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The state of microbial communities in gray-humus soils (Eutric Fluvic Arenosols (Ochric)) of pine stands in the city of Tolyatti after forest fires of 2010 is analyzed. It is shown that fires exert negative effects on the structure and metabolic activity of microbial communities in the postpyrogenic soils. The content of the carbon of microbial biomass and the intensity of microbial respiration in the upper organic horizons of the post-fire plots decrease by 6.5 and 3.4 times, respectively, in comparison with those in the soils of background plots. However, the fire has not affected the studied microbiological parameters of the soils at the depths of more than 10 cm. The maximum content of the carbon of microbial biomass carbon and the maximum intensity of microbial respiration have been found in the subsurface AY2 and АС horizons two–three years the fire. An increase in the microbial metabolic quotient (the ratio of soil respiration to microbial biomass) attests to the disturbance of the ecophysiological state of soil microbial communities after the pyrogenic impact.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the content and microbiological transformation of carbon and nitrogen compounds in the surface horizons of mountain tundra soils are considered in the postpyrogenic succession. The contents of total and labile carbon and nitrogen increase in the course of postpyrogenic soil evolution. At the same time, in the surface organic horizons, the carbon reserves, as compared to the nitrogen ones, are restored faster. The aerobic transformation of carbon compounds prevails at all the stages of the succession. The tolerance of soil organic matter toward mineralization increases as the ecosystem recovers after fire. However, this parameter reaches the values characteristic of the control soils no earlier than 60 years after the fire. The microbial communities of the podburs (Folic Podzols, Haplic Podzols) restore their functional activity fast enough after the fire (about three years). In the remote future, the effect of fire leads to an increase in the availability of soil nitrogen and in the soil ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Despite the temporary increase in the availability of mineral nitrogen (including nitrates) at early stages of the postpyrogenic restoration of soil systems, denitrification does not play a significant role in the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen.  相似文献   

The results of the studies of soil changes after the 2010 fires in the forest outliers of the city of Tolyatti have been reviewed. The morphological analysis of postpyrogenic soils has showed that the fire touched only the upper part of their profiles. It has been revealed that the surface fires favor the more intense loss of organic carbon than the crown fires (2.85 and 2.37%, respectively). However, the crown fires are more destructive for soils, because, first, they are a continuation of the surface fires and, second, sheet and linear water erosion of soils develops because of the complete denudation of the soil cover. It has been found that forest fires result in the dehumification of soils, which is related to the destruction of the organic horizons, the mineralization of root residues, and the almost complete absence of fresh plant waste on the postfire areas. The pyrogenic impact increases the portion of humic acids in the organic matter. Along with the transfer of the clay fraction, the translocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons resulting from the fires to the accumulative geochemical positions is also possible.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the effect of surface fires on the organic matter transformation in the gray-humus soils of pine forests were obtained in the southwestern part of the Baikal region. The application of methods of thermal analysis (such as differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry) made it possible to obtain qualitative and quantitative information about the decomposition (oxidation) of the components of the soil organic matter upon their heating. It was found that the organic matter content in the soils subjected to fires of high intensity decreased by 1.9 times in comparison with the control. In the litter horizons of the undisturbed soils, thermolabile components (mostly, oligo- and polysaccharides) comprised 61% of the organic matter, and the portion of thermostable components (aromatic compounds) was 39%. A significant decrease in the content of thermolabile components and an increase in the content of thermostable components (up to 62%) were observed in the organic matter of the postpyrogenic forest litter as a result of the charcoal formation during the fire.  相似文献   

