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The difficulty in matching the herbage requirements of grazing dairy cows to herbage production, due mainly to the unpredictability of the latter., causes stocking rates to be too low for maximum per hectare production and, thus, cows to be underfed at certain times in the grazing season. Conserved forage may be used as a supplement for grazing dairy cows in order to reduce variation in forage intake by the cow, to allow pasture stocking rates to be increased and to increase the efficiency of land use. The effect of offering conserved forage with herbage on intakes and production is reviewed in comparison to both ad libitum and restricted herbage. Total nutrient intakes and milk fat + protein yields are reduced for cows offered herbage and supplementary forage compared with cows offered ad libitum herbage, but increased compared with cows offered a restricted herbage level. Increasing pasture stocking rates may allow increases in utilized metabolizable energy levels from grassland but further research is needed in this area. Both grass and maize silage supplements offer potential for increasing the efficiency of land use, but in the case of grass silage this is only achieved in the best management practices.  相似文献   

A straw/concentrate mixture was offered to set-stocked dairy cows over a 24-week period. The cows were offered grazed herbage only (G), or grazed herbage with a straw/concentrate supplement offered either for 45 min after each milking (B), or overnight (P). The overnight treatment involved housing the cows between afternoon and morning milking. The straw/concentrate mixture contained 0·33 long barley straw, 0·28 barley, 0·12 soya bean meal, 0·25 molaferm and 0·02 minerals. During the first 8 weeks of the experiment an average of 2·25 kg of concentrate were fed, and from weeks 9–24, 2·0 kg of concentrate were fed.
The feeding of the straw/concentrate mixture led to a decrease in estimated herbage dry matter (DM) intake, particularly for treatment P. Estimated total DM intakes were increased throughout the experiment by offering the straw/concentrate mixture. However, total metabolizable energy (ME) intakes were only increased in mid-and late season.
Milk yield was higher in early season for treatment G; 28·1 kg d−1 compared to 26·8 kg d−1 and 25·5 kg d−1 for treatments B and P respectively. In late season the cows in treatment G had lower milk yields; 13·3 kg d−1 compared to 15·5 kg d−1 and 16·8 kg d−1 for treatments B and P respectively. Milk fat content was increased in early season in treatment P, and milk protein content tended to be reduced throughout the experiment for cows offered the straw/concentrate mixture overnight. Over the whole experiment there were no differences in yield of milk solids.  相似文献   

Over a 24-week period during the 1986 summer, three groups of January- to March-calving dairy cows were either grazed conventionally (G) or grazed between morning and afternoon milkings and housed overnight and offered grass silage (Si) or a straw/concentrate mixture (St) ad libitum. The straw/concentrate mixture contained proportionately, 0-33 long barley straw, 0·28 ground barley, 0·12 soya bean meal, 0·25 molaferm and 0·22 minerals. The metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) contents of the silage fed in weeks 1-8 and weeks 9-24 were 9-5 and 10−6 MJ kg MD−1 and 160 and 191 g kg DM−1 respectively. The straw mix had an ME content of 10−1 MJ kg DM−1 and CP content of 134 g kg DM−1. Partial storage feeding with silage or a straw/concentrate mixture led to a decrease in estimated herbage DM intake. The feeding of the straw/concentrate mixture increased total DM intake, but the estimated total ME intake was similar for treatments G and St. The intakes (kg DM d−1) for treatments G, Si and St were respectively, herbage 11·7,6·8,4·1; total l3·5,13·6,15·0; total ME intake (MJd−1) 163, 155, 163.
Animal performance was, for treatments G, Si and St respectively: milk yield (kg d−1) 19·2, 17·5, 19·1 (s.e.d. 0-87); milk fat content (g kg−1) 36·9, 37·6, 37.1 (s.e.d. 1.22); milk protein content (g kg−1) 35·3, 32·9, 33·4 (s.e.d. 0·76).  相似文献   

For three 8-week periods of the grazing season 48 spring-calving cows were continuously stocked at either a high or a low rate (average 4.9 and 4.3 cows ha−1 respectively) which declined through the season. Within each stocking rate group half the cows were allowed access to hay for 45 min after morning milking; the other half received no hay.
