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The intramacrophagic environment of Brucella suis and bacterial response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phagocytes have developed various antimicrobial defense mechanisms to eliminate pathogens. They comprise the oxidative burst, acidification of phagosomes, or fusion of phagosomes with lysosomes. Facultative intracellular bacteria, in return, have developed strategies counteracting the host cell defense, resulting in intramacrophagic survival. Until lately, only very little was known about the phagosomal compartment containing Brucella spp., the environmental conditions the bacteria encounter, and the pathogen's stress response. Recently, we have determined that the phagosomes acidify rapidly to a pH of 4.0-4.5 following infection, but this early acidification is crucial for intracellular replication as neutralization results in bacterial elimination. A vacuolar proton-ATPase is responsible for this phenomenon that is not linked to phagosome-lysosome fusion. On the contrary, in vitro reconstitution assays revealed association only between phagosomes containing killed B. suis and lysosomes, describing the absence of phagolysosome fusion due to specific recognition inhibition for live bacteria. Further evidence for the necessity of an intact, acidic phagosome as a predominant niche of brucellae in macrophages was obtained with a strain of B. suis secreting listeriolysin. It partially disrupts the phagosomal membranes and fails to multiply intracellularly. How does B. suis adapt to this environment? We have identified and studied a series of genes that are involved in this process of adaptation. The bacterial heat shock protein and chaperone DnaK is induced in phagocytes and it is essential for intracellular multiplication. A low-level, constitutive expression of dnaK following promoter exchange does not restore intramacrophagic survival. Another chaperone and heat shock protein, ClpB, belonging to the family of ClpATPases, is important for the resistance of B. suis to several in vitro stresses, but does not contribute to intramacrophagic survival of the pathogen. Additional bacterial genes specifically induced within the phagocyte were identified by an intramacrophagic screen of random promoter fusions to the reporter gene gfp. A large majority of these genes are encoding proteins involved in transport of nutrients (sugars, amino acids), or cofactors, such as nickel. Analysis of the intracellular gene activation reveals that low oxygen tension is encountered by B. suis. Altogether, these results suggest three major stress conditions encountered by brucellae in the phagosome: acid stress, starvation and low oxygen tension.  相似文献   

The genome of Brucella melitensis strain 16M was sequenced and contained 3,294,931 bp distributed over two circular chromosomes. Chromosome I was composed of 2,117,144 bp and chromosome II has 1,177,787 bp. A total of 3198 ORFs were predicted. The origins of replication of the chromosomes are similar to each other and to those of other α-proteobacteria. Housekeeping genes such as those that encode for DNA replication, protein synthesis, core metabolism, and cell-wall biosynthesis were found on both chromosomes. Genes encoding adhesins, invasins, and hemolysins were also identified.  相似文献   

Nineteen Streptococcus suis type 2 isolates that had been analyzed previously for hemolysin production, ribotype, and virulence in pigs were examined for presence of the gene coding for suilysin by PCR amplification, and southern blot and hybridization techniques. Based on southern blot and hybridization analysis, all isolates tested contained at least a portion of the suilysin gene. PCR amplification of the entire gene resulted in gene fragments from five of the seven highly virulent isolates and none of the moderately virulent or avirulent isolates. Additional PCR analysis showed that mutation or deletions at the 5′ end of the suilysin gene in the less virulent isolates prevented amplification of the sly gene fragment from those isolates. The MRP+ (muramidase-released protein) EF+ (extracellular protein) phenotype was also expressed by the same five highly virulent/sly+ isolates.  相似文献   

A collection of 300 sera from a predominantly rural community on the island of Viti Levu in Fiji were studied for the presence of antibodies to B. abortus, T. gondii and Leptospira serogroups. Significant levels of immunity were found to B. abortus and T. gondii and over half the population had diagnostic leptospiral antibody levels.  相似文献   

When preparations containing smooth Brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were used as antigens in an ELISA, strong positive reactions were obtained with sera from sheep infected with Brucella melitensis or with Brucella ovis. Oxidation of the LPS with sodium metaperiodate greatly reduced the extent of the cross-reactions with antisera to B. ovis, with little effect on the reactions with antisera to smooth B. melitensis. Periodate oxidation of hot saline extract (HSX) antigen of B. ovis markedly reduced its reactivity in ELISA with anti-B. ovis sera and eliminated cross-reactivity with anti-B. melitensis sera. The reactivity of HSX was maintained after treatment with proteinase K.A simple ELISA system, in which replicate samples from a single serum dilution were tested in parallel against both B. ovis HSX antigen and periodate-oxidised smooth phase B. abortus LPS, was evaluated. It was found to discriminate well between antibodies induced by vaccination or virulent infection with B. melitensis strains and those induced by infection with B. ovis.  相似文献   