Data on postpyrogenic dynamics of soils under mountainous taiga cedar (Pinus sibirica) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests and subtaiga–forest-steppe pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests in the Baikal region are analyzed. Ground litter–humus fires predominating in this region transform the upper diagnostic organic soil horizons and lead to the formation of new pyrogenic organic horizons (Opir). Adverse effects of ground fires on the stock, fractional composition, and water-physical properties of forest litters are shown. Some quantitative parameters of the liquid and solid surface runoff in burnt areas related to the slope gradient, fire intensity, and the time passed after the fire are presented. Pyrogenic destruction of forest ecosystems inevitably induces the degradation of mountainous soils, whose restoration after fires takes tens of years. The products of soil erosion from the burnt out areas complicate the current situation with the pollution of coastal waters of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Pyrogenic losses of carbon and nitrogen from the surface horizons of soils in shrub ecosystems of mountain tundra, which are the most affected by fires in natural environments, have been estimated in laboratory simulation tests. The specific features of pyrogenic transformation of the physical and chemical properties and microbiological processes after exposure to high temperatures simulating the effect of fires of different intensity have been identified. Pyrogenic nature of the impact depends not only on the intensity of a fire, but also on the soil type. Its impact on tundra soils leads only to short-term increases in CO2 emissions due to the destruction of pyrogenic organic compounds. A high level of fire impact leads to a significant reduction in microbiological processes in soils and shows no trend toward recovery in the long term, even under optimal conditions.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in organomineral and organic soils of the Meshchera National Park. It was found that the background oligotrophic peat soils unaffected by fires in central parts of the bogs are characterized by the increased PAH concentrations due to their high sorption capacity. The fires of 2007 and 2010 resulted in the transformation of the plant cover and soil morphology, the formation of new horizons, and the change in the PAHs content and composition. Significant burn-off of organic matter was found in oligotrophic-eutrophic soils and resulted in the decrease of PAHs content after fire. Only partial burn-off of organic horizons and intense formation of PAHs were recorded in the soil with initially great thickness of peat horizons. Pyrogenic accumulation of PAHs was identified in organomineral soils of the marginal parts of bogs and of forest sites.  相似文献   

The results of experimental investigations of the postpyrogenic dynamics of the widespread rawhumus podzols under Pinus sibirica forests in the southern Lake Baikal basin are discussed. Ground fires transform the diagnostic surface organic soil horizons into organic pyrogenic horizons (Opir, OL/Opir, and AOpir). The adverse effect of ground fires of different intensities on the changes in the reserves, the fractional composition of the litters, and the chemical composition of the organic horizons is shown. The soils of dark coniferous forests are inclined to long-lasting restoration. The Pinus sibirica regrowth under the canopy of deciduous species serves as the basis for the restoration of native stands and the formation of the soils characteristic of the southern part of the Lake Baikal basin.  相似文献   

The influence of forest fires on the properties of taiga brown, gley taiga brown, and alluvial bog soils widespread in the area of the Norskii Reserve (the Amur River basin) was studied. During several years after the fire, the humus content increased, especially in the soils subjected to fires of high intensity. In the soils of steep slopes, the humus content decreased due to damage to the forest vegetation and activation of lateral runoff after the fire. As a rule, in the soils subjected to fire, the C ha-to-C fa ratio increased and correlated with the fire intensity. Some relationships between the forest fires and the acid-base properties of the soils were revealed. After the fires, the pH values often became higher. The stronger the fire, the higher the pH values. The stony soils differed from the other ones, since the reaction of their upper horizons turned out to be more acid after the fires. The analysis of the authors’ and literature data showed that the pyrogenic changes of some soil properties have been poorly studied and need further investigation, including their geographical aspects.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of forest fire and post-fire stand recovery on the organic layer chemistry and solute release within mound and trough microrelief elements (termed earth hummock microtopography) that mainly distribute permafrost affected area, we chose five fire plots (larch forests burned in 1951, 1981, 1990, 1994 and 2005) paired with adjacent control plots in mature larch forests in Central Siberian permafrost terrain. We determined total carbon, nitrogen and ash content in solid organic soils, and analyzed total carbon, nitrogen, bases and major anions in water extracts. There was a significant correlation between water-extracted organic carbon (WEOC) and total carbon (kg m−2) in area basis, implying that the quantity of total carbon was a major factor in WEOC production. WEOC correlated negatively with pH, indicating strong control by organic horizons (organic solute leaching) on soil acidity and base cation dynamics. The sum of water extractable base cations was also correlated significantly to total carbon, indicating that cations can be released through organic matter decomposition. Organic horizons in troughs in burned plots released greater amounts of Ca, Mg and K than those in mounds, probably due to greater content of organic matter as a cation source. Anions including nitrate and phosphate and WEOC also accumulated in trough depressions, due probably to organic matter degradation. The contrasting distribution of solutes between mounds and troughs in burned plots seems to be controlled by organic horizon development via changes in microtopography after forest fires.  相似文献   

