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On the basis of a large volume of literature and original data, the high content (1–7%) of organic matter in the mineral layer
of loamy permafrost-affected soils of coastal lowlands in East Siberia (from the lower reaches of the Lena River to the lower
reaches of the Kolyma River) has been statistically proved. In most cases, the reserves of Corg in the mineral layer of these soils exceed those in the surface organic horizons and constitute 60–90% of the total soil
pool of Corg. The enrichment of the mineral layer with Corg is due to the cryogenic retention (retenization) of humus (the illuviation and accumulation of colorless humic substances
above permafrost) and the cryogenic mass exchange (mechanical admixture of organic matter from the upper organic horizons
into the mineral layers). The analysis of 60 soil profiles showed that the accumulation of organic matter above the permafrost
table is observed in 43% of cases; in general, the organic matter distribution in the soil profiles is highly variable. A
specific type of colorless humus is accumulated above the permafrost table. The mechanisms of its precipitation and transformation
in the profile require further studies. 相似文献
Data on the mineralogical composition of clay in soils of solonetzic complexes of the Priobskoe Plateau and the Kulunda and Baraba lowlands have been generalized. The parent materials predominating in these regions have loamy and clayey textures and are characterized by the association of clay minerals represented by dioctahedral and trioctahedral mica–hydromica, chlorite, kaolinite, and a number of irregular interstratifications. They differ in the proportions between the major mineral phases and in the qualitative composition of the minerals. Mica–hydromica and chlorites with a small amount of smectitic phase predominate on the Priobskoe Plateau and in the Kulunda Lowland; in the Baraba Lowland, the portion of mica–smectite interstratifications is higher. An eluvial–illuvial distribution of clay fraction in solonetzes is accompanied by the acid–alkaline destruction and lessivage of clay minerals, including the smectitic phase in the superdispersed state. This results in the strong transformation of the mineralogical composition of the upper (suprasolonetzic) horizons and in the enrichment of the solonetzic horizons with the products of mineral destruction; superdispersed smectite; and undestroyed particles of hydromica, kaolinite, and chlorite from the suprasolonetzic horizons. A significant decrease in the content of smectitic phase in the surface solodic horizons of solonetzic complexes has different consequences in the studied regions. In the soils of the Priobskoe Plateau and Kulunda Lowland with a relatively low content (10–30%) of smectitic phase represented by chlorite–smectite interstratifications, this phase virtually disappears from the soils (there are only rare cases of its preservation). In the soils of the Baraba Lowland developed from the parent materials with the high content (30–50%) of smectitic phase represented by mica–smectite interstratifications, the similar decrease (by 10–20%) in the content of smectitic phase does not result in its complete disappearance. However, the smectitic phase acquires the superdispersed state and the capacity for migration. 相似文献
L. V. Berezin O. F. Khamova E. V. Paderina A. M. Gindemit 《Eurasian Soil Science》2014,47(11):1138-1143
The abundance and activity of the soil microflora were studied in a field experiment with the use of green manure crops to assess the impact of reclamation measures on the biological activity of soils of the solonetz complex. The number of microorganisms in the plow soil horizon increased in the background of the green fallows as compared to the black ones. Coefficients of mineralization, immobilization, and transformation of organic compounds were calculated for different variants of the soil treatment. The value of the mineralization coefficient indicates the intense decomposition of the green manure that entered the soil. In the first year, peas were actively decomposed, while oats, in the second year (aftereffect). The activity of the soil enzymes (invertase, urease, and catalase) was determined. A close relationship between the catalase activity and the intensity of the microbiological processes in the soils was revealed. 相似文献
L. A. Pozdnyakov 《Eurasian Soil Science》2008,41(10):1077-1082
The parameters of the potential biological activity (respiration, methanogenesis, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification) of drained peat soils were analyzed as depending on their morphological, chemical, and electrical properties. A high positive correlation was found between the potential respiration of the soil and its electrical resistance, because these parameters depended on the same soil properties: the ash content, the cation exchange capacity, etc. The correlation was disturbed under a significant adverse impact of the soil water-air regime on the microbial community, which was difficult to detect from the resistance. No correlation of anaerobic methanogenesis and denitrification with the resistance was found. The revealed relationships can find wide use in the study of the spatial distribution of the potential biological activity of soils, which will allow deriving more correct and representative data. 相似文献
Yu. B. Tsybenov G. D. Chimitdorzhieva E. O. Chimitdorzhieva R. A. Egorova E. Yu. Mil’kheev T. V. Davydova Ts. D.-Ts. Korsunova 《Eurasian Soil Science》2016,49(8):908-914
