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Annulotrematoides bryconi sp. n. is described and illustrated from specimens collected from gills of characiform fish, Brycon cephalus (Günther, 1869), in pisciculture ponds from Pirassununga, S?o Paulo, Brazil. Diagnostic characters of the new species are the tegument of trunk showing annulations, except on the cephalic regiona, and copulatory complex comprising sclerotized male copulatory organ coiled in 1 1/2 rings. This is the first record of monogeneans parasitic on the gills of B. cephalus.  相似文献   

Tilapia cabrae Boulenger, 1899, a cichlid fish from coastal lowlands of the Republic of Congo (Africa), was examined for gill parasites. Four new species of the Monogenea were found, all belonging to Cichlidogyrus (Ancyrocephalidae): C. berradae sp. n., C. revesati sp. n., C. legendrei sp. n., and C. lemoallei sp. n. A possible relationship between the relative size of haptoral sclerites (i.e., uncinuli compared to gripi) and microhabitat selection in the studied host-parasite model is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species ofrhabdochonid nematodes are described from the intestine of freshwater fishes in Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand: Rhabdochona (Rhabdochona) pseudomysti sp. n. from the catfish Pseudomystus siamensis (Regan) (Bagridae, Siluriformes) in the Fang Brook, a tributary of the Kok River (the Mekong River basin), Fang District and Rhabdochona (Globochona) thaiensis sp. n. from the cyprinid Mystacoleucus marginatus (Valenciennes) (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) in the Ping River (the Chao Phraya River basin), Muang District. Rhabdochona pseudomysti is mainly characterized by simple, leaf-like oval deirids (a unique feature among Rhabdochona spp.), a prostom with 14 anterior teeth, the presence of basal prostomal teeth, the length ratio of the muscular and glandular portions of oesophagus (1:2.1-2.6), an unusually long left spicule (1.10-1.22 mm), length ratio of spicules (1:11.5-14.7), arrangement of genital papillae, and conspicuously elevated vulval lips. Rhabdochona thaiensis differs from other representatives of the subgenus Globochona Moravec, 1972 possessing caudal projections on the tail tip in that it has only 2 claw-shaped projections located ventrally on the tail tip of both males and females; the species is mainly characterized by the presence of distinct pseudolabia, 8 anterior prostomal teeth, absence of basal teeth, bifurcated deirids, length ratio of the muscular and glandular portions of oesophagus (1:11.3-11.9), conspicuously short (135-141 microm) left spicule, arrangement of genital papillae, and somewhat elevated vulval lips. Fully developed eggs of R. pseudomysti and R. thaiensis remain unknown. These are the first nominal species of Rhabdochona reported from Thailand.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species, Paragendria papuanensis sp. n. (Quimperiidae) and Rhabdochona papuanensis sp. n. (Rhabdochonidae), are described from the intestine of freshwater fishes Glossamia giellerupi (Weber et Beaufort) (Apogonidae) and Melanotaenia affinis (Weber) (Melanotaeniidae), respectively, from the Sogeram River (Ramu River basin), Madang Province, northern Papua New Guinea. The former species is characterized mainly by the absence of oesophageal teeth, the presence of conspicuously inflated papillae of the last two subventral pairs, a gubernaculum, spicules 69-75 microm long, eggs measuring 57-66 x 39-45 microm, and by a small body (male and female 3.2-3.7 and 5.8 mm long, respectively). Paragendria is considered a valid genus, to which P. aori (Khan et Yaseen, 1969) comb. n., P. guptai (Gupta et Masoodi, 2000) comb. n., P. hanumanthai (Gupta et Jaiswal, 1988) comb. n. and P. vermae (Gupta et Masoodi, 2000) comb. n. are newly transferred. Rhabdochona papuanensis differs from all congeners mainly in having hammer-shaped deirids and from individual species also in other characters. Both findings represent the first records of species of Paragendria and Rhabdochona from the Australian zoogeographical region and the first records of the representatives of these genera from fishes of the families Apogonidae and Melanotaeniidae, respectively.  相似文献   

A new monogenean species, Bicotyle lucknowensis sp. n. of the family Heteraxinidae, has been described from the fish, Gudusia chapra (Ham.), from Lucknow, India. The new species is characterized by the number and shape of cirral spines, presence of an unarmed vagina and details of copulatory complex and haptoral armature.  相似文献   

Acolpenceron australe sp. n. (Dactylogyridae, Dactylogyrinae) is described from ureters and renal tubules of Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Perciformes, Percichthyidae) from Andean Patagonian lakes. The new species has a haptor with 14 hooks, with shanks comprised of two subunits. It has overlapped intercaecal gonads, male copulatory organ as a sclerotized tube with one counterclockwise coil and a J-shaped accessory piece. It differs from the other species of Acolpenteron by having a non-forked accessory piece. This is the first monogenean species described from a percichthyid host in South America.  相似文献   

Four species of adult digeneans are reported from freshwater fishes of two lakes in Neuquén, Patagonia, Argentina. Allocreadium patagonicum sp. n. (Allocreadiidae) is described from the intestine of Percichthys colhuapiensis MacDonagh and Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Percichthyidae) from Lago Aluminé. Three species redescribed are: Acanthostomoides apophalliformis Szidat, 1956 (Acanthostomidae) from the intestine of P. colhuapiensis and P. trucha from Lago Aluminé and of Salmo trutta (Linnaeus) (Salmonidae) from Lago Huechulafquén; Deropegus patagonicus (Szidat, 1956) comb. n. (= Genarches patagonicus Szidat, 1956) (Derogenidae) from the stomach of P. colhuapiensis, P. trucha, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) (Salmonidae) and Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill) (Salmonidae) from Lago Aluminé and of S. trutta from Lago Huechulafquén; and Austrocreadium papilliferum Szidat, 1956 from the intestine of P. trucha from Lago Aluminé. The genus Polylekithum Arnold, 1934 is considered a synonym of the genus Allocreadium Looss, 1900. The genus Austrocreadium Szidat, 1956 is removed to the family Homalometridae.  相似文献   

