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The relationships between soil salinization and the zonal and provincial bioclimatic conditions, the lithological composition of the sediments, and the geomorphic features of the territory have been analyzed for the Southern federal okrug of Russia. It is shown that the lithological and geomorphic conditions (relief, salinity of parent materials, degree of drainage, and the depth of saline groundwater) play an important role in the distribution of salt-affected soils against the background of the more general regularities specified by the climate. The participation of salt-affected soils in the soil cover of the Southern federal okrug increases in the eastward direction from the forest-steppe zone to the semidesert zone in agreement with an increase in the aridity and continentality of the climate. The chemical composition of soil salts also changes: the sulfate and soda-sulfate types predominate in the forest-steppe zone; the sulfate type or the sulfate type with the participation of soda, in the steppe zone; the sulfate-chloride type, in the dry steppe zone; and the chloride type, in the semidesert zone. The lithological and geomorphic conditions within the particular zones and provinces affect the distribution pattern of the salt-affected soils and the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization. The areas of salt-affected soils were calculated with the use of a digital version of the Map of Salt-Affected Soils of Russia (1: 2.5 M scale) with due account for the participation of these soils in the soil cover of the particular delineations and the data on the depth of the upper boundary of the salt-bearing horizons, the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization, and the area of solonetzes and solonetzic soils.  相似文献   

A digital version of the map of salt-affected soils on a scale of 1 : 2.5 M has been used to calculate the areas of these soils in the four federal okrugs (the Southern, Central, Volga, and Northwestern) of European Russia. The total area of soils with soluble salts in the upper meter reaches 23.3 million ha. More than half of them are solonchakous soils (with soluble salts in the layer deeper than 30 cm), and about 25% are saline from the surface. Soils of sulfate and chloride-sulfate salinization predominate (>50% of the area of salt-affected soils). Alkaline soda-saline soils and soils with the participation of soda comprise about 6%. We consider this value to be underestimated and requiring refinement, because soils of solonetzic complexes with neutral salts in the upper horizons may also contain soda in the solonetzic and subsolonetzic horizons, which was not always taken into consideration upon assessing the chemical composition of the salts. Solonetzes proper and solonetzic soils predominate among the salt-affected soils in the European part of Russia. The area of solonetzes is up to 9.4 million ha. The area of solonetzic soils (including solonetzic soils with salts in the layers of 0–100 and/or 100–200 cm) is 15.5 million ha. The highest percentage (32.2%) of salt-affected soils is in the Southern federal okrug.  相似文献   

Soil salinization features in semidesert, dry steppe, and chernozemic steppe zones within intermontane depressions in the central part of the Tuva Republic are discussed. Chernozems, chestnut soils, and brown desert-steppe soils of these zones are usually nonsaline. However, salinization of these zonal soils is possible in the case of the presence of salt-bearing parent materials (usually, the derivatives of Devonian deposits). In different natural zones of the intermontane depressions, salt-affected soils are mainly allocated to endorheic lake basins, where they are formed in places of discharge of mineral groundwater, and to river valleys. The composition and content of salts in the natural waters are dictated by the local hydrogeological conditions. The total content of dissolved solids in lake water varies from 1 to 370 g/L; the water is usually of the sulfate–chloride or chloride–sulfate salinity type; in some cases, soda–sulfate water is present. Soil salinity around the lakes is usually of the chloride–sulfate–sodium type; gypsum is often present in the profiles. Chloride salinization rarely predominates in this part of Tuva, because chlorides are easily leached off from the mainly coarse-textured soils. In some cases, the predominance of magnesium over sodium is observed in the composition of dissolved salts, which may be indicative of the cryogenic transformation of soil salts. Soda-saline soils are present in all the considered natural zones on minor areas. It is hardly possible to make unambiguous statements about the dominance of the particular type of salinity in the given natural zones. Zonal salinity patterns are weakly expressed in salinization of hydromorphic soils. However, a tendency for more frequent occurrence of soda-saline soils in steppe landscapes and chloride–sulfate salinization (often, with participation of gypsum) in the dry steppe and semidesert landscapes is observed.  相似文献   

