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为研究当猪能够从3种不同成分的颗粒料中作出采食选择时其是否能采食其所需的最佳日粮,特利用单独圈养的生长猪进行了一次试验。试验选用40头杂交猪(20头阉公猪,20头小母猪),其初始体重为22.0±2.1kg,在4周试验期中分成对照日粮组(C组)和选择性采食日粮组(CF组)。C组试验猪饲喂单一的全价料颗粒料,CF组试验猪能自由地从高能量颗粒料(E)、高蛋白颗粒料(P)和预混料/其它成分颗粒料(P/R)3种不同成分的颗粒料中挑选其所需的日粮。CF组试验猪利用一个分成3个隔间可同时供应3种颗粒料(每个隔间供应一种颗粒料)的长形料槽供料。所有日粮均自由采食。在采取选择性采食的方式中,小母猪所选择的高蛋白颗粒料要多于去势公猪,两者分别为222和193g/kgDM。而C组试验猪(无论小母猪还是去势公猪)均饲喂粗蛋白含量相同的日粮(即204g/kgDM;性别间差异显著P<0.05)。本试验不存在其他处理与性别之间的相互作用。对照组猪的净能摄入量高于试验,分别为13.8和10.3Mj/d(P<0.001)。小母猪的净能摄入量往往低于去势公猪,分别为12.6Mj/d和11.4Mj/d。CF组试验猪预混料/其它成分颗粒料的摄入量非常少(15g/d;13g/kgDM)。CF组仔猪日增重明显低于C组(779g/d和541g/d;P<0.001)。结果显示,当3种颗粒化的日粮配料被分别加入长料槽3个隔间中的其中一个时,仔猪不能选择最适合其生长的一种日粮配料。至于试验仔猪不能选择一种最适合其需要的日粮配料是否是由于特殊的器官感觉(如口味、风味或颗粒的物理性状)所致还有待进一步研究。如果弄清了这一原因,人们就能利用此方法去研究日粮成分(如次级配合料)或不同饲料处理方法的重要性。 相似文献
驼羊放牧采食选择性的研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文利用链烷烃技术对驼羊放牧采食选择性进行了研究。研究表明:驼羊喜食禾本科牧草,且在日粮中的采食比例最大,平均达70%以上,其次为鼠尾草科,平均达10%以上。另外,研究还表明驼羊对其它牧草的采食程度也不一样。 相似文献
本文利用链烷烃技术对驼羊放牧采食选择性进行了研究.研究表明驼羊喜食禾本科牧草,且在日粮中的采食比例最大,平均达70%以上,其次为鼠尾草科,平均达10%以上.另外,研究还表明驼羊对其它牧草的采食程度也不一样. 相似文献
试验研究了香猪胃液酸度的变化规律。结果表明,进食后胃液酸度逐渐增加,大约持续5h。胃液中游离酸的含量较结合酸高。 相似文献
以哈白猪为对照,研究20℃条件下,低(L,750g/d),中(M1050g/d)高(H,1300g/d)三种采食水平(饲料ME含量为12.37KJ/kgCP:16%)对体重20~25kg的民猪产热量的影响,研究结果表明,随采食水平提高,产热量有逐渐增加的趋势,但产不显著(P〉0.05),三种采食水平下,民猪和哈白猪的产热量分别为33.5,34.5,35.9和31.9,33.8,34.9KJ/kg^ 相似文献
目前影响我国养猪生产的主要因素是饲料蛋白质资源缺乏,产品药物残留严重。发达国家及一些发展中国家采取发展种草养畜解决这一问题,取得了成功经验。通过种草可以为养猪生产提供富含蛋白质、维生素、矿物质的青饲料,增加饲料的多样性,减少添加剂和药物使用,从而生产出安全的动物产品。苜蓿被誉为“牧草之王”,具有产量高、品质好、营养丰富、适口性好、含未知生长因子、抗旱抗寒、耐刈耐牧耐瘠耐盐碱等特点。在美国,苜蓿是仅次于小麦、玉米和水稻的第四大农作物。目前我国各地也已开始大面积种植,现将苜蓿草产品在养猪生产中的应用概述如下… 相似文献
Literature on the genetic variation in Voluntary Feed Intake (VFI) and traits related to VFI under ad lib. and restricted feeding has been reviewed. Also differences between breeds and selection lines are reviewed and discussed.Heritability estimates of VFI show average values of 0.12–0.59, with larger variation on real ad lib. feeding compared to “to appetite” feeding twice a day. It is also concluded that the genetic correlation between feed intake and gain is higher under ad lib. feeding than under restricted feeding, and that genetic correlation between daily gain and feed/gain decreases from about ?0.9 under restricted feeding to about ?0.6 under ad lib. feeding.Results from a Norwegian selection experiment indicate that there is no correlated response in daily feed intake (feeding “to appetite”) when selecting on backfat and daily gain, while other selection experiments, where feed conversion ratio has been the major component of the selection index, show reduced appetite.The present paper discusses the danger of reduced appetite in selection programmes that maximize short-term economic gain, and the importance of selection objectives and feeding regime on the genetic correlations between VFI and other production traits. A comparison is also made between population parameters of Norwegian and Danish Landrace pigs. 相似文献
The relationship between residual feed intake and feed intake behavior in group-housed Duroc barrows
Because feed is the major input in pork production, conversion of feed into lean tissue at minimum costs has been a focus for improvement. Several researchers have proposed using residual feed intake (RFI) rather than feed conversion ratio (FCR) for genetic improvement of feed efficiency. Little is known about the variation in RFI in pigs. As several studies suggest a greater RFI is related to greater animal activity levels, the current study investigated the phenotypic relationship between RFI and feed intake (FI) behavior of 104 group-housed growing Duroc barrows allowed ad libitum access to feed. Feed intake, BW gain, feeding time (TIME), feeding frequency (VISITS), RFI, and FCR were calculated for 5 periods of 14, 23, 28, 21, or 23 d in length (periods 1 through 5, respectively) on animals that were between 73 to 95 d of age at the start of the testing period. Barrows that grew faster consumed more feed (P < 0.001), and barrows that consumed more feed were fatter (P < 0.01). There were no correlations between VISITS and TIME, between VISITS and FI, or between VISITS and RFI. Barrows that spent more time at the feeder, however, consumed more feed (P < 0.05) and had greater RFI in periods 1, 3, and 5 (P < 0.05). As expected, FI and FCR were highly correlated with RFI (P < 0.001). These results suggest that a greater FI rather than greater feed intake activity resulted in greater RFI values. 相似文献