The monogenean parasite Trianchoratus aecleithrium Price et Berry, 1966 is comparatively described from the gills of Trichogaster trichopterus trichopterus from aquarium in Czechoslovakia. T. trichopterus trichopterus represents a new host record for this parasite.  相似文献   

A new species of Taeniacanthidae (Copepoda, Cyclopoida), Taeniacanthus kiemae sp. n., is described based on adult female and male specimens collected from the branchial cavity wall of Marilyna meraukensis (de Beaufort) and M. darwinii (Castelnau) (Teleostei, Tetraodontidae) caught in Australian waters. The new species differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters in the adult female: (1) maxilla armed with a stout terminal process and two small elements; (2) multiple rows of spinules on the large pectinate process of the antenna; (3) an extremely long and thin maxilliped claw; (4) second exopodal segment of leg 1 with eight setae; (5) third exopodal segment of leg 3 with three spines and four setae; (6) third exopodal segment of leg 4 with three spines and two setae; and (7) each spine on the free exopodal segment of leg 5 with a subterminal flagellum. Taeniacanthus kiemae is the second copepod species reported from M. meraukensis and M. darwinii and the first taeniacanthid species reported from pufferfishes in Australia.  相似文献   

Paranaella, a new microcotyline monotypic genus, is erected to accommodate Paranaella liquei sp. n., parasite of gill filaments from Hypostomus sp., Hypostomus regani (Ihering) and Rhinelepis aspera Spix et Agassiz (Loricariidae) from the Parani River, Brazil. The new genus is most closely related to Microcotyle Van Beneden et Hesse, 1863, Diplostamenides Unnithan. 1971 and Solostamenides Unnithan, 1971. From Microcotyle it differs mainly by having the genital atrium formed by a muscular ring with a concentric row of numerous elongate and straight spines; from Diplostamenides it can be distinguished by the unarmed and not differentiated cirrus and from Solostamenides it differs by the single vaginal pore and absence of larval hooks.  相似文献   

Peronospora crucianellae Maire onCrucianella latifolia L. andPeronospora trifolii-arvensis Syd. onTrifolium sp. were collected for the first time in Turkey. The plant speciesSinapis arvensis L. is reported as a new host forPeronospora brassicae Gäum. from Turkey. The peronosporaceous fungi recorded since the beginning of microfungal studies from Turkey are given along with their collection sites.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Atractis vidali sp. n., is described from the intestine of cichlid fishes, Vieja intermedia (Günther) (type host) and Cichlasoma pearsei (Hubbs), from specimens collected in three localities in the Mexican states of Campeche (Santa Gertrudis Creek) and Chiapas (Cedros and Lacanjá Rivers). It differs from the only other atractid species reported in fishes of Mexico, Atractis bravoae, mainly in possessing two very unequal spicules. In contrast to the 10 species parasitising amphibians and reptiles in America, the new species has a longer body, spicules and a gubernaculum, and a different distribution of the caudal papillae. This is the second species of the genus Atractis recorded from freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

In South Bohemia, Czech Republic, 178 shrews, including 98 common shrews, Sorex araneus L., 70 pygmy shrews, Sorex minutus L., and 10 lesser white-toothed shrews, Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas), were examined for Soricimyxum fegati Prunescu, Prunescu, Pucek et Lom, 2007 infections, using squash preparations of unfixed tissues, histological sections and molecular methods. The infection was found in 51 (52%) S. araneus, 14 (20%) S. minutus and 1 (10%) C. suaveolens. The records of the latter two species extend host range of S. fegati. Lesions associated with S. fegati infections in the liver, the organ of specific localisation of the parasite, were found to be induced by proliferative stages migrating toward lumina of bile ducts. In other organs of these three host species, xenoma-like formations (XLFs) were found that severely injured blood vessels. XLFs contained presporogonic stages of S. fegati, whose species identity was evidenced using molecular methods.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Huffmanela schouteni sp. n., has been established on the basis of its egg morphology and biological characters (adult nematodes are unknown). The dark-shelled eggs of this histozoic parasite occur in masses in the abdominal cavity, serose covers of internal organs and in the liver of the flying fishes Hirundichthys affinis Günther (type host) and Cypselurus cyanopterus Cuvier et Valenciennes in Cura?ao. The eggs of H. schouteni sp. n. differ from those in other congeneric species mainly in the absence of small spines on the surface of the transparent envelope enclosing the egg proper, measurements (size of eggs 0.069-0.075 x 0.027-0.030 mm) and their localization in the host. A key to Huffmanela species based on egg morphology has been provided.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus dykovae sp. n. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) is described from the fins of the freshwater fish, Gobio gobio (L.) (Cyprinidae), from the Rokytná River near Moravsky Krumlov, Czechoslovakia. This species is most related to G. gobii Shulman, 1953 from which it differs by possessing more robust anchors with considerably larger shaft and by the morphology of the hook proper of marginal hooks.  相似文献   

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