Total dry matter (DM) intakes were increased by offering hay, and intakes of hay were greater at the high stocking rate and during prolonged periods of inclement weather. However, there were times when, because of low herbage height and adverse weather, offering hay once daily could not prevent a decline in total DM intake. Grazing time was reduced and ruminating time increased by offering hay, but the rate of biting at pasture was unaffected. Hay DM was eaten at twice the rate of intake of herbage DM.
Offering hay increased milk yield in early season and liveweight gain in late season. The benefits of offering hay were greatest for the higher yielding cows. There were no significant effects on milk composition.
Stocking rate had only small effects on herbage height, but stocking at the higher rate tended to reduce herbage DM intake and reduced live-weight gain in late season. Levels of utilized metabolizable energy from grazed herbage were high (average 106 GJ ha−1) but were reduced by feeding hay and stocking at the lower rate.  相似文献   

Concentrate supplementation of grazing dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments are described in which twenty-four spring-calving Dutch Friesian cows were allocated between six grazing treatments (two levels of daily herbage allowance × three levels of daily concentrate intake) in a 2 × 3 factorial design. The swards consisted predominantly of perennial ryegrass. A two-machine sward-cutting technique (with correction for herbage accumulation during grazing) was used for estimating herbage intake by cows which grazed swards for 3 or 4d. Experiment 1 was carried out for 16 weeks of the grazing season of 1981 and experiment 2 for 18 weeks in 1982.
Daily herbage OM allowances in both experiments were 16 and 24 kg per cow above 4 cm cutting height. Daily concentrate OM intake ranged from 0.8 to 5.6 kg per cow. The effect of concentrates on herbage intake differed significantly between allowances. At the low allowance level and at daily concentrate OM intakes of 0.8, 3.2 and 5.6 kg per cow daily herbage OM intake was 10.9, 10.6 and 10.4 kg per cow respectively and the mean substitution rate of herbage by concentrates was only 0.1. At the high allowance level and at daily concentrate OM intakes of 0.8, 3.2 and 5.6 kg per cow daily herbage OM intake was 14.8, 13.6 and 12.4 kg per cow respectively and mean substitution rate was 0.5 kg herbage OM (kg concentrate OM)−1.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to examine the effect of supplement type on herbage intake, total dry matter (DM) intake, animal performance and nitrogen utilization with grazing dairy cows. Twenty‐four spring‐calving dairy cows were allocated to one of six treatments in a partially balanced changeover design with five periods of four weeks. The six treatments were no supplement (NONE), or supplementation with either grass silage (GS), whole‐crop wheat silage (WS), maize silage (MS), rapidly degradable concentrate (RC) or slowly degradable concentrate (SC). Cows were rotationally grazed with a mean herbage allowance of 20·5 kg DM per cow per day, measured above 4 cm. Forage supplements were offered for approximately 2 h immediately after each morning milking, with cows on NONE, RC and SC treatments returning to the grazing paddock immediately after milking. Cows on treatment MS had a significantly higher supplement DM intake than the other treatments but a significantly lower grass DM intake than the other treatments, resulting in no significant difference in total DM intake when compared with cows on treatments WS, RC and SC. Concentrate type had no significant effect on herbage intake, milk yield, milk composition or yield of milk components. The yield of milk fat and milk protein was significantly higher on treatments MS, RC and SC compared with treatments NONE, GS and WS. The results indicate that despite a relatively high substitution rate, maize silage can be a useful supplement for the grazing dairy cow.  相似文献   

