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During August 1986 when there was a build up of Parasa lepida Cramer on coconut in the study area in Kerala, India, many dead larvae were found on the underside of the leaves. A few of these cadavers which were suspected to be infected by a virus were collected. Pathogenicity tests proved positive. PIBs were negative to stain by Giemsa, and section of the polyhedra shows that the virions are rod shaped. The pathogen is a multiple embedded baculovirus.  相似文献   


常规施药机具喷施微生物农药研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对微生物农药含有大量菌丝、菌核生物的特点,通过试验与测定,研究常规施药机具作业时产生的工作压力、流体速度、流道结构等参数变化对微生物农药活性的影响。试验表明:随着工作压力、液体流速的增加,活菌吸附定殖数逐渐增多;气体流速在35 m/s时,活菌的吸附定殖效果最好;水稻病害防治效果较明显。  相似文献   

抗药性捕食螨的应用是IPM中生防和化防相结合的重要措施之一。本文综述了农药对捕食螨的影响、捕食螨抗药性现状、抗药性机制、抗药性监测方法、交互抗性及遗传改良等,并介绍了抗药性捕食螨的应用现状及前景,旨在充分保护和利用捕食螨,使生物防治与化学防治有机结合。  相似文献   

取40余种国内外农药,分别对柑桔害螨、蚜虫、蚧类和潜叶蛾等四大类主要害虫,采用多边测定、系统筛选的方法,选出尼索朗、螨死净、倍乐霸、托尔克、克螨特、卡死克、机油乳剂及叶蝉散等一批高效选择性或部分选择性药剂。大田试验结果表明,停用有机磷或有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类药剂,采用选择性药剂组合技术的实验区比常规区全年减少病虫防治费用14.91%—42.14%;同时,害虫天敌明显增加。据不完全统计,1988—1990年浙江桔区选择性药剂和部分选择性药剂的应用面积超过20余万公顷次;仅尼索朗一种药剂的使用面积就近11万公顷次,节约防治费用超过5000万元。研究结果阐明,在桔园内停止或控制使用对生态环境有严重破坏作用的有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类药剂是完全可行的,该项技术具有明显的经济、生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

取40余种国内外农药,分别对柑桔害螨、蚜虫、蚧类和潜叶蛾等四大类主要害虫,采用多边测定、系统筛选的方法,选出尼索朗、螨死净、倍乐霸、托尔克、克螨特、卡死克、机油乳剂及叶蝉散等一批高效选择性或部分选择性药剂。大田试验结果表明,停用有机磷或有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类药剂,采用选择性药剂组合技术的实验区比常规区全年减少病虫防治费用14.91%-42.14%;同时,害虫天敌明显增加。据不完全统计,1988-1990年浙江桔区选择性药剂和部分选择性药剂的应用面积超过20余万公顷次;仅尼索朗一种药剂的使用面积就近11万公顷次,节约防治费用超过5000万元。研究结果阐明,在桔园内停止或控制使用对生态环境有严重破坏作用的有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类药剂是完全可行的,该项技术具有明显的经济、生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

In a field experiment aimed at the management of pests, diseases and weeds in tomato agroecosystems using a recommended range of pesticide applications compared with lower chemical input systems, the economics of pesticide use on processing tomatoes in Ohio, USA, was evaluated in 1994 and 1995. The pesticide regimes used included: (i) full-spectrum recommended pesticide use, based on a comprehensive pesticide application schedule including insecticides (carbaryl, endosulfan and esfenvalerate), a fungicide (chlorothalonil) and herbicides (trifluralin and paraquat); (ii) insecticides only, based on applications of the same insecticides and doses used in (i); (iii) fungicides and herbicides only, based on applications of the same fungicides and herbicides used in (i); and (iv) control plots, which received no pesticide applications. All of the costs involved in applying pesticides (chemicals, machinery, labor) were recorded for all treatments for the economic analysis. Overall, the fungicide treatments resulted in higher yields than either the control or the insecticides-only regime, and the profits from the full-spectrum pesticide and fungicide & herbicide regimes were greater than those from the insecticide-only regime and controls in 1994. The yields and profits from all pesticide regimes were substantially less in 1995 than in 1994. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 17, 2002.  相似文献   