Fires in boreal forests frequently convert organic matter in the organic layer to black carbon, but we know little of how changing fire frequency alters the amount, composition and distribution of black carbon and organic matter within soils, or affects podzolization. We compared black carbon and organic matter (organic carbon and nitrogen) in soils of three Siberian Scots pine forests with frequent, moderately frequent and infrequent fires. Black carbon did not significantly contribute to the storage of organic matter, most likely because it is consumed by intense fires. We found 99% of black carbon in the organic layer; maximum stocks were 72 g m?2. Less intense fires consumed only parts of the organic layer and converted some organic matter to black carbon (> 5 g m?2), whereas more intense fires consumed almost the entire organic layer. In the upper 0.25 m of the mineral soil, black carbon stocks were 0.1 g m?2 in the infrequent fire regime. After fire, organic carbon and nitrogen in the organic layer accumulated with an estimated rate of 14.4 g C m?2 year?1 or 0.241 g N m?2 year?1. Maximum stocks 140 years after fire were 2190 g organic C m?2 and 40 g N m?2, with no differences among fire regimes. With increasing fire frequency, stocks of organic carbon increased from 600 to 1100 g m?2 (0–0.25 m). Stocks of nitrogen in the mineral soil were similar among the regimes (0.04 g m?2). We found that greater intensities of fire reduce amounts of organic matter in the organic layer but that the greater frequencies may slightly increase amounts in the mineral soil.  相似文献   

Boreal forest soils have the potential to sequester large amounts of carbon by accumulating charcoal from fire. Some suggest that sequestration rates could be large enough to account for some of the missing sink in the global CO2 budget, but further data on soil charcoal pools are necessary to adequately develop boreal carbon budgets under a changing climate and fire regime. The primary objective of this study was to determine the amount of charred wood in surface mineral soil horizons (Ah) of the Boreal Transition of Saskatchewan, a fire-prone grassland forest ecotone region of western Canada. A second objective was to use the charcoal data to infer vegetation dynamics and the development of these Ah horizons as a function of parent material type, i.e. glacio-fluvial, glacio-lacustrine and glacial till. The latter objective served to provide information in regards to future vegetation shifts and ecosystem C budgets of Boreal Plain ecosystems under climatic warming. The carbon fraction measured as charcoal is an important component of organic matter in Ah horizons of Chernozemic soils in Saskatchewan and differs from the classical model of humus fractions in Chernozems which suggests that it is a system created from microbial degradation of root litter only. The carbon sequestered as charcoal within the whole ecoregion was estimated at 36.1 Tg, which is the lower limit of the global annual rate of charcoal accumulation in terrestrial environments estimated from experimental fires. Charcoal pools were consistently lower in the fluvial soils relative to the lacustrine and till soils. We suggest a model where dry conditions and low water availability prevailing under the coarser fluvial soils during the Holocene favoured the dominance of low productivity herbaceous vegetation that led to a high ash to charcoal production ratio from fire and to the development of relatively thick Ah horizons through below ground additions of organic matter from root decay. We propose that the more available water in lacustrine and till soils favoured the growth of trembling aspen which, through less frequent/intense fires relative to grasslands and incomplete burning of the woody material, led to high charcoal accumulation rates in soil. The development of thick Ah horizons in lacustrine soils likely occurred during a warm and dry period of the early Holocene (i.e. the hypsithermal) when herbaceous vegetation invaded forested land or during dry spells in the mid to late Holocene (e.g. the Medieval Warm Period) when opening of forest canopies occurred, thus augmenting light transmission to the forest floor and favouring the growth of herbaceous vegetation in the understory. Such events did not create deep Ah horizons in the tills soils as a consistent rock impediment near the surface limited the penetration of understory roots at greater depth. These results suggest that fluvial sites my be the first shifting to herbaceous vegetation in the future due to climatic warming, followed by till sites and then lacustrine sites.  相似文献   

Organic-accumulative horizons above the permafrost table have been described in the profiles of cryozems developing on interfluve surfaces in the tundra zone of northern Yakutia. The organic matter content in these suprapermafrost horizons is comparable with or even exceeds the organic matter content in the surface horizons. The dynamics of seasonal thawing specify the annual involvement of the material of these horizons into the zone of active pedogenesis or its exclusion from it in the case of their frozen state. The analysis of the morphology of cryozems of the Kolyma Lowland along a 1000-km-long sublatitudinal transect shows that the accumulation and migration of raw organic materials (predominantly, differently decomposed peat) above the permafrost table take place upon the particular combinations of local factors (the soil moistening, ice content, freezing-thawing conditions, nanotopography of the permafrost table, etc.) at the lower boundary of the active layer. The well-pronounced accumulation of the raw organic material in the suprapermafrost horizons can be reflected in the substantive characteristics of these horizons and should be taken into account in classification decisions.  相似文献   

