似文献   

以兔粪沼渣、切花百合品种‘索蚌’二代种球为试材,采用等氮情况下不同沼渣施用量对比试验方法,研究了不同沼渣施用量对二代种球百合切花生长发育的影响。结果表明:处理A(667m~2沼渣594kg)与CK二代种球百合切花栽培产量差异达显著水平(P0.05),以667m~2基施沼渣594kg,667m~2切花产量9 915枝,667m~2效益9 738元,应用效果最佳;施用沼渣对二代种球百合切花的株高、叶片数、旗叶宽、花苞数量、花苞大小、成花率、抗逆性等方面作用效应明显,且二代种球百合切花的株高、有效叶片数、产量和效益随着667m2沼渣施用量(0~594kg)的增加而增加;此结果可为二代种球百合切花绿色高效栽培提供参考依据。  相似文献   

唐菖蒲(Gladiotus hybridus)亦名十样锦、菖兰、剑兰及十三太保,属鸢尾科唐菖蒲属,是世界上最主要的切花植物,现有品种1万种以上,而切花生产中种球普遍存在退化现象。本文通过材料的选取、种圃的建立、种球的繁殖、种球的复壮、生长环境、日常管理、种球的采收与贮藏等方面进行分析,总结了唐菖蒲冬季种球生产技术。  相似文献   

通过对郁金香种球的引进及栽培管理技术的研究,完善了郁金香盆栽技术,同时筛选出萌芽率能达到90%以上,花期达到20 d以上,株高50 cm以下的适合盆栽的郁金香品种5个,分别是琳.马克(Leen vld Mark)、金阿帕尔顿(Golden Apeldoorn)、奥丽斯(Ollioules)、华盛顿(Washington)和中肯(Ad Rem)。  相似文献   

通过对东方百合种球"Sorbonne"原地复壮后,进行老球的周径、鳞片数、重量、新生子球重量、新生子球周径等指标的测定。结果表明:花后种球原地复壮经过41~55d可以达到原来进口14~16cm种球的周径和重量。增施硫酸钾镁、磷酸二氢钾和复合微肥,可增加新生子球的周径和重量,提高二茬花的品质。  相似文献   

"迎春1号"是利用切割柱头杂交授粉、胚挽救、组培扩繁和种球复壮等技术方法,开花后选取优良株系而获得的百合切花新品种。该品种植株健壮、花大色艳、香味浓郁、商品性好、抗病能力强。经过试种,观赏性优良,适合北方地区保护地栽培。  相似文献   

春节盆栽百合栽培与管理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
百合作为世界六大切花(月季、香石竹、菊花、唐菖蒲、非洲菊、百合)之一,它花姿优美、气度不凡、花色诱人,赢得人们的喜爱.同时,我国自古以来都视百合为吉祥之花,有百事合心的寓意,是美好、希望、尊贵的象征.因此,近年来人们将百合用作盆花栽培,作为春节的主要盆栽花卉,不仅有美好的寓意,而且能对室内、阳台和庭院进行美化和香化.对于生产者来说,则具有较高的经济效益.然而,百合用作盆栽花卉在种球品种的选择、植株高度和花期的控制等方面有特殊的要求,具体的栽培与管理过程如下.  相似文献   

以露地种植于北京延庆风沙源育苗中心的117个百合品种为试材,采用观测记录和数据分析的方法,研究了这些越冬种球的鲜质量、周径、种球存活率、冻害等性状的表现,分析观测性状之间的相关性和各品系百合的适应性,并对这些百合品种进行适应性评价。结果表明:观测所选性状之间相互关联,其中冻害仅与品系显著相关,而病害与各性状极显著相关;‘AZT’‘OT’‘TR’品系的品种综合表现良好,而‘OR’品系和‘MARTA’品系的品种适应性差。‘Tiger Babies’("幼虎")、‘Red Life’("红色人生")等20个品种,适应性极好,推荐在延庆地区种植;‘Proud Bride’("新娘")、‘Canadense’("康登斯")等17个品种适应性差,不适宜在延庆地区露地种植。  相似文献   