中国盐渍土研究:历程、现状与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
盐渍土研究是以盐渍土和盐渍生境作为主要研究对象,以盐渍土和盐渍化的发生与演变过程、环境要素和人类活动对盐渍化的影响与作用机制、盐渍土的治理、改良和利用的理论与技术为主体的研究领域。我国盐渍土面积巨大、种类繁多,盐渍化问题突出,对农业生产和生态环境造成不同程度的影响。我国科学家提出的盐渍土“水盐调控”“水盐平衡”,“淡化肥沃层”和“障碍消减”等理论与技术方法,为发展农业生产、提高土地产能、保障粮食安全、拓展耕地资源等发挥了积极作用。近期我国在土壤盐渍化演变过程的监测与多源数据融合、土壤水盐运移过程模拟与尺度转换、盐渍农田养分循环与减损增效、盐渍障碍的生态消减、盐渍障碍微生物修复、盐渍农田灌排优化管理与边际水安全利用等方面取得了积极的进展和成果。建议今后深入开展盐渍土精准控盐的高效和安全用水、土壤盐渍障碍的绿色消减与健康保育、盐渍农田养分库容扩增与增碳减排、土壤盐渍化与区域生态的耦合响应和协同适应等方面的理论与技术研究。应面向农业、资源、生态、环境等领域和行业,致力于拓展理论和新技术的研究,为国家农业升级、粮食安全、耕地保护、生态安全、高质量发展发挥重要作用。本文回顾了我国盐渍土研究工作的...  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of climatic and soil salinity characteristics of the deserts of Central Asia, including deserts of the Turan Depression, the Gobi Desert, and deserts of the Dzungar and Tarim depressions was performed. The climatic characteristics—the degree of aridity, the degree of continentality, and the amount and regime of precipitation—are different in these deserts. No direct relationships between the areas occupied by the automorphic salt-affected soils and the aridity of the climate are observed in the studied regions. In the automorphic landscapes of Asian deserts, the degree and chemistry of the soil salinization and the distribution of salt-affected soils are controlled by the history of the particular territories rather than by their modern climatic conditions. The presence and properties of the salt-bearing rocks and the eolian migration of salts play the most significant role. The deficit of moisture in the modern climate favors the preservation of salt accumulations in places of their origin. The specific features of the climate, including the regime of precipitation, affect the redistribution of salts in the profiles of automorphic salt-affected soils. An increase in the degree of climatic continentality is accompanied by the decrease in the intensity of weathering and initial accumulation of salts. A different situation is observed in the soils of hydromorphic desert landscapes, in which the degree of salinity of the surface horizons and the area occupied by salt-affected soils are directly influenced by the modern climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of saline soils under vineyards in the south of Taman Peninsular is discussed. The Paleogene–Neogene clays of the Komendantskaya Mount serve as the source of salts. Vineyards were planted on an inclined plain at the foot of this mount. At present, their state on salt-affected soils worsens. In the upper part of the plain, solonchakous or deep-solonchakous slightly saline and nonsaline (within the upper 2 m) dark quasigley vertic soils (Vertisols) are formed. The salts are of the sulfate–sodium composition. Their vertical distribution has an eluvial pattern with a quick rise in the salt content from the surface layer to the depth of 50–100 cm and with a gradual increase in the salt content in the deeper layers. The absence of chlorides in the soils of flat areas within the slope attests to the predominance of lateral leaching of salts down the slope over their vertical leaching in the soil profiles. In the lower part of the slope, soil salinization mainly takes place in the hollow crossing the plain and the vineyard from the north to the south. In the middle part of the slope, nonsaline (to a depth of 2 m) agrohumus quasigley soils (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Stagnic)) are formed. Slight chloride–sulfate sodium salinization is only seen in the soils of the hollow, which contain fine-crystalline gypsum in the solid phase and display the accumulation of sodium chlorides in the middle part of the soil profile (in the 60–150-cm-thick layer). Heavy loamy agrochernozems with migrational and segregational forms of carbonates (Haplic Chernozems (Loamic, Aric, Pachic) are developed in the lower part of the slope; they are nonsaline to the depth of 2.5 m. In the area of transition from the humusquasigley soils to chernozems, specific horizons are formed in the hollow at the depth of more than 250 cm. Their soil solutions contain sodium, calcium, and magnesium chlorides against the background of the presence of fine-crystalline gypsum in the solid phase, which is typical of secondary salinization.  相似文献   

The microrelief affects the distribution of soluble salts in the upper horizons of salt-affected soils. This has been shown for semidesert soils—meadow solonchak, solonchakous meadow, and meadow soils—within the Sulak Lowland in the Republic of Dagestan. The total content of salts and the concentrations of sodium, magnesium, chlorine, and sulfate ions are higher in the soils of microelevations. However, no significant effect of the microrelief on the distribution of calcium in the soil water extracts has been found. The properties of the solid soil phase (the humus content and the content of adsorbed bases, including calcium, magnesium, and sodium) and the soil pH are not reliably differentiated by the elements of the local microtopography.  相似文献   

