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The results of the radioecological survey in the high-mountain regions of the Great Caucasus at the heights from 2200 to 3800 m a.s.l. are considered. This survey encompassed the territories of Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Chechnya, Northern Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, and the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. The natural ?? background radiation in the studied regions is subjected to considerable fluctuations and varies from 6 to 40 ??R/h. The major regularities of the migration of natural radionuclides 238U, 232Th, 226Ra, and 40K in soils in dependence on the particular environmental conditions (the initial concentration of the radionuclides in the parent material; the intensity of pedogenesis; the intensity of the vertical and horizontal migration; and the geographic, climatic, and landscape-geochemical factors) are discussed.  相似文献   

Data on the agroecological evaluation of soils suitable for viniculture on the southeastern macroslope of the Great Caucasus in Azerbaijan are discussed. The quality of major soil types and subtypes has been assessed on the basis of special scales developed for the particular soil properties. The agroecological classes of soils have been specified, and the limiting and favorable ecological factors for winegrowing have been determined. On this basis, the areas with best ecological conditions for the development of viniculture have been outlined.  相似文献   

The status of tree vegetation in urban residential landscapes is worse than in natural forest ecosystems. The properties of the topsoil horizons undergo various transformations and the soil quality drops. The range of changes depends on the period of the settlement and the type of the use of the area. The most favorable conditions for plant development and the best ecological status of soils are seen in the regions with the shortest period of human habitation and low direct anthropogenic impact. Considerable degradation of chemical, biological, and physical soil properties in combination with high anthropogenic impact exerts an unfavorable effect on the status of soils and vegetation.  相似文献   

The published and author’s data on soil-forming conditions, morphology, substance composition and physicochemical properties, total chemical and mineralogical composition, and micromorphology of mountain-meadow soils of the Western Caucasus Range are analyzed. On the basis of the analytical data obtained, the transformation of minerals and features of chemical element profile patterns developed in the course of soil formation are characterized. The main processes accompanying the transformation of mineral and organic parts of the soil mass and migration of soil-formation products are described. Soil formation is shown to be accompanied by two major elementary soil processes developing with participation of soil biota: humus accumulation and clay formation. Ways to improve the classification of mountain-meadow soils are proposed.  相似文献   

The assessment of background concentrations of heavy metals in soils of the southern regions of the Komi Republic has been performed. Within the accumulative landscapes, soils are enriched with virtually all the studied heavy metals in comparison with the eluvial landscapes. A database of the content of heavy metals has been developed using GIS technologies, and maps showing the distribution of heavy metals in soils of the southern part of the Komi Republic have been obtained.  相似文献   

It was found that the average size of water-stable aggregates in irrigated soils varies in the range 0.23–2.0 mm, and the eroding flow velocity is 0.03–0.12 m/s. A five-point scale was used for assessing erosion resistance, predicting irrigation erosion, and developing erosion control measures on irrigated soils. According to this system, gray-brown soils and light sierozems were classified as the least erosion-resistant, sierozemic and meadow-sierozemic soils as low erosion-resistant, gray-cinnamonic soils as moderately erosion-resistant, mountain gray-cinnamonic soils as highly erosion-resistant, and steppe mountain cinnamonic soils as very highly erosion-resistant ones. The determination of the erosion resistance of soils is of great importance for assessing the erosion-resistance potential of irrigated areas and developing erosion control measures.  相似文献   


This study aimed to predict soil properties using visible–near infrared (VIS-NIR) spectroscopy combined with partial least square regression (PLSR) modeling. Special emphasis was given to evaluating effect of pre-processing methods on prediction accuracy and important wavelengths. A total of 114 samples were collected and involved in chemical and spectral analyzes. PLSR model of each soil property was calibrated for all pre-processing methods using all samples, and leave-one-out cross-validation was used to make comparisons between them. Then, PLSR model of each best pre-processing method was calibrated using a 75% of all samples and correspondingly validated with the remaining a 25%. Model accuracy was evaluated based on coef?cient of determination (R2), root mean-squared errors (RMSE), and residual prediction deviations (RPD). The high correlation coefficients were found between the tested soil properties and reflectance spectra. The pre-processing methods considerably improved prediction accuracy and filtering methods outperformed linearization methods, and the latter outperformed normalization methods. The performance of cross-validation, calibration and independent validation was similar. An excellent prediction (RPD>2.5) model was obtained for soil organic carbon (SOC) and calcium-carbonate (CaCO3), good quantitative (2.0< RPD<2.5) prediction for sand, silt, and clay, fair prediction (1.4< RPD<1.8) for pH, and poor prediction (1.0< RPD<1.4) for hygroscopic water content (WC). Important wavelengths varied depending on soil property, but some wavelengths were common. This study can be a precursor to building a pioneering soil spectral database, calibrating satellite data, and hyperspectral image mapping of soils as well as digital soil mapping, environmental, and erosion modeling in the Caucasus Mountains.  相似文献   

