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Differently directed and heterochronous cryogenic processes have contributed to the contrasting soil cover patterns and spatial heterogeneity of the properties of soils in hydromorphic ecosystems of the discontinuous permafrost zone of the northern taiga in Western Siberia. Frost heave and permafrost thawing within ecosystems of highmoor bogs have led to the development of specific cryogenic landforms, such as flat-topped and large peat mounds. A set of cryogenic soils is developed in these ecosystems; it includes different variants of cryozems, gleyzems (Cryosols), and peat soils (Histosols). The distribution of these soil types is controlled by the local topography and thawing depth, other factors being insignificant. Alternation of peat horizons of different types and ages, whirl-like patterns of horizon boundaries, considerable variations in the thickness of soil horizons, and inversions of soil horizons under the impact of frost cracking, frost heave, and cryoturbation are typical of the considered soils. Thawing depth is the most significant factor affecting the thickness of organic horizons, the soil pH, and the degree of decomposition of peat. As a result of the upward movement of bog ecosystems under the impact of frost heave, peat soils are subjected to considerable transformation: peat horizons undergo mineralization, and the thickness of organic horizons decreases; in some cases, eluvial–illuvial differentiation of the mineral horizons takes place, and peat podzols are developed. However, the opposite process of the return of the soils to the bog stage of pedogenesis with peat accumulation may take place in any time in the case of activation of thermokarst processes.  相似文献   

The study of soil cover in the mountainous forest-steppe on the southwestern macroslope of Khentei Ridge has shown that the spatial distribution of soils is controlled by the ruggedness of topography, slope aspects, geocryological conditions, and the thickness of loose deposits. The soils belong to the orders of lithozems and organo-accumulative soils (Mollic Leptosols) of the postlithogenic trunk of pedogenesis. Dark-humus and mucky–dark-humus horizons of the organic matter accumulation are characteristic features of these soils. The investigated area is differentiated according to the soil moistening conditions on the slopes of different aspects. Favorable growth conditions for dwarf birch and Siberian larch at the southern boundary of the boreal forests in Mongolia are explained by the relatively high moistening of mucky–darkhumus lithozems and mucky–dark-humus soils developed on windward northern slopes and on mountain terraces in places of the local snow accumulation by wind. An important role in preservation of forest vegetation belongs to permafrost in small cirque-like depressions.  相似文献   

The soil cover patterns in the subtaiga landscapes on the northern spurs of the Tsagan-Daban Ridge in the Selenga Mountains have been studied. Gray-humus lithozems and bedrock outcrops are typical of the steep south-facing slopes under herbaceous pine forests. Soddy iron-illuvial podburs are formed under forest vegetation on gentle slopes of northern and western aspects with a thick mantle of loose colluvial deposits. Dark-humus metamorphic soils occur on the slopes of western and northwestern aspects below 700 m a.s.l. under secondary forb-grassy communities that replaced the initial herbaceous pine forests. Windblown hollows (yardangs) are occupied by humus psammozems under steppe pine forests. The morphological and physicochemical characteristics of these soils are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The influence of frost boils on the development of cryozems (Turbic Cryosols) in the tundra zone of northern Yakutia is discussed. Mechanisms of the input, redistribution, and transformation of raw organic matter with its accumulation in the deep part of the profile of cryozems are elucidated. As a result, specific organomineral or organic horizons are formed above the permafrost table. The development of cryozems has a cyclic pattern: from the stage of barren frost boil to the stage of mature soil profile. However, this cycle can be interrupted at any stage of overgrowing of the barren surface of frost boil. The rates of overgrowing and the formation of the profile of cryozem, and the 14C age of organic matter accumulated in the organomineral suprapermafrost horizons are estimated.  相似文献   

In the profiles of cryozems (Oxyaquic Turbic Cryosols) developing in tundra of northern Yakutia under conditions of shallow active layer, suprapermafrost horizons of the accumulation of raw organic matter are formed. Taking into account their genesis, stable and regular position in the soil profile, paragenetic links with the overlying horizons and neighboring soil profiles, and a set of diagnostic features and properties, these horizons can be separated as a new type of genetic soil horizons—the organomineral accumulative suprapermafrost horizon (CRO). Its qualitative composition (the ratio of organic and mineral matter in the material) can be reflected at a lower level. In relation to the separation of the new genetic horizon within the framework of the new Russian soil classification system, a new genetic types of soils—cryozem with suprapermafrost accumulation of raw organic matter (suprapermafrost organo-accumulative cryozem)—can be established. Its diagnostic profile has the following horizonation: (O, AO, T)–CR–CRO–┬C.  相似文献   