By using the results of seven carbon substrate assimilation tests from the Biotype 100 system (bioMérieux, Marcy-l’Etoile, France), we correctly identified 79 (85.9%) of 92 Brucella strains tested. The specificity of the method varied from 97.4 to 100% depending on the species. Although a biological safety cabinet must be used, this method represents an easy and fast alternative for the identification of Brucella species.  相似文献   

In the present study, the validation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for serodiagnosis of canine brucellosis is described. Two different antigenic extracts, obtained by heat or ultrasonic homogenization of microbial antigens from a wild isolate of Brucella canis bacteria, were compared by ELISA and Western blot (WB). A total of 145 canine sera were used to define sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the ELISA as follows: (1) sera from 34 animals with natural B. canis infection, confirmed by blood culture and PCR, as well as 51 sera samples from healthy dogs with negative results by the agar–gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test for canine brucellosis, were used as the control panel for B. canis infection; and (2) to scrutinize the possibility of cross reactions with other common dog infections in the same geographical area in Brazil, 60 sera samples from dogs harboring known infections by Leptospira sp., Ehrlichia canis, canine distemper virus (CDV), Neospora caninum, Babesia canis and Leishmania chagasi (10 in each group) were included in the study. The ELISA using heat soluble bacterial extract (HE-antigen) as antigen showed the best values of sensitivity (91.18%), specificity (100%) and accuracy (96.47%). In the WB analyses, the HE-antigen showed no cross-reactivity with sera from dogs with different infections, while the B. canis sonicate had various protein bands identified by those sera. The performance of the ELISA standardized with the heat soluble B. canis antigen indicates that this assay can be used as a reliable and practical method to confirm infection by this microorganism, as well as a tool for seroepidemiological studies.  相似文献   

One hundred and seven pregnant cows, which had been calfhood vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain 19 (S-19) were revaccinated with either S-19 or strain RB51 (S-RB51). All S-19-revaccinated animals seroconverted, while none of the RB51-revaccinated animals seroconverted. Two out of 25 (8%) S-19-revaccinated animals aborted, while none of the 57 RB51-revaccinated group aborted. Four of the S-19-revaccinated animals shed S-19 in the milk for at least 7 days, while only 1 cow shed S-RB51 for at least 3 days (but <7 days) post-parturition. Revaccination of strain 19 calfhood-vaccinated, pregnant cattle with S-RB51 appears to be a safe procedure with no diagnostically negative consequences.  相似文献   

Two-component regulatory systems (TCSs) are widely distributed among bacteria and enable the organisms to make coordinated changes in gene expression in response to a variety of environmental stimuli. In this work, we constructed a mutant strain of the TCS CiaRH and measured its virulence in vitro and in vivo. Compared with the wild type strain, the mutant strain exhibited a significant decrease in adherence to epithelial cells Hep-2 and PIEC. Furthermore, the deletion of CiaRH not only enhanced the bactericidal activity of RAW264.7 macrophage against Streptococcus suis 2, but also increased blood clearance of S. suis 2 in vivo. More importantly, the mutant was attenuated in vivo in CD1 mice and pigs, with reduced mortality, morbidity and impaired bacterial growth observed in specific organs. These results suggest that the CiaRH is required for S. suis 2 virulence.  相似文献   