Meadow-chernozemic soils (Turbic Chernozems Molliglossic) in the western Trans-Baikal Region are dissected by large cryogenic cracks penetrating to the depth of 100–120 cm and filled with humified material. The depth of humus pockets is 50–80 cm, and their width in the upper part is 50–90 cm. The lower boundary of most of the humus pockets lies at the depth of 60–70 cm. The development of cryogenic cracks proceeded due to their penetration into the frozen ground, which is evidenced by their sharply narrowing lower part. The fraction of physical clay (<0.01 mm) constitutes a considerable part of the material filling the cracks, which explains the significant humus content in this material. The contents of humus and adsorbed bases sharply decrease down through the soil profile in the soil mass between the cracks and remain relatively stable in the material filling the cracks. The soil mass in humus pockets is less compact that that in the background soil mass at the same depth, which is explained by the higher humus content in the pockets. Humified soil material in the pockets is also characterized by a higher porosity and, hence, higher water permeability than the surrounding soil mass. 相似文献
G. V. Matyshak L. G. Bogatyrev O. Yu. Goncharova A. A. Bobrik 《Eurasian Soil Science》2017,50(10):1115-1124
Differently directed and heterochronous cryogenic processes have contributed to the contrasting soil cover patterns and spatial heterogeneity of the properties of soils in hydromorphic ecosystems of the discontinuous permafrost zone of the northern taiga in Western Siberia. Frost heave and permafrost thawing within ecosystems of highmoor bogs have led to the development of specific cryogenic landforms, such as flat-topped and large peat mounds. A set of cryogenic soils is developed in these ecosystems; it includes different variants of cryozems, gleyzems (Cryosols), and peat soils (Histosols). The distribution of these soil types is controlled by the local topography and thawing depth, other factors being insignificant. Alternation of peat horizons of different types and ages, whirl-like patterns of horizon boundaries, considerable variations in the thickness of soil horizons, and inversions of soil horizons under the impact of frost cracking, frost heave, and cryoturbation are typical of the considered soils. Thawing depth is the most significant factor affecting the thickness of organic horizons, the soil pH, and the degree of decomposition of peat. As a result of the upward movement of bog ecosystems under the impact of frost heave, peat soils are subjected to considerable transformation: peat horizons undergo mineralization, and the thickness of organic horizons decreases; in some cases, eluvial–illuvial differentiation of the mineral horizons takes place, and peat podzols are developed. However, the opposite process of the return of the soils to the bog stage of pedogenesis with peat accumulation may take place in any time in the case of activation of thermokarst processes. 相似文献
Alonso-Salces RM Herrero C Barranco A Berrueta LA Gallo B Vicente F 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2004,52(26):8006-8016
The polyphenolic compositions of 31 Basque cider apple cultivars were determined in pulp, peel, and juice by high-performance liquid chromatography--diode array detection analysis of crude extracts and after thiolysis. Data sets, consisting of individual polyphenol concentrations, total procyanidin content, and the average degree of polymerization of procyanidins, were evaluated by multivariate chemometric techniques, to develop decision rules for classifying apple cultivars technologically into bitter and nonbitter categories. A preliminary study of the data structure was performed by cluster analysis and principal component analysis in each apple material. Bitter apple varieties presented higher contents of flavan-3-ols and/or dihydrochalcones than nonbitter cultivars. Different classification systems for the two categories on the basis of the chemical data were obtained applying several supervised pattern recognition procedures, such as linear discriminant analysis, K-nearest neighbors, soft independent modeling of class analogy, partial least-squares, and multilayer feed forward artificial neural networks. Excellent performance in terms of recognition and prediction abilities for both categories (100% of hits) was achieved in every case (pulp, peel, or juice). Polyphenolic profiles of apple pulp, peel, or juice provide enough information to develop classification criteria for establishing the technological group of apple cultivars (bitter or nonbitter). 相似文献
N. V. Gopp T. V. Nechaeva O. A. Savenkov N. V. Smirnova V. V. Smirnov 《Eurasian Soil Science》2017,50(11):1332-1343
The informativeness of NDVI for predictive mapping of the physical and chemical properties of plow horizons of soils on different slope positions within the first (280–310 m a.s.l.) and second (240–280 m a.s.l.) altitudinal steps has been examined. This index is uninformative for mapping soil properties in small hollows, whose factual width is less than the Landsat image resolution (30 m). In regression models, NDVI index explains 52% of variance in the content of humus; 35 and 24% of variance in the contents of total and nitrate nitrogen; 19 and 29% of variance in the contents of total and available phosphorus; 25 and 50% of variance in the contents of exchangeable calcium and manganese; and 30 and 29% of variance in the contents of fine silt and soil water, respectively. On the basis of the models obtained, prognostic maps of the soil properties have been developed. Spatial distribution patterns of NDVI calculated from Landsat 8 images (30-m