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为了解茶树主要食叶类害虫灰茶尺蠖(EctropisgrisescensWarren)雌成虫的内外生殖器结构特征,通过解剖切片和显微观察的方法,明确了雌成虫内外生殖器主要由1对卵巢、1对侧输卵管、1根中输卵管、1个受精囊、附腺、产卵孔、交配囊及其附属结构、导精管、表皮突和肛突等组成。卵巢小管8根,左右对称;交配囊呈典型袋状结构,内有表面布满刺状突的心型交尾囊片,且囊片左右两侧16根刺状突呈对称分布;后表皮突较细长,似铲状。切片观察可知,卵巢管滋养细胞和卵母细胞交替排列,为典型的多滋式;产卵器内有发达的性腺等。掌握灰茶尺蠖雌成虫生殖器结构,对其卵巢发育级别划分、田间预测预报、近缘种的鉴定以及性信息素的研究等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

椰子木蛾(Opisina arenosella Walker)是棕榈科植物的一种重要害虫。为阐明椰子木蛾成虫内外生殖系统结构以及卵巢发育,以显微解剖的方法,对其进行了研究。结果表明,椰子木蛾雄成虫内生殖系统由睾丸、贮精囊、输精管、双射精管、单射精管和附腺组成,外生殖系统由钩形突、颚形突、抱握器、阳茎轭片、阳茎和囊形突构成。雌成虫内生殖系统包括卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、受精囊和生殖附腺,外生殖系统由产卵器、导精管和交配囊组成。雌性生殖系统的发育分为成熟待产期(Ⅰ级)、产卵初期(Ⅱ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅲ级)和产卵末期(Ⅳ级)4个级别。详细了解椰子木蛾成虫生殖系统结构特征,对其田间预测预报以及种间鉴定具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

温度对茶尺蠖繁殖力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响茶尺蠖种群消长动态的生态因子较多也较复杂,如气象、生物、耕作制度等等,其中,温度是一项十分重要的气象因子。温度对茶尺蠖幼虫、蛹生存的影响较小(除越冬代外),但对成虫交尾、产卵及卵的孵化,即对茶尺蠖繁殖力的影响很大。笔者于1992年就温度对茶尺蠖繁殖力的影响作了初步研究,现将结果报告如下。 材料与方法 1.正常雌蛾及其产卵量观察 在室内连续饲养各代(不同温度下)茶尺蠖,待成虫大量羽化时,取500mL广口玻璃瓶,瓶内放入一长10cm、宽2cm两层用订书机订合稍硬的纸条,每瓶接入雌、雄蛾一对,用纸和橡皮筋扎住瓶口饲养,雌蛾会将卵产在纸条的缝隙中。如雌蛾未产卵或产卵极少而雄蛾先死亡,则应再接入一头雄蛾。在不同的温度下每次饲养25~30对,待成虫全部死亡,从瓶内取出纸条,将两层纸分开,用小号毛笔将卵轻轻刷在培养皿中,在解剖镜下检查卵粒数。 正常的雌蛾即使不交尾也能产少量卵,因此,只要能产卵的均记为正常雌蛾。  相似文献   

茶尺蠖(Ectropis obliqua Prout)是我国茶园重要害虫,分布于各茶区,年发生面积在百万亩以上,常造成茶叶大幅减产。室内大量饲养昆虫是一项重要的基础性工作。为了满足药剂筛选试验和病毒繁殖生产的需求,每年需室内连续饲养数万头茶尺蠖。目前,在茶尺蠖大量饲养过程中,卵及幼虫期的饲养技术相对成熟,成虫产卵期是制约饲养量的关键时期。研究表明,在恒温适宜条件下,昆虫卵及幼虫的饲养成活率很高,但成虫产卵量不及自然变温条件。由于茶尺蠖在高温条件下(平均温度28℃以上)不产卵,大量饲养通常只在春秋两季自然变温条件下进行,这极大地限制了茶尺蠖大量饲养的数量。在工厂化繁育条件(控制温度、湿度和光照)下如何获得茶尺蠖高产卵量是茶尺蠖大量饲养中亟待解决的一个问题,而目前尚无这方面的研究报道。为此开展了温度、光照、补充营养等条件对茶尺蠖成虫产卵的影响研究,为工厂化连续大量饲养茶尺蠖提供依据。  相似文献   