A field study to evaluate the serological response and the safety of different doses and administration routes of the Rev. 1 vaccine was carried out on two Churra breed flocks. Reduced doses of 2.3 × 106 and 3 × 107 live organisms were administered by the subcutaneous or the conjunctival route, respectively. In those animals which were seropositive before vaccination, the percentage of positive sera declined progressively in a similar way in all groups over the 36 weeks that the study lasted; the antibody titers also dropped continuously in the group vaccinated by the conjunctival route with the lower dose, while in the remaining three groups there was a transitory increase in the 4th week after vaccination. In those animals which were serologically negative prior to vaccination, the percentage of positive sera and the antibody titers generally reached their peak in the 4th week after vaccination, followed by a progressive decline in succeeding weeks. Similarly, titers were higher in animals vaccinated subcutaneously than in those vaccinated by the conjunctival route. The differences between the frequencies of positive sera and the levels of antibodies were important when routes were compared. Animals receiving a dose of 2.3 × 106 CFU subcutaneously had a satisfactory serological response, with a more rapid decline in their level of antibodies than in the animals which were vaccinated with 3 × 107 CFU by the same route. No cases of abortion were reported in the 461 vaccinated ewes.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis is an important swine pathogen and a zoonotic agent. Differences in virulence have been noted among the 33 described serotypes, serotype 2 being considered the most virulent. In this study, we aimed at assessing the serotype distribution and the production of virulence-associated markers by strains recovered from diseased pigs in the United States (U.S.). Results showed that among the 100 strains evaluated, serotype 3 (20% of the isolates) and serotype 2 (17%) were the most prevalent. We then investigated the presence in these isolates of the genes sly, epf and mrp, encoding the virulence-associated markers suilysin (SLY), extracellular factor (EF) and muramidase-released (MRP) protein, respectively. The effective production of the markers by the strains was also verified. Results showed that the presence of the gene did not always correlate with actual expression of the respective protein. In the case of MRP, this was due, in most cases, to frameshift mutations at the 5′ end of the gene resulting in premature stop codons. The most prevalent phenotypes among U.S. strains were MRP+EFSLY (40%) and MRPEFSLY+ (35%). Serotype distribution greatly differed from that reported in several European countries, as did the production of virulence markers, particularly for serotype 2. On the other hand, our results for the U.S. S. suis isolates are similar to those reported for Canadian strains, suggesting a common status in North America.  相似文献   

The tetracycline resistance gene, tet(B), has been described previously in Gram negative bacteria. In this study tet(B) was detected in plasmid extracts from 17/111 (15%) Streptococcus suis isolates from diseased pigs, representing the first report of this resistance gene in Gram positive bacteria.  相似文献   

The type IV secretion system, encoded by the virB region, is a key virulence factor for Brucella. The 12 genes of the region form an operon that is specifically induced by phagosome acidification in cells after phagocytosis. We speculate that the system serves to secrete unknown effector molecules, which allow Brucella to pervert the host cell endosomal pathways and to create a novel intracellular compartment in which it can replicate.  相似文献   

The type IV secretion system, encoded by the virB region, is a key virulence factor for Brucella. The 12 genes of the region form an operon that is specifically induced by phagosome acidification in cells after phagocytosis. We speculate that the system serves to secrete unknown effector molecules, which allow Brucella to pervert the host cell endosomal pathways and to create a novel intracellular compartment in which it can replicate.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterized the secreted proteins of Brucella abortus into the enriched media under the bacterial laboratory growth condition and investigated the pathogenic importance of culture supernatant (CS) proteins to B. abortus infection. CS proteins from stationary phase were concentrated and analyzed using 2D electrophoresis. In MALDI TOF/TOF analysis, more than 27 proteins including CuZn SOD, Dps, Tat, OMPs, Adh, LivF, Tuf, SucC, GroEL and DnaK were identified. Cytotoxic effects of CS proteins were found to increase in a dose-dependent manner in RAW 264.7 cells. Upon B. abortus challenge into phagocytes, however, CS proteins pre-treated cells exhibited lower bacterial uptake and intracellular replication compared to untreated cells. Immunization with CS proteins induced a strong humoral and cell mediated immune responses and exhibited significant higher degree of protection against virulence of B. abortus infection compared to mice immunized with Brucella broth protein (BBP). Taken together, these results indicate that B. abortus secreted a number of soluble immunogenic proteins under laboratory culture condition, which can promote antibody production resulted in enhancing host defense against to subsequently bacterial infection. Moreover, further analysis of CS proteins may help to understand the pathogenic mechanism of B. abortus infection and host–pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of Streptococcus suis isolates using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) suggested the importance of sequence type (ST) 1 and ST27 complexes for animal hygiene and public health. In this study, to investigate whether pilus-associated genes in S. suis can be used as novel genetic markers for important clonal groups, we examined the correlation between STs and putative pilus-associated gene profiles in S. suis. Genomic searches using sequenced genomes and sequence data determined in several isolates revealed the presence of at least four distinct putative pilus gene clusters in S. suis (srtBCD, srtE, srtF, and srtG clusters). On the basis of the presence or absence of genes in the four clusters, 108 S. suis isolates from various origins were classified into 12 genotypes (genotypes A–L). Genotypes A and B, which possessed srtBCD plus srtF clusters and srtF plus srtG clusters, respectively, were the most common in isolates from diseased pigs and humans, and 29.9% and 59.8% of the isolates belonged to genotypes A and B, respectively. In contrast, only 4.8% and 28.6% of isolates from healthy carriers were genotypes A and B, respectively. MLST analysis showed the associations of genotypes A and B with ST1 and ST27 complexes, respectively. In addition, srtBCD and srtG clusters were preferentially distributed to ST1 and ST27 complex members, respectively. These results suggest that profiling of selected pilus-associated genes could be used as an easy screening method to monitor isolates important for S. suis infection.  相似文献   

