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The properties of loamy sandy postagrogenic soils in the course of their natural overgrowing were studied in the southeastern part of Kostroma oblast. Micromorphological indications of tillage were preserved in these soils at least 35–40 years after the cessation of their agricultural use. In the course of the soil overgrowing with forest vegetation, the bulk density of the upper part of the former plow horizon decreased, the pH and the ash content of the litter horizon somewhat lowered with a simultaneous increase in the acidity of the upper mineral horizon, especially at the beginning of the formation of the tree stand. In 5–7 years after the cessation of tillage, the former plow horizon was differentiated with respect to the organic carbon content. The total pool of organic carbon in the upper 30 cm increased. In the course of the further development, in the postagrogenic soil under the 90to 100-year-old forest, the organic carbon pool in this layer became lower. The soil of the young fallow (5–7 years) was characterized by the higher values of the microbial biomass in the upper mineral horizon in comparison with that in the plowed soil. In general, the microbial biomass in the studied postagrogenic ecosystems (the soils of the fields abandoned in 2005 and 2000 and the soil under the secondary 40-year-old forest) was lower than that in the soil of the subclimax 90to 100-year-old forest. The enzymatic activity of the soils tends to increase during the succession. The restoration of the invertase and, partly, catalase activities to the values typical of the soils under mature forests takes place in about 40 years.  相似文献   

In the chronological sequence of postagrogenic soils, the restoration of the original differentiation of the soil profile and its horizons proceeded with different rates depending on the fallow age and the horizon depth. The layer sampling (at 5-cm intervals) showed that the plow horizon began to differentiate into a system of subhorizons in all the fallow soils. The zonal pedogenesis showed clear signs of manifestation already in the 15-year-old fallow. The upper part of the former plow horizon in the 15- and 60-year-old fallows under herbaceous plants was transformed into a soddy horizon, while a postagrogenic soil 90 years old already developed under a zonal type of vegetation and approached the control soil in its morphological features. The content and reserve of carbon in the soils showed a stable tendency of increasing (especially in the upper part of the plow horizon) during the entire postagrogenic period under study. The water permeability of the soils gradually increased and approached that of the virgin soil. However, the compacted subsurface horizon (the plow pan) disappeared only after 90 years. The assessment of the physicochemical properties of the soils and the structural and functional parameters of the humic acids indicated the expansion of the layer differentiation primarily within the homogeneous plow horizon. From the elemental analysis and 13C NMR spectroscopy data, the degree of aromaticity in the molecular structure of the humic acids gradually decreased, and the aliphatic part developed with the age of the fallow.  相似文献   

The postagrogenic dynamics of acidity and some parameters of humus status have been studied in relation to the restoration of zonal vegetation in southern taiga (podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils (Retisols)), coniferous-broadleaved (subtaiga) forest (gray forest soil (Luvic Phaeozem)), and forest-steppe (gray forest soil (Haplic Phaeozem)) subzones. The most significant transformation of the studied properties of soils under changing vegetation has been revealed for poor sandy soils of southern taiga. The degree of changes in the content and stocks of organic carbon, the enrichment of humus in nitrogen, and acidity in the 0- to 20-cm soil layer during the postagrogenic evolution decreases from north to south. The adequate reflection of soil physicochemical properties in changes of plant cover is determined by the climatic zone and the land use pattern. A correlation between the changes in the soil acidity and the portion of acidophilic species in the plant cover is revealed for the southern taiga subzone. A positive relationship is found between the content of organic carbon and the share of species preferring humus-rich soils in the forest-steppe zone.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the organic matter composition in soddy-podzolic soils during the natural reforestation of an arable land in the southern taiga zone have been discussed. It has been shown that the contents of the total and labile carbon in the old plow horizon increase with the age of the fallow in the chronosequence of soils established in the Parfen’evo district of Kostroma oblast. The parameters characterizing the labile soil organic matter include the contents of the carbon extractable by mild chemical extractants (distilled water, 0.1 M K2SO4 solution, 0.1 M neutral Na4P2O7 solution), the microbial biomass, and the light fraction. The granulo-densimetric fractionation has shown that the contents of carbon in the light and organomineral fractions of the soil vary in the course of the postagrogenic succession. The content of the clay-fraction carbon increases and its portion in the total carbon of the soil decreases at the transition from the plowland to the forest. The reforestation of agrosoddy-podzolic soils enhances the physical protection of the soil organic matter due to the increase in the portion of microaggregate carbon.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment of the carbon balance was performed in gray forest soils of the former agricultural lands abandoned in different time periods in the southern part of Moscow oblast. It was based on the field measurements of the total and heterotrophic soil respiration and the productivity of biocenoses. Geobotanical investigations demonstrated that the transformation of the species composition of herbs from weeds to predominantly meadow plants occurred in five–ten years after the soil was no more used for farming. The amount of carbon assimilated in the NPP changed from 97 g C/m2 year in the recently abandoned field to 1103 g C/m2 year in the 10-year-old fallow, and the total annual loss of carbon from the soil in the form of CO2 varied from 347 to 845 g C/m2 year. In five years, the former arable lands were transformed into meadow ecosystems that functioned as a stable sink of carbon in the phytomass and the soil organic matter.  相似文献   