茶银尺蠖[Scopula subpunctaria (Herrich-Schaeffer)]是危害茶树的常见害虫之一。为了更好地在实验室内饲养此害虫,获得大量供试虫源,研究了补充不同营养对茶银尺蠖成虫寿命和产卵量的影响。结果表明,成虫补充10%蜂蜜水和10%糖水时,雌成虫平均单雌产卵量显著提高,分别为(152.5±16.83)粒和(177.5±19.01)粒;产卵期显著延长,分别为(17.8±1.08) d和(21.4±1.27) d。补充不同营养对雌成虫产卵期和产卵后期有显著影响,但对产卵前期影响不显著。补充10%糖水时,雌成虫的寿命最长,为(29.1±1.41) d,显著高于其他处理;而在10%蜂蜜水、水和对照处理下,雌成虫寿命分别为(23.8±1.15)、(14.4±0.48)、(6.3±0.37) d。补充10%糖水和10%蜂蜜水时,雄成虫的寿命分别为(21.3±0.93) d和(19.5±1.20) d,显著高于水和空白对照处理。在每个处理下,雌成虫的寿命均高于雄成虫。综上所述,10%糖水可作为成虫补充营养的最佳选择。  相似文献   

通过对茶尺蠖的性行为习性进行详细观察,掌握茶尺蠖性信息素释放规律。结果显示,雌雄成虫寿命分别为5.33、4.31天;羽化主要集中在18:00~凌晨2:00,而交尾时间在21:00~24:00,其中23:00左右是交尾高峰。结果表明,雌成虫有多次产卵现象,雄成虫具有多次交尾行为;采集性信息素的最佳时间在雌成虫羽化后第2天的22:30左右.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨茶尺蠖性引诱剂对成虫的引诱效果。[方法]把茶尺蠖性引诱剂诱捕器置于历年茶尺蠖Ectropis grisescens Warren为害较重的茶园,每放4个有诱芯的诱捕器,放1个无诱芯的诱捕器作对照。[结果]茶尺蠖性引诱剂1个诱捕器每晚诱到成虫,最多的为6头,有时0头,平均1.19~3.69头。诱到的茶尺蠖成虫以灰翅型的为主,占89.83%~94.07%,黑翅型的仅有5.93%~10.17%。[结论]性引诱剂对茶尺蠖成虫有较好的引诱效果,可作为防控茶尺蠖的措施之一。  相似文献   

程永祥 《中国茶叶》2020,(4):55-56,59
茶尺蠖是临安的主要茶园害虫之一,调查显示近半个世纪茶尺蠖在该地区呈间断性暴发,茶园生产措施和海拔高度对其发生为害程度有影响;成虫体色变化与海拔高度有关联,低海拔地区成虫灰、黑体色同存,高海拔地区成虫只有灰体色。本文结合生产实际,提出了防控茶尺蠖暴发的对策措施。  相似文献   

灰茶尺蠖[Ectropis grisescens (Warren)]与茶尺蠖[Ectropis obliqua (Prout)]为茶园两种重要的食叶性害虫,严重影响茶叶的产量和品质。利用年龄-阶段两性生命表,在室内测定两种尺蠖的生长发育指标及年龄-阶段特征存活率、雌成虫年龄-阶段特征繁殖力、年龄-阶段特征寿命期望值、年龄-阶段特征繁殖值和种群参数,并分析各参数的差异。结果表明,灰茶尺蠖的1、2、4、5龄幼虫发育历期、幼虫总历期、蛹期及成虫寿命(分别为3.22、2.55、1.43、4.56、15.34、7.98、7.59 d)均显著低于茶尺蠖(分别为4.07、3.05、2.16、5.71、18.83、8.88、10.65 d);灰茶尺蠖2~5龄幼虫存活率(分别为100.00%、95.00%、62.00%和96.00%)均高于茶尺蠖(分别为93.00%、71.00%、45.00%和80.00%);灰茶尺蠖平均世代周期(32.412 d)显著短于茶尺蠖(36.016 d)。灰茶尺蠖年龄-阶段特征存活率、内禀增长率比茶尺蠖高,平均世代周期(T)比茶尺蠖短,其种群能更迅速扩增。研究结果为灰茶尺蠖和茶尺蠖室内种群饲养提供基础数据,为两近缘种的竞争机制及种群控制策略选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为获得灰茶尺蠖(Ectropis grisescens Warren)的趋光/避光反应特征、光谱反应范围及性别差异,采用光行为学的方法研究了370~600 nm范围内的18种不同波长的单色光对成虫趋光、避光反应行为的影响。结果显示,各单色光均能引起灰茶尺蠖成虫一定的趋光或避光反应,雌虫在橙光(600~605 nm)、绿光(520~525 nm)、紫光(370~375 nm)范围内趋光性明显;雄虫在绿光(520~525 nm)、紫光(395~400 nm和390~395 nm)范围内趋光性明显;雌虫在冰蓝青光(490~495 nm)、蓝光(440~450 nm)和红光(660~665 nm)范围内避光性明显;雄虫在紫光(400~405 nm)、蓝光(440~450 nm)、冰蓝青光(490~495 nm)和自然白光(CK)范围内避光率较高。研究表明,灰茶尺蠖成虫对不同波长光的趋、避性存在差异,性别对其光谱行为反应有一定的影响。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evidence supports the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in a variety of male reproductive processes such as spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis, sperm motion, sperm metabolism and sperm capacitation. However, low concentration of NO is essential in biology and physiology of spermatozoa, but high amounts of NO is toxic and has negative effects on sperm functions. On the other hand, it is established that high amounts of NO have detrimental effects on DNA. The integrity of sperm DNA is an important factor in successful fertility and embryo development. It is hypothesized that supra physiological concentrations of NO in seminal plasma cause sperm DNA damage. The aim of this study was to determine sperm DNA damage by comet assay and its correlation with NO level in seminal plasma of fertile and infertile men. METHODS: Semen samples were collected from 45 patients and 70 healthy donors. The stable metabolites of NO (nitrite and nitrate) in seminal plasma were measured by Griess assay and DNA damage was determined using single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay method. RESULTS: The NO concentration in the seminal plasma of infertile males was significantly higher than fertile males (5.74+/-1.01 microM/L vs. 3.88+/-0.53 microM/L). There was a significant positive correlation between the NO concentration and sperm DNA comet value in infertile males (P<0.01, R=0.598). CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the overproduction of NO in genital tract of infertile males has a potential pathogenetic role in the reduction of sperm DNA integrity.  相似文献   