The live Brucella melitensis Rev 1 strain is considered the best vaccine available for the prophylaxis of brucellosis in small ruminants. The classically recommended exclusive vaccination of young replacement animals has failed to control brucellosis in some developed countries and is frequently inapplicable in the developing world. Accordingly, whole-flock vaccination is the only feasible alternative to control B. melitensis infection in small ruminants under the extensive management conditions characteristic of these countries. This review describes the practical problems encountered and the experience acquired over the past decade (particularly in Spain) using the Rev 1 based control strategy. The vaccination of pregnant animals with full standard doses of Rev 1 administered subcutaneously is followed by abortion in most vaccinated animals. Reducing the dose of vaccine has been suggested as a method of avoiding this problem and, accordingly, a reduced-dose vaccination strategy has been widely used and has been reported as a safe and effective method of controlling small ruminant brucellosis. However, we reviewed field and experimental results supporting the fact that as a result of the induction of abortion in pregnant animals and the low degree of immunity conferred, reduced doses of Rev 1 should not be recommended as an alternative to the full standard doses.

When tested in a mouse model, differences in residual virulence and immunogenicity have been demonstrated between the different Rev 1 vaccines produced world-wide. These differences could account for the discrepancies in safety results obtained in mass vaccination trials in different countries. The induction of abortions when vaccinating pregnant animals means that there is no entirely safe strategy for Rev 1 vaccination. Conjunctival vaccination is safer than subcutaneous vaccination but is not safe enough to be applied regardless of the pregnancy status of the animals, and should be used only under restricted conditions. For sheep, conjunctival administration of standard doses of Rev 1 during the late lambing season or during lactation is recommended as a whole-flock vaccination strategy.  相似文献   

A total of 413 pig faecal samples were collected from pre-weaners (119), starters (131), pre-growers (123) and sows (40) from a farm with a closed breeding system segmented into two breeding complexes and a growing complex in the region of Vysočina, Czech Republic and screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium using staining methods and genotyping (SSU rRNA). Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by microscopy in the faeces of 21.1% of the samples (87/413). Sequence analyses and RFLP identified C. suis in 44, Cryptosporidium pig genotype II in 23 and C. muris in 2 samples. No mixed infections were found.Pigs under 7 weeks of age were infected with C. suis only. Cryptosporidium pig genotype II was found in animals from 7 weeks of age. No relationship was found between diarrhoea and any Cryptosporidium infection in any of the different age groups (P < 0.05). The pre-weaned pigs shed significantly more Cryptosporidium oocysts than older pigs and it was associated with C. suis infection.  相似文献   

The gram-negative bacterium Pasteurella multocida constitutes a heterogeneous species associated with wide range of disease in many animals. Isolates are classified into five groups based on capsular antigen (capA, B, D, E and F). Recently, a new valuable PCR-based method was introduced to determine the epidemiological correlation between P. multocida infection and existence of virulence genes including tbpA, pfhA, toxA and hgbB. However, this method is tedious and laborious. Thus, in the current study, we designed a reliable multiplex PCR method for rapid detection of virulence genes in P. multocida. Eighty seven strains of P. multocida isolated from various clinically healthy and infected hosts were examined by uniplex PCR method for each virulence associated genes. Based on our improved and simplified multiplex PCR method, rapid detection of four virulence genes was accomplished. It is proposed that its implementation may benefit the epidemiological investigations.  相似文献   

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