Matching grass supply to grazing patterns for dairy cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four groups of five spring-calving Holstein–Friesian cows were given a daily grass allowance in a strip-grazing system after either morning (AM; two groups) or afternoon (PM; two groups) milking over a 10-week period. The dry-matter (DM) concentration of the grass tended to be higher after afternoon milking [AM, 178 vs. PM, 197 g DM (s.e.d. 5·32) kg–1 fresh matter], and water-soluble carbohydrate concentrations were significantly higher [AM, 175 vs. PM, 204 g kg–1 DM (s.e.d. 6·67)]. Although the total times spent grazing (AM, 461 vs. PM, 462 min day–1) were similar for both groups, cows receiving their allocation in the afternoon had a longer evening meal (>4 h duration) compared with those receiving their allocation in the morning (2–3 h), which also spent more time ruminating [AM, 454 vs. PM, 433 min day–1 (s.e.d. 1·80)]. This short-term study demonstrated how a relatively simple change in management practice in strip-grazing systems could benefit milk yield and pasture utilization. This is because the DM and water-soluble carbohydrate contents of the herbage are higher in the evening than in the morning, and this is when grazing animals concentrate much of their daily grazing activity.  相似文献   

In the UK, dairy cows are increasingly housed at night throughout the grazing season. However, there is limited information on cow performance and the impact on labour requirements when a forage supplement is offered during housing at night throughout the entire grazing season. The effects of housing at night were studied in two experiments, in which two treatments were compared. On treatment part‐grazing (PG), dairy cows were given access to grazing by day and were offered grass silage while housed at night, and, on treatment continuous grazing (CG), dairy cows were given access to grazing both by day and by night. Experiments 1 (138‐d duration) and 2 (127‐d duration) involved sixty (primiparous) and seventy‐six (primiparous and multiparous) Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows respectively. Concentrates were offered during milking at 4·0 and 3·0 kg per cow per day in Experiments 1 and 2 respectively. In Experiment 1, total milk output was significantly higher with treatment PG than treatment CG (P < 0·01) while the reverse occurred in Experiment 2 (P < 0·001). Milk protein concentration was significantly higher with treatment CG in Experiments 1 and 2 (P < 0·001). Cows on treatment CG in Experiment 2 had significantly higher body condition scores and live weights at the end of experiment than those on treatment PG (P < 0·05). Weekly labour requirements were calculated to be proportionally 0·04 lower on treatment PG than on treatment CG. When offered silage during housing at night, the response of grazing dairy cows was largely determined by the grazing conditions encountered and the quality of the forage offered.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the performance of grazing Holstein–Friesian dairy cows when equal quantities of concentrates were offered using either a flat‐rate or a feed‐to‐yield allocation strategy. The study involved fifty‐six cows (twenty primiparous and thirty‐six multiparous) and continued for 122 d, with concentrate feed levels adjusted on five occasions during the study (every four weeks approximately). Total concentrate intake over the duration of the study was 463 and 525 kg cow?1 (3·8 and 4·3 kg cow?1 d?1) for multiparous and primiparous animals respectively. Concentrate allocation strategy had no effect on average daily milk yield, milk fat or protein content, milk‐fat‐plus‐protein yield or end‐of‐study live weight and body condition score (P > 0·05). In conclusion, concentrate allocation strategy had minimal impact on the overall performance of these mid/late lactation cows when concentrate feed levels were modest and grass availability was high.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the impact of High, Moderate and Low grazing intensities throughout the grazing season, within a rotational stocking system, on the performance of high‐yielding dairy cows receiving a high level of concentrates. Sixty‐three Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows, 21 at each grazing intensity, were rotationally grazed. Average paddock size, post‐grazing sward heights and seasonal grazing stocking rates within the High, Moderate and Low grazing intensities were 0.143, 0.167 and 0.200 hectares, 5.2, 6.1 and 6.8 cm and 7.8, 6.7 and 5.6 cows ha?1 respectively. Grazing intensity had no effect on milk fat and protein content, end‐of‐study body condition score or end‐of‐study live weight although the latter tended towards significance (p = .057). Average daily milk yield per cow was higher within the Low grazing intensity (33.2 kg day?1) than High grazing intensity (30.5 kg day?1), and average daily fat‐plus‐protein yield was higher for Low and Moderate than High. Milk output per hectare was higher for the High grazing intensity than Low grazing intensity (33,544 and 26,215 kg ha?1 respectively). Grazing intensity had no effect on grazing bite number, blood metabolites or concentrations of milk fatty acids or on sward morphological components, although dead matter increased with time across all grazing intensities. Herbage utilization efficiency (above 1,600 kg DM ha?1) was 52%, 74% and 87% for Low, Moderate and High respectively. It is concluded that high‐producing dairy cows can graze at high levels of utilization when they are receiving high rates of concentrates. Although cow performance will be reduced, milk yield per ha will increase.  相似文献   