The dynamics of carbon in ecosystems of abandoned agricultural lands were studied in the southern taiga zone. The soil acidity increased in the course of natural reforestation (the transition from meadow ecosystems to forest ecosystems) of the plots. The humus content in the upper soil layer decreased; changes in the humus content were less pronounced in sandy soils. The emission of carbon dioxide from the soils depended on the stage of vegetation succession during the restoration of forest vegetation.  相似文献   

The postagrogenic transformation of the plow horizon of soddy-podzolic soils under a mown meadow and an artificially planted dense spruce stand has been studied in relation to the microclimatic specificity, water budgets, and soil temperature regimes in the compared cenoses. Over 20 years, a considerable part of precipitation reaching the soil surface under the meadow cenosis has been discharged with the surface runoff and subsurface lateral water flows. The soil warming in summer has been considerable, and the soil freezing in winter has been relatively weak. As a result, a gray humus horizon with well-shaped fine granular and coprolitic structure has been formed within the body of the former plow layer. Under the spruce stand, a larger part of atmospheric moisture has been infiltrated into the soil. The microclimatic conditions under the spruce stand have been more humid and colder. As a result, a thinner humus horizon with a considerable admixture of weakly decomposed plant debris has been formed in the upper part of the former plow layer. Below, a newly formed horizon with a specific thin platy (schlieren) structure ha been developed. The morphology of this horizon resembles the morphology of the eluvial horizon in virgin soddy-podzolic soils.  相似文献   

The effect of different land-use practices on the carbon budget in old arable gray forest soils of Russia was studied in field experiments. A short-term (for 6–7 years) cessation of mineral fertilization had no negative effects on the carbon budget in the agrocenoses studied. Only the combination of zero fertilization with the return to monoculture and the introduction of black fallows created a negative budget of humus in the soil. The regrassing of the eroded arable soil for 24 years increased the humus reserve in the 0- to 60-cm layer by a factor of 1.6–1.7. The average annual accumulation of carbon and nitrogen after the restoration of the perennial vegetation was 106–128 g C/m2 and 11–16 g N/m2, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of experimental studies of the postagrogenic transformation of loamy soddy-podzolic soils on the southern slope of the Klin-Dmitrov Moraine Ridge are discussed. A chronosequence of soils (arable soils (cropland)-soils under fallow with meadow vegetation-soils under secondary forests of different ages-soils under a conventionally initial native forest) was examined, and the stages of the postagrogenic transformation of the automorphic soddy-podzolic soils were identified. The differentiation of the former plow horizon into the A1 and A1A2 horizons (according to the differences in the humus content, texture, and acidity) served as the major criterion of the soil transformation. A stage of textural differentiation with clay depletion from the uppermost layer was identified in the soils of the 20- to 60-year-old fallows. The specificity of the postagrogenic transformation of the soils on the slopes was demonstrated. From the methodological point of view, it was important to differentiate between the chronosequences of automorphic and semihydromorphic soils of the leveled interfluves and the soils of the slopes. For this purpose, a series of maps reflecting the history of the land use and the soil cover pattern was analyzed. The cartographic model included the attribute data of the soil surveys, the cartographic sources (a series of historical maps of the land use, topographic maps, remote sensing data, and a digital elevation model), and two base maps: (a) the integral map of the land use and (b) the map of the soil combinations with the separation of the zonal automorphic, semihydromorphic, and erosional soil combinations. This scheme served as a matrix for the organization and analysis of the already available and new materials.  相似文献   

