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多效蚕用添食剂生产试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
多效蚕用添食剂生产试验山东省肥城市丝绸公司郭长武,刘少清,刘宝生,梁汝兴山东农业大学蚕学专业崔为正,李茂贞关于桑蚕营养添食及药物添食的试验研究已有许多报道,有的已在生产上广泛应用,但从目前使用的添食物性质来看,多为单项物质或同类型几种物质混合添食,作...  相似文献   

家蚕幼虫添食蔗糖的效果和机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究养蚕时添食蔗糖的效果和机理,采用高效液相色谱分析技术和二硝基水杨酸比色定糖法,测定了桑叶中核糖、木糖、葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、可溶性还原糖和总糖的含量以及蚕体对它们的消化吸收率。并用桑园搭棚遮荫的方法人为造成日照不足叶,研究了养蚕时在光照叶和遮荫叶上添食蔗糖的效果。结果,在光照叶或遮荫叶上添食蔗糖,对蚕茧和蚕种的产质量都没有影响。  相似文献   

本试验用新药蚕用脓病清,蚕用抗菌素九0一九和常用氯霉素分别给家蚕添食,结果表明,经添食上述药物后,蚕期病死蚕数,死笼率明显低于对照区,虫蛹统一生命率显高于对照区。说明三种蚕药对蚕病的发生均起到较好的防治作用,但以添食氯霉素的效果最好。  相似文献   

“多效蚕用添食剂”效果试验简报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正>有关家蚕营养添食的试验研究已有许多报道,但大多数为单一物质或几种类似物质的混合添食,作用比较单一,对其实际效果也常有争论.“多效蚕用添食剂”是由多种营养成份、抗病防腐物质及增效剂等组成的新型添食剂,生产上应用后普遍认为,该添食剂具有省桑、抗病、增丝等多种作用.为了验证其实际效果,我们在实验室水平上对其进行了试验鉴定,现将结果简报如下.  相似文献   

常用添食药剂防病效果比较试验黄伍龙,叶武光,李凤英,曾萍芳,钟丽军(江西省蚕桑茶叶研究所330202)、桑叶叶面消毒、添代抗菌素作为家蚕饲养的防病防毒(防治微粒子病)一项技术,正在蚕种场和蚕农中广泛被采用,同时,新一代的叶面消毒剂和抗菌素在不断推出。...  相似文献   

家蚕母种2龄起蚕添食NPV的抗性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家蚕血液型脓病是导致蚕农养蚕减产的主要蚕病之一,提高家蚕品种对NPV的抵抗能力是近年广西家蚕育种的主要攻关课题.设置本试验旨在初步了解家蚕品种对NPV的抵抗能力,以3对强健性、茧丝量等不同的母种进行NPV添毒试验.932、7532是1对高强健性品种,中10、日10是1对茧丝量较高的品种(引进四川省蚕研所882、881经几年改良提高的品系),芙蓉、湘晖是1对强健性、丝量介于上两对之间,初步了解不同强健性的品种对NPV的差异性,为提高家蚕对NPV抗性及NPV抗病育种提供参考.  相似文献   

马闹闹  尹钢  琚新丰 《北方蚕业》2013,34(1):17-18,21
针对蚕农盲目滥用抗生素添食的生产实际,引入复合活性益生菌对家蚕进行添食试验,结果表明:活力99保健液对增强蚕的体质,提高蚕茧产量和质量有一定的效果。  相似文献   

试验了四川省营山荣兴蚕饲料有限公司产的荣兴牌蚕饲料添食效果,证明对蚕的发育经过,体质,蚕茧产质量同有作用。  相似文献   

对五龄家蚕添食抗生素-氯霉素、营养素-葡萄糖和尿素,以及添食两种营养素与抗生素不同组配的混合液,通过对比试验,得出对家蚕添食不同组配营养素和抗生素,有不同的增产效果。  相似文献   

为探明“家蚕增丝素”对叶丝转化率的影响,在1987年春期和中秋期进行了“复方增丝素”与“家蚕增丝素1号、2号”进行了设区试验。结果表明:春期添食增丝素与清水,其茧丝质成绩与对照区比较,均无提高效果;中秋期添食增丝素与清水,其茧丝质成绩均高于对照区,但增丝素比清水添食成绩差,据此分析,中秋期影响茧丝质成绩的可能主要是桑叶含水量,增丝素并无多大作用。因此,作者认为:在应用和推广增丝素前,须进一步试验,以避免盲目性。  相似文献   

五龄蚕不同饲育方式与蚕座温湿度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对5龄家蚕不同饲育方式的微生态环境之温湿度条件进行了研究分析,发现5龄地面条桑育蚕座中的温度明显低于环境和片叶育;条桑育和片叶育蚕座中,蚕座底部和中部温度差异不显著;条桑育蚕座中的绝对湿度明显小于片叶育,相对湿度明显大于片叶育;条桑育蚕座底部和中部湿度无明显差异;五龄后期片叶育蚕座底部湿度明显大于中部湿度,差异极显著。揭示了在广东高温季节,条桑育蚕座中的温湿度条件明显优越于片叶育,是一种很好的养蚕方式。  相似文献   