Models to predict herbage intake were constructed using 168 dairy cow records from three grazing experiments. Variables included fell into three categories: animal state, sward state and animal behaviour. Linear regression models of varying complexity were obtained by removing variables from the best fitting model to reflect progressive lack of information availability on farms. Thus, behavioural variables were removed first, followed by sward surface height and milk fat concentration. Models were subject to outlier analysis and collinearity tests. Equivalent models were constructed using ridge regression to minimize collinearity problems. They were tested using 20 Holstein–Friesian dairy cows continuously stocked on a perennial ryegrass sward. A `best practice' treatment [7 cm sward surface height (SSH), 6 kg day−1 concentrate (C)] was used together with treatments of SSH5/C6, SSH7/C8, SSH7/C0 and SSH9/C6. The best model accounted for 0.37 of the variance in the estimation data and contained the following variables: concentrate intake, milk yield, milk fat concentration, days in milk, sward surface height and chewing rate while ruminating. Model performance against test data was generally poor. This was mainly because of consistent underprediction of herbage intake, caused in part by the higher average herbage intakes in the test data compared with the estimation data.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out during 1984 to examine the effects of three alternative grazing strategies for January/February calved British Friesian dairy eows on sward and animal production. Cows were rotationally grazed across 1 d paddocks without concentrate supplementation from 30 April to 1 October. A flexible grazing (EG) treatment involved manipulating residual herbage height, as assessed by a rising-plate sward stick, with cows initially grazing to 80 mm, reducing to 60 mm when milk yield declined below 20 kg d?1 and finally to 50 mm when milk yield declined below 15 kgd?1. Control (C) cows grazed to a constant residual herbage height of 60 mm throughout the season (a 60-inm rising-plate sward stick height is equivalent to a sward surface height of approximately 80 mm). On a further treatment a leader/follower (LF) approach was used, with cows paired for calving date and parity and within pairs allocated to either a high-(leader) or a low-yielding (follower) group, according to milk yield at turnout, with the leader group grazing 1 d ahead of the follower group. Overall stocking rates on C and LE treatments were identical but herbage allowances differed as a result of treatment effects. Animal performance data for the FG, C and LE treatments, respectively, were: milk yield (kg d?1) 14·5, 14·7 and 16·0 (s.e. 0·59); milk fat yield (g d?1) 577, 571 and 637 (s.e. 29); milk protein yield (g d?1) 528, 527 and 576 (s.e. 19); and liveweight gain (kg d?1) 0·09, 0·20 and 0·14 (s.e. 0·04). Overall, there was no benefit in animal production following lax grazing in spring even with high-yielding cows, and this approach resulted in the accumulation of stem and senescent material in the sward in mid-season. However, preferential treatment of high-yielding cows by grazing as a leader group in a leader-follower system resulted in higher milk production, particularly in late season, with an overall improvement in milk yield for the LF treatment of 9% relative to treatment C.  相似文献   

The effects of severity of grazing on the herbage intake and milk production of continuously stocked British Friesian cows calving in February–March were examined in three experiments conducted in the years 1976–78 (experiments 1–3 respectively) using a put-and-take technique. In experiment 1 four grazing severities were imposed by maintaining swards with different herbage masses (2500, 3000, 3500, 4000 kg OM ha-1); in experiments 2 and 3 there were two severities of grazing maintained by keeping swards canopies at constant heights of 5 and 7 cm (experiment 2) and 5 and 7·2 cm (experiment 3). Cows were reallocated to treatment every 8 weeks in experiments 1 and 2 and there were three periods, whereas they all grazed throughout a 23-week period on the same treatment in the final trial.