The rates of organic matter renewal in gray forest soils and chernozems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rates of soil carbon renewal were determined by the method of natural 13C abundance in a chernozem under a 40-year-long monoculture of corn and in a gray forest soil after application of corn residues. The mean rate of soil carbon renewal in the chernozem reached 1271–1498 years, whereas in the gray forest soil it depended on the amount of carbon introduced with corn residues and varied from 19 to 63 years. The rate of organic carbon renewal in the chernozem decreased from 697 years in the upper horizon to 2742 years in the layer of 40–60 cm. The mean residence time of organic carbon generally increased with a decrease in the size of particle-size fractions.  相似文献   

Changes in the physical, physicochemical, and biological properties of cultivated gray forest soils after their abandoning and overgrowing with meadow and forest vegetation for 8–10 years are clearly seen in the upper part of the former plow layer. The organic matter content and the content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium increase; a significant increase in the root biomass and in the soil biological activity is observed. Changes in the physical properties—an increase in the degree of soil aggregation and a decrease in the bulk density values—are seen in the upper and middle parts of the former plow layer. The biological factor is the major factor of transformation of formerly cultivated gray forest soils upon their abandoning and overgrowing with meadow and forest vegetation. At the same time, a significant role in the improvement of the structural state of the soils belongs to the physical shrink-swell and freezing-thawing processes.  相似文献   

Experimental and literature data on the contents and stocks of active organic matter in 200 soil samples from the forest-tundra, southern-taiga, deciduous-forest, forest-steppe, dry-steppe, semidesert, and subtropical zones have been generalized. Natural lands, agrocenoses, treatments of long-term field experiments (bare fallow, unfertilized and fertilized crop rotations, perennial plantations), and different layers of soil profile are presented. Sphagnum peat and humus–peat soil in the tundra and forest-tundra zones are characterized by a very high content of active organic matter (300–600 mg C/100 g). Among the zonal soils, the content of active organic matter increases from the medium (75–150 mg C/100 g) to the high (150–300 mg C/100 g) level when going from soddy-podzolic soil to gray forest and dark-gray forest soils and then to leached chernozem. In the series from typical chernozem to ordinary and southern chernozem and chestnut and brown semidesert soils, a decrease in the content of active organic matter to the low (35–75 mg C/100 g) and very low (<35 mg C/100 g) levels is observed. Acid brown forest soil in the subtropical zone is characterized by a medium supply with active organic matter. Most arable soils are mainly characterized by low or very low contents of active organic matter. In the upper layers of soils, active organic matter makes up 1.2–11.1% of total Corg. The profile distribution of active organic matter in the studied soils coincides with that of Corg: their contents appreciably decrease with depth, except for brown semidesert soil. The stocks of active organic matter vary from 0.4 to 5.4 t/ha in the layer of 0–20 cm and from 1.0 to 12.4/ha in the layer of 0–50 cm of different soil types.  相似文献   

Changes in soil microbial processes and phytocenotic parameters were studied in clearings made for power transmission lines in the subtaiga and southern taiga of Central Siberia. In these clearings, secondary meadow communities play the main environmental role. The substitution of meadow vegetation for forest vegetation, the increase in the phytomass by 40–120%, and the transformation of the hydrothermic regime in the clearings led to the intensification of the humus-accumulative process, growth of the humus content, reduction in acidity and oligotrophy of the upper horizons in the gray soils of the meadow communities, and more active microbial mineralization of organic matter. In the humus horizon of the soils under meadows, the microbial biomass (Cmicr) increased by 20–90%, and the intensity of basal respiration became higher by 60–90%. The values of the microbial metabolic quotient were also higher in these soils than in the soils under the native forests. In the 0- to 50-cm layer of the gray soils under the meadows, the total Cmicr reserves were 35–45% greater and amounted to 230–320 g/m3; the total microbial production of CO2 was 1.5–2 times higher than that in the soil of the adjacent forest and reached 770–840 mg CO2-C/m3 h. The predominance of mineralization processes in the soils under meadows in the clearings reflected changes in edaphic and trophic conditions of the soils and testified to an active inclusion of the herb falloff into the biological cycle.  相似文献   