The ecological status of oil-contaminated soils of Sakhalin and their background analogues has been evaluated with the use of soil invertebrates. The survival rates of Enchytraeus albidus in soils with different textures and the contents of organic carbon and nutrients have been compared. The indicative role of soil mesofauna (Enchytraeus albidus) for the ecological evaluation of oil-contaminated soils with due account for their properties has been shown. The permissible residual concentration of oil hydrocarbons in some soils of Sakhalin—acid brown forest soils (Umbrisols), high-moor peat soils (Histosols), acid meadow alluvial soils (Fluvisols), cultivated meadow soddy soils (Anthrosols), and mucky-podzolic surface-gleyed soils (Gleysols)— has been determined from data on the response of Enchytraeus albidus to different levels of the soil contamination with oil hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The enzymatic activity; the microbial population; and the intensities of the nitrification, ammonification, CO2emission, and cellulose decomposition were studied in gray-brown, meadow-sierozemic, meadow-forest alluvial, and yellow (zheltozem) gley soils in the subtropical zone of Azerbaijan under natural vegetation, crop rotation systems with vegetables, and permanent vegetable crops. On this basis, the biological diagnostics of these soils were suggested and the soil ecological health was evaluated. It was shown that properly chosen crop rotation systems on irrigated lands make it possible to preserve the fertility of the meadow-forest alluvial and zheltozem-gley soils and to improve the fertility of the gray-brown and meadow-sierozemic soils.  相似文献   

The results of comprehensive investigations into the soil-forming conditions, morphology, substantive composition, physicochemical properties, bulk elemental composition, and mineralogy of mountainous meadow-steppe soils of the Eastern Caucasus region are discussed. The analysis of the obtained and published data has shown that the formation of these soils takes place in a relatively arid high-mountain environment from the coarse-textured eluvium of noncalcareous rocks. Two major pedogenetic processes with the participation of soil biota—humus accumulation and argillization—are responsible for their origin. Suggestions for improving the classification of mountainous meadow-steppe soils are given.  相似文献   

The biological properties of the most widespread automorphic and hydromorphic soils of cultural and native cenoses in the Terskii variant of the altitudinal zonality (Kabardino-Balkaria) are compared. The data on the humus reserves in the 0- to 20-cm soil layer and those on the carbon content in the microbial biomass calculated on the basis of the results of substrate-induced respiration measurements are presented. The share of carbon in the microbial biomass of the total organic carbon in the soils was determined. Long-term (more than 70 years) farming on the studied soils significantly changed their biological properties. The humus content and its reserves became lower by 25–40%. The physiological activity of the microbial biomass in the cultural soils decreased by more than 60%. Presently, the soils of the cultural cenoses function as an entire natural system, but at a lower level of fertility; the loss of more than 30% of the bioorganic potential (the critical threshold of soil system stability) indicates the disturbance of soil ecological functions, their stability, and the capability of self-restoration.  相似文献   

Original and literature data on the soil-forming conditions and the morphology, physicochemical properties, and bulk chemical and mineralogical composition of mountainous meadow chernozem-like soils of the North Caucasus region indicate that these soils are developed from the coarse-textured pebbly colluvium of calcareous bedrock under the impact of humus accumulation and clay formation. The intensity of these processes is directly related to the activity of soil biota. Suggestions aimed at improving the classification of high-mountain soils are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of a long-term study of the dynamics of taxonomic groups of microorganisms in irrigated soils of the subtropical zone of Azerbaijan under rotation with vegetable and forage crops and under continuous growing of these crops are discussed. It is shown that the maximum population density of the microorganisms consuming organic nitrogen is typical of the alluvial meadow-forest and yellow ferralitic gley soils. The population density of microorganisms is lower and the mineralization coefficient is higher in the soils under continuous crops as compared with the analogous soils under the crop rotation system.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphic, radiocarbon, macro- and micromorphological, particle-size, and other analyses have been applied to reconstruct the Holocene evolution of soils and landscapes on the high- and mediumlevel floodplains of the Nepryadva River in the Kulikovo field area. It is shown that the soils buried within the thickness of alluvial sediments on the high- and medium-level floodplains were formed in different times and had their own evolution patterns; the polygenetic nature of these soils is demonstrated. The development of floodplain landscapes in the Holocene was affected by the long-term climatic fluctuations. The bed of the high floodplain was formed during the Late Valdai glacial stage. The beginning of the development of an intricate sequence of buried soils and sediments of the floodplain dates back to the Boreal period. This pedosedimentary sequence in the studied area can be referred to as the Kulikovo sequence. In the course of its formation, the pedogenic stages with a predominant development of soils alternated with the lithogenic stages of active alluviation and deposition of colluvial deposits from adjacent slopes on the floodplain.  相似文献   