In the industrial world, almost everyone is unavoidably exposed to ambient electromagnetic field (EMF) generated from various technical and household appliances. Controversy exists about the effects of EMF on various tissues of the living bodies. Seminal vesicles as one of these accessory glands play an important role in natural seminal fluid formation and the effects of EMF on its tissue is worthy of investigation. In order to examine this 30 rat were selected and kept for one weeks in quarantine and 15 (experimental group) were exposed to 50 Hz (non-ionizing radiation) during postnatal life for 2 months. The materials were processed and observed under a light and transmission electron microscope. In the experimental rats epithelial and basal cells showed significant destructions presented by heterochromatin and dense nuclei. Cell debris and abnormal areas was recognizable in the stromal connective tissue. Obvious vacuolization was present within the epithelial cell cytoplasm and also between the cellular organelles. The nuclei of the endothelial cells of the blood vessels were more rigid and endothelial cell cytoplasm contained a lot of vacuoles and pinoctotic vesicles. The results suggested that EMF exposure may cause profound changes in the vesicle seminal tissues. Therefore exposure to EMF may result in pathological changes that lead to sub fertility and infertility.  相似文献   

The male factor is considered a major contributory factor to infertility. Apart from the conventional causes for male infertility such as varicocoele, cryptorchidism, infections, obstructive lesions, cystic fibrosis, trauma and tumours, a new and important cause has been identified as being responsible for the so-called idiopathic male infertility: oxidative stress. Oxidative Stress (OS) is a condition that occurs when the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) overwhelms the antioxidant defense produced against them. In male reproductive pathological conditions, the OS significantly impairs spermatogenesis and sperm function, which may lead to male infertility. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) known as free radicals are oxidizing agents generated as a result of metabolism of oxygen and have at least one unpaired electron that make them very reactive species. Spermatozoa generate Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in physiological amounts, which play a role in sperm functions during sperm capacitation, Acrosome Reaction (AR) and oocyte fusion, but they need to be controlled and their concentrations maintained at a level that is not deleterious to the cells. Administration of antioxidants in patients with 'male factor' infertility has begun to attract considerable interest. The main difficulty of such an approach is our incomplete understanding of the role of free radicals in normal and abnormal sperm function leading to male infertility. The purpose of the present review is to address the relationship between ROS and idiopathic male factor infertility.  相似文献   

大豆异黄酮具有雌激素样作用和抗雌激素样作用,其是否对雄性生殖系统产生副作用仍存在争论.文章综述了大豆异黄酮对雄性动物生殖性能的影响,包括对生殖器官、生殖激素以及性行为等的影响,为提高畜禽的繁殖性能以及为人类合理、健康、安全利用大豆产品提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether injections of Cloprostenol (PGF2alpha analog) in low libido Holstein bulls can improve seminal characteristics and libido. Ten low libido Iranian Holstein bulls were randomly assigned to two groups and received; (1) 250 microg ofCloprostenol (n=5) or (2) 2 mL of saline (n=5) 30 min prior to collection of semen 2 days per week for 2 months. Reaction time was significantly decreased in treatment group. Duration of ejaculation was significantly increased in treatment group. Semen volume and sperm concentration were greater in treated bulls in compare with controls. The percentage of morphologically normal sperm cells, percentage of live sperm cells, motile sperm cells and post-thaw motile sperm cells were not affected by treatment. Plasma testosterone concentrations were increased approximately two fold after Cloprostenol injection. Overall, injection of Cloprostenol at this dosage and frequency increased libido, semen volume, sperm concentration and plasma testosterone concentration in low libido Holstein bulls.  相似文献   