小麦主要病虫分期混合施药技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果表明,小麦主要病虫的发生有明显的阶段性,秋苗期主要是纹枯病和地下害虫,返青拔节期主要是纹枯病和麦蜘蛛,两者皆在3月25日前后进入侵染和为害盛期;穗期主要有白粉病、叶锈病和麦蚜,有的年份条锈病流行,它们多在5月1日前后进入盛发期。播种期、返青拔节期和穗期3期,杀虫剂与杀菌剂混合施药具有良好的药效和明显的增产作用,特别是穗期。3期混合施药的最优组合是:播种期,0.08%甲基异柳磷与0.03%三唑醇混合拌种,返青拔节期,甲基硫环磷(175.5g/ha)与三唑醇(75g/ha)混合喷雾;穗期,抗蚜威(45g/ha)与三唑醇(105g/ha)混合喷雾。3期施药经济效益显著,投入产出比1: 12.7~14.1,每ha纯收益1450.5~1797.0元。  相似文献   

水稻害虫防治安全使用农药专家系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用电脑技术,将水稻虫害的生物学特性、农药理化性质、稻田生态学特性和虫害防治经济指标等有关知识和数据经提炼形成电脑可处理的规则、知识和数据库,编制专家系统。通过人—机对话的形式来指导农药使用者安全使用农药防治水稻虫害。  相似文献   


Weeds are major components of agro-ecosystems and they affect the biology of pests and beneficial insects in several ways; provision of flowers, presence of neutral insects, modification of crop microclimate, production of chemical stimulus, alteration of colonisation background, etc. The more relevant beneficial crop–weed–insect interactions are discussed. The role of weeds in regulating pest populations is illustrated by studies on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cropping systems, in which chemical interactions between Empoasca kraemeri Ross &; Moore and two grass weeds were identified. It is proposed to continue and develop this kind of research in order to incorporate weeds into pest control strategies.  相似文献   

病虫草害防控是国家总体安全建设的重要组成部分。微生物天然产物农药是病虫草害绿色防控体系的重要成员, 在保障国家粮食安全、生态安全和农产品质量安全, 筑牢国家生物安全屏障中具有重要作用。链霉菌以能够产生丰富的次级代谢产物而著称, 是天然产物农药的资源宝库, 也是重要的天然产物药物的工业生产菌。然而, 随着病虫草害抗药性增强, 新发、突发病虫草害增多等问题不断涌现, 以及天然产物研究面临新骨架、高活性化合物发现难度增大, 工业菌株产量提升困难等瓶颈, 链霉菌天然产物农药创制与应用正面临巨大挑战。合成生物学作为一门交叉学科, 突破了生物学研究的传统模式, 为天然产物药物研发提供了新的思路与策略。本文综述了近年来合成生物学在链霉菌研究领域的技术革新, 以及合成生物学在推动链霉菌天然产物资源发现、天然产物高效生物制造等方面的研究进展, 并对合成生物学助力链霉菌天然产物农药的创制与产业化进行了展望。  相似文献   

The effects of pesticide applications on pests (aphids and acarid mites) and predators (ladybeetles and spiders) were investigated in transgenicBt cotton and nontransgenic cotton agroecosystems in 1999, 2000 and 2001. Transgenic cotton did not cause changes in populations of acarids and did not reduce numbers of predators considerably; its effects on aphids were inconsistent. Although insecticides were not applied against the main pest — cotton bollworm — on transgenic cotton, the total number of insecticide applications in 3 years was no less than the total applied on nontransgenic cotton, because additional applications were required against sucking pests on transgenicBt cotton. Pesticide applications decreased numbers of aphids, acarids and predatory spiders significantly on both transgenic and nontransgenic cottons. The results suggest that the use ofBt cotton should be evaluated carefully in China. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting April 30, 2004.  相似文献   

螨过敏原是图书馆公共场所中不可忽视的问题,在介绍图书馆3种主要尘螨的生物学知识基础上,综述了螨过敏原的性能、危害,以及过敏性疾病的诊疗方法。  相似文献   

禁止和限制使用农药残留限量的是政府加强消费安全、环境安全和农业产业安全保护的重要技术措施。本文在介绍国际组织和欧美等发达国家禁限用农药残留限量制定原则的基础上,对我国禁止和限制使用农药残留限量制定背景、原则和程序进行了详细解读。  相似文献   

光活化农药的研究与应用   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
结合作者近期的研究工作,对光活化农药的研究现状、作用机理、应用前景及其与新农药创 制的关系进行了综述。  相似文献   

吴清 《江西植保》2014,(4):329-332
对图书馆尘螨特征、分类地位、主要种类、习性,发生与危害作简要介绍,并提出图书管理人员有效防控尘螨的3个有效方法。  相似文献   

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