The results of six-year-long observations of the chemical composition of lysimetric waters from soils of three biogeocenoses (forest, meadow, and agrocenosis) in the vicinity of the Ivan’kovo water reservoir were analyzed. It was found that the lysimetric waters of in the three biogeocenoses belonged to the class of fresh calcium-bicarbonate waters. Some differences in chemical compositions of these waters were identified; these differences were due to the impact of biogenic, lithogenic, and anthropogenic factors on the soils in which these waters were formed.  相似文献   

The ratio of 32S/34S stable isotopes was determined for soils developed on the Maikop clay sediments in the North Caucasus region in order to study the salt geochemistry in the soils. The soil sulfates were proved to be polygenetic. Three groups (generations) of sulfates of different geneses were distinguished according to their isotopic composition (34S). In the underlying deposits and, partially, in the salt-bearing horizons of the soils, secondary sulfates originated from the oxidation of sulfides contained in the marine clay predominate. In the soil profiles, the sulfates inherited from the parent material (marine clay) are mixed with sulfates arriving with the atmospheric precipitation. The portion of the latter reaches about 30% of the total amount of sulfates in the soils. The salt (gypsum)-bearing horizons were formed in the course of the eluvial-illuvial redistribution of salts to the depth of seasonal wetting. The mobilization of sulfate salts from the underlying deposits and their transport to the upper parts of the soil profile with ascending water flows in the course of evaporation from the soil surface did not play a significant role in the accumulation of sulfates in the studied soils.  相似文献   

中国东北地区盐渍土的生态分区   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
本文立足于盐渍土资源的合理开发利用,对地区内盐渍土进行生态分区:Ⅰ.苏打盐渍区,下分三江平原、松嫩平原、呼伦贝尔高平原,西辽河沙丘平原和辽河冲积平原等五个生态片;Ⅱ.氯化物盐渍区,下分一个滨海生态片.重点讨论了各生态片土壤的改良措施和利用途径.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in organomineral and organic soils of the Meshchera National Park. It was found that the background oligotrophic peat soils unaffected by fires in central parts of the bogs are characterized by the increased PAH concentrations due to their high sorption capacity. The fires of 2007 and 2010 resulted in the transformation of the plant cover and soil morphology, the formation of new horizons, and the change in the PAHs content and composition. Significant burn-off of organic matter was found in oligotrophic-eutrophic soils and resulted in the decrease of PAHs content after fire. Only partial burn-off of organic horizons and intense formation of PAHs were recorded in the soil with initially great thickness of peat horizons. Pyrogenic accumulation of PAHs was identified in organomineral soils of the marginal parts of bogs and of forest sites.  相似文献   

The content and composition of the lignin phenols in plants and soils of vertical natural zones were studied in the Northern Caucasus region and Northwestern Tien Shan. Three types of lignin transformation were revealed: steppe, forest, and meadow ones. It was shown that the degree of oxidation of the biopolymer during the transformation of organic matter increased when going from the living plant tissues to humic acids in surface and buried soils. The portion of lignin fragments remained unchanged during the biopolymer transformation in the following series: plant tissues-falloff-litter-soil-humic acids-buried humic acids. It was also shown that the biochemical composition of the plants had a decisive effect on the structure of the humic acids in the soils. The quantitative analysis of the lignin phenols and the 13C NMR spectroscopy proved that the lignin in higher plants was involved in the formation of specific compounds of soil humus, including aliphatic and aromatic molecular fragments. The first analysis of the lignin content and composition in buried soils of different ages was performed, and an increase in the degree of oxidation of the lignin structures was revealed in the soil chronoseries. It was proposed to use the proportions of lignin phenols in surface and buried soils as diagnostic criteria of the vegetation types in different epochs.  相似文献   

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