resolution) serve as the cartographic base and the main indicator of the soil properties. The NDVI values and the contents of humus, physical clay (<0.01 mm) and fine silt particles, total and nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, and exchangeable calcium and manganese in the soils of the first altitudinal step are higher than those in the soils of the second altitudinal step. An opposite tendency has been found for the available phosphorus content: in the soils of the second altitudinal step and the hollow, its content is higher than that in the soils of the first altitudinal step by 1.8 and 2.4 times, respectively. Differences in the pH of soil water suspensions, easily available phosphorus, and clay in the soils of the compared topographic positions (first and second altitudinal steps and the hollow) are statistically unreliable. 相似文献
A. Gundelwein T. Müller-Lupp M. Sommerkorn E. T. K. Haupt E.-M. Pfeiffer & H. Wiechmann 《European Journal of Soil Science》2007,58(5):1164-1174
Large amounts of carbon are stored in permafrost‐affected soils of the Arctic tundra. The quantity, distribution and composition of this carbon are important, because much of the carbon is likely to be released as a result of global warming. We have studied soils of the central Siberian Arctic to determine the carbon content and the nature of the organic matter by density fractionation, and 13C‐NMR‐ and 13C‐stable‐isotope analyses. There are pronounced differences in the profile and variations from place to place in the quantity and nature of soil organic matter. We estimated that the mean stock of carbon was 14.5 kg m–2 within the active layer. We found a total of about 30.7 kg C m–3 in the entire upper metre of the soils. Carbon of the tussock tundra showed strong vertical differentiation, with a large proportion comprising decomposed, recalcitrant compounds. We identified within the soil several zones of aerobe and anaerobe decomposition. Mobile carbon fractions have precipitated under the influence of low temperatures. 相似文献
Eurasian Soil Science - Soil salinization and alkalization is an acute problem in Western Siberia because of the rise of saline groundwater above the critical level. We studied modern hydromorphism... 相似文献
Specific features of soil formation in the taiga zone of Western Siberia are considered. The polygenetic nature of podzolic and gley-podzolic soils in the middle taiga zone, soddy-podzolic and soddy gley soils in the southern taiga zone, and meadow soils in the subtaiga zone is related to the pre-Holocene transformation of the lithogenic matrix upon activation of denudation and accumulation processes and the complicated Holocene evolution of these soils. A soil profile can be subdivided into separate layers according to the geomorphic features of the cryogenesis, the indices of interruption of soil formation, and the differences in the composition of the organic matter in the relict and modern humus horizons. 相似文献
E. N. Molchanov 《Eurasian Soil Science》2010,43(12):1330-1343
The published and author’s data on soil-forming conditions, morphology, substance composition and physicochemical properties,
total chemical and mineralogical composition, and micromorphology of mountain-meadow soils of the Western Caucasus Range are
analyzed. On the basis of the analytical data obtained, the transformation of minerals and features of chemical element profile
patterns developed in the course of soil formation are characterized. The main processes accompanying the transformation of
mineral and organic parts of the soil mass and migration of soil-formation products are described. Soil formation is shown
to be accompanied by two major elementary soil processes developing with participation of soil biota: humus accumulation and
clay formation. Ways to improve the classification of mountain-meadow soils are proposed. 相似文献
Soil sequences along catenas crossing the peripheral parts of shallow-water drying lakes in the south of Siberia have been studied. They include the sulfidic and typical playa (sor) solonchaks (Gleyic Solonchaks), playa solonchak over the buried solonetz (Gleyic Solonchak Thapto-Solonetz)), shallow solonetz–solonchak (Salic Solonetz), and solonetzic and solonchakous chernozemic-meadow soil (Luvic Gleyic Chernozem (Sodic, Salic)). This spatial sequence also represents a series of historical stages of the development of halomorphic soils: the amphibian, hydromorphic, semihydromorphic, and automorphic–paleohydromorphic stages. During all of them, the biogenic component plays a significant role in the matter budget of halomorphic soils. The diversity, number, and functional activity of large insects and spiders are particularly important. Their total abundance in the course of transformation of the halomorphic soils decreases from several thousand to about 100 specimens/(m2 day), whereas their species diversity increases from 17 to 45 species. Changes in the functional structure of the soil zoocenosis and its impact on the character and intensity of pedogenetic processes can be considered driving forces of the transformation of hydromorphic soils. This is ensured by the sequential alteration of the groups of invertebrates with different types of cenotic strategy and different mechanisms of adaptation to biotic and abiotic components of the soil in the course of the development of the soil zoocenosis. 相似文献
It is shown that the water content in the upper part of chernozems in Western Siberia in the late fall period exceeds the
field capacity. An ice-rich barrier is formed in the humus horizon of these soils at temperatures below zero in the cold period.