1酸化剂、益生素和寡糖在断奶仔猪饲料中的应用1.1酸化剂在断奶仔猪饲料中的应用目前,养猪生产中普遍存在的一个难题就是仔猪断奶后消化机能紊乱,导致生长受阻甚至死亡,原因之一是仔猪不能分泌足够的胃酸,胃中的pH值多在4.2以上;加上一些饲料原料的强缓冲能力(Bolduan,等,1988) 相似文献
W Langhans 《Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde》1989,131(3):117-126
As in monogastric species, food intake in ruminants is regulated from meal to meal. The prandial stimulation of taste receptors and gastrointestinal chemo- and mechanoreceptors as well as hepatic chemoreceptors contributes to satiety. All these receptors are apparently connected with the brain by vagal afferents. A physiological satiety function of prandially released gastrointestinal and pancreatic hormones in ruminants is uncertain. Food stimuli affect feeding also through autonomic reflexes which regulate reticulo-rumen motility. All informations from the periphery are finally integrated in the hypothalamus. The exact role of the various neurotransmitters and neuropeptides involved in the control of feeding is as yet largely unknown. 相似文献
Gilbert H Bidanel JP Billon Y Lagant H Guillouet P Sellier P Noblet J Hermesch S 《Journal of animal science》2012,90(4):1097-1108
Residual feed intake (RFI) has been explored as an alternative selection criterion to feed conversion ratio to capture the fraction of feed intake not explained by expected production and maintenance requirements. Selection experiments have found that low RFI in the growing pig is genetically correlated with reduced fatness and feed intake. Selection for feed conversion ratio also reduces sow appetite and fatness, which, together with increased prolificacy, has been seen as a hindrance for sow lifetime performance. The aims of our study were to derive equations for sow RFI during lactation (SRFI) and to evaluate the effect of selection for RFI during growth on sow traits during lactation. Data were obtained on 2 divergent lines selected for 7 generations for low and high RFI during growth in purebred Large Whites. The RFI was measured on candidates for selection (1,065 pigs), and sow performance data were available for 480 sows having from 1 to 3 parities (1,071 parities). Traits measured were sow daily feed intake (SDFI); sow BW and body composition before farrowing and at weaning (28.4 ± 1.7d); number of piglets born total, born alive, and surviving at weaning; and litter weight, average piglet BW, and within-litter SD of piglet BW at birth, 21 d of age (when creep feeding was available), and weaning. Sow RFI was defined as the difference between observed SDFI and SDFI predicted for sow maintenance and production. Daily production requirements were quantified by litter size and daily litter BW gain as well as daily changes in sow body reserves. The SRFI represented 24% of the phenotypic variability of SDFI. Heritability estimates for RFI and SRFI were both 0.14. The genetic correlation between RFI and SRFI was 0.29 ± 0.23. Genetic correlations of RFI with sow traits were low to moderate, consistent with responses to selection; selection for low RFI during growth reduced SDFI and increased number of piglets and litter growth, but also increased mobilization of body reserves. No effect on rebreeding performance was found. Metabolic changes previously observed during growth in response to selection might explain part of the better efficiency of the low-RFI sows, decreasing basal metabolism and favoring rapid allocation of resources to lactation. We propose to consider SRFI as an alternative to SDFI to select for efficient sows with reduced input demands during lactation. 相似文献
养猪生产中抗生素的使用带来了巨大的危害和经济损失,在即将到来的无抗养殖背景下,寻求养猪生产中的抗生素替代物成为研究热点之一。文章结合近年相关研究,总结了植物提取物、寡糖和多糖、微生态制剂、中草药提取物、抗菌肽、酸化剂以及酶制剂等潜在的饲用抗生素可替代物在养猪生产中的应用效果,以期为养猪生产中配制无抗日粮提供策略和参考依据,促进养猪生产实现无抗养殖。 相似文献