The agricultural lands of typic tundra of the Yamal Peninsula in Russia are pastures for reindeer (Rangifer tarandus sibiricus Murr.) herds. Currently, degradation of tundra soil cover is mainly caused by mechanical impacts of tracked vehicles used in construction operations. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in morphological, micro-structural, and physical properties of Cryozems and Cryogenic peaty soils affected by these tracked vehicles. Soil samples were taken from the surface and underlying horizons before and 5 years after four and 100 passes of tracked vehicles. Surface horizons (0–10 cm) of the undisturbed Cryozems and Cryogenic peaty soils were organogenic. Passage of tracked vehicles caused mixing of these horizons with lower sandy loam and loam mineral horizons. Properties of the organomineral horizons formed in this way differed essentially from those of the surface horizons of the undisturbed soils. Microaggregates were completely disturbed, even after only four passes of tracked vehicles. Large inter-aggregate pores disappeared and thin pores or cracks formed as a result of vehicle-induced mechanical impacts. Humification of plant residues was observed to be faster in the compacted organomineral horizons of disturbed soils compared with undisturbed ones. The organic substances formed in the compacted organomineral horizons readily moved downward within the soil profile or were lost during runoff events. High correlation coefficients of organic carbon content with both specific surface area and water retention showed that the above-mentioned organic substances were hydrophilic. Specific surface area and water retention of the disturbed soils rose with increasing organic carbon content. The results obtained in this study demonstrated a high susceptibility of Cryozems and Cryogenic peaty soils to mechanical impacts.  相似文献   

The variable effect of different types of forest fires on the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) was analysed by comparing burnt and unburnt soils from six forest ecosystems in central Spain by organic elemental analysis and solid‐state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Whole soil samples were collected 1 to 2 years after the fires and included one site affected by two fires within 2 years. The fire‐affected soils showed no common pattern with respect to the amount of additional carbon (Cadd) but at all sites, the fire enhanced the aromatic‐C content. The weakest fire intensity resulted in the greatest aromatic‐C enrichment factor, EFI(aromatic C) indicating the greatest local accumulation of char. The respective Cadd disclosed an EFI(aromatic C) to EFI(alkyl C) ratio, Bchar, of c.1, which supports a small degree of charring. Extensive combustion and volatilization at stronger fire intensities yielded a decrease of EFI(aromatic C) and an increase in Bchar. These trends are in good agreement with fire intensity and forest fuel combustibility in the various sites and therefore these indices could be used to elucidate the quality and quantity of char input that occurs during and after forest fires. No 13C NMR evidence for substantial inputs from non‐charred plant necromass was found for any of the single‐burn soils. The large carboxyl‐C content of Cadd is evidence of the occurrence of oxidation reactions very shortly after the fire. In comparing the single and double‐burn sites, no additional char input was observed for the double‐burn site, possibly because of complete combustion of young shrubs and char remains during the second fire. The large O‐alkyl‐C portion found in Cadd of the double‐burn soil is best explained by decreased litter degradation.  相似文献   

Periodic surface fires in the cryolithozone (the northern taiga subzone) are the main factor determining the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the soil organic matter. The specific features of the changes in the physicochemical parameters and microbial activity of the organic horizons in the cryogenic soils under larch forests of the northern taiga after the impact of high temperatures were revealed. The temperatures of fires of different intensity were simulated in laboratory conditions. The thermal impact on the litter organic matter during the surface fires may increase the CO2 emission from the surface of the soil in the postfire communities due to the destruction of organic compounds only for a short time. After fires of high intensity with strong mineralization of the litters, during a period of more than 1 month, the pyrogenic effect on the organic horizons of the soils under the larch forests of the cryolithozone determined the reduction of the CO2 emissions in the freshly burned areas as compared to the intact stands.  相似文献   