A decrease in the quantity of herbage on offer or in sward height reduced herbage intake and milk production in all experiments. Mean daily herbage OM intakes were 11·2, 12·2, 12·2 and 12·2 kg respectively in experiment 1, 12·2 and 13·2 kg respectively in experiment 2 and 12·2 and 152 kg respectively in experiment 3. Mean daily solids–corrected milk yields were 14·2, 15·2, 15·2 and 16·2 kg respectively in experiment 1, 14·2 and 16·2 kg respectively in experiment 2 and 12·2 and 17·2 kg respectively in experiment 3. It was apparent from the data obtained in the first two trials that grazing at a sward canopy height of 7 rather than 9 cm had little effect, but that at 5 cm there were significant depressions in both herbage intake and milk production. Milk yield was depressed to a greater extent when cows were kept on the same treatment for the whole season.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the effects of incorporating small quantities of straw in the diets of dairy cows. In Experiment 1, forty Holstein Friesian dairy cows were used in a 2 × 4 factorial design experiment, with factors examined consisting of two parities (primiparous and multiparous animals) and four levels of straw inclusion in the diet (0, 0·08, 0·16 and 0·24 of forage dry matter). The basal forage offered in this study was grass silage, and the primiparous and multiparous animals were supplemented with 9·0 and 11·0 kg concentrate d–1 respectively. In Experiment 2, forty‐eight Holstein Friesian dairy cows were used in a 2 × 3 factorial design experiment, with factors examined consisting of two basal forage types (grass silage and zero‐grazed grass) and three levels of straw inclusion (0, 1·0 and 2·0 kg d–1). All animals were offered 7·0 kg d–1 of a concentrate supplement. Both experiments were partially balanced changeover designs, consisting of two, 4‐week periods. In Experiment 1, the total dry‐matter intake followed a significant quadratic relationship (P < 0·05), increasing with low levels of straw inclusion and decreasing at higher levels of inclusion. With increasing levels of straw inclusion, there was a linear decline in milk yield (P < 0·001) and milk protein concentration (P < 0·05), but milk fat concentration was unaffected (P > 0·05). In Experiment 2, the effect of straw inclusion on total dry‐matter intake was quadratic (P < 0·001), with intakes being maximum at the 1·0‐kg level of straw inclusion. Milk yield exhibited a linear decrease (P < 0·001) with increasing level of straw inclusion. Milk fat concentration was lowest at the 1·0 kg rate of straw inclusion (P < 0·05), but milk protein concentration was unaffected by straw inclusion. There were no significant interactions between basal forage type and level of straw inclusion for any of the variables examined (P > 0·05). Despite small increases in total dry‐matter intake at a low level of straw inclusion, there was no evidence that straw inclusion improved either nutrient utilization or animal performance. The reduction in milk yield observed with straw inclusion reflects, to a large extent, a reduction in metabolizable energy intake.  相似文献   

Over a 24-week period, three groups of dairy cows were continuously stocked at 8, 10 or 12 cows ha-1 between morning and afternoon milkings, and overnight were housed and offered grass silage ad libitum. Due to a prolonged drought, sward heights only averaged 4·1 cm.
The increase in daytime stocking rate led to a decline in herbage intake, and increases in silage intake. At the highest stocking rate (12 cows ha-1), the silage intake failed to compensate for the reduced herbage intake. Consequently the total dry matter and estimated metabolizable energy intakes were lower than for the 8 and 10 cows ha-1 treatments. Milk yields and milk composition were not significantly affected by treatment but the 12 cows ha-1 stocking rate gave the lowest milk and milk solids yields.
The utilized metabolizable energy (UME) on the grazed swards was greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 treatment. The sward cut to provide the silage had a UME level (GJ ha-1) 32% greater on average than the grazed swards during the same growth period. The total areas utilized for grazing and silage production for 8, 10 and 12 cows ha-1 were 0·240, 0·224 and 0·215 ha respectively. Fat and protein yields per unit area were greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 group.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of time of day on the rate of intake of herbage by grazing dairy cows. Eight unsupplemented Holstein Friesian cows in their fourth month of lactation grazed grass swards maintained at a sward surface height of 6·5 cm. Commencing at 07.00, 11.30, 16.00 and 19.00 h, intake rates were estimated by measuring the liveweight change, corrected for insensible weight loss, over a period of 1 h while grazing. During the period of grazing, recordings of jaw movement activity were made to determine total eating time, number of grazing jaw movements (GJMs) and bites. Total eating time over 24 h was measured: once before and once after determination of intake rate.