This barrier has both negative and positive effects. Being impermeable for snowmelt water, it favors the development of erosion
processes. At the same time, it prevents infiltration of snowmelt water beyond the soil profile with the formation of a percolative
water regime (favoring soil leaching) in the chernozems. 相似文献
Distribution patterns of calcium in peat deposits of seventeen bogs in the middle and southern taiga of Western Siberia have been studied. Four types of Ca distribution patterns related to the genesis of peat deposits are specified. Up to three Ca-enriched peat layers are distinguished in thick deposits. This Ca distribution pattern is typical of different peat deposits formed under various conditions. It is shown that Ca accumulation in particular layers of peat deposits is related to the warm stages of the Holocene. 相似文献
The application of multiparametric statistical methods has confirmed that peat soils are different in the degree of their drainage and properties because of their modification during a 20–25 year period of artificial drainage operation. The following sequence represents the relative significance of the contribution to the soil changes of the parameters studied: groundwater table > air capacity > pH > 0T > Eh > water-soluble: C > Fe3+ > NH 4 + and the activity of soil oxidoreductases in the following sequence: peroxidase > catalase > dehydrogenase. The necessity to supplement the substantive-genetic principle of the classification of drained peat soils with characterization of their water regime is substantiated. 相似文献
Tarkhov M. O. Matyshak G. V. Ryzhova I. M. Goncharova O. Yu. Bobrik A. A. Petrov D. G. Petrzhik N. M. 《Eurasian Soil Science》2019,52(8):945-953
Eurasian Soil Science - Palsa peatland soils are known as significant terrestrial storage of the Earth’s soil carbon. The response of these soils to changing climate may result in a strong... 相似文献
M. D. Evdokimenko 《Eurasian Soil Science》2013,46(2):117-126
Pyrogenic transformations of the physical state of cryogenic soils in the southern and middle taiga were investigated. The long-term dynamics of the microclimate on burns and the soil temperature and moisture to the depth of 120 cm were studied. Data on the postfire restoration of the ground cover are presented. Experiments on artificial sprinkling of burned areas differing in the degree of the burning out of the forest litter, the slope gradient, etc., have been performed. An experimental model demonstrating the relationships between the surface runoff and five environmental factors has been proposed. The pyrogenic destruction of the ground cover and the lower phytocenosis layers was accompanied by significant disturbances of the microclimate and anomalous thawing of the permafrost on the burns. In the pine stand on the colluvial fan after the intense fire, the soil temperature at the depth of 10 cm (in the summer) exceeded the control value by 3–5°C; in the larch forest on the southern slope of the Stanovoi Ridge, it increased by 1.5–2.0 times after the fire of medium intensity. On the mountain slopes, the surface runoff was significantly intensified, which resulted in drastic environmental and silvicultural consequences. 相似文献
It was found that the average size of water-stable aggregates in irrigated soils varies in the range 0.23–2.0 mm, and the
eroding flow velocity is 0.03–0.12 m/s. A five-point scale was used for assessing erosion resistance, predicting irrigation
erosion, and developing erosion control measures on irrigated soils. According to this system, gray-brown soils and light
sierozems were classified as the least erosion-resistant, sierozemic and meadow-sierozemic soils as low erosion-resistant,
gray-cinnamonic soils as moderately erosion-resistant, mountain gray-cinnamonic soils as highly erosion-resistant, and steppe
mountain cinnamonic soils as very highly erosion-resistant ones. The determination of the erosion resistance of soils is of
great importance for assessing the erosion-resistance potential of irrigated areas and developing erosion control measures. 相似文献