五龄饷食时间与盛熟时间及茧产量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对四龄止桑后的同批蚕进行早、中、晚三种饷食时问的比较,其四鼠就鼠时间分别为30、36、48小时。以此探讨五龄饷食迟早与盛熟时间及茧产量的关系。结果晚上饷食区的盛热时间比早上、中午饷雷区晚,但盛熟均在白昼。产茧量随饷食对间的推迟有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

1材料与方法腐植酸钠、腐植酸钙 ,由宁夏大武口腐植酸开发经销部提供 ;四环素发酵渣 ,由宁夏制药厂提供。宁夏永宁某个体鸡场饲养的1635只230日龄蛋鸡按表2方法分组 ,每天光照16h ,鸡舍温度5~10℃左右。见基础日粮配方见表1。按表2添加腐植酸钠、腐植酸钙、四环素发酵渣。观察 :试验组鸡和对照组鸡试验前15d和试验期产蛋率、蛋均重、破蛋率、畸形蛋率 ;鸡的各项性状、发病及死亡率、死前症状 ;粪便 ;饲料消耗情况。2结果2 1产蛋鸡各项性状(见表3)2 2经济效益分析(见表4)腐植酸盐和四环素渣饲喂蛋鸡试验@蒋…  相似文献   

The aim of the experiments was to investigate the effects of the preservation of colostrum and unripe milk with potassium sorbate at a concentration of 0.5% and of its storage for three to five days at normal environmental temperatures on the calf health condition. A set of 30 calves divided into two groups was included in the trial. Calves belonging to the experimental group were fed preserved colostrum and unripe milk from day 9 to day 30 of their life (the first experimental period), and from day 31 to day 50 (the second experimental period) milk replacer. Calves belonging to the control group were fed milk replacer from day 9 to day 50 of their life. One calf from the experimental group died from a respiratory disease. In the control group, one calf died and another had to be slaughtered; in both cases digestive tract diseases were diagnosed. The number of calves which had to be treated medically was also lower in the experimental group--in the calves fed preserved colostrum--one case of periodic tympany was recorded in comparison with four cases in the control group. When haematological and biochemical characteristics were examined, significantly lower haemoglobin levels were found in experimental calves at the end of the first experimental period (105.4 g.l-1 when compared with 112 g.l-1 in the control group) and significantly higher values of proteinaemia were found in the blood plasma of these calves at the same period (59.6 g.l-1 and 53.8 g.l-1, respectively). Similar differences were also found during a single haematological and biochemical examination.  相似文献   

奶牛的产后瘫痪,是奶牛分娩后突然发生的急性低血钙症。以知觉消失、四肢瘫痪为主要特征,多产、产奶量高、青壮年的奶牛易发,如果治疗不及时,常导致死亡。近几年笔者对22例发病牛进行了诊断治疗,并对奶牛日常饲养管理状况进行调查分析,现将诊治体会报告如下。  相似文献   

The effects of corn dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) feeding on rumen fermentation and milk production in cows were evaluated using diets high in neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 45.9–46.6%). The control diet (Control) consisted mainly of hay, corn silage and concentrates. In the experimental diets, the concentrates were replaced with DDGS as 10% dry matter (DM) (10%DDGS) and 20% DM (20%DDGS). Eight cows were used for each 14‐day treatment period. Effect of DDGS feeding on DM intake was not significant. Ruminal volatile fatty acids and ammonia‐N at 5 h after feeding of 20%DDGS were decreased compared to Control, whereas protozoal count at 2 h after feeding of 20%DDGS was higher than that of 10%DDGS. Milk yield of cows fed DDGS diets was greater than that of Control, although percentages of milk protein and solids‐not‐fat were decreased by DDGS diets. The proportions of C10:0, C12:0, C14:0 and C16:0 in the milk fat decreased, and those of C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 and cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) increased markedly with elevated DDGS. Increase in trans‐11 C18:1 was observed in the rumen fluid at 5 h after feeding. These findings suggest that DDGS feeding enhanced milk yield, as well as CLA synthesis under a high dietary NDF condition.  相似文献   

In two experiments with milk cows with permanent rumen fistula it was investigated whether, apart from urea being unpalatable, further physiologic parameters are responsible for the reduced feed intake. In experiment I the cows received 2, 3 resp 4% urea orally with barley coarse meal, or an equivalent amount was given continuously from the beginning of the feeding over a period of three hours through the fistula. When 2, 3 resp. 4% urea were given orally, the consumption went down in the first 30 min to 58, 52 resp. 40%. When urea was given rumenally, no depression of the consumption could be observed. There were distinct relations with the NH3-concentration in the rumen fluid. At 20 to 35 mg per 100 ml there was no resp. a slight depressioon only and at 40 mg a significant depression. When the concentration rose to greater than 50 mg, consumption was stopped. In experiment II the rumenal application of urea began two hours before the feeding. The high NH3-level shortly after the beginning of feeding (58 mg/100 ml) caused a stop in the feed consumption. No relation could be observed between the urea concentration in veinous blood and the feed intake.  相似文献   

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