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Optimal conditions for stimulation by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) were established for equine, porcine, ovine and human lymphocytes in MEMS medium. Optimal thymidine concentration was determined for assay of cell transformation. With all species tested horse serum gave highest thymidine incorporation. Homologous serum was not more appropriate for lymphocytes of man, pig and sheep. Optimal stimulation was achieved at 20, 0.5–5, 5, and 10–40 μg PHA per 106 cells for human, equine, porcine and ovine lymphocytes, respectively.  相似文献   

In vitro activities of cytochromes P450 (7-alkyl/aryloxyresorufin dealkyl(aryl)ases, testosterone hydroxylase/oxidase, 6-chlorzoxazone hydroxylase, 7-methoxy-4-trifluoromethyl-coumarin demethylase, and lauric acid hydroxylases), reductases of carbonyl group (toward metyrapone, daunorubicin, glyceraldehyde, and 4-pyridine-carboxaldehyde) and conjugation enzymes (p-nitrophenol-UDP-glucuronosyl transferase, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene glutathione-S-tranferase) in young adults, males, non-castrated (N=6) farm animals were studied and compared. Presence of proteins cross-reacting with anti-human CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2E1 IgG was detected in all farm species. Bovine microsomes differed from other microsomes of farm species in very high 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity (CYP1A1/2). Significantly higher 7-methoxy-4-trifluoromethyl-coumarin demethylase (2-3 times) and 12-lauric acid hydroxylases (4-10 times) activities (probably corresponding to CYP2C and CYP4A, respectively) were found in ovine microsomes. The highest 6beta-testosterone hydroxylase activity, which is usually considered to be a CYP3A activity marker, was found in pig. Reductases of all farm animals display considerable ability to reduce carbonyl group of xenobiotics. Significant differences in level and activity of many biotransformation enzymes tested suggest that extrapolation of pharmacokinetic data obtained in one species to another (even related) could be misleading.  相似文献   

牛羊赤羽病   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赤羽病是由吸血昆虫进行传播的一种虫媒性病毒病 ,常导致牛羊繁殖障碍及新生胎儿发生关节弯曲和积水性无脑症 ,因而对牛羊危害较大。该病毒于 1 959年在日本群马县赤羽村首次被分离到。我国 1 998年首次分离并鉴定了该病毒 ,目前已证实我国至少有 1 3个省市地区有本病的流行。本文从病原、流行病学、致病机理、诊断与防治等方面对该病进行了综述 ,以期为该病的防制和研究提供可参考资料。  相似文献   

A simple and reproducible method of establishing cell lines from the blood of sheep and cattle is described. Buffy coat cells were allowed to adhere to plastic culture flasks in media containing 20 per cent autologous plasma overnight. The fluids were then replaced with growth medium supplemented with non-inactivated foetal calf serum, lamb serum or autologous serum. Ovine cell lines were established with any of the serum supplements but bovine cell lines were established more readily if unheated autologous serum was used.  相似文献   

Selective medium for isolation of Haemophilus somnus from cattle and sheep   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Incorporation of vancomycin (5 micrograms/ml), neomycin (5 micrograms/ml), sodium azide (50 micrograms/ml), nystatin (100 iu/ml) and cyclohexamide (100 micrograms/ml) into 5 per cent horse blood agar results in a selective medium for the primary isolation of Haemophilus somnus from cattle and sheep. Addition of thiamine monophosphate (1 microgram/ml) to the medium enhanced growth of this bacterium. Gram-positive bacteria did not grow on the medium and colonies of many Gram-negative bacteria were eliminated or reduced in numbers and size. Colonies of H somnus were larger on the selective medium than on sheep blood agar but retained typical morphology. Recovery of 18 laboratory strains was 73 to 166 per cent (mean 112) on selective medium compared to sheep blood agar. H somnus was isolated from the vagina of a total of 136 (28.6 per cent) of 476 cows surveyed, 79 (16.6 per cent) on sheep blood agar and 129 (27.1 per cent) on selective medium. The selective agents and thiamine were stable indefinitely as a freeze dried mixture while prepared plates were stable for two weeks.  相似文献   