Although time of day did not affect GJM rate, it had a quadratic effect on the proportion of GJMs represented by biting and non-biting jaw movements, resulting in a significant effect on bite rate. Bite rate showed a quadratic effect of time, decreasing between 07.00 and 11.30 h, and then increasing by 16.00 h to reach a maximum at 19.00 h (52·6, 47·5, 51·6 and 59·4 bites min−1 respectively). Bite mass (mg fresh matter bite−1) was greatest at 07.00 h because of the lower dry-matter (DM) content of the herbage and the presence of surface moisture at that time, but the effect of time of day was not significant. Mean bite mass measured as DM or organic matter (OM) differed significantly between the different times of day (332, 384, 481 and 402 mg DM and 302, 348, 438 and 367 mg OM bite−1 respectively). The net result of these differences in bite rate and bite mass was a linear increase in DM and OM intake rate over the day. The magnitude of such differences will have profound effects on mean daily intakes when calculated as the product of total eating time and intake rate.  相似文献   

In one experiment twenty‐four Holstein Friesian cows, average 43 d post‐partum, were used in a changeover design experiment to evaluate the replacement of a cereal‐based concentrate supplement (C) by an ensiled mixture (MGBP) of malt distillers’ grains and molassed sugar beet pellets. The cows were offered grass silage ad libitum [dry matter (DM) content 170 g kg?1, crude protein (CP) concentration 160 g kg DM?1, metabolizable energy (ME) concentration 10·9 MJ kg DM?1] and either C or MGBP at one of three levels (3, 6, 9 kg DM d?1). The composition of C and MGBP were DM content: 853 and 296 g kg?1, CP concentration: 202 and 187 g kg DM?1, ME concentration: 12·6 and 10·8 MJ kg DM?1 respectively. The cows ate all the C supplement but the intakes of MGBP were 2·7, 4·9 and 6·4 kg DM d?1 for the 3, 6 and 9 kg DM d?1 levels of MGBP respectively. Total DM intakes (kg d?1) were 12·5, 15·6, 18·2 for treatments 3‐C, 6‐C and 9‐C and 13·1, 14·4 and 15·9 (s.e., 0·90) for treatments 3‐MGBP, 6‐MGBP and 9‐MGBP respectively. Milk yields (kg d?1) for treatments 3‐C, 6‐C and 9‐C were 19·9, 23·2 and 24·2, respectively, and for treatments 3‐MGBP, 6‐MGBP and 9‐MGBP were, 20·3, 21·3 and 23·0 respectively (s.e., 1·05). Milk fat contents (g kg?1) for treatments 3‐C, 6‐C and 9‐C were 42·8, 42·3, 43·5 respectively and for treatments 3‐MGBP, 6‐MGBP and 9‐MGBP were 39·5, 38·7 and 38·2 (s.e, 1·86), respectively, and milk protein contents (g kg?1) for treatments 3‐C, 6‐C and 9‐C were 30·5, 30·6, 31·8, respectively, and for 3‐MGBP, 6‐MGBP and 9‐MGBP were 30·0, 30·8 and 31·2 (s.e., 0·66) respectively. Milk yield and milk protein contents were significantly higher for the higher levels of supplementary feeding but there was no difference between the types of supplement. The milk fat contents were significantly lower on the MGBP than C supplements. In a second experiment fifteen Holstein Friesian cows, average 126 d post‐partum, were used in a changeover experiment to evaluate the replacement of all (treatment M) or half (treatment MS) of the grass silage (S) in their diet by a mixture of MGBP and straw. All cows received 5·1 kg DM d?1 of concentrate feed. Forage DM intakes were 8·3, 11·2 and 14·2 kg DM d?1 for the S, MS and M treatments respectively. Milk yields (kg d?1) for S, MS and M treatments were 17·0, 19·4 and 20·0 (s.e., 0·56) respectively. Corresponding contents of milk fat and protein (g kg?1) were 42·0, 41·4, 38·6 (s.e., 0·37) and 33·8, 34·1, 34·2 (s.e., 0·42). Ensiled mixtures of malt distillers’ grains and molassed sugar beet pellets can be used to replace some of the conventional concentrates or grass silage for dairy cows giving moderate yields without a loss of production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of an early (February; F) or delayed (April; A) primary spring grazing date and two stocking rates, high (H) and medium (M), on the grazing management, dry matter (DM) intake of grass herbage and milk production of spring‐calving dairy cows grazing a perennial ryegrass sward in the subsequent summer. Sixty‐four Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows (mean of 58 d in milk) were assigned to one of four grazing treatments (n = 16) which were imposed from 12 April to 3 July 2004. Cows on the early spring‐grazing treatment were grazed at 5·5 cows ha?1 (treatment FH) and 4·5 cows ha?1 (treatment FM) while cows on the late‐grazing treatment were grazed at 6·4 cows ha?1 (treatment AH) and 5·5 cows ha?1 (treatment AM). The organic matter digestibility and crude protein concentration of the grass herbage were higher on the early‐grazing treatment than on the late‐grazing