盐渍化问题严重制约着新疆地区农业经济的发展,而掌握土壤盐分迁移情况是防治土壤盐渍化的前提.为更好地了解滴灌棉田盐渍化土壤盐分的迁移情况,本文选用一典型滴灌棉田为研究对象,采用探地雷达低频天线(250 MHz)进行土壤剖面的探测,由探地雷达图像中的信息,推测土壤盐分在垂直方向上的迁移情况,再用土壤剖面水盐动态、盐分通量变...  相似文献   

The amount and chemical composition of eolian material and the dynamics of the eolian transfer of salts and dust particles in the western part of Dzungarian Basin were studied in the area of Lake Ebinur in eastern Tien Shan (Xinjiang autonomous region of China). The development of salt-dust storms upon the lake drying was examined. Three zones characterized by different intensities of salt-dust storms and located at different distances from the lake were distinguished. The relationship between the intensity of salt-dust storms, the composition of eolian sediments, and the amount of soil salts was established. In the first zone (zone I) with the most intensive storms, the redistribution of eolian material—blowing out, transportation, and accumulation—is observed. Strongly saline chloride solonchaks predominate in this zone. In the second zone (zone II), soils with chloride-sulfate and sulfate-chloride salinization predominate. The third zone (zone III), at a distance of more than 100 km from the lake, is characterized by the least intensity and frequency of storms and the least salinity of soils. In recent decades, the landscape degradation in western Dzungaria has increased under the impact of salt storms.  相似文献   

The results of soil studies performed in 2005–2009 at the first experimental plot of the Arshan’-Zelmen Research Station of the Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences are discussed. The post-reclamation state (about 55 years after reclamation) of the soils under forest shelterbelts and adjacent croplands in the rainfed agriculture was studied. The long-term efficiency of forest reclamation and crop-growing technologies developed in the 1950s by the Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute and the Institute of Forest to reclaim strongly saline solonetzic soils was proved. In 55 years, strongly saline sodic solonetzes with sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate composition of salts were replaced by agrogenic soils with new properties. Under forest shelterbelts, where deep (40–60 cm) plowing was performed, the soils were transformed into slightly saline solonetzic agrozems with slight soda salinization in the upper meter and with dealkalized plowed and turbated horizons (0–20(40) cm). Under the adjacent cropland subjected to the influence of the shelterbelts on the soil water regime, strongly saline solonetzes were transformed into solonchakous agrosolonetzes with slight soda salinization in the upper 50 cm. In the plow layer, the content of exchangeable sodium decreased to 4–12% of the sum of exchangeable cations. An increased alkalinity and the presence of soda were found in the middle-profile horizons of the anthropogenically transformed soils.  相似文献   

Soil salinization arises due to the build up of soluble salts at or near the soil surface. Salts accumulate by primary and secondary processes that alter the soils physicochemical properties and lead to direct and indirect soil degradation. Results are presented here from the study of three contrasting salt‐affected landscapes. The Chott el Fedjadj, Tunisia, is a naturally salt‐affected basin containing saline sediments deposited during a marine incursion. The endoreic conditions lead to salt recirculation, concentration and reprecipitation. In the Guadalentin Valley, Spain, increased irrigated agriculture has led to aquifer overexploitation releasing gas and salts. Irrigating with the resultant contaminated groundwater has induced soil salinization. The salt accumulation and translocation is dictated predominantly by irrigation method, water quality and quantity. Hungary has the largest expanse of naturally salt‐affected soil in Europe, with the dominant soil type being solonetz. In Hungary the type of salt‐affected soil development is related to the salts present, hydraulic properties of the soil and depth and quality of the watertable. In Tunisia a catenary relationship of increased water and soil salinity towards the centre of the chott is found, whereas in Spain the highest salinities were found under flood irrigation with the valley displaying a complex spatial distribution of soil salinity. The sediment distribution in Hungary dictates that solonchak soils are found mostly in the Danube–Tisza interfluve and solonetz soils in the Tisza floodplain, with localized variations in soil type related to watertable characteristics. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