Heavy loamy soddy-podzolic soils (Eutric Albic Retisols (Abruptic, Loamic, Cutanic)) under a mixed forest, a grass–herb meadow, a perennial legume crop (fodder galega, Galéga orientalis), and an eightcourse crop rotation (treatment without fertilization) have been characterized by the main fertility parameters. Differences have been revealed in the contents of humus and essential nutrients in the 0- to 20- and 20- to 40-cm layers of soils of the studied agricultural lands. The medium acid reaction and the high content of ash elements and nitrogen in stubble–root residues of legume grasses favor the accumulation of humic acids in the humus of soil under fodder galega; the CHA/CFA ratio is 0.95 in the 0- to 20-cm layer and 0.81 in the 20- to 40-cm layer (under forest, 0.61 and 0.41, respectively). The nitrogen pool in the upper horizon of the studied soddy-podzolic soil includes 61–76% nonhydrolyzable nitrogen and 17–25% difficultly hydrolyzable nitrogen. The content of easily hydrolyzable nitrogen varies depending on the type of agricultural land from 6% in the soil under mixed forest to 10% under crop rotation; the content of mineral nitrogen varies from 0.9 to 1.9%, respectively. The long-term use of plowland in crop rotation and the cultivation of perennial legume crop have increased the content of hydrolyzable nitrogen forms but have not changed the proportions of nitrogen fractions characteristic of this soil type.  相似文献   

Integrated evaluation of soil physical properties using the least limiting water range (LLWR) approach may allow a better knowledge of soil water availability. We determined the LLWR for four tillage practices consisted of conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), no-tillage (NT) and fallow no-tillage (NTf). In addition, LLWR was determined for abandoned soils (i.e. control), compacted soils, ploughed compacted soils and abandoned soils with super absorbent polymers (SAPs) application. Soil water retention, penetration resistance (PR), air-filled porosity and bulk density were determined for the 0–5 and 0–25-cm depths. Mean LLWR (0.07–0.08 cm3 cm?3) was lower in compacted soils than the soils under CT, NT, NTf, RT, tilled, abandoned and SAP practices but it was not different among tillage practices. The values of LLWR were 0.12 cm3 cm?3 for NT and CT. LLWR for tilled plots (0.12 cm3 cm?3) became greater than compacted soils by 1.3 times. Analysis of the lower and upper limits of the LLWR further indicated that PR was the only limiting factor for soil water content, but aeration was not a limiting factor. The LLWR was more dependent on soil water content at permanent wilting point and at PR.  相似文献   

The carbon sequestration potential of soils plays an important role in mitigating the effect of climate change, because soils serve as sinks for atmospheric carbon. The present study was conducted to estimate the carbon stocks and their variation with altitudinal gradient in the Lesser Himalayan foothills of Kashmir. The carbon stocks were estimated in different land use categories, namely: closed canopy forests, open forests, disturbed forests, and agricultural lands within the altitudinal range from 900 to 2500 m. The soil carbon content was determined by the Walkley–Black titration method. The average soil carbon stock was found to be 2.59 kg m–2. The average soil carbon stocks in closed canopy forests, open forests, and disturbed forests were 3.39, 2.06, and 2.86 kg m–2, respectively. The average soil carbon stock in the agricultural soils was 2.03 kg m–2. The carbon stocks showed a significant decreasing trend with the altitudinal gradient with maximum values of 4.13 kg m–2 at 900–1200 m a.s.l. and minimum value of 1.55 kg m–2 at 2100–2400 m a.s.l. The agricultural soil showed the least carbon content values indicating negative impacts of soil plowing, overgrazing, and soil degradation. Lower carbon values at higher altitudes attest to the immature character of forest stands, as well as to degradation due to immense fuel wood extraction, timber extraction, and harsh climatic conditions. The study indicates that immediate attention is required for the conservation of rapidly declining carbon stocks in agricultural soils, as well as in the soils of higher altitudes.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of the agropedogenic transformation of cultivated gray forest soils are discussed. It is shown that the loss of organic carbon from these soils upon their cultivation is mainly due to the intense mineralization of an easily decomposable fraction having a density of less than 2 g/cm3 and a characteristic size above 50 μm. Simultaneously, a certain portion of soil microaggregates is destroyed. Several additional indices of the processes of soil erosion and sediment accumulation on the soil surface (soil aggradation) are suggested. These indices take into account the character of soil clay minerals and soil organic matter. Indicative characteristics of the second humus horizon are suggested on the basis of published materials and new analytical data.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The succession of natural vegetation on the former arable soils triggers the processes of postagrogenic restoration of soil ecological functions specific of a particular...  相似文献   