Summary TwoPythium spp. were isolated from diseased tubers exhibiting rots at harvest, in summer stores and also in refrigerated storage. Symptoms shared features described for both pink rot caused byPhytophthora erythroseptica and leak caused byPythium spp. The causal agents were identified asPythium aphanidermatum andP. ultimum by morphological and physiological observations and by fingerprinting using oomycete specific primers to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) within ribosomal DNAs. The optimum temperatures for infection were 30°C forP. aphanidermatum and 25°C forP. ultimum, corresponding to the optimum temperatures for growth in vitro. The optimum concentration for infection of tubers inoculated by dipping in a suspension of oospores or hyphal swellings after wounding was found to be 103 reproductive organs/ml, whereas the infection threshold was 10 reproductive organs/ml.  相似文献   

华北春芝麻不同栽培条件对干物质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对华北春芝麻区不同栽培条件下芝麻干物质的积累、分配、转移规律进行了研究,结果表明:(1)芝麻生殖器官干重与总干物质变化一致,随生育进程而增加;(2)干物质分配,苗期以营养器官为主,蕾期、花期营养器官与生殖器官并进,以后叶片中的干物质越来越多地转移到生殖器官;(3)封顶期叶片仍保持一定的绿叶面积,能继续供给生殖器官干物质;(4)地膜覆盖比露地栽培更有利于干物质的积累、分配、转移;(5)探讨了高产生理指标。  相似文献   

The genus Lesquerella is a promising source of hydroxy fatty acids (HFA). Several species such as Lesquerella fendleri and Lesquerella mendocina are candidate crops for arid and semi-arid cropping systems. Several reports are available on the environmental effects on growth and yield in Lesquerella, but information on the effect of temperature on plant growth and development specifically during the reproductive period in Lesquerella is limited. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of two contrasting thermal regimes after flowering on time to maturity, plant growth and biomass allocation to the different organs in L. fendleri and L. mendocina. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with plants grown at a range of 11–23 °C during the vegetative phase. After this stage, 50% of the plants of each species remained under the same temperature regime until maturity, whereas the other 50% was transferred to another module subjected to a range of 17–31 °C until maturity. The duration of the reproductive phase was reduced by 23 days in plants of both species in the 17–31 °C treatment compared to those at 11–23 °C, although no differences were observed when the length of the reproductive phase was measured in thermal-time units. Total plant biomass for both species was 20% greater in the 11–23 °C treatment. In L. fendleri, this increment occurred due to more vegetative shoot biomass, whereas in L. mendocina it was associated with greater reproductive and root biomass. No changes in biomass allocation were produced by temperature in L. fendleri, while in L. mendocina the lower temperature regime increased allocation to the reproductive organs, at the expense of a lower allocation to vegetative shoot. These results could be used to predict the specific temperature effects after flowering on yield under field conditions, and suggest that L. mendocina might be a promising perennial alternative for cooler sites.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):390-394

The mesocotyl and lower internodes of seedlings are underground organs that play a possible role in water absorption and transport. The aim of this study is to reexamine and understand further the anatomy and morphology of mesocotyls and lower internodes in rice, especially in terms of the existence of Casparian bands. Anatomical structures of mesocotyl and lower internodes tissue of rice seedlings were observed by light and fluorescence microscopy. The rice mesocotyl had two central cylinders, one is large and the other small, in the cross section. Casparian bands were observed in both the endodermis and exodermis of the mesocotyl, and also in the endodermis of the first internode. Furthermore, some bundles with intermediate xylem differentiation were observed between the exarch and endarch arrangement in the first internodes. Casparian bands were identified in the radial walls of cells surrounding each of these bundles. The second internode is quite similar to that of upper internodes in adult plants with respect to internal structure; scattered vascular bundles were seen as in monocotyledons. In the second internode, Casparian bands were seen in the radial cell walls of the bundle sheaths in each vascular bundle. Unlike the mesocotyl, Casparian bands were not observed in the hypodermis of the first or second internodes. The results show that the histological features of the mesocotyl and lower internodes of rice seedlings widely differed. In addition, the present study provides anatomical evidence for the existence of Casparian bands in both the mesocotyl and lower internodes of rice seedlings.  相似文献   

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