treatment. The cows on the FM treatment had significantly (P < 0·001) higher milk (24·5 kg), solids‐corrected milk (22·5 kg), fat (P < 0·01, 918 g) and protein (831 g) yields than the other three treatments. Cows on the FM treatment had a higher (P < 0·001) DM intake of grass herbage by 2·3 kg DM per cow per day than cows on the AH treatment, which had a DM intake significantly lower than all other treatments (15·2 kg DM per cow per day). The results of the present study showed that grazing in early spring has a positive effect on herbage quality in subsequent grazing rotations. The study also concluded that early spring‐grazed swards stocked at a medium stocking rate (4·5 cows ha?1; FM) resulted in the highest DM intake of grass herbage and milk production.  相似文献   

Three grazing experiments were carried out in late spring (early lactation), summer (mid‐lactation) and autumn (late lactation) to compare the effects of perennial ryegrass cultivar or grass species, sown in binary or multispecies mixtures, on milk yield and nitrogen excretion of dairy cows. Replicated groups of multiparous Holstein Friesian × Jersey cows were offered either a control or high‐sugar perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) or tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) base grass in a binary mixture with white clover (Trifolium repens) or in a multispecies mixture with additional legumes, bromegrass (Bromus willdenowii) and forbs. During each 9‐day experiment, botanical composition, milk production and faecal and urine composition were measured. Milk solid (MS) yield for the control ryegrass, high‐sugar ryegrass and tall fescue grass types averaged, respectively, 1.53, 1.64 and 1.70 kg MS cow?1 day?1 for a binary mixture sward, compared with 1.65, 1.54 and 1.53 kg MS cow?1 day?1 for a multispecies sward. Legume content influenced milk production more than the number of species present in a mixture. There was lower urine N concentration from a multispecies sward compared with a binary mixture. Urine N concentration of cows grazing the control ryegrass, high‐sugar ryegrass and tall fescue grass types averaged, respectively, 4.6, 5.3 and 6.8 g N L?1 for a binary mixture, compared with 4.1, 3.9 and 3.9 g N L?1 for a multispecies mixture. Feeding dairy cows on multispecies swards containing forbs presents an opportunity to reduce N losses without compromising milk yield.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to examine the changes in clover content of three mixed perennial ryegrass/white cover swards of differing initial clover contents subjected to different grazing height management regimes and their effect on lactation performance of 48 Friesian dairy cows and heifers. Two paddocks were established for each treatment and grazed on alternate days. Treatments T17 and Tl3 consisted of swards with initial clover contents of 0·17 and 0·13 of the dry matter (DM) mass, respectively, grazed to maintain compressed sward heights of 6 cm throughout the season. A third treatment, SI5, consisted of a sward with an initial clover content of 0·15 grazed to maintain a compressed sward height of 4·5 cm for the first 78 days of the grazing season (period 1). Throughout period 1, half the animals on each treatment each received 4 kg of a concentrate supplement daily, while the others remained unsupplemented. From days 79 to 90, the cattle on treatment S15 grazed a similar sward, while the compressed sward height of the S15 paddocks was allowed to increase to 6 cm before re introduction of the animals. The three swards were then grazed for a further 47 days (period 2) before the animals were housed and milk yield recorded for a further 63 days (period 3). While sward T17 showed little change in clover content over the first 29 days of grazing, remaining at just below 0·18 of DM mass, swards T13 and S15 showed a marked decline in clover content to 0·05 and 0·07 of DM mass respectively. However, by the end of period 1 the clover content of all three swards had increased markedly (0·25, 0·15 and 0·15 of DM mass respectively). By the end of period 2, clover proportions were slightly higher than initial values (0·19. 0·15 and 0·15 of DM mass for treatments T17, T13 and S15, respectively). Owing to the relatively small differences in clover content of swards TI7 and T13, there were no significant effects of these two treatments on milk yield or composition in any period. Supplementation had no effect on milk composition and had little effect on milk yield, except when sward height was maintained at 4·5 cm. There was no carryover effect of supplementation on milk yield or composition in periods 2 or 3.  相似文献   

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