Natural fires on forest bogs significantly affect all the groups and fractions of peat organic matter. The type and intensity of the fires are responsible for the depth of the pyrogenic transformation of peat. In the course of thermal destruction of peat organic matter, humus substances (humic acids in particular) are accumulated, which leads to changes in the type of humus; the humus reserves may increase by 1.5–8 times. Several ways of the formation of humus components related to the intensity of a fire are suggested. The regressive evolution of bog ecosystems caused by fires is a reversible process. The humus status of pyrogenically transformed horizons and their morphology are preserved within the peat deposit as a relic characteristic of the discrete metamorphosis of the soils.  相似文献   

Although it is known that cool fire can result in carbon loss in organic soils, data are lacking on the effects of such fire on the distinctive lowland organic soils of the southern hemisphere and on the relationship of fire-induced carbon loss to topography. We established an experiment to determine the effects of a low severity burn on organic and total mass of soils, the position of the water table and vegetation cover. We recorded soil losses directly after the fire, after the first rain and after 4 years. We also recorded losses as a result of the first rain and at 4 years after a wildfire at another locality with the same vegetation and topography. We compared soil surface temperatures over summer between burned and unburned moorland. The planned fire resulted in substantial soil and carbon losses, which, up to 4 years after the wildfire, occurred mostly as a result of the fire itself and the first rains. The topographic wetness index was strongly related to soil and organic matter loss for the pooled data for both sites, while fire severity, slope and vegetation cover were less predictive. Burning increased dissolved organic material in streams; the depth of the water table; and, soil temperatures. The continuing soil loss on slopes 18 years after fire contrasts with faster recovery on the shelves and in the basins, reflecting a strong topographic component in variation. Fire is a major influence on the depth of the organic soils of the southern hemisphere, as in the northern hemisphere. The influence of fire on soils varies markedly between topographic positions, with the time interval between fires that would maintain organic soils in basins being markedly less than that necessary to maintain organic soils on slopes. The topographic effect appears to be a consequence of relative drying rather than relative exposure to water or aeolian erosion or differences in fire severity.  相似文献   

In the profiles of cryozems (Oxyaquic Turbic Cryosols) developing in tundra of northern Yakutia under conditions of shallow active layer, suprapermafrost horizons of the accumulation of raw organic matter are formed. Taking into account their genesis, stable and regular position in the soil profile, paragenetic links with the overlying horizons and neighboring soil profiles, and a set of diagnostic features and properties, these horizons can be separated as a new type of genetic soil horizons—the organomineral accumulative suprapermafrost horizon (CRO). Its qualitative composition (the ratio of organic and mineral matter in the material) can be reflected at a lower level. In relation to the separation of the new genetic horizon within the framework of the new Russian soil classification system, a new genetic types of soils—cryozem with suprapermafrost accumulation of raw organic matter (suprapermafrost organo-accumulative cryozem)—can be established. Its diagnostic profile has the following horizonation: (O, AO, T)–CR–CRO–┬C.  相似文献   

Temperate forest soils store large amounts of organic matter and are considered as net sinks for atmospheric carbon dioxide. Information about the sink strength and the turnover time of soil organic carbon (SOC) is required to assess the potential response of soils to climate change. Here we report on stocks, turnover times (TT) and accumulation of SOC in bulk soil and density fractions from genetic horizons of a Podzol in the Fichtelgebirge, Germany. Stocks of SOC, total nitrogen and exchangeable cations determined in nine quantitative soil pits strongly varied with stone content and thickness of horizons in both the organic layer and the mineral soil. On the basis of radiocarbon signatures, mean turnover times of 4, 9 and 133 years, respectively, were calculated for Oi, Oe and Oa horizons from three soil pits, using a non-steady-state model. The Oa horizons accumulated 4–8 g C m−2 year−1 whereas the Oi and Oe horizons were close to steady-state during the past decade. Free particulate organic matter (FPOM) was the most abundant fraction in the Oa and EA horizons with TT of 70–480 years. In the B horizons, mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) dominated with over 40% of total SOC and had TT of 390–2170 years. In contrast to other horizons, MAOM in the Bsh and Bs horizon had generally faster TT than occluded particulate organic matter (OPOM), possibly because of sorption of dissolved organic carbon by iron and aluminium oxides/hydroxides. Our results suggest that organic horizons with relatively short turnover times could be particularly vulnerable to changes in climate or other disturbances.  相似文献   

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