宁夏南部气候干旱,淡水十分缺乏,但苦水资源尚丰,为了提高农业生产,势必发展苦水灌溉。该区为底层盐化灰钙土,苦水灌后大量盐分积累在上层土壤中,导致表土很快发生次生盐渍化,影响农业生产的进一步发展。土壤盐分随水分而运动,两者在行迹上是密切一致的。土壤的积盐和脱盐,就是土壤水分随着灌水及气候季节变化而运动的结果。  相似文献   

席承藩  趙真 《土壤学报》1962,10(3):235-257
大同盆地位于山西省北部,地带性土壤为淡栗鈣土。这种土壤与內蒙古的集宁和呼和浩特等地的淡栗鈣土相类似,属于同一发生类型;唯只見于大同盆地北部。至于盆地南部地区如渾源一带的土壤,就很少具有淡栗鈣土特征;而和雁門关以南的土壤性状差不多。从这些土壤特性来看,大同盆地正好位于干草原向南部干早灌丛草原过渡的地带。  相似文献   

Soil salinization is one of the major causes of declining agricultural productivity in many arid and semiarid regions of the world. Excessive salt concentrations in soils, in most cases, cannot be reduced with time by routine irrigation and crop management practices. Such situations demand soil amelioration. Various means used to ameliorate saline soils include: (a) movement of excess soluble salts from upper to lower soil depths via leaching, which may be accomplished by continuous ponding, intermittent ponding, or sprinkling; (b) surface flushing of salts from soils that contain salt crusts at the surface, a shallow watertable, or a highly impermeable profile; (c) biological reduction of salts by harvest of high‐salt accumulating aerial plant parts, in areas with negligible irrigation water or rainfall available for leaching; and (d) amelioration of saline soils under cropping and leaching. Among these methods, cropping in conjunction with leaching has been found as the most successful and sustainable way to ameliorate saline soils. Cropping during leaching or between leachings causes an increase in salt‐leaching efficiency because a decrease in soil water content occurs under unsaturated water flow conditions with a concurrent decrease in large pore bypass and drainage volume. Consequently, anaerobic conditions in soil may occur during leaching that can affect crop growth. Thus, in addition to the existing salt‐tolerant crop genotypes, research is needed to seek out or develop genotypes with increased tolerances to salinity and hypoxia. Since salt leaching is interacted by many factors, evaluation of the traditional concepts such as the leaching requirement (LR), the leaching fraction (LF) and the salt balance index (SBI) demands incorporation of a rapid, efficient and economical way of monitoring changes in soil salinity during amelioration. Besides this, numerous models that have been developed for simulating movement and reactions of salts in soils need evaluation under actual field conditions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王飞 《水土保持通报》2019,39(1):317-321
[目的]从区域资源综合利用与水土资源管理角度探讨干旱地区土壤盐碱地治理问题,旨在寻求旱区盐碱地治理与开发利用新模式,以创新旱区盐碱地治理观念与技术,为旱区农业可持续发展、生态保护和环境治理提供支撑。[方法]根据在陕西、宁夏和新疆等省区的野外调查和研究经验,结合有关水土资源高效利用研究成果,通过综合分析目前国内外盐碱地治理方法中存在的主要问题,提出了一种旱区盐碱地水土资源高效利用的管理新模式。[结果]旱区盐碱地水土资源管理新模式是通过高效水调控促进土盐—水盐分离(简称:旱区盐碱地双分离治理模式),可以综合概括为"减少区域水损失,低耗水充分洗盐,集约化水盐分离,水土资源高效利用"。其中"减少区域水损失"是旱区水资源管理与生态保障的前提,"低耗水充分洗盐"是节省洗盐的时间成本和水资源成本的基础,"集约化水盐分离"是实现水盐分离和水盐分别再利用的核心技术,"水土资源高效利用"是旱区农业发展用水的核心经济原则。[结论]旱区盐碱地双分离治理模式通过集约化水土资源管理,可以提高水盐分离效率,提升土地和水资源利用效率,其资源、环境和生态风险小,治理效益持续时间长,有助于维持和提升盐碱地治理的区域经济功能和生态系统服务价值。  相似文献   