通过测定东方百合-‘Sorbonne’经花球原地复壮后的周径、鳞片数、重量、新球重量、新球周径等参数,与进口种球的周径和重量进行比较。结果表明:经花球在原地复壮经45~50 d可以达到进口种球14~16 cm的周径和重量。  相似文献   

周逸龄  王威  李秉玲  刘燕 《园艺学报》2011,38(11):2149-2156
 芍药生长发育的各个时期都存在花蕾败育现象,降低了成花率。以芍药品种‘巧玲’为材料,研究温室促成盆栽、室外盆栽和大田地栽方式下的花蕾败育情况,结果表明:不同栽培方式下芍药花蕾败育率明显不同,与各生长发育阶段蕾径大小相关。蕾径2 ~ 4 mm败育蕾发生率呈现温室促成栽培(67.9% ~ 86.6%)> 室外盆栽(44.9%)> 大田地栽(16.3%)的规律,此类败育蕾是由萌芽初期芽分化速度晚于同期正常芽的芽体发育而引起,蕾径达2 mm的败育蕾的雄蕊、雌蕊原基分化已完成;蕾径4 ~ 8 mm的败育蕾发生率呈现室外盆栽(29.6%)> 温室促成栽培(9.2% ~ 25.6%)> 大田地栽(11.8%)的规律,蕾径达5 mm的败育蕾处于胚珠原基分化阶段;蕾径8 ~ 17 mm的败育蕾在温室促成栽培条件下发生率为0 ~ 4.8%,但在室外盆栽及大田地栽环境中均没有发生,蕾径达10 mm的败育蕾其胚珠的珠心和珠柄已形成;蕾径17 ~ 27 mm的败育蕾在室外盆栽环境中发生率最高,为19.9%,其次为大田地栽,为9.2%,温室促成栽培最低,为0 ~ 1.4%,蕾径达18 mm的败育蕾可见胚珠的珠心、珠被、珠孔。3种栽培方式下败蕾率最高均出现在茎伸长期,即主要发生在2 ~ 4 mm大的花蕾,温室促成栽培中控制该阶段花蕾败育是降低败蕾率的关键,可以通过肥水管理,适当延长低温处理时间及保持后期栽培温度稳定来减少其发生,提高成花率。  相似文献   

龙阳  石卓功 《中国南方果树》2022,51(2):108-112,116
盆栽苹果二次开花能提高观赏价值,延长观赏期,从而促进苹果盆景产业的发展.本试验显微观察了苹果花芽的形态分化进程,并通过全株脱叶和喷施单氰胺溶液对昆明地区不同品种的盆栽苹果进行了二次开花试验.结果表明:8月中旬,嘎拉、富士、红色之爱的花芽分化分别处于萼片形成期、花蕾分化期和花瓣形成期,神砂和皮诺娃则处于雄蕊形成期;10月...  相似文献   