Nodules (nodules) forming in the chernozem-like soils of flat-bottomed closed depressions on the northern part of the Tambov Plain differ in their morphology and chemical composition as related to the degree of hydromorphism of these soils. The highest are the coefficients of Mn, P, and Fe accumulation in the nodules from these soils. The Fe to Mn ratio grows with the increasing degree of hydromorphism. Under surface moistening, the maximal amounts of mobile Mn and Fe compounds were extracted from the nodules of the most hydromorphic podzolic chernozem-like soils; under the ground moistening, their greatest amounts were extracted from the least hydromorphic soil—the weakly gley soil. In the first case, the content of organic phosphates in concretions amounted to 30–50%; in the second one, 2–3% of their total content. Under surface moistening, the proportion of active mineral phosphates becomes higher with the increasing hydromorphism: from 30 (podzolized soil) to 70% (gleyic podzolic soil). Under ground moistening, on the contrary, their proportion decreases from 70–89% in the weakly gley soil to 40–50% in the gley chernozem-like soil. The possibility to determine the degree of hydromorphism of chernozem-like soils based on the coefficients of bogging is shown. The expediency of using Schvertmann’s criterion in these studies is assessed.  相似文献   

Automorphic loamy soils of the northern taiga and forest-tundra zones in the northeastern part of European Russia are characterized. These soils are diagnosed by the presence of a paragenetic system of the podzolic (often, with gley features) and iron-illuvial horizons combined with a specific cryometamorphic CRM horizon. The podzolic horizon is considerably impoverished in the total and oxalate-extractable iron and slightly impoverished in aluminum and clay in comparison with the iron-illuvial horizon. A distinctive feature of the cryometamorphic horizon is its fine angular blocky, ooidal, or granulated structure in the dry state and curdled cryogenic structure in the wet state. The soil profile is relatively weakly differentiated with respect to the contents of clay and sesquioxides. The genesis of these soils is related to a combination of the gley-Al-Fe-humus mobilization, migration, and illuvial accumulation of substances and the cryogenic structuring. According to the new Classification and Diagnostic System of Russian Soils, these soils fit the criteria of iron-illuvial svetlozems in the order of cryometamorphic soils. In the studied area, these soils are found together with texture-differentiated gley-podzolic soils having the Bt horizon and belonging to the order of texture-differentiated soils.  相似文献   

The composition and fabric of the upper permafrost layer and its relationships with the permafrost-affected soils developing from the loamy substrates on the interfluves within coastal lowlands of northern Yakutia are considered. The studied area is characterized by the maximum activity of cryogenic processes and a shallow depth of seasonal thawing. The permafrost layer affected by the maximum thawing during the Holocene has a specific morphology attesting to the impact of soil processes on it. In general, the modern soil profile and the underlying permafrost layer can be distinguished as the soil-permafrost complex. It is subdivided into the soil profile, the transient layer, and the intermediate layer. The morphology and properties of the transient layer depend on the character of the soil horizons above the permafrost table. The lateral migration of raw organic substances takes place above the permafrost surface between the particular elements of the cryogenic soil complexes; this material tends to accumulate within the transient layer.  相似文献   

The morphology and physicochemical properties of mountain-tundra and mountain-forest soils of the Subpolar Urals are analyzed. Gleyic humus-illuvial podburs, in combination with humus-illuvial podburs and raw-humus gleyzems, predominate in the mountain-tundra zone; permafrost-affected gleyzems and peat gleyzems with a shallow (30–50 cm) permafrost table are developed on colluvial fans at the foots-lopes. Iron-illuvial podzols, iron-illuvial svetlozems, eluviated burozems, texture-differentiated podzolic soils with a microprofile of a podzol, and gleyed peat-podzolic soils occur in the mountain-forest zone. The organic carbon and nitrogen pools in the soils considerably vary depending on the soil type and local landscape conditions. The organic carbon pool stored in the upper 50 cm of the soil profile varies from 7.7 to 39.3 kg/m2 in the mountain-tundra soils and from 6.5 to 11.8 kg/m2 in the mountain-forest soils. The corresponding values for the nitrogen pool are 0.4–2.4 and 0.4–0.8 kg/m2, respectively.  相似文献   