干旱区农田不同类型土壤盐碱化发生规律   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为明晰西北干旱区平原农田典型土壤发生盐碱化的规律,2014年在新疆代表性平原农场采集砾砂、粉土/粉砂、粉土/粉细砂、粉土和亚黏土5类主要土壤进行试验,分析其岩性组成、毛细管作用及土壤表层积盐之间的内在关系,寻求3者相互影响机理。结果表明:土壤中粗颗粒含量越大,早期毛细管现象越明显,土壤表面积盐越多。细颗粒含量越多,早期毛细管作不明显,地表积盐量较少但持续时间较长,最终积盐量大于粗颗粒土壤。5类土壤在盐碱化发生早期(12 d左右)毛细现象最为突出,尤其1~4 d内地表的积盐大,速度最快。粗颗粒的砂性土发生盐碱化时,表面容易形成3~4 mm厚盐痂,阻止了地表盐碱化的发展。当土壤中粉粒和黏粒较多时,地表积盐主要以晶体形式出现。土壤的颗粒级配较好、压实度较大时,土壤表面的积盐量就较少。研究成果可为西北地区不同类型的土壤盐碱化治理方法、治理时段的选取等提供参考。  相似文献   

胡纪常  祝寿泉 《土壤学报》1981,18(3):281-289
滨海盐渍土是否有碱化问题,特别是在开垦利用以后,土壤是否会向碱化方向演化,这是很多生产单位所关心的问题。对此,过去已做了不少工作。有人认为滨海盐渍土由于长期受海水浸渍,土壤胶体表面吸附着大量的钠离子,因此有比较高的碱化度,盐渍程度愈重则碱化度愈高,随着土壤脱盐同时脱碱,当不致进一步碱化[3]。也有人认为滨海盐债土耕垦后不会发生碱化,其碱化度随改良利用年限而降低[1]。还有人在滨海盐溃土耕垦种稻后,观测到在土壤脱盐过程中,土壤pH值和总碱度有所增高,认为土壤发生了碱化[2,5]1)。我们就这一间题曾先后对浙江上虞、乐清,江苏东台、大丰、滨海、灌云以及辽宁兴城、锦县、大洼等县的滨海地区进行了调查研究和室内试验。  相似文献   

The effect of ascending migration of medium and highly saline sodium-sulfate groundwaters on the salinization of nonsaline meadow-chestnut soils was simulated and quantified in model column experiments over 10 months. Sodium from saline water accumulated in the soil as similar amounts of water-soluble and exchangeable compounds in lower soil horizons. Calcium accumulation as CaCl@2 in the topsoil and as gypsum throughout the profile was accompanied by substitution of Na for exchangeable Ca. Magnesium and chlorine mainly accumulated as soluble salts in the topsoil, and sulfate ions accumulated as gypsum through the profile and as soluble salts in the lower part of the column.  相似文献   

The initial stage of the development of the complex soil cover pattern in the Caspian Lowland was studied. The obtained data made it possible to reveal the specific features of the morphological and chemical properties of the soils on terraces of the Khaki playa and the role of burrowing animals in the formation of the microtopography and complex soil cover patterns on the youngest surfaces. The soil cover of the studied area consists of three-component complexes: light-humus quasi-gley solonetzes on relatively flat background surfaces, zooturbated solonetzes on microhighs, and humus quasi-gley soils in microlows. The layered deposits of the Khaki playa terraces and the shallow depth of the saline groundwater are responsible for the specificity of the modern salinization of the studied solonetzes. The distribution of the salts in their profiles has a sawshaped patter, which is related to the nonuniform texture of the deposits. On the microhighs composed of the earth extracted from 5- to 7-year-old suslik burrows, specific zooturbated solonetzes are formed. The known age of these formations makes it possible to determine the rate of the desalinization of the gypsum- and salt-bearing material extracted onto the soil surface and the rate of the salt accumulation in the lower part of the solonetzic horizon and in the subsolonetzic horizons in comparison with the data on the solonetzes of the background flat surfaces. The specific features of the soils in the closed microlows suggest that these soils have a polygenetic origin. The features of the recent hydromorphism predetermine the specificity of their morphology.  相似文献   

This study focused on characterization of salt-affected organic soils with thin surface mineral layers affected by waste of soda industry in the Inowroc?aw city area, Poland. The obtained results pointed out that the eolian supply of mineral material from waste ponds and locally, its transport by surface runoff can effect formation of layers contained up to 43% of carbonates. In addition, it was shown that these seemingly small transformations in the soil morphology can have a significant impact on functioning of the studied soils in the landscape. In this regard, the most important were deterioration of water properties and reduction of plant growth due to the salinization and sodification. Specific features of the studied soils could be well reflected in the WRB soil name as Eutric Murshic Histosols (Akromineralic, Salic, Sodic, Prototechnic). However, in the Author’s opinion, the introduction of the new qualifier defining the artifact type in the name (i.e. Calcitechnic) would be advisable.  相似文献   

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