The mountainous region of the Himalayas is covered with forest, grassland, and arable land, but the variation in ecosystem functions has not been fully explored because of the lack of available data. This study appraises the changes in soil properties over the course of a year (spring, summer, autumn, winter) for forest, grassland, and arable soils in a typical hilly and mountainous region of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. Soil samples were collected from major land-cover types in the mountain region: natural forest, grassland, and cultivated land (arable). The natural forest served as a control against which changes in soil properties resulting from removal of natural vegetation and cultivation of soil were assessed. Soil samples were collected from depths of 0–15 and 15–30 cm six times during the year and examined for changes in temperature, moisture, electrical conductivity (EC), micronutrients [iron, manganese, copper, and zinc (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, respectively)], and microbial population. Significant differences were found in soil temperature, soil moisture, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and number of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi among the three land-cover types. Soil under cultivation had 4–5 °C higher temperature and 3–6% lower moisture than the adjacent soils under grassland and forest. Electrical conductivity (EC) values of forest, grassland, and arable soil were 0.36, 0.30, and 0.31 dS m?1, indicating that soil collected from the forest had 18–20% more EC than the adjacent arable and grassland soils. On average, amounts of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in the soil collected from the arable site were 6.6, 5.7, 1.7, and 0.8 mg kg?1, compared with 24.0, 12.1, 3.5, and 1.2 mg kg?1 soil in the forest soil, showing that arable had two to four times less micronutrients than grassland and forest. Populations of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi in the forest were 22.3 (105), 8.2 (105), and 2.5 (103), respectively, while arable land exhibited 8.2 (105), 3.2 (105), and 0.87 (103). Season (temperature) and depth showed significant effects on microbial activity and nutrient concentration, and both decreased significantly in winter and in the subsurface layer of 15?30 cm. Different contents of the parameters among arable, grassland, and forest soils indicated an extractive effect of cultivation and agricultural practices on soil. Natural vegetation appeared to be a main contributor to soil quality as it maintained the moisture content and increased the nutrient status and microbial growth of soil. Therefore, it is important to sustain high-altitude ecosystems and reinstate the degraded lands in the mountain region.  相似文献   

Considerable amounts of soil organic matter (SOM) are stabilized in paddy soils, and thus a large proportion of the terrestrial carbon is conserved in wetland rice soils. Nonetheless, the mechanisms for stabilization of organic carbon (OC) in paddy soils are largely unknown. Based on a chronosequence derived from marine sediments, the objectives of this study are to investigate the accumulation of OC and the concurrent loss of inorganic carbon (IC) and to identify the role of the soil fractions for the stabilization of OC with increasing duration of paddy soil management. A chronosequence of six age groups of paddy soil formation was chosen in the Zhejiang Province (PR China), ranging from 50 to 2000 years (yrs) of paddy management. Soil samples obtained from horizontal sampling of three soil profiles within each age group were analyzed for bulk density (BD), OC as well as IC concentrations, OC stocks of bulk soil and the OC contributions to the bulk soil of the particle size fractions. Paddy soils are characterized by relatively low bulk densities in the puddled topsoil horizons (1.0 and 1.2 g cm− 3) and high values in the plow pan (1.6 g cm− 3). Our results demonstrate a substantial loss of carbonates during soil formation, as the upper 20 cm were free of carbonates in 100-year-old paddy soils, but carbonate removal from the entire soil profile required almost 700 yrs of rice cultivation. We observed an increase of topsoil OC stocks from 2.5 to 4.4 kg m− 2 during 50 to 2000 yrs of paddy management. The OC accumulation in the bulk soil was dominated by the silt- and clay-sized fractions. The silt fraction showed a high accretion of OC and seems to be an important long-term OC sink during soil evolution. Fine clay in the puddled topsoil horizon was already saturated and the highest storage capacity for OC was calculated for coarse clay. With longer paddy management, the fractions < 20 μm showed an increasing actual OC saturation level, but did not reach the calculated potential storage capacity.  相似文献   

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