Humic acids from polar soils—cryozems (Cryosols), gleyezems (Gleysols), and peat soils (Histosols)—have been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. First information was acquired on the content of free radicals in humic acids from polar soils for the northern regions of Western Siberia (Gydan Peninsula, Belyi Island). It was found that polar soils are characterized by higher contents of free radicals than other zonal soils. This is related to the lower degree of humification of organic matter and the enhanced hydromorphism under continuous permafrost conditions. The low degree of organic matter humification in the cryolithozone was confirmed by the increased content of free radicals as determined by electron paramagnetic resonance, which indicates a low biothermodynamic stability of organic matter.  相似文献   

Specific features of soil formation in the taiga zone of Western Siberia are considered. The polygenetic nature of podzolic and gley-podzolic soils in the middle taiga zone, soddy-podzolic and soddy gley soils in the southern taiga zone, and meadow soils in the subtaiga zone is related to the pre-Holocene transformation of the lithogenic matrix upon activation of denudation and accumulation processes and the complicated Holocene evolution of these soils. A soil profile can be subdivided into separate layers according to the geomorphic features of the cryogenesis, the indices of interruption of soil formation, and the differences in the composition of the organic matter in the relict and modern humus horizons.  相似文献   

Regularities of soil distribution in the basin of the Vorovka River on the northern macroslope of the Tsagan-Daban Ridge are discussed, and the grouping of soil cover patterns in this area is suggested. Dissected middle-mountain areas covered by taiga forests are characterized by a combination of predominate soddy podburs with small homogeneous areas of podburs and lithozems. Within the piedmont part of the basin, components of soil combinations are different. The major areas are occupied by sandy soils under dry grassy pine forests; poorly developed soils are formed on recent alluvial and colluvial deposits in the depressions and hollows.  相似文献   

On the basis of a large volume of literature and original data, the high content (1–7%) of organic matter in the mineral layer of loamy permafrost-affected soils of coastal lowlands in East Siberia (from the lower reaches of the Lena River to the lower reaches of the Kolyma River) has been statistically proved. In most cases, the reserves of Corg in the mineral layer of these soils exceed those in the surface organic horizons and constitute 60–90% of the total soil pool of Corg. The enrichment of the mineral layer with Corg is due to the cryogenic retention (retenization) of humus (the illuviation and accumulation of colorless humic substances above permafrost) and the cryogenic mass exchange (mechanical admixture of organic matter from the upper organic horizons into the mineral layers). The analysis of 60 soil profiles showed that the accumulation of organic matter above the permafrost table is observed in 43% of cases; in general, the organic matter distribution in the soil profiles is highly variable. A specific type of colorless humus is accumulated above the permafrost table. The mechanisms of its precipitation and transformation in the profile require further studies.  相似文献   

The main pedological, geomorphological and cryogenic features of Keller Peninsula, part of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Maritime Antarctica, were mapped and quantified with emphasis on the relationship between the ice retreat process, melt-out, landform development and soil distribution. Moraines, protalus, scree slopes, inactive glacial cirques, uplift marine terraces, biogenic landforms, arêtes and Felsenmeer were mapped. Scree slope is the main landform, covering approximately 25% of the peninsula, indicating prominent paraglacial features. Inherited, glacial landforms, such as lateral moraines, highland plateau and exhumed U shaped-valleys, are now being exposed in north Keller by ice shrinkage of former ice protecting cover. Landforms influenced soil formation and stability. Cryosols and Leptosols (WRB) roughly corresponding to Gelisols and Entisols (SSS), respectively, are the most common soil classes, with an overall tendency of absent permafrost in the coastal areas, changing to sporadic permafrost at mid-slope, and discontinuous permafrost with greater altitude and substrate stability.  相似文献   

Specific features of the microbial population—the high number of all the groups of microorganisms (1.6 × 103–3.5 × 107) similar to their abundance in steppe soils of the Transbaikal region and the distribution of microorganisms along the soil profile (without a decrease in their number with depth)—were revealed in a cryogenic weakly solodized loamy sandy pale soil. Unlike the soils of the Transbaikal region and central Russia, where bacteria, as a rule, are accumulated in the litter and upper soil horizons, in the undisturbed and weakly disturbed soils of Yakutia, the number of microorganisms is rather high within the whole soil profile. In the strongly disturbed agropale soil of croplands, the distribution of microorganisms is the same as in the soils of the Transbaikal region and European Russia. In the cryogenic soils studied, actinomycetes predominated, and their number varied from 47 000 to 35 000 000 CFU/g of soil. The number of microorganisms positively (r = 1) correlated with the soil moisture.  相似文献   