Early Narcissus flowers may be obtained if bulbs are lifted early from the field, warm-stored (35°C) and then cool-stored (9°C) before forcing in a glasshouse. The earliest satisfactory forcing was investigated, in ‘Carlton’ and ‘Fortune’, by lifting weekly from 27 May to 22 June, and storing at 17°C for 0–7 weeks between warm- and cool-storage. Storage at 17°C is usually intercalated to allow the completion of flower differentiation prior to the start of cool storage.After warm-storage, the bulbs lifted on 27 May and 22 June had reached Stages Sp and A2 of flower differentiation, respectively; 5–7 weeks of 17°C-storage were then needed to reach complete flower differentiation (Stage Pc). Cool storage was therefore begun with bulbs ranging from Stage Sp to Stage Pc. The earliest cooled bulbs had progressed only to Stage A2, and all others to Stage Pc, after 14–16 weeks of cool storage. No floral defects (e.g., split paracorolla) were noted in any treatment, but in ‘Carlton’, about half the bulbs lifted on 27 May and stored for 0 or 1 week at 17°C did not yield a flower, due to failure of the scape to elongate and death of the flower bud within the spathe.Duration of the glasshouse period was reduced by later lifting and by longer 17°C-storage, but following lifting on 15 or 22 June and 2 or more weeks at 17°C, differences were trivial. For flowering within 30 days in the glasshouse, 5 or 6 weeks' 17°C-storage was needed with 27 May lifting, reducing to 1 week at 17°C after 22 June lifting. Flowering within 21 glasshouse days was achieved only after 15 or 22 June lifts followed by 4–5 weeks at 17°C. The earliest flowers in ‘Fortune’ (7 November) were produced following 3–5 weeks at 17°C after lifting on 27 May or 1 June, or following 1–2 weeks at 17°C after later lifting. In ‘Carlton’, the earliest flowers (23 November) followed 2–3 weeks at 17°C after lifting between 1 and 15 June, or 0–1 weeks at 17°C after the last lifting date (22 June). Following the use of 3 weeks' 17°C-storage, flowering date was about equal, irrespective of lifting date. However, further extension of 17°C-storage resulted in a delay in flowering date. Scape length increased irregularly with longer storage at 17°C; scapes were taller following later lifting (8–22 June) than following earlier lifting. Differences in flower diameter between treatments were relatively small.  相似文献   

孙兆法  张淑霞  李梅  李凌 《园艺学报》2011,38(6):1121-1126
 采用迁光试验研究长日照植物蒲包花‘秀丽’的限界性诱导光周期,不同发育阶段对光周期的敏感性和光周期处理对盆花品质的影响,并推测了童期长度。连续短日照和经7 d长日照后移至短日照的蒲包花,从处理到开花的天数显著长于长日照14 ~ 42 d后移至短日照的处理,而14 ~ 42 d长日照转移的处理之间差异不显著,表明14 d的长日照处理足以促进蒲包花开花,其限界性诱导光周期在7 ~ 14 d之间,长日照14 d以后蒲包花的花芽发育对光周期不敏感。长日照7 d后转到短日照,从处理到现蕾的天数减少而从现蕾到开花的天数增加,顶花芽败育,侧芽萌发开花,表明长日照7 d促进了花芽分化,但此时花芽发育对光周期仍敏感。本试验条件下,生长至3对叶片时蒲包花已结束童期。长日照促进株高和主枝长度的增加,21 d长日照后转移到短日照的处理,株高、主枝长度显著大于14 d时转移的处理,开花整齐,盆花品质显著提高。长日照转到短日照时,地上部鲜质量、根鲜质量、总质量均随着迁光天数的延迟而下降;短日照转到长日照时则相反。9月上旬播种育苗,在3对叶片时开始长日照处理21 d,蒲包花‘秀丽’可在1月上旬始花,保证春节上市。  相似文献   

Orchids are currently the most valuable potted crop in the United States. To date, no studies focused on making possible the year-round greenhouse production of flowering nobile dendrobium orchids. This experiment was aimed at developing a strategy to defer flowering of nobile dendrobium orchids by holding them under low temperature. Mature Den. Red Emperor ‘Prince’ and Den. Sea Mary ‘Snow King’ were held at 10 °C for various durations (0, 4, 8, 12 or 16 weeks) after vernalization (4 weeks at 10 °C). Plants were forced in a greenhouse after holding. Time to flower, flower differentiation (flowering node percentage, number of aerial shoot and aborted bud) and flower quality (total flower number, flower diameter, flower number per flowering node and flower longevity) were determined. Increase of low temperature holding duration from 0 to 16 weeks extended time to flower up to 3 months and did not affect parameters of flower except producing larger flowers and reducing flower number per flowering node for Den. Red Emperor ‘Prince’. Notably, the flower longevity was not adversely affected. Defoliation was aggravated in Den. Red Emperor ‘Prince’ by longer duration of cooling and was considered a detrimental effect of low temperature holding.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂对梅花盆花培植的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张孝岳  黄国林  龙次平 《园艺学报》2006,33(6):1357-1360
 试验结果表明, 100 mg/L ABT生根剂处理后, 砧木青梅扦插成活率最高达到了82.2% , 高出对照37.1%。1 000 mg/L多效唑处理对接穗梅花新梢生长抑制最明显, 而且当年平均单株着花率、复花芽率最高。9月初~10月中旬喷施赤霉素延迟了花期, 延迟效果与浓度成正相关, 其中1 000 mg/L效果最明显; 而10月底~11月应用赤霉素使花期提前。  相似文献   


Experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate photoperiod, light intensities and sources, and growth regulators, necessary to produce Trachelium caeruleum as a commercially acceptable potted plant. T. caeruleum behaved as an LDP with a critical photoperiod of 14 h necessary for flower initiation but was day neutral for subsequent flower development (from macroscopic bud visibility to anthesis). Providing long days by daylength extension using metal halide (MH) lamps to provide high irradiance resulted in significantly earlier flowering and more flowers than using either MH or incandescent lamps at low irradiance. The use of incandescent lamps to extend the day resulted in slower flowering and fewer flowers than using MH lamps at the same irradiance. Daminozide was effective for controlling plant height but ancymidol and chlormequat were ineffective. Removal of the terminal bud resulted in more compact plants, and more blooms per plant, but delayed flowering by approximately one week.  相似文献   

大花三色堇‘冰紫'花为淡紫色,侧瓣和唇瓣基部透白晕,嵌深紫条纹;‘猫咪'花为黄色,侧瓣及唇瓣基部有深褐色条纹;‘微笑'花为深紫色,侧瓣及唇瓣基部有白色斑块,嵌深紫色斑纹。播种后95~120 d开花,属早花品种;花量大,单株可同时盛开20余朵花;花期最长可达6个月,末花期延至夏初,耐热性好;适用于花坛及盆栽。  相似文献   

‘Bailer’ (Endless Summer™) is a new, pink- or blue-flowered hydrangea that flowers on new wood continuously throughout the growing season. It is also winter-hardy in northern, temperate climates (USDA Z4). Use of Endless Summer as a florist's potted hydrangea would provide consumers with a dual-use product (flowering potted plant, landscape shrub). The objectives were to determine if Endless Summer could be forced as a florist's hydrangea using two forcing regimes (immediate, standard), two soil pH regimes, and two pinching treatments. ‘Merritt Supreme Pink’ (pink), ‘Blue Danube’ (blue), and Endless Summer (blue, pink) were forced under immediate (no cold treatment, short- and long-day photoperiods) and standard (6 weeks cold, 4 °C to overcome dormancy) conditions. Since commercial liners were not yet available, cuttings of Endless Summer were used in the immediate forcing experiment. Days to visible flower bud, first color, full flower were recorded, as well as height, no. of branches, no. of flowers, and flower size. In the immediate forcing experiment, only Endless Summer produced flowers. Cultivars differed significantly (P < 0.001) for days to visible flower bud, days to first color, days to full flower, and height. The number of flowers and flower size were not significantly different among pink cultivars. In the standard forcing experiment, Endless Summer reached days to visible flower bud, days to first color, and days to full flower significantly earlier than either comparison, although it exhibited weaker stems and less intense flower pigmentation. Pinching (blue pH) had a significant effect on all traits except the days to full flower and flower size, although no pinching treatment was significant for pink pH. Photoperiod was significant only for the days to visible flower bud (pink pH), days to full flower (blue pH), and final height (blue pH). Further research is needed before Endless Summer can be grown as a dual-use florist's potted hydrangea with acceptable quality.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(4):499-502
Aqueous solutions of 1.0 μM to 0.1 nM concentrations of salicylic acid (SA) were sprayed on African violet grown under greenhouse conditions to estimate its effect on the flower expression of the plant. These solutions were sprayed on the shoots of the plant on three occasions, 21, 28 and 35 days after being potted. Salicyliclate at 0.1 nM increased the number of leaves from 16 to 19, the number of flower primordia from 8 to 14, the rosette diameter from 130 to 177 mm in comparison with the control. The same concentration induce flowering at 74 days of plant age whilest the control plants last 89 days to flower.  相似文献   

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