To better define the species-specific antioxidant systems and to ascertain the influence of the intracellular redox status on the immune system of different animal species, we determined lymphocyte glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity, plasmatic glutathione levels (GSH) and the effect of H2O2 on the responsiveness of lymphocytes to proliferative stimuli. Among the three species considered, sheep presented the lowest plasmatic GSH and the highest lymphocyte GSHPx activity. On the contrary, dogs showed an inverted pattern (high GSH - low GSHPx). Horses displayed intermediate values for both parameters analysed. The effect of H2O2 on the proliferative capacity of lymphocytes was the same for all three species; the 200 microM dose in particular was strongly inhibiting. Each species, however, showed different rates of inhibition: sheep exhibited the highest sensitivity to the antiproliferative effect of H2O2. Our results confirmed that high H2O2 concentrations (200 microM) are noxious for the cellular functions of all animals; however this effect is mediated by a rigorously species-specific relationship between the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the molecular systems involved in cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Factor VIII level in horse, cattle, sheep and pig plasma was estimated by the use of synthetic chromogenic substrate S-2222 (benzoyl-isoleucyl-glutamyl-glycyl-arginyl-p-nitronilide). The highest level of this factor was stated in pig, the lowest one in sheep plasma.  相似文献   

The cornea provides protection and transparency to the eye, allowing an optimal sharpness view. In some pathological conditions the cornea is able to regenerate thanks to the presence of a stem cells reservoir present at the level of the transition area between cornea and sclera (limbus). Corneal cell therapies in Veterinary Medicine are really limited due to the lacking of knowledge about the anatomy of the limbal area, the putative presence of stem cells and their identification in domestic species. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the main distinctive structural features of the sclero-corneal junction and conjunctival-corneal junction areas in some species of veterinary importance, using optic microscope observations of histological sections. The resulting data were compared with cornea from humans adapting protocols already used to identify stem cells by means of a specific cellular marker. We tested the expression of ΔNp63α isoform in the cornea basal cells, trying to correlate the distribution profile with areas of highly proliferative turnover. The results obtained from this study represent a first step towards the identification of a corneal stem cells reservoir in different animals.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive activity of conditioned medium from cultured ovine, caprine, and hybrid trophoblast tissue was examined. Conceptuses were obtained from naturally mated donor ewes and does at d 20 of gestation and trophoblast tissue was cultured for 24 h in medium supplemented with 15% calf serum and 1% antibiotic/antimycotic. Conditioned medium was added to pokeweed mitogen-stimulated sheep and goat lymphocyte cultures. Quantification of [3H]thymidine uptake by cells was used to measure lymphocyte proliferation. Ovine, caprine, and hybrid conditioned medium effectively suppressed sheep and goat lymphocyte proliferation (P less than .01). There were no differences (P greater than .05) between the immunosuppressive activity of the three tissue types on either sheep or goat lymphocytes. For all treatment groups, sheep lymphocytes were suppressed more than goat lymphocytes (P less than .05). These results indicate that, at d 20 of gestation, sheep x goat hybrid trophoblast tissue is capable of suppressing pokeweed mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   


Rifamastene § § Trademark of Gruppo Lepetit S.P.A., Milan, Italy. is a water-miscible formulation of the new antibiotic rifamycin SV designed for use as an udder infusion for the treatment of bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

收集确认了34种与牛羊及其产品相关、进口应关注的疫病名录。通过比较台湾地区与大陆疫情发生情况对产业的危害程度等进行风险识别,筛选出从台湾输入牛羊及其产品存在潜在危害的疫病共有13种。采用定性风险分析描述了这些疫病通过牛羊及其产品进口传入大陆、在大陆接触发生的可能性以及其可能引起的后果,综合分析得这些疫病的风险等级,再根据风险分析的结果,提出风险管理措施建议。  相似文献   

In a survey on the occurrence of potential pathogenic bacteria in slurry, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (E. rh.) was found in samples from 49 % of 84 cattle herds, 44 % of 32 pig herds, and 39 % of 67 cattle and pig herds. Among E. rh. isolates from 81 of the herds, 16 different serotypes were distinguished, including 1 serotype not previously described, which was designated serotype 23.Procedures of isolation and serotyping are presented and discussed, and the serotype distribution within the different herd categories is outlined.  相似文献   

通过 1978,2 0 0 2年两次畜禽寄生虫感染种类调查 ,共查出寄生虫 14 8种。本文就寄生于猪马犬 4 3种虫予以报道  相似文献   

The stability of alpha-tocopherol concentrations in sheep, cattle, and pig blood and plasma stored at different temperatures was examined. For all species, the vitamin was stable for at least 6 days in plasma stored at -20 C, 4 C, and 25 C and in blood stored at 4 C and 25 C. For sheep and cattle, the vitamin was stable for at least 6 days in plasma stored at 37 C, but it was unstable in blood from all species stored at 37 C and in pig plasma stored at 37 C.  相似文献   

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