Specific soils on calcareous lacustrine sediments have been described on the islands in the Terekhol Lake, Terekhol’skaya intermontane trough of the Tuva Upland. The islands themselves originate from frost heaving cycles as shown by their relief and interfacial analysis of litho- and biostratigraphy of dated cores sampled in the bottom of the lake and on the islands. Soils of two altitude-age groups (generations) of islands have been studied. Younger islands (400–1700 cal yrs BP) have relative heights above the lake level below 2.5 m and an active layer 0.6–1.5 m thick. Histic Cryosols (Limnic, Drainic) were found there. Soils are well drained now and have no relation with the lake waters. The central elevated parts of older, and higher islands (4000–5000 cal yrs BP; 2.5–4.5 m, active layer about 1.5 m thick) are under dry-steppe phytocenoses on Calci-Mollic (Histic) Cryosols (Limnic, Calcaric, Gypsiric). The following evolution phases of islands and their soils were reconstructed. The lacustrine sediments were raised from the sedimentation zone to remain in subaerial conditions, where Histic Cryosols were formed. Owing to heaving, an admixture of limnic material was included in them. Further heaving resulted in the isolation of soils from the lake waters, the sedimentation completely stopped, and pedogenesis slowly shifted toward that inherent to well-drained conditions under dry-steppe vegetation. Histic horizons got degraded and transformed to mollic ones, the permafrost table moved deeper, carbonates, gypsum and soluble salts were leached from the upper horizons.  相似文献   

This paper studies marsh soils on the Karelian shore of the White Sea. The soil cover has been found to differ on shores of the open, closed, and transitional types. The open shores have mainly marsh primitive and soddy soils. In bays, there are marsh soddy gley and dredged peat gley soils, and the transitional shores have marsh peaty soils. All soils have poorly developed profiles, and their reaction is close to neutral. Organic and organic-mineral layers form depending on the position of a soil above sea level: a sod layer forms in uplands, and peaty and mud layers form in depressions, which are regularly flooded and have a high groundwater level.  相似文献   

It is estimated that half the soil carbon globally is in the subsoil, but data are scarce. We updated estimates of subsoil organic carbon (OC) in England and Wales made by Bradley et al. (2005) using soil and land‐use databases and compared the results with other published data. We estimated that the soils of England and Wales contained 1633, 1143 and 506 Tg of OC at 0–30, 30–100 and 100–150 cm depths, respectively. Thus, half of the soil OC was found below 30 cm depth. Peat soils accounted for the largest proportion, containing 44% of all the OC below 30 cm despite their small areal extent, followed by brown soils, surface‐water gley soils, ground‐water gley soils and podzolic soils. Peat soils had more than 25% of their profile OC per unit area in the 100–150 cm depth, whereas most other soils had <8% at this depth. The differences between soil types were consistent with differences in soil formation processes. Differences in depth distributions between land uses were small, but subsoil OC stocks in cultivated soils were generally smaller than in soils under grassland or other land uses. Data on subsoil OC stocks in the literature were scarce, but what there was broadly agreed with the findings of the above database exercise. There was little evidence by which to assess how subsoil OC stocks were changing over time.  相似文献   

The territory in the upper reaches of the Pechora River is characterized by the predominance of Al-Fe-humus and metamorphic soils with gley features developing under the middle taiga fir-spruce forests rather than gley-podzolic soils as had been considered before. Some of the described soil profiles represent intergrades between brown taiga soils (burozems) and gleysols; these soils are absent in the new Russian soil classification system. General regularities of the soil cover are controlled by the geomorphic position of the soils on slopes and by the conditions of ground moistening and lateral soil water flows. The development of modern soil cover patterns is determined by the impact of herbaceous and woody vegetation, bioturbation of the soils by windfalls, the presence of dead tree trunks on the soil surface, and other factors.  相似文献   

The number and biomass of the microbial community in the upper humus horizon (0–20 cm) were determined in the main types of alluvial soils (mucky gley, desertified soddy calcareous, hydrometamorphic dark-humus soils) in the Volga River delta. Fungal mycelium and alga cells predominate in the biomass of the microorganisms (35–50% and 30–47%, respectively). The proportion of prokaryotes in the microbial biomass of the alluvial soils amounts to 2–6%. No significant seasonal dynamics in the number and biomass of microorganisms were revealed in the alluvial soils. The share of carbon of the microbial biomass in the total carbon content of the soil organic matter is 1.4–2.3% in the spring. High coefficients of microbial mineralization and oligotrophy characterize the processes of organic matter decomposition in the alluvial soils of the mucky gley, desertified soddy calcareous, and hydrometamorphic dark humus soil types.  相似文献   

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